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 A Costly Gift (Mhizuld) 
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Post Re: A Costly Gift (Mhizuld)
The agent wanted to just collapse on the soft rug. The heat soaked into her bones as the cold water gradually warmed. But, her body would not allow her to rest. Whatever Mhizuld did to her, she had to follow his orders. Even if she did not know where to go to find the alien's slaves, Alexandra found herself sitting back up and looking around. She did not know where to find the slaves so she had to search for them, it was as simple as that and her body urged her to comply.

Her glistening body swayed weakly as she let out a whimper. Every step reminded her how far she had walked already with no rest. The mirrors reflected her exhaustion as she stumbled and shakily rose back to her feet. Luscious breasts jiggled and swayed with her movements. Dull eyes scanned the chamber and then searched for exits into other parts of this grand location.

She tried to use nearby walls to help support herself but was unable to actively move towards them as she took the most direct route toward an exit that her mind figured was a possible route to the other slaves. Alexandra begged silently for this nightmare to end. She was too tired to logically analyze Mhizuld's power over her or how to resist these commands. All she could do was hope she found the slaves soon before her body gave out for good.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Tue Nov 28, 2017 8:34 am
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Post Re: A Costly Gift (Mhizuld)
In short order all coherency fled from her mind, as the corridors turned and stretched, door after door opened and the chamber beyond rejected, while her body began to feel numb. She walked as if in a dead sleep, barely registering what she saw. If she'd been asked she couldn't have said whether she'd searched the same corridors more than once, or explained what she was doing, or her own name. Finally, exhausted, she collapsed in the prison of the slaves without knowing that she'd found them.

Water revived her. Warm, vaguely brackish, it flowed into her parched throat without warning. Out of reflex her chest heaved in a cough, expulsing the water into violent mist. Her coughing continued until her lungs were clear, at which point the traces of moisture on the back of her tongue spread and soothed her enough that she craved the water again. A brief stream of fluid squirted against her palate, breaking into a wonderful cascade. In her ragged, delirious state Alexandra sucked and drank thoughtlessly until her mouth was wet and it felt as if her blood was stirring again. That was when she took note of the tacky, limp mass that was also inhabiting her mouth. Just as she realized its presence it spat another stream of water across her tongue. Then it rolled, or clambered, elsewhere in her mouth, quite alive.

The fleshy incursion continued past Alexandra's lips, gaining girth. The pale, greenish skin was smooth like the innards of a clam, extended into her mouth and through the gilded bars of her cage. Further on the delicate skin vanished into a bulbous tubule with mottled, brownish, and leathery skin, which was queasily reminiscent to Alexandria of an animal's phallus extruded from deeper in its body. The serpentine course of the appendage vanished eventually past a diamond shaped metal grate set in the center of the chamber, but that was much less important than the bars that surrounded her.

Alexandra was in a golden cage. Delicately constructed, contoured with a great degree of artistry, her confinement was similar to a bird's cage. There was a plush set of velvet cushions strewn on the bottom, but otherwise there were no creature comforts offered within the cage. That is, unless Alexandria counted the thing in her mouth secreting water.

She wasn't alone, either. There were several other cages suspended out of reach of the tiled floor within the arched dome of the chamber. Some were glittery silver, some were glossy black, but all were different in shape and ornamentation, although they were all only large enough to barely contain a feminine being. Most were actually empty, but at least twenty or so cages held female captives. A few had tentacles in their mouths, and they were suckling. Alexandra saw that one alien woman, buxom and kinky-haired and with oddly alluring piebald markings on her skin, was being fed colorless, mealy lumps by one of the tentacles out of an unglazed pottery vessel.

Fri Feb 09, 2018 9:20 am
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Post Re: A Costly Gift (Mhizuld)
The agent's heart pounded inside her ears as she struggled to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Alexandra did not know when she blacked out but her body obeyed as she swayed into a large chamber. She did not know who or what found her. It was obvious that she had been moved when the agent's eyes opened and found her environment had changed completely.

Alexandra coughed up water and tried to shake her head free of whatever was in her mouth. The tendril kept feeding her water of some sort. She had to swallow or risk choking again as the agent tried to get her bearings. "Mph!" Immediately, the agent grabbed the fleshy tendril and tried to pull it out of her mouth. The phallic appendage seemed to tense and suddenly surge forward, pushing both her head and body back against the other side of the cage. Alexandra's vision flashed as she slumped against the bars, gurgling out a groan as her hands loosened their grip. The impact caused the cage to sway, the chain holding it aloft creaking. The tendril wiggled and nestled itself back into the woman's throat, releasing the fluid once more.

