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 Problem (for Alex and Diva) 
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Post Re: Problem (for Alex and Diva)
One was denied pleasure while the other was kept in it most of the time. The feline wasn't the only alien to visit Alex. At the ends of her sessions she was cleaned up, clothed and returned to the chamber for another round with someone new.

At the end of the day both women were left to rest and there were breaks to feed often by intravenous means. What Kray was attempting to do wasn't going as well as he liked. After a few days of this routine Diva was taken to the lab after being cleaned up. There were more experiments to her breasts but she had been more or less left alone.

Alex on the other hand would wake up in a chamber each day that played back her recent sexcapades with the aliens she serviced. The room she was returned to time and time again had recording devices, hidden ones and from the various angles there was more than one of them.

She even overheard that the aliens had interest in purchasing her. The slaves that came to attend to her let her know as much. But Goro had no interest in selling her. However, he freely used her to advertise what could be done to alter the slaves that he was willing to sell. The vid he made earlier not widely distributed to avoid the ADD from chasing her down.

Days had past until these alien buyers dried up. Diva was given a break from the Adda and the drugs at this time though Kray kept checking on her. She was cleaned up and attired in a pink gown thrown in with the other slaves that took care of her, cleaning and clothing her, some even attempting to communicate with her.

Every once in a while one of the slaves would vanish not to return.

While Alex was given some time to rest as well she would find that Kray came to her ensuring that her collar was one and active before doing the same with Diva's seeing if the link made much of a difference.

“Do you wish to see your lover?” Kray asked of Alex seeing if there would be a spark of memory left in Diva. His idea was to let Diva recover enough while Goro was absent, otherwise getting her to beg would be far off from happening in the first place.

“Master says you have a few days off least you get too worn out.”

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Thu Aug 23, 2018 6:04 am
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Post Re: Problem (for Alex and Diva)
It was hard to say what Kray was expecting as far as his torture went. On one hand he wanted her to suffer, which was something he managed to do greatly. He forced her to lay there chained to the floor, her body infused with the drug that left her hot, horny, and sensitive all over, but denied her the satisfaction of release. On the other hand he wanted her to break and beg for his cock, something els he managed to do, yet he never seemed to stay around long enough to enforce that he was the one that could give her what she needed, nor did he ever seem to do anything to her but cause great pain both physically and mentally. Even a knight like Diva could only handle so much abuse and Kray knew exactly how to make her break as he used methods that would make lesser women crumble to insanity in minutes..... where as Diva managed to go hours, and days.

Kray seemed to be the only one out of all of Goro goons to question why Diva suddenly went brain dead and was reduced to nothing more then a floundering doll. However once she was left alone to rest and was eventually delivered to the doctors for treatment and more experimentation of her breasts Kray would quickly discover that it was simply a case of over stimulation, the collars encorced the two remained connected, and most of that time Diva was forced to endure her own rape as well as the senses of her loves as well as the over use of that drug that left the knights system a wreck. The doctors expressed to Kray that he was lucky that he didn't kill her with the tension alone, not to mention the overdosing, as well as the torture she endured with her bruised and battered body. It was a miracle she even manged to survive for as long as she has, however the word survival was subjective at this point.

Kray likely observed Diva as she was experimented on as well as healed and cleaned up. The poor broken enslaved knights would simply rest on the cold operating table, her breathing nothing more then fast heavy gasping, her heart rate in constant state of high showing just how much turmoil her body was in as Doctors were forced to strap her down, even put her under in order to stop her from squirming, or moving as she struggled in what was left of her crumbling reality as she tried at times to get any form of pleasure form those working on her, however she was to out of it to speak, much less beg, as she remained mostly unresponsive to mostly any kind stimuli other then pain or pleasure that seemed to force her back to the convulsing state of floundering around or pawing at those close by. It was hard to say wither her mind would recover anytime soon, yet the doctors were confident that this was temporary and with enough rest she would return, however it was a matter of allowing her to rest long enough to retain her mind, but not long enough to regain her strength.... ospodens were dangerous due to this after all.

Fortunately Diva was given a break as she was hauled off to the slave quarters and uncaringly dumped to the floor in that chamber. There Diva was left for a few hours, naked, and shivering on the cold floor. Other slaves approached every so often to poke fun at her, tease her, some even raping her where she laid as they hitched one of her legs over their shoulder and scissored her for several minutes while another slave took her lips into a deeply passionate make out session only to find her unresponsive and in many ways comatose to their presence as well as advances. This resulted in many slaves growing bord of her quickly as those that raped her ended up leaving her alone and moving onto other slaves to have fun with. Eventually other slaves seemed get orders to take care of her, prompting them to stop playing with the poor women and let her rest as Diva was eventually taken and hauled of to one of the living areas where she was plopped onto one of the beds and given a bath with a rag and eventually slipped into a cute dress were slaves took turns watching after her as well as feeding her and per Krays orders struggled to communicate with her to test her current mental status.


