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 In Search of Lost Time (Anna X Vera) 
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Post In Search of Lost Time (Anna X Vera)
Anna has been preoccupied for the past few months. Ostensibly she's been busy with an art class project, and although she's been cryptic about the specifics, almost teasingly so, she's been diligent in her responsibilities to the school and to Mz. Matsumoto's... personal needs.

It's nearing on twilight when Vera returns to her room. It's tempered with the scent of her prefect, lilies and heat, but that's hardly extraordinary. The note placed on her otherwise immaculate desk is, however. It's high quality violet card-stock, printed with a flourish of careful, expressive cursive inked in black, sealed with a lipstick kiss in a show of that clumsy brand of middle school romanticism you might expect from a girl like Anna.

Art Workshop 34A


Fri Sep 11, 2015 11:44 pm
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Post Re: In Search of Lost Time (Anna X Vera)
Being a Prefect was not an easy job. Yes, it granted power and status that most other students could never hope to get. But, such power had responsibility and expectations tied to it along with the extremely high standards of the Prefect's Head Girl. So between her duties, maintaining her GPA, and pleasing her Head Girl; Anna was a rather busy woman.

That being said, Vera avoided micromanaging her Prefects. They were accepted because the Head Girl believed they could perform their duties and thus she left them to their own devices lest she required them for tasks or other reasons. Of course, every Prefect were also her personal servants and each sought her favor in similar or different ways though each had a similar goal in mind, earning Vera's praise and attention.

Anna had become rather active since receiving her sash. The woman was very diligent when it come to her patrols and maintaining her floor of the dorms. She also came by relatively often, trying to vie for the Head Girl's favor. Vera remained distant at first, ensuring Anna was truly remaining loyal while also teasing those yearning desires to a boil. Then, she would reward her pet with the attention the Prefect deserves.

The Prefect's activity was still within expectations though the personal visits had declined. Vera made no effort to investigate, allowing Anna to do as she wished just like with all her Prefects. It was not until late in the night that the Head Girl returned to her suite in the tower to find a note waiting for her. She rather be present when people enter her suite but this not really a serious issue for the moment. She knew who the note was from and read the rather brief letter addressed to Vera.

The lipstick showed how hopelessly infatuated Anna was to her owner. It was like a stray animal finally getting a home and wanting nothing more than to shower their owner with love and attention. But, such behavior was easy enough to nurture and control and Vera consistently teased those desires to keep the poor girl guessing.

This being a campus building, Vera remained in uniform as she strode through the night and to the art building. She knew the way to the workshops and wasted no time in opening the unlocked door to find what Anna had prepared this time.


Sat Sep 12, 2015 12:21 am

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Post Re: In Search of Lost Time (Anna X Vera)
Supply has long outweighed demand as far as the art facilities are concerned, so luckily Anna didn't have to flex any of her influence to secure a key for the last few weeks. Brown paper has covered the door's window for that period, a fact that's drawn bemusement from other members of the program but no great deal of curiosity. It's known among her peers that Anna prefers to paint in the nude so as not to ruin her clothes.

See Exhibit A. Her alabaster skin is streaked with stray splashes of bright red, green, and blue worn like expressive bruises. She's been leaning against the side wall, nestled among paint supplies, her face buried in a battered paperback copy of Twilight she scavenged from the school library, her brow knitted as she works through the difficult words, but she leaps to her feet at the sound of the knob turning, hands folded in front of her, head lowered, something nervous and vulnerable in her expression as the Head Girl steps into the room.

But then, Anna is unlikely the first thing Vera will see. The canvas facing the door is enormous, slightly taller than either of the girls and at least as long across. Vera will likely recognize the scenery, a lovingly, detailed recreation of Tokyo's Akihabara District. The colors are gaudier, the contours and sizes embellished, but it's clearly built with care. Figures go about their daily routines through windows, blissfully unaware that they're being watched. Intricate advertisements adorn the walls of the skyscrapers. Hidden among the crowds are people they both know, teachers and students tucked away in the throng of citizens. Pressed against a wall outside a busy store are the two of them, hardly noticeable unless you look for it, is the two of them, Anna with bags in her hand, Vera in sharp business attire, caught in the moment of a kiss.

