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 Anatomy 666 (Niellwyn and Cassie) 
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Joined: Wed Jul 25, 2007 9:18 am
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Miss Hannigan never looked at either of them. Almost afraid to move, Amanda draped her legs over the edge of the table and landed with a jolt onto the floor. She kept one arm over herself, for the first time seeming shy. As she picked her way across the floor to retrieve her clothing, her fien golden hair floated around the bare maiden's form, accentuating her youth. The patch of straw colored hairs that clad her embarrassingly puffed petals was sparse. Reticently she dressed herself, keeping her tear streaked face down as she slipped on her shirt and began to button, the white cloth brushing her ruddy bottom, black fingerprints appearing on the skin. Her shoulders shook with silent sobs.

Miss Hannigan touched a button to set the camera at the beginning and placed hooked a wire to it. The computer came to life, whirring and clicking. the teacher's hands moved in swift arcane gestures over the keys until the projector screen suddenly wavered back to life. "Amanda. Miss Smith." Miss Hannigan glared at them both from her chair, crossing her arms over her chest as the scene began to play out. "Watch this, both of you." The chair swiveled with a creak of leather to direct Hannigan's view toward the screen. The three of them were alone in the room, Amanda standing half naked, still sluggishly dressing as she stood. A sidelong glance was given to Cassie, ambiguous and blank.

On the screen, the scene played itself out. Cassie blew upon Amanda's turgid nipple, swollen to immense proportions on the screen. Their faces looked enormous and alien, emotions all too obvious. Every freckle announced itself. The teacher exited swiftly, leaving the blond to Cassie's mercy. Ice and fire found the waiting breasts. The victim's contortions and screams ran across the eyes of the silent audience. Cassie saw herself produce the dread needle, holding it up with a face twisted into a maniacal leer, or so it seemed. Amanda cringed in fear, frozen stiff as the cruel barb wounded her unprotected peak. Blood appeared, crimson and damning.

The teacher's glower was growing harder and harder. Her head began to shake as it all continued, portrayed unarguably on the wall. Even Amanda gasped as she saw Cassie's face, witnessed the tapered needle pierce her. And it grew steadily worse. Cassie's hand roamed downward unprofessionally, lingering overlong on the hidden flesh. The subject's red scarlet panties were displayed as she lifted up on the skirt, and the exchange with the class ensued, sounding like distant, muffled echoes. It wasn't long before Amanda began to succumb to her tormentor's advances, weeping for absolution.

As the scene progressed Amanda shuddered udner Cassie's hand, her underwear becoming soaked and the subject's lubricant pooling on the sterile surface. She apprehensively tasted the dripping fingers, gritted her teeth as Cassie took advantage of her nakedness to drink from her. Miss Hannigan snapped her fingers sharply, the last straw. She swiveled about to face them. "I would like to know, Miss Smith, what you could possibly have to say for yourself." Amanda edged away, though the fervid, shaking visage was meant for her. Miss Hannigan stood, thrusting a finger toward the screen forcefully, making her coat sleeve jump on the arm. As Amanda's thin, rapturous voice began to praise her Cassie's performance and the sensations thereof, she became even more livid. "Well!?"


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Tue Sep 11, 2007 11:43 pm
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I stood, willing me self to be quite an invisible under the stark fluorescent lights. Prayed for it, but knew me lord would want me to learn from this…would make it a lesson, for if I done wrong then I needed to pay and I surely had done wrong. It had all started so innocent.

Images on the screen fluttered past, an I hated those images…hated the person that had done them things. It wuzn;t lady like….not even dignified nor proper in any way. Oh, I tired to make excuses then. Perhaps the needle had been the part….or me hand exploring those wet an willing folds a skin. Some how I remained still enough to hear the hammering of me heart in me ears. Surely, Professor Hannigan heard it…surely everyone in the room heard it. Twuzn’t fair to Amanda she wuz here at all…no not fair. It wuz me fault all of this had happened. The floor seemed to tilt…then righted itself jus in time an I kept standing…kept still like a soldier in one of them parade grounds they have.

The stern stoic voice was back, a flourish of a hand, the way she held her head. I wuz in trouble no doubt. Dread filled me body, an I almost…oh almost did, but didn’t in spite the way I really had to pee right then, wet me self. I could feel those piercing eyes upon me, boring a hole right into the center of me heart an who I wuz. Seeing the lurking blackness I tried so hard to hide away an all.

