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 Arms dealing. (For Vespria and Levi.) 
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Post Arms dealing. (For Vespria and Levi.)
Las'sari, a gorlfied waste land of a world. A depressing place of endless scorchng desserts and raging thunder seas of pitch black oceans.... A haven for scum and villany, yet also the now proud home of the once great and powerful clan of space fairing pirates, reckless mercenarys, and invicable soldiers... The Rak'dos armada..

Long ago the millitary organized clan, clade in black and red were once known as the scourges of the red umbral cloud, the army of extermist that wrecked havok through the crimson space cloud of the vor'gonian star system. Crushing any who dared pass through their sectors of controlled space, befor the clans inivitable fall at battle of Veg'ris prime, when the combined efforts of several worlds issued their extermination in a battle that could better be described as a slaugter....

The battle of Veg'ris left the pirates scattered accrost known space, bloody and broken, leaving a mere shadow of its former self behind of what remained of the once proud Rak'dos armada came to reside on the depressing world it now does... Yet Las'sari was home, a harsh place to live, yet it was only a crucible to make the warriors of Rak'dos stronger then ever .... a test they aimed to learn from and one day retake their rightful place among the gleming stars mantle as the scourages of the Red cloud... A journay that would not be easy in their current strength.... not with out friends.... very powerful friends....

It wasnt Reds first trip to the Colipso satalite city of Zu'grando.... a massive metroplise build on the back of a captured planetoid orbiting the gravitational pull of the collossal gas giant of Zu'grando.

Red, the oviously human and very small petiet pirate casually strolled the crime infested back water streets of Calipso, her hands resting on her hips close to the grips of both her trusty blasters as she boldly strutted down the street to the designated meeting spot, clade in her clans colors, black and red armor....(#1)

If you ever needed someone to survive a suicidal battle against overwhelming odds, then Levi the Red is the Merc for the job.

Last edited by Levi on Tue Apr 21, 2015 9:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Apr 21, 2015 9:10 am
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Post Re: Arms dealing. (For Vespria and Levi.)
(#2).... black and red armor, specificly sized to fit her petiet athletic form, tightly hugging her curvy little body in all the right places, while the helmet concealing the human girls face only gave off a oddly sinister vibe abut this strange humen despite her small size in compairson to some of the alien beings she passed in the streets towering over her like moutains as she made her way along the street paying those who may be appraising her no mind at all.

This job, itt was an odd arrangement for sure, one that Red didnt mind honestly, not with the agreement she made with the clan quartermaster of artiliry, Tarus the Grim. It was a simple task too, go in his place to the meeting at this crime lords establishment, The serpents den, and pose as his emissery and propose the deal, then receive 5% of whatever may come out of it when it is sealed later down the rode. With that kind of scrach she may be able to make those much needed upgrades shes been needing to do on her ship and armor. The very thought of that kind of money made her smirk behind the visor of four eyed helmet as she made her way along with a slight jump in her step.

It took a little bit of time but Red eventually found The Serpents Den. A shady night club in the down town red light district of this city as the pirate casually walked through the front door, calmly approching the bouncer or the bar keep of this fine establishment.

"....I'm here to see Vespria... your boss should be expecting me...." Red would say calmly, her helmet slightly masking the sound her voice with a slight metalic, yet hallow tone.

If you ever needed someone to survive a suicidal battle against overwhelming odds, then Levi the Red is the Merc for the job.

Tue Apr 21, 2015 9:46 am
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Post Re: Arms dealing. (For Vespria and Levi.)
There were always factions and people who sought the serpent's favor. That was a benefit of spreading influence far and wide across the galaxy. Thankfully, most were wise enough not to seek Vespira lest they have the capital to back it up. The remains of the Rak'dos armada made contact with the Gorgonian weeks ago to set up a meeting, just Vespira at one of her establishments and an emissary from them. Little detail was given about the purpose of the meeting but precautions were already made. Any place Vespira visited had its security bolstered in case of assassins or other threats. If this was just a scheme to target Vespira, they chose poorly.

Red could feel the beat of the music from outside The Serpents Den. Two bouncers were checking their lists as they let people enter while turning others away. The large hulking aliens eyed the small humanoid in armor. Of course, it was not the first time they heard that line before. "Name..."

Once they checked for Levi's name, she was allowed to enter. "Penthouse suite..." was the only direction given to the human woman. The loud beat throbbed against Levi's armor as she explored the club. The place was mostly dim with lights pointing at key areas of the establishment. There was a dance floor and several humanoid females were moving about, tending to patrons either with refreshments or their shapely forms.