She clears her throat softly. "There wasn't much in the way or reference material, but I managed to piece a few photos together."

Sat Sep 12, 2015 1:03 am
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Post Re: In Search of Lost Time (Anna X Vera)
Heels clicked lightly on the hard floor as the silver haired woman approached the canvas. The door closed quietly behind her as she looked over what looked similar to the Akihabara District. Artistic liberties were taken, most likely due to ignorance of what the district was really like. But with limited reference materials, it was an impressive project in itself.

After some looking, Vera noticed the students and school staff mixed into the crowds. Some may not notice at a glance but they all stand out due to their more western look compared to Japan's. She found herself hidden away with Anna, the two sharing a brief intimate moment together.

"I see," Vera replied calmly, the Head Girl was difficult to read as she remained composed and never seemed to get visibly happy or angry. "Tell me more about your project, Anna. You have been working on this for quite some time." She gave the Prefect an opportunity to present her art verbally to the Head Girl. Vera gave no hints of what she saw on the canvas. Did Anna hope that Vera saw that small detail included with them together? Did she hope that the Head Girl did not see it? Would she point it out?

The silver haired woman did not mind the addition. It would not be the first time a student had a crush on the Head Girl. As long as matters did not get out of hand, it was of little consequence. Most who look upon this painting will most likely not notice Vera in it. It was a bit too forward for Vera's taste but Anna was never one to be subtle about her desires.


Sat Sep 12, 2015 9:09 pm

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Post Re: In Search of Lost Time (Anna X Vera)
There's a flush to her features, perhaps ashamed that it didn't manage to elicit any noticeable emotional response from Vera, or perhaps a seething anger that she can respond with such clinical frigidity to something in which Anna so clearly invested great time and passion. Yet, it doesn't change the honeyed purr of her voice, the swish of her hips as she sways, confidently nude towards the center of the room.

"I feel it's often counterproductive to analyze your own work. I just wanted to give you a memory of where you came from. I knew it would never match the authenticity of the experience, so I tried to lend it impressionistic weight. The clash of colors and the diversity of the crowd to reflect the commercialized chaos of the neighborhood."

There's a vague mist in her eyes, even as her body language is coquettish, turned towards the Head Girl, close enough that Anna's heady warmth is palpable. Her voice is almost a whisper, cloying, inviting Vera in closer. "I wanted it to be an expression that spoke for itself. I just..." Pink lip caught under white teeth, her tongue trailing the roof of her mouth as she forms her words. Despite the wetness in her eyes, there's something keen and sharp, though it's hard to tell if it's calculating or merely self-aware. "I want you to know that I appreciate what you've done for me. Beneath the perfume and the clothing, I know I'm gutter trash. I'm a whore, a tool, a diversion you entertain for your amusement. But I'm lucky you took me in." Her long lashes are damp, face turned upwards to the taller girl, posture suggesting supplication, even as her effort is clinically and implicitly dismissed.

Sat Sep 12, 2015 10:24 pm
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Post Re: In Search of Lost Time (Anna X Vera)
"It is hardly counterproductive when you explain your passions or drive to do this project in the first place," Vera corrected. The Head Girl's hand gently gripped Anna's chin as she looked into those eyes. It was a touching gesture. Unfortunately, nearly all students who arrive here will never see their homes again. Vera was not one of those students. Still, she had been away from Tokyo and Earth for quite some time now.

"I took you in because you are not trash," Vera added calmly, "To insult yourself is to insult my choice of pets. I trust that is not your intention, no? I will not tolerate such belittlement. You are my pet, my tool, my slave, and most of all; you are my Prefect. Do not forget that such a position is one that you wear with pride over all other students in this school. Do not ever forget that..."