The ADD agent swallowed it and avoided trying to free herself a second time. With how aggressive the appendage reacted, she was thankful she had not tried biting down. Her head throbbed a bit as she swallowed more of the fluid. The beautiful redhead looked out beyond her cage to find there were several other cages like her own. Tendrils were coming from a metal grate and possibly from a much larger creature. The phallic nature of the tendril was not lost on the agent. She could see other women were sucking on their own tentacle, many stroking with their hands or breasts as swell after swell seemed to feed into their awaiting throats. One alien woman seemed to be gulping down something thicker while other tendrils were in all the other cages though Alexandra could not tell what was being done inside due to the various heights and angles everyone was being held at.

Was everyone swallowing this things precum and seed? It was a terrifying thought but one the agent could do little about. If she agitated the creature, she had no place to hide in this tiny cage. Another swell rippled through and fed into Alexandra's throat. She could feel the appendage wiggle and perhaps even thrusting gently. Was this thing trying to train her? Alexandra tried shaking her head but the thing simply wiggled and remained in her throat as another spurt fed into her. She held the bars of her cage and tried to shake it, trying to get the attention of the other women being held captive.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sat Feb 10, 2018 12:19 am
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Post Re: A Costly Gift (Mhizuld)
After suffering through this treatment in tense submission for a short period, the tentacle relented. The wormy thing backed up into several knots and fell from Alexandra's lips. A few of the girls waved after making eye contact, but remained busy placating the same creature.

"Don't worry, we can talk." said a pert, birdlike ballerina of a girl. She had a small, neat, polished beak whose shape could be temporarily mistaken for dainty human lips. Parting her beak slightly, the alien woman approximated a smile. Her bright, overly prominent eyes fastened on Alexandra while she rearranged her attenuated, downy limbs. She dangled her pretty, clawed feet and fluffed herself with her wings, leaning against the bars of her cage. "Our caretaker doesn't have a sense of hearing, so it doesn't care."

The bird-woman preened momentarily, leaving the memory of her harmonious, twittering voice to occupy the short silence.

"My name is Edwina." she continued. "You look like a human...what's your name?"

Disturbing them came a sudden obtrusive sloshing. The caretaker was dipping its spare tentacle it had recovered from Alexandra into a font set into the wall. Gurgling accompanied the pulsations of its bulk. A notable quantity of water was vanishing into the tentacle. When it ceased, leaving the font to refill, it moved much more sluggishly, bowed under its own weight. If that was meant for Alexandra there wouldn't be much time for her to answer questions.

Mon Feb 19, 2018 6:59 am
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Post Re: A Costly Gift (Mhizuld)
The tentacles retreat and seemed to be sloshing inside the wall. The swells revealed it was sucking something out of the walls. Despite their shape, it seemed these tentacles were drawing water in to themselves like elephant trunks. It was at least not as bad as Alexandra thought but still far from appealing.

An alien woman waved at the naked ADD agent and started a conversation. "I... I am human," the redhead replied, "I'm Alexandra. I was forced to walk to this place and find the rest of the... of the slaves." Arms wrapped around herself as she looked at the tentacle moving slowly towards her cage. The agent never felt so helpless and vulnerable before. She had been captured on a number of occasions. But, she never had her own body be commanded against her will.

"Umm... What is going to happen to me, Edwina? Has anyone ever escaped this place?" Alexandra had to ask even if she knew deep down what the answer was. Before she received her answer, she saw the tendril push into her cage and seek her lips. If this was the only way to stay hydrated, the agent had no other choice. She parted her lips and began to suck on the tendril, drinking the water the tentacle had collected for her. Her hands gripped the bars of her cage as she looked back at Edwina. She felt like a trapped animal.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Mon Feb 19, 2018 7:24 am
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Post Re: A Costly Gift (Mhizuld)
"This place? Sure, all the time." Edwina chirped. "Master Mhizuld brings us out of our cages almost every day."

From Alexandra's imploring and exasperated expression Edwina realized how she'd misunderstood. She fluttered her wing-arms and gave forth a high note. Although other signals were lacking, Alexandra could surmise that the exclamation had a meaning like "Aha!" or "Eureka!"