Kray came to visit at times to find the knight in the same state more or less. She was sitting up in bed at least but her repressiveness was low at best as she still retained that same glossed over gaze in her eyes as well as that blank look on her face as befor. Kray would touch her only to find that she seemed shiver and shutter, even move away at times, however nothing to show that she recovered the same mental state as before as the slaves told Kray the same story and even asked what it was they did to her. Kray obviously didn't say before he simply took Diva by the neck and wrapped that sinister collar around her throat, flipping its switch and reconnecting Diva to her lover as Kray would likely see the first response he has in days.

"Uh!" Diva gasped as her eyes opened fully for the first time in days as she reach up to touch the collar around her neck, feeling it gently in that moment of brief lucidity, yet it was short lived as Diva's eyes once agin grew dull and she she lowed her hands to her lap and once again returned to staring off into space. Kray was oviously on the right track, however would it be enough to reignite Diva into recovering her crumbled mental state.

Meanwhile Alexandria had her collar reactivated and the link returned, however even her lover would senses something was off, something about Diva's connection felt different, almost hallow. It was like something that once felt warm, and soothing was now cold.

Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Sun Aug 26, 2018 11:28 am
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Post Re: Problem (for Alex and Diva)
The customers she was fucked by varied in shapes and sizes. They were all very eager to have the busty ADD agent and their lust only grew as she produced that lovely musk. By the end of the day, Desire was exhausted and usually unconscious.When she eventually woke up, the enslaved woman was greeted by the sounds of her own moans and cries among the sounds of the thorough fucking she experienced the day before. Her body ached and tingled as she was cleaned and prepared for the next day. She had trouble telling when the sex began and stopped as she could always hear her own passionate cries.

But, even she was given some small amounts of mercy. She was given a few days of rest and time for her body to recover from the aches and soreness. Kray came by to activate her collar. Desire could feel her partner after what seemed to be so long. Even in her current state, the agent could feel something is wrong.

Desire blinked as Kray offered to take the agent to Enema. The longer rest did help clear her head some though her own scent still kept her in an aroused haze. The agent's thighs rubbed together as she gazed at the male Ospoden. "Y-Yes..." she said faintly, nodding her head. Desire wanted to make sure her partner was ok. Her Master was always so cruel to the former knight. The busty redhead continued to squirm a bit as she sat on the bed, awaiting what Kray would do next. Would he really take her to see Enema?

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sun Aug 26, 2018 7:24 pm
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Post Re: Problem (for Alex and Diva)
“Very well. Let's go.” The monitors went blank all turned off and imparting an eerie silence. Alex was lead away from the chamber only to be taken by some of the slaves that cleaned her up, dressed and bathed her while rubbing her down with ointments.

Then she met back up with Kray who took her the remainder of the way. Through the collar she could feel Diva getting closer or rather that she was getting closer to the knight. Adda guards did not impair her since she was with Kray who had to stop and inject himself with a serum to remain clear headed.

Fortunately the Adda she passed had masks. The finally two were large standing guard outside of Diva's room. Each wore a mask and one opened the chamber door for her and Kray.

Inside was a nice room not as large as Goro's and there didn't seem to be much in the way of entertainment devices present. In Diva's current state they were unneeded. “That is what is left of her. Perhaps she will recognize you. Enema, you have a guest.”

Kray departed leaving the pair alone for the first time in days. The room had an adjoining rest room and Alex could see that there was an IV here attached to her lover. There only way out was through a vent in the bathroom and the door she just past through.

Arousal if it occurred would produce that scent. Maybe Alex could get a dose of serum from her lover if it got too bad and the Adda hadn't drank it dry. In any case that would do Diva little good unless Alex sucked that antidote from the breast and forced it into Diva's mouth. All in all only one dose of that serum was created every few days so only one of them could benefit from it.

Fortunately Kray did not get that scent started any more than it had at present making that scent bearable for now at least provided that Alex could keep a hold of herself.