Still holding the woman's gaze and chin, Vera's lips came closer. Warm breaths caressed over Anna's lips. Then they finally made contact, sending that spark of glee through the lovesick student's body. The embrace was soft but lingered for several precious moments that would be imprinted in the woman's mind for the rest of her life.

Vera broke the embrace, her eyes opening to gaze into Anna once more. "The painting is beautiful. You may have it moved to my suite tomorrow. You have performed your duties well, Anna," the Head Girl said softly. A hand slid down the woman's smooth stomach and began to lightly tease her hooded pearl. Vera's touch was like magic, always knowing just where to touch and with the right amount of pleasure. It was like Anna was losing control over her own body as those fingers goaded that hardening pearl from hiding.

Fingers pinched around it, sending sparks of pain and pleasure rippling through the woman's spine. She twisted the nub lightly to keep hold of the student's attention. "But... That does not excuse you sitting here in the nude, no?" Vera whispered into Anna's ear, "You were done painting and made no effort to clean up and get dressed. Or do you have a valid excuse for your owner?" Vera did not sound angry but then again, it was never easy to tell with her. She certainly did not sound anything like the woman that punished Anna for wasting her time so long ago. Still, the Head Girl's thumbnail dragged ever so slowly over the woman's aching pearl, bringing forth mild discomfort among erotic stimulation. Anna best come up with an answer before her body just melts in Vera's arms, assuming she has not already.


Sat Sep 12, 2015 10:52 pm

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Post Re: In Search of Lost Time (Anna X Vera)
Her breath is quick, shallow, chin tilted up as Vera grips it sharply, dehumanizing her to the level of a disobedient dog. "Yes Ms. Matsumoto," she murmurs, eyes gleaming like burnished gold. "I meant no offense to you, merely that what I am now is what you've made of me." Her mouth parts slightly, a gasp, a desperate please, soft lips brushing hungrily against those of the Head Girl, arched on her toes, fingers a brush against the domineering woman's hip.

A dark blush rises in her cheeks, voice a murmur. "Thank you." Eyes slipping shut at the soft touch of her Prefect's fingers, blood coursing instinctively as the skillful finger strums her love nub, and now her whole body's blushing, hips rocking forward almost imperceptibly. Teeth sink into the pearl flesh below her lip, fingers clenched around the fabric of her Mistress' skirt, eyes distant, a Pavlovian dog at the mercy of her touch. There's a long, dull moment following Vera's words, and it takes a frantic effort for her to grasp the meaning before it floats away. Hard to think, the demands of logic seeming so distant in the moment, but her mouth moves despite herself. "By the time I'd put on the finishing touches, I'd already left the note in your room and wasn't sure when you'd get here." Her free hand settles on Vera's shoulder to steady herself, hips spreading so slightly in an act of submission, exposing herself, offering access. "And it seemed appropriate to the situation. Presenting myself to you, completely vulnerable, helpless, exposed."

Sat Sep 12, 2015 11:11 pm
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Post Re: In Search of Lost Time (Anna X Vera)
"Mm... If I wish you vulnerable, I will make you vulnerable," Vera whispered, nail dragging across the throbbing bundle of nerves as Anna's thighs part, "If I want you helpless, I will make you helpless. If I want you exposed..."

Vera's existence was that of order. With dealings with monsters and the staff that run this island, her job and role is Vera's only place to keep things from plunging into chaos. Rules and regulations exist for a reason as Anna will learn one way or another. It was the little details that mattered most. If Anna was clothed and Vera ordered her to strip or did so herself, then it was a valid act given by someone of authority. But with Anna already nude, it was an act outside her station and a violation of rules.

Of course, Vera was not angered by this. This was merely an opportunity to inject her dominance in their relations. Then again, rules violations could not go unpunished either...