“I thought”, gulping me eyes going from one to another, then back down. “I mean … ummm, Amanda and the class….demonstration of…” but I knew me guilt in those pictures, knew I had done it outta lust an desire. With me heart a beating not stoop neath me hand a clutching me white blouse together an the cool golden crucifix as a constant reminder of me sin I wavered. “Yes ma’am, its me fault, I….I lost control of meself an the class….not clinical…jus too gorgeous, too submissive an I shouldn’t a taken advantage of the situation cause a good Christian girl wouldn’t ‘ave no how. I’m….”I looked at Amanda and into those not so innocent blue eyes. The girl that knew of me dark secrets, the girl that had known lustful bliss at me soiled hands. “I’m really sorry an all ‘bout the way I behaved, it wuz wrong.” I tried to keep a strong face up, to keep the tear from dribbling down me face an making it look like I wuz a fake of sorts. I didn’t like meself at that moment. Didn’t like the things I had done and the things that I seemed to like a doing. “The good book says to treat others as you would have them treat you…I don’t think I wuz doing so well at that with you….please, please forgive me for being so forceful with me ways upon yah.”

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Wed Sep 12, 2007 6:30 am
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"It's okay I...." Amanda withered under her superior's stare. Eventually she just nodded to accept what Cassie had said. Her face bespoke sympathy as well as shame, and she steadfastly refused to look up at the screen further. The giant nude blond on the wall began to spread clear jelly over her breasts, streaming milk and petting herself lavishly. Miss Hannigan jabbed her finger forward as if to emphasize her rage. "I hope you're ashamed of yourself Miss Smith. Do you have any idea how careless, how willful, utterly ignorant your behavior was?" She whirled away and fell into her seat huffily, crossing her legs and drumming her fingers on the desk as she sat down to observe the remainder of the recording.

Amanda shifted in flickering shadows, glancing sidelong at Cassie with an angry blush. It was her fault, she thought. She'd touched her and teased her. She'd used coy words and gestures. How should she have known the shy Southerner would take to her suggestions so readily. How well she remembered the ring she had discovered on the redhead's hot cunt. That was not something she had expected, even after having seen the matching golden decorations on her breasts the week before. Cassie stood in Amanda's surreptitious gaze in an almost cringing posture. Oh she stood straight enough, keeping her chin high and forcing herself to watch what she had done. But her ears flamed and her eyes shone with dammed up tears. A valiant effort but her struggle was plain to the Amanda, who had a much greater depth of experience despite their simialr ages. "Poor girl." She thought miserably. "Miss Hannigan's going to be hard with her."

On the flat panel Amanda and Cassie were just beginning to intertwine, some of the aphrodisiac chemical now on Cassie's throat while the other's breasts had grown monumentally and had taken on a heated haze under the slick gloss. Seconds later the pair was making love, and the substitute demonstrator invited in baited tones the rest of the class to join in, before succumbing to temptation and tangling with the piable student in her lap. The angle jumped and twirled dizzily. The picture rattled and stilled. Askew, all continued. The lips and tongues and orgiastic mess of students robbing each other of clothes. A droplet of wax hurtled toward the screen and affixed itself there as a tiny dark blot in the corner.

"Amanda, you are free to go. I trust you understand your part in this incident, and are not surprised to learn that you will be getting a detention and an F for the day." She turned to face them, fingers threaded together in her lap. "You ought to have known better." She admonished with a disappointed sigh. Amanda gulped and nodded, her loose hair bobbing childishly. Her tight expression showed how much the F hurt her. Giving a regretful parting glance toward Cassie, she rushed off out the door. Miss Hannigan raised an eyebrow at the remaining delinquent. The screen paused in the middle of Cassie's climactic orgasm, the teacher waiting for her troublesome pupil to say something so she could strike.


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Wed Sep 12, 2007 8:05 pm
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With a barely audable sigh I resigned meself to the inevitable. Amandas sweet young body disappearing hind the closing door. The thump of its heavy metal construction resounding in otherwise quite of the room. Standing….waiting, the seconds creeping every onwards to the incessant drumming of those manicured fingernails upon the steel desk. A beat that left me soon breathing to its rhythm. Four strikes in…four strikes out…Lord please be kind.