The guarded stairs pointed Red in the right direction and was soon taken to a large suite where the Gorgonian relaxed on her coils. "Sso the great Rak'dosss armada ssent a human to ssee me..." Vespira hissed as she waited for the emissary to approach. The Gorgonian was wearing gold and silver jewelry that rested against her fine green scales. Fine sashes trail behind her arms and did little to hide those exposed swells of her breasts.

Two human slaves approached with trays of food and drink which were placed on the table. They would remain at the table, waiting for further orders from their owner. Their attire was tight fitting that accentuated their lovely figures but at least it covered them. "Ssit, human," Vespira ordered, "Have a drink. Then, tell me why you have come here."


Tue Apr 21, 2015 2:19 pm
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Post Re: Arms dealing. (For Vespria and Levi.)
The pirate gave the alien bouncer a light sigh of annoyance, rolling her eyes behind the cover of her helmet twords the bouncer who request her name because he didn't believe here about his boss expecting her. Yet the girl understood why in away.... and judging from the ramped up security she noticed they did too..

"I'm... Red.... Levi the Red.... I'm on the list... just check it...." Levi sighed shrugging her shoulders impatiently as she restlessly waited for the bouncer to check her name on that list of his, tapping the grip of her pistols frustratingly befor finally the bouncer gave her the nod she was waiting for and let her pass as she nodded back, smugly shrugging at him as she passed by. " I told I was on the list...." Levi would say in a cocky tone befor she simply walked past the bouncer and moved inside the noisy night club known as the serpents den....

The inside was impressive... it seemed much smaller on the outside then it did on the inside. Levi thought as she looked around rather amazed at it really, taking in the interesting sight as she heard the music play, the heavy sound practically shaking her from inside her armor and clothing with sonic vibrations, she didn't even know music could even get that loud, it wasn't often she got to be on the inside of a fancy club like this, it was all so new to her and amazing to see for the first time... but one thing ruined it.... in all her amazement she caught the sight of one scantily clad girl moving table to table to hasty serving drinks, only to be jumped by a pair of aliens as they began to do the unthinkable.... pinning her to the floor, ripping off clothing and rags befor...

The sight of the trio made the pirate blush behind the red eyed helmet hiding that cute face of hers as she simply looked away befor she hasty moved along to a flight of stairs guarded by a pair of bouncers as Red spoke to a guard befor he lead her to the meeting she was asked to attend by her quartermaster, Tarus the grim.....(#1)

If you ever needed someone to survive a suicidal battle against overwhelming odds, then Levi the Red is the Merc for the job.

Last edited by Levi on Wed Apr 22, 2015 6:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Apr 21, 2015 9:02 pm
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Post Re: Arms dealing. (For Vespria and Levi.)
(#2)... meeting she was asked to attend by her quarter master Tarus the grim.

Red fallowed behind the bouncer silently, paying attention to the path way she took, eying various objects of note worthy attention as they both walked along, never knowing when she may need to escape just in case. Yet eventually she was taken to a large door that the bouncer moved to open, leading her to a large open luxury suite were she was surprised to see how the better half lived befor she was given the chance to lay eyes on her gracious host...... the crime lord Vespria.

"Oh my..." Red whispered surprised under her breath. If only Vespria could see the pirates face at this moment as her bright red ruby eyes opened surprised and widen at the serpent women and her magnificence, surprised by the alien women she finally had the pleasure of meeting as she carefully stepped forward and nodded respectfully. Yet after Levi heard the words "Sent a humen." left the gorgons mouth Levi scoffed, quicky looking up at the serpent.

"Yes...I'm human...... is that a problem...... I didnt realize racism was still a problem in the galaxy......" Red said coldy, crossing her arms. "... I'm Red.... ma'am.... Levi the Red.... I'm here as emissery for quartermaster Tarus the Grim and the clan... he asked me to apologize for this inconvenience on his behave... but I dont think I need too.... any how... something came up and he wasn't able to make it here in person... so I'm her to negotiate in his place on behalf of the clan and my brothers and sisters... if thats alright!?" Levi said in a harsh tone, planting both hands on her shapely hips as she spoke to the crime lord in a somewhat defensive tone, befor her helmet covered eyes quickly snapped to look at the two slaves girls that approached with a tray of food and drinks as Levi looking over them quickly, taking a step back as if on guard..... at least these two were wearing clothes..... Levi thought to her self.