"I shall begin your correction now, slave," Vera said softly, breaths caressing those lips as she drew slowly away, "You will follow me to my suite as you are now. You will lock the door behind you so no harm comes of your project." The Head Girl calmly walked over to Anna's clothes and took the sash. She brought it to her pet and used it to wrap around the woman's neck, making it into a makeshift leash. With a tug, Vera ordered the student out the door where they began their long walk in the lit hallways of the art building and out the front doors to the open night sky.

It was unlikely they would be seen out here. Students should be sleeping by now and most staff would not be up this late. There was only one set of eyes that would know Anna's secret shame and that would be the security guard at the front desk of the tower. Of course, the guard would say nothing though it would not stop him from taking in the sight of the painted naked beauty that was being led around by a strip of cloth.

"You are doing very well, Anna," Vera reassured the woman, "Your painting was skillfully made and the gesture was more than pleasant. But, you must not forget your place. There are ways to present yourself without violating the rules. Learn them and shape your life around them instead of breaking them at your convenience. Do you understand?"

Vera stroked Anna's cheek. "I trust you have more planned for this evening, no? Show me... Your previous violation has been forgiven, my lovely pet."


Sat Sep 12, 2015 11:44 pm

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Post Re: In Search of Lost Time (Anna X Vera)
If her intent was to shame, then it was something of a miscalculation. If there's one thing in the world Anna is not ashamed of, it's her body. Her excitement was already... well lubricated, and the long walk to the Prefect quarters only excites that further, twisting the lock shut behind her, the sash looped around her neck like a choke chain, openly displayed as Ms. Matsumoto's girlpet in a public (albeit empty) space. She follows obediently on Vera's heel, head lowered in respectable deference, even as her expression radiates, even as her hips sway like the proudest dog in show. She doesn't raise her expression to the guard even as she feels his eyes roughly violating her, heart pounding in her chest not from knowing he's molesting her in his imagination (for that's hardly new), but from being so blatantly and unequivocally possessed.

She nods firmly at the Head Girl's words, by now having managed to tamper her smile down to a neutral expression, warm cheek nuzzling against her palm. "I had some supplies delivered to your room. I thought we might... collaborate. on a new art project."

Sun Sep 13, 2015 12:41 am
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Post Re: In Search of Lost Time (Anna X Vera)
Vera knew everything about her pet. She knew there would be no one out there to see Anna's glimmering form under the night sky. She knew that her pet would enjoy this 'punishment'. Was that intended? Why not make it a reward then? Having owned and led businesses prior to coming to Shokushu, Vera knew much about keeping up appearances and maintaining a professional element among those below her. It was little tricks and bits of awareness like these that Vera pays special attention to in order to maintain her reputation and visage as a Head Girl. Will this be something Anna has to learn herself should she ever become a Head Girl?

"Another project?" Vera replied, "I doubt I could provide much in that field. Ms Ivanova would perhaps be more capable to assist you." Art was definitely something she did not have any experience with. Ivanova was a Head Girl that went on hiatus a long long time ago and was a rather proficient artist. Despite Vera's response, there were small boxes near the door which were most likely the supplies mentioned before.


Sun Sep 13, 2015 1:07 am

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Post Re: In Search of Lost Time (Anna X Vera)
She gives a sly smile, eyes shifting to provide a sidelong look before bending over to pick up the supplies, two shoe boxes neatly stacked. "Ms. Ivanova is indisposed. Are you afraid to learn?" She holds the door open, letting the Head Girl through before slipping behind her, easing the door closed with her heel. "My life drawing teacher was explaining the importance of creative expression for everyone. She was saying how useful it is for she said, 'creative intelligence'. She was like, 'Everyone focusing on business courses should take at least one art class so they can get better at thinking outside the box'."