In this agonizing quite, me face an upper body blazoned on a wall more n 20 feet across in shear joy, me naked breasts out for all to see. The utter shame of it, an yet even now as me juices slid ever downwards upon me quivering thighs I still felt the heat inside. The beast grumbling in his dark cave…wanting warmth an light an a body next to me. I fought it…fought it hard.

It was bad this time, me breasts still taught, the hard ends pushing gainst the fabric so tightly clenched to me body by me hands. I could smell her now… a mild scent of perfume strangely exotic an hard to place. Her starched whites, the hard stern look of her eyes an I went to places I shouldn’t have in this situation. I fought for breath…then got it back. Not ugly, ‘neath that lab coat from what I could tell. No….proud, sure, confident, in charge. It echoed through her, I sought that for me self, wondering what price had to be paid to be like that. Me insides quivered in anticipation an I had to fight it all o’er gain. Why now, why these feeling as the scent of her clawed at me nose an tickled me insides. Oh this was not a good place to be….would she let me serve me penance beneath that lab coat.

The room tottered, an I stepped one step closer to her, me professor, the woman that tormented me dreams an I shuddered at some of them thoughts in me head. I fought hard to remain upright, to remain with me head up while all the while me nose twitched inside an a set other things to twitching as well. Silently I prayed for strength, a chance to run from here an put me arms round me love….round me partner an wife of sorts.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Thu Sep 13, 2007 7:25 pm
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Miss Hannigan stood, eyes wide, as if alarmed at some impression gleaned from Cassie's inappropriate thoughts. However she turned and jammed her finger down on the camera. The damning play on the far wall flickered and dimmed out. "Light on." Obediently, radiance filled the room to make the domed mirror shine like liquid silver. Miss Hannigan stared at her from behind blanked white lenses, her brow furrowed down until Cassie swore it would drop right onto the floor with her disapproval. both hands on her hips, she stalked up to Cassie and dealt her a stunning blow across her cheeks with an outstretched palm.

"Do you realize how badly you could have hurt those girl? Do you have any concept of how incalculably reckless and stupid you were?" She stalked back, flinging her exasperation into the air with both hands. The nearly empty tube was snatched up and held before the recalcitrant redhead. "Tell me Cassie, what does this label say hmmm? It says WARNING: use of this medication outside of accordance to the printed recommendations on this tube can cause severe consequences. Symptoms include fever, high blood pressure, loss of motor control, heart attack, pain in the temples or genitals, breathlessness, dehydration, or death." She flung the tube down onto the metal table with a loud clatter. "Do you have any concept of what you could have done? Nevermind your casual disregard of scientific objectivity or your lewd conduct. You really could have hurt those girls, Amanda especially. I shall not be surprised if I'm getting calls from the nurses office all this week."

The teacher suddenly seemed to droop, fatigued with the strenuous efforts her rage required. Removing her glasses and setting them aside on her desk amidst the red marked papers, she massaged her temple with one bare hand with her eyes closed. "Procedure demands I give you detention in the basement. But you've been there before and by all accounts have not improved. I would prefer to see to your disciplining myself, though I'll leave that decision up to you."


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Fri Sep 14, 2007 5:12 am
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Suddenly the lights illuminated the room, a faint shadow upon the floor all bout me feet. No longer could I hide in the shadows of grey that stood out form the walls. They fled, along with much of me courage. That I stood yet was small wonder…an boy did I have to pee. Once, twice I rubbed me knees together for remembering to stand real still like some deer in the head lights. Lord I thought, perhaps I might disappear if I wuz still ‘nough.

Professor Hannigans face grew red, anger flashed in her eyes an cross her mouth. I could feel the floor neath me tremble form her approach. An then a blur of pain…pain cross me face form cheek to nose. Pain roared cross me senses and turned me knees to rubber. Collapsing onto them upon the hard cold floor with the copper taste of blood in me mouth I looked at her…..felt those eyes bore through me as me hands came up to rub me jaw an try to keep another blow from landing.

Slowly I worked me self back up, me cheek pulsing with red hot pain….me inside quivering in sumthing very different. A sense of pleasure wafted cross me skin…the beast within stirring from its slumber like a cat. Stretching lithely to fill me skin.