"Huh..... Thank...." Levi replied as Vespria asked her to sit down, taking a seat at the other end of the table from Vespria, calmly clasping her hands in her lap as she listened to the crime lord speak or hiss, offering her a drink. With a shake of her hand Levi waved the drink off and sighed. "No thank you ma'am... I would like to just keep business short and sweet if you don't mind..." Levi would say as respectfully as she could with out coming off rudder then she has, looking to Vespria through the red eyes of her helmet as Vespria could see the LED glowing red eyes of her helmet slightly narrow twords her after she took a calming breath. "Quartermaster of artillery, Tarus the Grim simply wants me to relay the terms of the deal he message you of...... He wrote a long winded speech he wanted me to read... but I don't want to waste your time...... I'll make it short and sweet, getting to the point.... The Rak'dos armada simply wants to use your shipping routes to transport weapons and armaments to Las'sari..... and supply our current settlement at Xur'ex...." Levi would explain, looking to Vespria with the face of her blank expressionless helmet.

If you ever needed someone to survive a suicidal battle against overwhelming odds, then Levi the Red is the Merc for the job.

Tue Apr 21, 2015 9:41 pm
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Post Re: Arms dealing. (For Vespria and Levi.)
Vespira's expression did not change as she responded to Red's poor choice of words. "Did I ssay there was a problem?" Vespira hissed, "I mention that you are in fact a human and you are already on the defensive. You refuse to apologize about his failure to send a proper emissary despite him ordering you to and you come here making demands." Levi heard the door behind her slide open as the bouncer returned. "Throw her out," Vespira ordered, "I would tell you to pass a message to Taruss for me but sseeing as you could not even passs along hiss without sscrewing up, I will inform him mysself about your utter failure to sspeak to your betters properly."

First impressions were everything even out in space and dealing with other alien species. Levi's tone and posture gave the impression of this not being a request but a demand and Vespira bowed to no one, especially some human woman. There was also the fact this human refused Vespira's hospitality and refuses to even remove her helmet before speaking to her. No, the alien crime lord had no time for filth such as this woman. The most fitting thing would to end the negotiation before they could even begin. It is rare for even a human to screw up this badly to the point of never even getting a chance to sit down first. Levi would have to return empty handed and try to explain to her superiors why all those credits spent to establish this meeting is now wasted.


Wed Apr 22, 2015 2:03 pm
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Post Re: Arms dealing. (For Vespria and Levi.)
"eh... no you didnt.." Levi sighed as she heard Vespria speak. What she said was truthful, and Levi kinda just jumped into conclusions, quickly realizing this as the pirate hung her head in a little shame the more her now not so gracious host called her out on it, befor ordering the bouncer to throw her out of the gorgons club. Immediatly forcing Levi's helmet covered head to snap up and gaze to Vespria then the bouncer approching.

"WAIT! wait wait!" Levi flailed cutly, waving her hands to the bouncer who was drawing closer as she quickly jumed out of her seat to avoid him grabing her and doing as Vespria asked. "L-let me apologize misstriss! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Levi said, her voice cracking as quickly moved to Vespria's end of the table, sliding accrost the floor to kneel on both knees infront of Vespria, lowering her head to the floor for forgivness.

"I-i'm sorry ma'am... I acted harshly... theres no forgiving that... a-and I... I appoligize for coming off so rude miss'triss..... y-your just so.... so intimidating and amazing you made me nervous... but.... p-please....dont take it out on the clan for my mistake.... I-i'll take whats coming to me... please... I'm sorry.. " Levi said sincerely and sorrowful, on her knees pressing her helmet covered head agiest the floor asking for forgivness from the magnificent serpent as she soon sat up straight on her knees removing her helmet and let Vespria finilly see her cute face afther she lifted the helmet up off her sholders. Long silver locks spilling from the helmet and down her back and sholders befor she gently shook her hair out and placing her helmet to the side, gazing up at Vespria with her bright ruby red eye befor lowering her head agin for forgivness, the point clear she realized her mistake in this instance. "... I'm sorry.... I didn't mean to insult you... I only assumed.... And that was wrong oif me to do.... Just hear us out... Tarus wants you to let us use your routes with the promise w not disrupt your trade and will protect your shippments free of charge.. We only want the ability to move freely....." Levi promised, keeping her he low to give Vespria the respect she deserved.

In truth Levi was no idiot, but realizing it she was in the wrong here, she assumed the crime lord was simply a humen hating biggot but, how does the saying go, assuming makes an ass out of you and me....

If you ever needed someone to survive a suicidal battle against overwhelming odds, then Levi the Red is the Merc for the job.