"You mean an escape from ownership? I do not know. Sometimes one of us doesn't appear again in the cages, but I can not say what happens to them."

Edwina warbled a short melody in hopes of cheering Alexandra. The human had started to clutch the bars of her cage far too strenuously. Meanwhile, the caretaker's charge of water had been depleted. Alexandra no longer felt thirsty. After her severe dehydration, however, she was bound to become parched again in short order. Rather than return for another charge of water, the caretaker's tentacle slipped out of Alexandra's mouth and plopped onto her décolletage, where it commenced a trailing, snail-like traversal across her stupendous breasts. Whether it was fondling her or performing some other, idiosyncratic function of its own there was no way to distinguish.

"I do know that our Master doesn't keep every person he brings here." Edwina ventured, by way of encouragement. Privately, she was resigned on Alexandra's behalf. Mhizuld did happen to bind more beings to his will than he saw fit to keep, but the ones that he released were ugly or distinctly non-humanoid. Alexandra was undeniably gorgeous, Edwina saw, and worse than that she was human. Mhizuld preferred to enslave human females over all other types and species.

Mon Feb 26, 2018 9:27 pm
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Post Re: A Costly Gift (Mhizuld)
There was a routine it seemed. If Mhizuld was not tending to other matters such as acquiring more slaves, he had his personal harem entertain him nearly every day. It sounded like the alien being took everyone out of the cages, possibly all at once.

Edwina mentioned there were some who never come back to their cages. This could mean someone escaped, were traded or sold, released, or had expired. From Alexandra's experience, she was not expecting this being to just release her anytime soon. The birdlike alien continued to sing while a tendril fed the agent more water. The trunk left the Russian woman's lips as she gasped for breath. The tendril did not retreat though as it now slithered over Alexandra's large bust. The cool touch made the woman shiver as she tried to back away from the now spent tendril. Unfortunately, the cage limited how far she could retreat.

Alexandra did her best to avoid the tendril. She had her water. She was not up for anything else from this large alien beast. The agent could only think about escaping. Her only opportunities would be when she was taken out of this cage. The problems from before still remained though. This Mhizuld was capable of forcing her to comply with his every command. A single order would be all it takes to stop her attempts to flee. The creature's booming voice would reach her even if she managed to get outside. There was also the issue with the vast desert wastelands they traveled across. Perishing from exposure was just one of many obstacles keeping her from getting far from this place. Getting completely lost was another problem as well.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Tue Feb 27, 2018 12:58 am
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Post Re: A Costly Gift (Mhizuld)
How much longer would she have to plan? A look upward at the domed ceiling and the beams of colored light stemming from the stained glass inserts told her that it was either shortly after dawn or close to evening. The light fell at a shallow angle, painting radiant replicas of the windows themselves roughly a foot below the rim of the dome. One of the captive women was bathed in glowing fragments of color.

"I do not think you should try to leave, Alexandra." Edwina interjected into her thoughts. "Please, take heed. You will not be able to escape, not even if you find an unguarded path. The Master does not believe in training his concubines, you know, but he does believe in strict discipline. His punishments can be exceptionally cruel. And...imaginative."

The ornithoid woman regarded her unhappily. After so many years her memories of life on her native planet seemed surreal and implausible. In her mind there was no merit in the outside world. For one of the Master's concubines to cling to their former selves was a sure route to tragedy, and she was sensitive to the suffering of other beings. She wanted genuinely for this newcomer to accept her new life as gracefully as she could. Therefore, she threw off her melancholy and twittered out a short melody.

Alexandra felt the tentacle wind around her waist. Past the slick, smooth portion that it had been watering her with the skin was exceptionally rough. The rasping scrape as it encircled her put her in mind of velcro, or a cat's tongue. Edwina noted her immediate concern. The pitch of her song changed, became so high and sweet that more than half the notes were silent to Alexandra's ears, although she had a sense of buzzing in her head that was not totally comfortable. A twinge, the precursor to a headache, affected her, yet the tentacle relaxed its grip and soon enough it released her to unfurl toward Edwina's cage. Edwina spread her winged arms welcomingly, and nibbled on the tentacle with her beak in a queerly affectionate manner. In a short span it had wrapped her up and commenced to gently squeeze. Edwina's eyes watered, and she grimaced in pain, but her distress was bearable.