The cotton shirt hung open down me front an I did nothing but lower me hands an clasp them hind me back. Head down, subservient. Thar wuz no time to put in a word edgewise I reckon, only to listen…to obey.
An words made me heart leap to me throat an me pulse quicken as it throbbed ‘neath the tight band of black leather ‘bout me neck. Heat rose within, the air no longer chill, the world somehow going right with itself. I beast coiled, me chest going out, feet spreading apart, slowly, ever so slowly as I took up a better position to be judged an perhaps found worthy. Oh, those where the words that any mistress would fully understand, words I had used upon Hanaji many an evening….her lesson tonight would have to wait, her mistress was in need of instruction. It was time for class to really begin.

“Yes, Mistress Hannigan, by your hand…..I serve.” What more could one say?

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Fri Sep 14, 2007 6:10 am
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The instructor watched Cassie order herself in a debasing position. Cassie spread her knees apart on the ground. Her hands went behind her and dragged her blouse open in the process. The rich red tresses fell ashamedly down to cover her face and caress her prominent breasts as milk pooled in her nipples and began to stream in thin rivulets down her breasts and stomach, collecting in her navel like a white gem.

"Yes, Mistress Hannigan, by your hand...I serve."

Hannigan allowed herself a mild blink. What's this? she wondered in calm astonishment. What does Miss Smith think she's going to accomplish with this display? The young woman had bound herself by her will into the uncomfortable arrangement and pushed her breasts to the fore invitingly. The sight would have been harder to ignore if it wasn't for her medical training. That, and the teacher's own sexual proclivities ran in different directions. She had splayed herself like some toothsome treat, readily accessible. At least Miss Hannigan thought she looks appropriately ashamed But why the blatantly scurrilous pose? Oh. yes that was it. "I see you managed to get a dose of the aphrodisiac as well Miss Smith. And it's Miss Hannigan, not Mistress."

She frowned and shook her head, gesturing for her to stand while taking note of the tools laid out in a well established pattern on the table. It was a pity the incorrigible young student couldn't make proper use of them. There she found what she needed. The jug of vinegar, the glass beaker complete with defined red lines and labels for each milliliter. She daintily examined the plastic eyedropper. "Go to the desk Miss Smith. Strip down and bend over it. You will find a blue packet of pills in the right frotn drawer. I want you to swallow those, they will relieve the aphrodisiac effect." She took the vinegar and uncapped the jug. The acrid scent hit her nsoe and made her blink and tear at the strong odor. Backing away as she poured the brownish fluid into the beaker, she contineud to give instructions. "I will see to your discipline Miss Smith but it will be discipline. I won't have you derive any perverted pleasure out of this young lady. Take that pill while I finish this." Setting the vinegar down she squeezed a precise measurement of the aphrodisiac from the tube into the beaker. When the droplets hit the stinging vinegar it began to foam white as it diffused into the desired solution, which Miss Smith ought to have done herself. Annoyed by the reminder, she turned from the fizzing chemicals and sharply took stock of the girl, hoping she was at least obedient enough to heed her clear orders.


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Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:49 am
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If this wuz the Lords way of a punishing me then so be it. If Miss Hannigan wuz his tool in what I deserved so be it. But aphrodisiac….I’d heard of them, but nobody said they really worked well. An the way Miss Hannigan wuz a working an all I wuz beginning to think she really didn’t want what I thought she might. It wuz all mightily confusing. The signs, the scents…perhaps I’d gotten it all wrong.

Sheepishly I went to that stark desk…the smell of ammonia an bleach assaulting me nostrils. Carefully I took off what wuz left of me armor gainst the gaze of others. Even in nakedness the shame would be less than what the camera had captured…me in the fullness of sinful heat an debauchery. Me poor blouse, its buttons missing when Amanda had torn it free to get at me breasts. How could I have been so stupid. The blue skirt at least wuz intact….folding it an laying it upon the smooth white surface.

Thumbs hooked the elastic band of the ripped panties, there wuz no saving them, the crouch gone the way of the titanic, jus like I’d hit the iceberg and no would suffer in this frozen place of learning. Perhaps I could learn something from all this, like a keeping me legs together no matter what. Hanaji would be it…there would be no more…no more of any man or woman. None. Wiggling me hips I slid the damaged cotton from me body, an seeing how it was all ripped in the crouch threw them into the empty trashcan. The bra came last, an being in the same miserable shape as me panties met a similar fate. Then obeying me teacher to the letter I leaned over the desk, not happy at the way it made me feel so vulnerable. Not really understanding why she would make me do this nor what she might have in mind.