Wed Apr 22, 2015 4:50 pm
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Post Re: Arms dealing. (For Vespria and Levi.)
"You change your tone very quickly, human," Vespira replied with narrowed eyes, "Your kind acts as if they decide how to run the galaxy only to cower when others push back. You asssumed you could jusst show up here and push me around to get what you want... Pitiful creature..."

The human begged for forgiveness but Vespira was so far not pleased. She despised having her time wasted by something was pathetic as a human, especially one who had not realized her true role out here. "Do you know how many factions sseek to use my routes?" the Gorgonian replied, "None would assk to use them if they were unprotected. Those foolish enough to touch what belongs to me are dealt with. I have no need for protection esspecially from a band of pirates who cannot protect themsselves."

"You are offering nothing of value in exchange for the ssafesst routes through the ssector," the Gorgonian continued, "If that is all, there is nothing more to discusss." At least Vespira gave an answer rather than throw the woman out to the curb. But, Levi still had much to make up for. It did not help that Tarus did not really make a good offer in the first place. It was doubtful Red would get many opportunities to speak with the head of a criminal empire like Vespira. Was there anything she could do to help sweeten the deal or at least keep the discussion going?


Thu Apr 23, 2015 2:44 am
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Post Re: Arms dealing. (For Vespria and Levi.)
"But!.... I only!..... I'm!....but!" Levi tried to speak up, yet Vespria just kept cutting her off with those harsh hissing words, simply talking over the shamed pirates soft mummbled words as she struggled to even try and redeem this disaster of a negotiation. Looking twords the floor, hanging her head as she was scolded harshly. Realizing quickly this was all hear fault and was sure to get it after how she acted. This was going to fall back on her bad for sure when her superiors hear about this mess. Yet Levi soon found her anger getting the better of her as Vespria belittle the clan, hearing those harsh hissing words leave those lips as they cut deep forcing Levi's pearly white teeth to grit as she also tightly clinched her fists in anger. If Levi had anything it was nerve to do stupid things like this....

"How dare you!" Levi snapped, her cute face lighting up with fiery anger as she quickly hopped to her feet and fearlessly looked up at Vespria nerrowing her bright red eyes at the gorgon. " Who do you think you are calling us weak!" Levi shouted befor she pointed at the gorgon. "You dont have the right to even speak about strength! Not when you only hide behind your glorified street gangs and influance in your ivory tower...." Levi would say harshly. "Where do you get off thinking your better then us just becuse you have money to open fancy clubs like this!" Levi shouted, stomping her heel of her heavy boot in anger at the gorgon as she through her fit. " You dont want our protection..... Fine!.... You dont deserve it!..... keep your useless thugs then!! You could of had an army!... an army more then willing to protect your intreasts....." Levi would say quickly snatching up her helmet off the floor as she turned to look at Vespria coldly. "But just so you know..... Your turning your back on the ony faction in the galaxy that had the balls to send a humen like me to your door step...." Levi would say hooking a thumb twords her self....(#1)

If you ever needed someone to survive a suicidal battle against overwhelming odds, then Levi the Red is the Merc for the job.

Last edited by Levi on Thu Apr 23, 2015 9:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Apr 23, 2015 9:06 am
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Post Re: Arms dealing. (For Vespria and Levi.)
(#2).... hooking a thumb twords her self. ".... A humen like me with the nerve to tell you off in your own house.... " Levi would finish, breathing heavily afther her harsh rant twords the gorgon crime lord, turning to stomp angerly out the door of Vespria's luxury suite and leave this place befor she stopped, a lone figure in her path standing in the door way, his arms crossed.

Neither had noticed the new arrival, clad in black and Red armor, standing in the door way at 7 and 1/2 feet tall, a dark blue cape hanging off his right sholder. Crowing the top of his head was a gold decorated skull shaped helmet, two ram like horns flanking the temples of his helm as he looked down on the young pirate Levi blocking his path as he crossed both his arms at the young pirate and sighed disapointedly. Levi's heart sank in her chest as her eyes grew wide at the sight of her superior. "Uh.... T-tarus....." Levi mummbled frozen stiff.