"Alexandra...urg. I hope...I hope you'll listen to me. Our Master is not a brute, only demanding. You can find purpose here, and...uhnn...enjoyment." At last Edwina let out a shrill chirp of protest, and the tentacle grudgingly allowed her a degree of slack.

Tue Mar 06, 2018 4:29 am
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Post Re: A Costly Gift (Mhizuld)
"I am well aware of his... punishments," Alexandra shuddered, "But, I am not going to just give up."

It seemed as if Edwina had already given up or had become indoctrinated. The ADD agent had bigger things to worry about though. The tentacle had wrapped around her, squeezing as the rough texture dug into her skin. "Ngh! L-Let go!" Alexandra demanded. Edwina's song changed and the tendril seemed to loosen. The agent rubbed her head as her head began to feel strange as the tentacle moved to squeeze the avian woman instead.

"I see no purpose in this and I don't enjoy being caged like an animal," Alexandra replied, "I have my own life, my own responsibilities. No being has the right to take the freedom of others, no matter their strength or power." Unfortunately, such words were only just that, words. The agent lacked any means to escape out of her cage. She could do nothing to help the bird woman that was trying to reassure the agent. The busty human woman could only watch as the tentacle held Edwina. What was this monster doing with them now?

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Tue Mar 06, 2018 5:39 am
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Post Re: A Costly Gift (Mhizuld)
Edwina twittered sadly, unable to fluff her feathers while in the tentacle's grip. Alexandra's attitude would surely spell trouble for her, but plenty of new concubines had similar protests. All she could do was to look at Alexandra with huge, sad eyes while she endured the caretaker's embrace.

"I am safe." Edwina assured. At least she could alleviate Alexandra's fears in one respect. "Our caretaker likes to stroke and hold us. We are like...what are the small, furry animals that humans keep as pets? It enjoys us the same way. Sometimes...more intimately, but it will not hurt us."

A bell sounded, and the cage doors swung open as if impelled by hidden magnets. At once the various concubines sat at attention. Those near the bottom dangled their feet and swung themselves out onto the floor. The rest waited while the chains from which their cages dangled lowered them link by link, jingling. Alexandra saw them sprucing up their hair and stranger decorative traits. Those already at the bottom went to chests arranged along the walls and chose for themselves what to wear from inside. Diaphanous leggings, gossamer scarves and sashes, embroidered robes with shimmering fringes, and a dragon's hoard of jewelry were contained to supply their outfits. Nothing was fit to conceal its wearer, or downplay her sensuous traits.

"Hurry." said another human girl as she passed Alexandra. Her fingertips brushed her shoulders in passing. The woman had a wealth of brunette ringlets pouring down to her ankles, and was as elegant and slender as a grayhound in figure. Her gray eyes were cool as river pebbles before she turned away. "I'm serious. You need to make yourself up before our Master arrives. Sheer nudity will insult him."

Tue Mar 06, 2018 6:24 am
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Post Re: A Costly Gift (Mhizuld)
The agent did not want to make Edwina sad but it was the truth. She could not stay here. She had to ensure the feel of collars and chains before. The sexual torment and breaking of wills, it was worse every time it happens. Being referred to as small furry pets did not help Alexandra feel any better unfortunately.

A bell sounded and suddenly, the entire environment seemed to change. Cages were lowered, doors were opened. Slaves of all types were moving about, putting on clothes and fluffing themselves up. Another human warned Alexandra to dress up lest she displeased Mhizuld. Was this some sort of routine inspection?

Alexandra gritted her teeth. She knew angering Mhizuld would only make things worse for her. The last thing she needed was to bring more attention to herself. Being the new girl here, it was likely the alien being would check her specifically. She hated this but it was better than provoking further wrath. The busty redhead began searching through a chest. She tried to find what she could that would best cover her up though such fabrics did not exist. She grabbed some robes and leggings along with some scarves and sashes. If nudity was insult, Alexandra would happily cover herself up all she could.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Tue Mar 06, 2018 7:05 am
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Post Re: A Costly Gift (Mhizuld)
The result was unbecoming. Alexandra looked like a laundry heap. Expensive laundry, to be sure, but without much evidence that the luxurious clothes had the dignity of being worn by a person. The assortment of colorful embroidered cloths and gauzy, wispy sashes hung from Alexandra's frame in such a way that only her face, hands, and bare feet were visible. Despite all of her efforts, however, certain of her womanly charms remained apparent. Her figure was simply too baroquely female. Her garments defiantly framed her bust and hips with jealous closeness. She had no idea how to conceal her lush hair either.