With me breast pressed flat gainst the cold surface I reached the drawer an opened it, drawing out the blue packet an popping the pills like I’d been told to. I wuz her student….an teachers don’t hurt their students. Swallowing the dual pink pills down me throat I waited for me punishment to begin, a deserving punishment given the way I could have killed somebody with me rash reactions.

Turning me head I watched the deliberate way the professor measured an made sure everything wuz ready….boy did I have to pee….Somehow the cold an detached manner she did things made me think that perhaps the lord wuz a really gonna teach me a lesson I wouldn’t be a forgetting. “Missss Hannigan….can I like…like go to the restroom” Me knees rubbing as I fidgeted in this very compromising position I found me self ‘volunteering’ for….the cool breeze of the air-conditioning playing cross me bare bum an back send chills down me spin. The almost painful swelling of me breasts reduced as I suppose the pill took it effects an everything began to resemble one of them visits to the gynecologist…cept I got to wear more clothes on those visits…..

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Sat Sep 15, 2007 1:36 am
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"No Miss Smith, you may not. Be grateful I'm not sending you to the basement." Miss Hannigan took psoition behind the redhead and looked down at the student bent forward in front of her. She noted the mild shaking in certain muscles along her smooth and sculptured legs. Her vagina remained open and glossy with the condensed humidity left in the wake of the ebbing lust. The pills would need a few more minutes to remove the erogenous stimulator from her body. Miss Hannigan left the lush body prostate on her table and walked back to the vinegar base solution, tapping the long tapered shaft of her ash pointer onto one hard, flattened palm. She placed the point down onto the tiles with a hollow click and reached out to take the eyedropper. She dipped it into the now filmy brown solution and squeezed the bulb. The liquid bubbled up into the transparent plastic tube and she withdrew it. "The proper way of using the aphrodisiac Miss Smith, if you had read the directions, was to add exactly 50 mL of the gel to 500mL of brown vinegar to dilute it. What you did was apply the concentrated form of the chemical." Her heels struck the floor sharply over to the desk. The filled eyedropper was palced in front of her, rolling from side to side on the metal. "You must never underestimate the importance of following the correct procedures. Do you understand me Miss Smith?" The instructor's sharp edged question was followed up by a loud scything swish of air. The pointer smashed flat upon Cassie's bared bottom with a fantastic report of wood on flesh.


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Sat Sep 15, 2007 10:48 am
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I had second thoughts bout it…’bout taking me punishment right then an thar. But me savior had fared no different. So, gritting me teeth I let me head down onto the cold surface. Thy fathers will be done. Clicks an clanks of glass meet me ears an I closed me eyes to it all. Reaching forwards an outwards I curled me fingers round the edge of the desk an tried to think ‘bout the lords prayer….repeating it silently in me head as Miss Hannigan moved ‘bout hind me.

Cool air from the air-conditioner fell cross me bare back….cold metal of the desk greeted me front. The familiar feel of me golden crucifix twixst me breasts wuz me comfort. For the stoic voice that spoke left nothing of warmth for me to grasp upon. I listened to her prattle on with half me mind while I prayed with the other for strength.

Smack…..”umpphh”, The sound a crescendo in me ears as it I swore it echoed off the high dome overhead. Sudden sharp pain spread inwards from me buttocks and I bit me tongue with the suddenness of it. Bitter copper in me mouth, the air driven from me. Nevertheless, I did not cry out….no, this is what I had expected, me 40 lashes so to speak. At least I know knew how it would all go down, though I did wonder what she wuz a thinking of doing with them solutions.

Me eyes now open I watched the knuckles of me hand turn white as I gripped the edge of the desk an said nothing. A good ole-fashioned swacking wuz what I deserved I suppose, even though me parents had not raised a hand on me for many years. I would take me punishment an give nothing in return, for had not me lord done the same, course in me case it wuz a well deserved punishment for what I had done.