"That will be more then enough Red..... your dismissed from your duty...." Tarus would say, his voice deep as he would push Levi aside with a slight wave of his hand and out of his way, almost with enough force to nearly knock her to the floor as he entered, only to respectfuly bow for Vespria as he removed his polished gold helmet, exposing his long pointed ears and neatly trimmed beared and hair of his humaniod face. Scars covering his face, under his eyes as he held his helmet agiest his chest. " Vespria... I am Tarus the Grim.... Let me begin by apologizing for... "Reds"... behavior.. and my tardyness.. I was on route here befor my escorts and I were ambushed by a handful of A.D.D scouts.... " Tarus would explain. " So please... except these gifts...." Tarus would say kindly, snapping his finger befor a trio of captured agents were slowly lead into the suite by a single rak'dos merc. Each agent was wearing tattered raggs of their former uniform and new thick steel collars around their slender necks.

If you ever needed someone to survive a suicidal battle against overwhelming odds, then Levi the Red is the Merc for the job.

Thu Apr 23, 2015 9:37 am
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Post Re: Arms dealing. (For Vespria and Levi.)
Levi's foolish outburst was more than Vespira cared to deal with. But, Tarus arrived to try and salvage what remained after Red's foolish acts. "You ssend thiss trash who refuse my hosspitality and inssult me in my own home, Taruss?" the Gorgonian hissed, "A beggar off the sstreet would have been a better repressentative."

There was no point in explaining to Levi that this ivory tower was built by her activity over countless years. If she wasted time explaining to every piece of trash why she was superior to those below her, she would not have time run her own crime syndicate. "If your sso called army is made up thiss human trash, I rather keep my trade routes clean of your presence..."

"Your giftss excuse you for being late but it does not excuse you of ssending her in the firsst place," she hissed, eyes on Tarus, "Ssit... I will hear what you have to ssay. Let uss hope it does not wasste my time further for both your ssakes." What Levi called glorified street gangs happen to include groups of powerful soldiers that could easily handle mere pirates. If Red judged Vespira's military might based on a couple of bouncers, she would find herself sorely mistaken.


Thu Apr 23, 2015 1:43 pm
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Post Re: Arms dealing. (For Vespria and Levi.)
"Thank you Ms Vespria..." Tarus bowed in respect again befor confidently approached a seat one of Vespria's slave pulled out for him as he sat down, placing his heavy helmet in the servants hands as waved the pretty young thing away to take it to his disappointment of a diplomat Red who was standing by the far wall forcing her to hold his golden helmet instead of the slave a kind of punishment.

"Your intelligence and wisdom knows no bounds your excellence... You are correct that my judgement was wrong to send such an unhelpful puppet to do my bidding..... there is no excusing that..." Tarus would say in a calm tone befor staring daggers at Levi coldly as she couldn't help but shy back at the sight of his bright yellow eyes. "However my lady.... I had no choice.... You see the trip to your fine home was more eventful then I would have hoped... But I must not bore you with details.. we are here to do business... not share war story's..." Tarus would smirk as he kindly kept the conversation moving along.

"Let me begin.... I trust my young trainee "Levi the Red" has only tried your patience and made a mockery of the clan with her immaturity by now....I assure you that not all Rak'dosians are like her..... shes always getting into trouble.... such a handful and for that I must apologize on her be halve... but to truly show you the respect you deserve I will let you decide her punishment..... if you would like the pleasure to do so of chores.." Tarus would smirk as Levi behind him would gasp, opening her mouth to speak and protest, only to pause and hold her tongue as Tarus glared coldly at her.

"Now.... for the matter at hand....." Tarus would say clasping his hands on the table top. "Ms Vespria.... I can propose the deal I wished Levi to share with you befor I arrived...... as she may have poorly relayed too you... we want the opportunity and pleasure to use your well protected trade routes to move large amounts of weapon from various locations around this sector back to Las'sari to be sold and distributed among the clan......As you may think this deal sounds ridiculous and only meets my ends..... however in return I as quartermaster of artillery for the proud Rak'dos armada I offer our aid to you in protecting yours interests alongside our own free of charge of chores..... plus the addition of 25% of the total credit profit gained from theses weapons as a payment for letting us use your route..... And this was not the only thing I wished to offer you my Mistress.....If you would like to hear more?..... "

If you ever needed someone to survive a suicidal battle against overwhelming odds, then Levi the Red is the Merc for the job.

Fri Apr 24, 2015 6:38 am
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Post Re: Arms dealing. (For Vespria and Levi.)
Finally someone sat down at Vespira's table. Food and drink was presented to Tarus while Levi was left forgotten away from everyone else. His more verbose offer certainly had more appeal than what the human woman demanded earlier. Vespira did not even look in Levi's direction when she was briefly mentioned. "I will punish her later," Vespira replied, "I have had enough of my time wassted on a mere human woman."