She settles the two boxes on Vera's desk, carefully lifting the tops. The first is neatly packed, the small collection of sex toys from her room sitting along a pair of handcuffs and a vintage camera. The second contains about a dozen jars filled with a thick substance, each a different, vibrant hue. She unscrews the top on the red and dips her finger inside, turned to Vera as she settles the red finger between her lips and suckles it clean. "Food coloring, avocado, sour cream, pudding, a few other things." Two long fingers held together, she dips them back into the jar. "It took a while to perfect the recipe." As she reaches down, fingers trailing her soft, flat belly as she traces a voluptuous heart and then trails downwards, creating a line like a balloon string that tethers the heart to the slick gash between her thighs. It clings sticky to her skin. Her eyes are locked on Vera's. "But the end result is pretty delicious."

Sun Sep 13, 2015 1:28 am
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Post Re: In Search of Lost Time (Anna X Vera)
"I find it hard to believe your teacher would say something that specific, pet," Vera replied, "And I have already taken an art course." Her eyes flick over to the camera. "I will not allow my picture to be taken involving such implied acts, you know this. So what is it you have in mind with that camera, hm?" Vera had her reputation. Even if this was just a personal private collection, any lewd pictures of the Head Girl would only complicate things further when they were inevitably found and shown to the public. Of course, regular pictures were fine. Vera had provided such for the school paper a few times in the past.

Vera crossed her arms in front of her chest as she waited for Anna to explain herself. If Anna had tried to push things too far, the Head Girl may have to show this Prefect her place.


Sun Sep 13, 2015 2:02 am

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Post Re: In Search of Lost Time (Anna X Vera)
Lips curve upward in a Cheshire smile. "Blackmail, of course," she teases, sauntering the distance between the two of them. She draped her bare arms languidly over Vera's clothed shoulders as she leans in, purring into her ear. "Or something to remember me by." Cheek brushes slender neck in a touch of pet-like affection. "It might be difficult flashing a picture of me that I'll find suitably embarrassing, mm?" Careful not to lean too close, not to smudge Vera's uniform with her painted body.

Sun Sep 13, 2015 2:08 am
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Post Re: In Search of Lost Time (Anna X Vera)
"Remember you by? Are you planning on leaving me after all I have done for you? After all I have done... to you?" Vera always remained in control, never once playing the role of the submissive. "I already have something to make you jump," the Head Girl continued as she suddenly tugged on the sash/leash while stepping away, "But, if you wish to add more lewd pictures to your record, I suppose we should begin. It is already late..."

The Head Girl grabbed a long strip of black cloth which would be brought across Anna's vision, blinding her of what is to come. The cuffs came next, binding the woman's wrists behind her back and leaving her exposed and vulnerable to anything Vera had in mind. A tug of the makeshift leash brought Anna quickly to her knees lest she chokes on the cloth around her neck. Anna then felt the heel of Vera's shoe press right into a breast, pushing and forcing the lovely woman to lean backwards while remaining on her knees until her shoulders touching the hard marble floor.

"Now then... Let us start with you reciting who you are and who your owner is while I prepare something lovely for your dirty form..." Heels click lightly on the floor as Vera began exploring the options sitting on her desk.


Sun Sep 13, 2015 2:55 am

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Post Re: In Search of Lost Time (Anna X Vera)
There's a brief, imperceptible frown. Girls have a tendency of disappearing around here and never coming back, after all.

She stands obediently still as Vera gracefully detains her, pretty eyes covered, full chest thrust forward as her shoulders are twisted back and wrists locked together. She follows the wordless commands blindly, sinking to hands and knees and then contorting sharply backwards as the heel digs into her pierced nipple, a graceful bridge of girl flesh, pert breasts pointing skyward, knees spread faintly to support the position. Body trembles, partly in anticipation, partly from the effort of maintaining her Mistress' pose, gooseflesh prickling from the cold, hard floor, the blades of her shoulders bunched together and forced sharply against marble.

"My name is Anna Elizabeth Lenox, and I am the pet of Ms. Vera Matsumoto. Every fiber of my being, from my cunt to my filthy little mind exists at her pleasure, to be used and exploited as she sees fit."

Sun Sep 13, 2015 3:17 am
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