Gasping a bit….”Yes Ma’am” doing everything I could to mask the pain in me voice, I would face this with courage.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Sun Sep 16, 2007 12:19 am
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"Good. Will you make another mistake like this Miss Smith?" Miss Hannigan struck her soundly with the column of wood, making her ass jiggle as it landed squarely in the red welt left by her first blow. The teacher lifted the pointer away and nodded in approval at the mark left behind. Maybe the brat will learn something She doubted it, but the way the transgressor's posterior shook in reaction, sending tremors through her lovely young flesh, gave her hope. She rose her weapon once again. "You ought to appreciate this Miss Smith, with your beliefs. I'd be surprised if you didn't know the old adage abotu sparing the rod." The wood scrythed through the air and impacted with the bottom curves of Cassie's backside. Miss Hannigan raised her hand to feel the heat that bled into the air around her rear, and smiled in satisfaction. Her hard eyes glinted. "Good good." This in a soft murmur meant only for herself. The rod struck again.

Miss Hannigans classroom resounded over the coruse of minutes with the sounds of Cassie's punishment. With every blow her body slid forward on the table, the filled eyedropper rolled back and forth on the desk, and Cassie's golden crucifix scraped on the metal as it jumped. Every few seconds the wood would descend. The pause between allowed the blood to react, and Cassie's tormentor knew this would let it hurt all the more. She didn't envy her the stinging, or the burning throb. Crack! When she ran out of new places on Cassie's fleshy buttocks to torment her, she moved down to her legs and aimed light, sharp blows on the backs of individual thighs. Finally she ceased. Her hair was disheveled and her breasts heaving as she panted. Miss Hannigan raised her rumpled lab sleeve to smear the sweat across her brow. In a tired voice she demanded that Cassie stand. At the same time, she walked toward the laboratory sink and grabbed a glass. She turned the knob, filling the vessel with a hissing jet of water. She cut the stream off and returned to Cassie and thrust the water out at her. "Drink."


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Sun Sep 16, 2007 2:19 am
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Each hard slap of the wood ‘gainst me left me breathing hard an sliding forwards on the table…then back….to receive yet another. The pain intense an on edge….that left me dangling. Me bum sent fire into me insides….an the beast laughed. The pain seared me, an set me insides on fire. Closing me eyes to it….I reckoned this wuz how hanaji felt when I did the same to her. I felt it….felt it flip from pain to pleasure an back. Each blow fell with pain, then in the moments before the other the pleasure spread….the dull ache an ache of joy.

Me bum moved, wiggled as if in torment, but the torment wuz something else all together, I might not be able to sit for a week, but what I wuz feeling wuz well worth the inconvenience. The blows got a bit softer, no doubt Miss Hannigan was tiring, an inside…inside I felt the first flutter. A soft butterfly like flutter of me insides an I bit back the moan least she learn the truth. “Urp” then settling blow after blow an I lived in a twilight world of greys. Pleasure an pain mixed, one not really the other but rather intertwined. I shook me head in disbelief, is this what the lord wanted me to learn…to learn what hanaji felt…to feel it me self an enjoy it at the hands of another. Heat rose up on me face and down across me chest…the heat of embarrassment an still each thwack of that stick only set me higher.

Finally it ended….an I stood as directed, me legs wobbly from the exertion of tensing then releasing with each flutter of me insides. With one tentative step after another I did what I was told… moving me weight from one tired leg to the other waiting. The clear glass met my hand an wuz the last thing I needed.

With eyes I begged her no, but I saw….I saw nothing respond in those dull eyes of hers, the bun partially undone as the tidy hair feel in wisps her an there along a face that could have been perty if she would just let it. I could feel the coolness returning as the sweat trickled down me body. I drank….drank it down an felt me gut wanna contract. I fought it off, me bladder hurting now.