The human slaves gently caressed their Mistress's body in an attempt to soothe her. The Gorgonian was not intimidated at all being around three armored and possibly armed mercenaries. Vespira had no visible weapons on her beyond her snake like body and her only protection was her glimmering scales that seemed to shimmer with every motion of her body and stroke of her precious slaves.

"Your pet had left out many detailss," she hissed, "Go on. I wish to hear more of your offer." Twenty-five percent was a conservative cut but it was nearly free credits for Vespira at this point. Other factions would have taken a much larger cut but this was more than enough to satisfy the Gorgonian for now. There was more Vespira needed to ask but she would hear Tarus out first before negotiating.


Sat Apr 25, 2015 4:06 pm
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Post Re: Arms dealing. (For Vespria and Levi.)
"I agree, you have had plently of your time wasted... let me make that up to you now.." Tarus would agreed refering to Levi his poor excuse for a voice as he calmly looked at Vespria and smiled at the new and very pleasing sight of the gorgon and her slaves as they causally discusted matters. Watching with a eyebrow raised in interest by the sight of those hot young slaves gently rubbing the lovly gorgons scales. Watching as he took a light sip of his drink one of Vespria's slaves poured earlyer. Swirling the fine alchol around in his glass as he listened to his gracious host speak so alluringly, sounding far more happy now afther hearing his more detailed version of the deal.

"Ahh... yes... I see that she did, and I'll appologize agin for that and I'll have to make that up to you as well somehow.... but I must say right now.... if I didnt know better then I would be sure you were teasing me.... " Tarus would smirk, lightly flurting with Vespria as he watched the trio at play. His bright yellow eyes scanning over the lovely gorons lubcious form as those soft slave hands gently rubbed over the gorgons scales and her body, only making thoses scales relfect and bend shinning light like a goddess. Luckly for Tarus, his species had a high resistance to such mind bending effects, but Levi's did not. If Vespria cared to even look past Tarus she would notice the young human she had the displeasure of speaking too almost have trouble taking her bright red eyes off the gorgons gorgious body. Yet Levi would suddenly manage to look away in a stuborn turn of her cheek if Vespria ever looked ay her directly with a cute. "Huhm!..."

Meanwhile Tarus would watch Vespria's very "distracting" massage as he would clasp his hands together on the table top, grinning at the sight, not complaining at all at the free show. Yett he still tried to move matters along with out ruining Vesprias fun....(#1)

If you ever needed someone to survive a suicidal battle against overwhelming odds, then Levi the Red is the Merc for the job.

Last edited by Levi on Wed Apr 29, 2015 9:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:52 am
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Post Re: Arms dealing. (For Vespria and Levi.)
(#2)..... Vespria's fun.

"Now.... Vespria, its no mistake to assume some one as beutiful and intellagent as your self does well?...." Tarus would calmly say, his eyes looking Vespria over nicly, nerrow at the thought of touching those soft scales him self. "hmm... very well for your self indeed..... And I would also assume your status has earned your share of enemys from all around this galaxy in your time as such a prestigious women of busniess... and these eneimes would want nothing more then to see your beuty be tarnished and ruined.... I want to be the first to say that it would be a crime agiest nature to let such tragic things happen to someone as gorgious and as beutiful as you are. You deserves only the best and thats what I am here offer you..... I offer you this..." Tarus would explain with honey coated words as he woud simply snap his fingers and look Levi's way, calling her over to his side by the table where she would nervously stepped forward tightly grippng his heavy golden helmet in her small hands. That cute blushing red face of hers avoiding direct eye contact with Vespria. Tarus looking back to the gorgon to explained his point here.

"I offer you this..... this fearlessness!.. Yes I know how this sounds..... Red.... is rude and deserves to be punished by your stern hand my lady..... but I assure you not all Rak'dosians are so lowly as our human pet...." Tarus would state, planting a hand on Levis head firmly as if to episize befor he would shake the poor petiet girl by her head, forcing her to cutely wince at the rough jousaling. " Imagin it... my fearless mercenarys at your beck and call.... far more civilized and easyer to handle then Red of chorse ..... each on ready to do whatever you ask..... no questions asked.... All we ask is for the oppertunity to prove our selfs." Tarus woud explain, grinning at Vespria while still roughly messing up Levis longsilver hair befor he simply pushed the human away nearly knocking her to the floor.

If you ever needed someone to survive a suicidal battle against overwhelming odds, then Levi the Red is the Merc for the job.

Wed Apr 29, 2015 9:37 am
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