Alexandra wasn't blind to the other slaves. Their frowns and concerned glances told her frankly that what she was doing was unorthodox. Nobody came forward to contradict her sartorial tastes, however. Servitude had made them passive, even toward each other. That's what seemed to be true, at least.

It was not long, barely long enough for Alexandra to finish her dressing, before the huge doors rumbled open, pushing aside the air in a quiet gust. The bangles on the bodies of certain slaves jingled. Alexandra's sashes lifted and rippled behind her momentarily.

Mhizuld stood in the doorway impressively. The entrance was designed around his scale, so he filled the portal. He was like a copper statue that had stood holding his formidable pose against the eons. The baleful brilliance of his eyes, however, indicated the vigorous will that animated his otherwise perfect solidity.

The slaves sank to their knees and bowed their heads as the light from their master's eyes touched them. Edwina tugged at Alexandra's arm on the way down.

Thu Mar 08, 2018 9:37 pm
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Post Re: A Costly Gift (Mhizuld)
Alexandra would never openly admit that she wore such slave attire in the past. But in those cases, she was either given limited to no options of what to wear or her captors would dress her themselves. Mixing various fabrics and attires was certainly outside her experience and not a lesson she wanted to learn in the first place.

None of the slaves corrected the busty ADD agent. She earned several looks but Alexandra ignored them. If Mhizuld disliked nudity, she would ensure her body was covered. It was certainly something she preferred herself.

The giant doors opened, letting in air from the other areas of the palace. The large humanoid being stood, imposing his presence upon the numerous slaves. The women fell to their knees and bowed their heads. Edwina tugged on the agent's arm as a hint of what was expected of her. Not wishing to provoke further ire, Alexandra lowered herself to her knees and bowed her head. She gritted her teeth in anger. Out of all the alien creatures that claimed her, this one was definitely getting up there in her hate list.

Eyes on the floor, she could only listen for the heavy footsteps when Mhizuld finally entered the chamber. Alexandra was out of the cage but that did not improve her odds. The alien being was at the only exit she knew of and she already knew he had to just speak the words and her escape would halt. If he would just leave and not put everyone back in their cages, she would have more options.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Thu Mar 08, 2018 10:00 pm
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Post Re: A Costly Gift (Mhizuld)
Faint luminescence swept across the genuflecting slaves. Alexandra could feel the slight heat collect on her scalp when Mhizuld stared directly at her. That heat passed once, but when she felt it the second time the heat rose until perspiration began to trickle across her forehead.

Mhizuld's footsteps pounded through the floor into Alexandra's knees. He was practically on top of her, and his downward gaze felt even hotter, palpable now through the thinner sections of her clothing. He looked at her for a long time. Large droplets of sweat ran down to the tip of her nose and broke free. More perspiration gathered in her cleavage and soaked into her clothing.

He caught her chin and forced her to look up at him. His fingertips were like copper that had been left laying in the desert sun. The glare from his eyes was enough to make hers water, and she was forced to squint.

"Tell me. Did you think that this is how I wished to find you?" Mhizuld demanded, and plucked at a scrap of her clothes.

Thu Mar 08, 2018 10:25 pm
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Post Re: A Costly Gift (Mhizuld)
She felt the familiar heat of the being's gaze wash over her. There was only a brief reprieve before the heat returned, focused on her covered form. Every breath felt like fire entering her lungs as the air around her was sweltering. Alexandra did not lift her head but she was not sure how long she could endure this.

"Nnnggghhh!" Mhizuld's finger tips were like burning hot metal. Alexandra whimpered in pain as he demanded a response from her. His voice goaded her to respond with no deception. "N-No..." The agent replied simply. She knew he wanted her to be in the same slutty attire as all the other slaves. She shuts her eyes to try and fend off the intense glare. The woman was gasping for breath. She was drenched in sweat as her body trembled. "L-Let go of me..." she whimpered, already feeling small and insignificant before this giant being. Hands tried to grab the wrist holding her only to feel the unbearable heat. She had to get away from this heat.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Thu Mar 08, 2018 11:00 pm
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