“Please can I go pee” Handing back the water glass to her, watching for any hint of humanity to cross those eyes.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Sun Sep 16, 2007 3:02 am
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Miss Hannigan pursed her lips tight. "No you may not." She said firmly. Her grey steel eyes saw that Cassie didn't appear much worse for the wear, which aggravated her. Some students were entirely too willful for her tastes. Cassie handed the glass back to her teacher, who promptly turned on a sharp heel and returned to the sink. The glass was refilled and then returned to Cassie's hand. "Drink. The aphrodisiac dehydrates you, you need the water. Or weren't you paying attention when I listed the side effects of improper use?" Miss Hannigan snorted in disgust, waiting until Cassie had finished the second liter of water before taking the glass back and placing it aside on the table. "Good. Now go to the board and take a marker." Back to basics it would seem. The teacher hadn't used such methods in ages, but it worked on schoolchildren, and she felt it might have a chance to be effective on this girl who displayed such a similar lack of foresight and self control. "I would like you to write this on the board one hudnred times." Her hand swept over a blank page on her desk, scribbling a list in red. The paper was plucked up and deposited in the redhead's grasp for while the severe looking woman crossed her arms over her chest and sat in her swiveling office chair.



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Last edited by niellwyn on Sun Sep 16, 2007 4:08 am, edited 2 times in total.

Sun Sep 16, 2007 3:19 am
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Location: Bringing light to the dark
Water sloshed about me tummy almost making me feel ill an cramped. The cramp was the thought of all that water even pushing further on me bladder. I felt miserable now, the feelings the thrashing had given me fading as even baser instincts took over. With the piece of paper in hand I ‘gain to trudge to the board working real hard not to have no wiggle in me step an all. The thought hit me fore I got there though. A thought to beat all thoughts so I stopped. Me mind working on that list a things an feeling ashamed at having to walk round all naked like an ‘bout to pee on the floor.

“Professor Hannigan, Ain’t it a scientific fact that it be bad for a girl to hold in her pee cause then it can lead to things like UTI an worse….an If I’m to be true to these words than can I please put on me clothes, cause I feel kinda bad ‘bout traipsing ‘bout with nothing on an I really would prefer to be dressed an a not putting me perverted private life on full display in the classroom like and would really like to deport me self in a respectable manner cause this jus ain’t it at all. I really am trying to follow directions, but it be kinda hard an all when I’m not allowed too.”

I hoped I wuzn’t about to get in trouble for the teaching part, but I wuzn;t really lecturing her an all. Maybe I should be writing on the board all about scientific language an such. I surely said no such thing even if the thought was thar. I’m not stupid, and saying such would ‘ve bought me a heap a trouble I reckon. That UTI part was the best though…it said all kinds of things like scientific an all. Well at least I hoped…if nothing else me arms an fingers were gonna be real sore like when this wuz done.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Sun Sep 16, 2007 4:07 am
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Joined: Wed Jul 25, 2007 9:18 am
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Location: Hopefully between the pages of a good book.
"You're very correct Miss Smith. I'm glad you pay some attention in somebody's class, even if it isn't my own." The sarcasm was palpable. Rising from her seat , holding her pointer in both hands across her middle, she strode toward Cassie with face like death. Taking the time to push a sweaty lock back from her drawn, pale face, she wet her lips with her tongue. "Write on the board Cassie and cease giving me a hard time. I have never, in my entire teaching career, had to deal with such a self righteous, smart alec student." Her brows twitched with the effort to keep herself mild. "If you wanted to comport yourself properly, and keep your private life to yourself, perhaps you should have thought of that before you broke each of those rules and brought this on yourself." She snorted and tapped her sore ass with the tip of her pointer. "Perhaps next time you'll remember how this felt and think twice about yoru actions hmmm? Now follow direction and write on the damned board!"

There was quiet, an idea coming visibly to Miss Hannigans mind. Her face relaxed ominously, her eyebrows rising and eyes widening. She nodded to herself. "Actually, check that Cassie. Stay still for a moment." The teacher departed in a rustle of starched coat and returned bearign the brown eyedropper. "Do demonstrate for your understanding Miss Smith, I'm going to show you what how you ought to have to have used the chemical. Her hand stretched forth and squeezed on the bulb. Three drops welled up and fell from the plastic tip of the tube and landed on Cassie's left nipple. Her pink skin absorbed it almost immediately, and the textured skin rehardened quickly. Erect nubs popped out with painful speed, tipped with white froth. Her other nipple received the very same three drops, and then Cassie's mound was pinched and pulled forward. Three more drops splashed onto her clit. Drawing backward, Miss Hannigan gave a thin, satisfied smile. "Alright now Miss Smith. Now start writing."


Send a PM anytime you feel like an RP with Natsuki. She's not shy!

Sun Sep 16, 2007 4:22 am
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