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Mon Sep 03, 2018 8:46 am
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Post Re: Problem (for Alex and Diva)
The broken knight had no sense of time anymore. Minimal rest, as well as the drugs pumped into her body kept her on a endless cycle of waking pleasure and sexual frustrated at times. The minor scent coming from her own breasts still pressed its effects into her and ignited her body to the point she was forced to masturbate to stave off her needs, yet sometimes that wasn't enough even with her own augmentation being less effective then her lovers, however that dastardly collar was another thing entirely. Lucky Diva was left alone by the Adda other then those who guarded her and the slaves sent to care for and comfort her when her needs became less tehn manageable. However it was clear that Goro cared little for her, as at this point Kray was the only reason she was still alive. More or less he needed the knight to get her mind back it seemed. At least piece together the bits and pieces that would allow her to at least function with out help as Kray found that Diva would let her self break and go insane befor begging him for anything.... she was a stubborn one even fucked bloody and beaten to near death.

The last couple of Diva more or less rested alone in the chamber she was given more or elss as every so often doctors came to check on her while other slaves came and went to check on her state of being as well as her mental state. Every so often slaves changed her I.V, keeping her fluids up as well providing her with nutrient's. The Adda had to change to this method when she stopped eating dick or actually food and drinking cumm or water. It was a couple of days before they realized she was dehydrated, and starving. The decree was that her mind was simply over taxed, her body to abused to the point even a ospoden was scaring. To many shocks and/or blows to the head, to many gang bangs in the halls of the ship, to many slave bondage torture sessions resulted in the lump of flesh she was now as she rested in the bed she was provided.

Useless as a slave, useless as a knight, useless as a doll, it was a miracle that monsters like theses were bothering to keeping her alive as she stared blankly off into space as if she was capable of looking past the wall and into what laid beyond as she was unresponsive to slaves who cared for her, changed her bedding, and even clothed or bathed her. Even when the door opened to her chamber and Desire was shown the first glimpse of Diva she had in days as the knight was only glaring at the far wall. Kray finding that same lifeless stare, stoic on her face. It was only as Desire stepped closer and into the room did the knight's expression change and she turned to look in her lovers direction.

A faint smile came over the knights face as she sensed Desire presence, the collar allowing her to feel her lovers emotions, her sensations, and glow. It was warm and inviting as the knight was far from lucid, her eyes very much glazed over, and blank to her surroundings. "A-Alex....andria....D-desire..." Diva gasped with a faint voice as the knight reached out her her friend, takinga deep breath of that musk....... slowly the cycle would behind a new.

Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Mon Sep 03, 2018 11:18 am
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Post Re: Problem (for Alex and Diva)
Desire obediently followed the other slaves as she was taken to be cleaned. Ointments were applied to help deal with the aches in the busty agent's muscles. Stimulation was kept at a minimum though there was little that could be done about the woman's sensitive body. The slaves were thorough in their washing and that meant not one spot of glistening skin was left untouched. The other women were rewarded with that alluring stench which filled Desire's lungs as well.

The redhead was a bit flushed but otherwise was still aware of her surroundings. She was dressed and led by Kray to another part of the ship. The chamber Enema was in seemed normal enough if a bit barren. Desire's eyes widened as she saw her partner laying there. "Ah!" The enslaved woman ran over to the bed. Tears wet the woman's cheeks as she saw the Ospoden knight react to her presence. She wrapped her arms around the alien woman, holding her tight. Her huge breasts mashed over her partner's as she sobbed.

"W-Why?" she whimpered, "Why do they keep hurting you? You did nothing wrong..." What little scent Desire produced would help satisfy her addiction while providing some pleasant sensations to her partner. But, the human woman made no moves to satisfy any sexual needs. She was worried about her friend and lover. She held the woman, hoping that the knight would come to her senses. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." Desire repeated into the knight's ear.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Mon Sep 03, 2018 9:16 pm
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Post Re: Problem (for Alex and Diva)
The slaves no doubt would find solace in the multiple arms of the Adda after Desire departed. Shown to where Enema was Kray lifted a brow as he watched the somewhat touching reunion from the doorway. That had an affect, something seemed to stir in the knight.

Recognition. He pondered from where he was debating on his next move. For now he would wait, it was for the best as he couldn't have Diva backsliding so soon. Thus he departed, the pair locked inside the room to get reacquainted with one another however they wished.

It wouldn't be until morning that other slaves arrived going through whatever cleaning duties were necessary. They worked quickly due to that scent leaving food but not bothering to change them. Moments later the slaves would be heard out in the hall receiving pleasure by the pair of guards that resided there.

Generally the pair had been left alone with one another. Kray did pop in on more than one occasion to check on them when food was being left for them or works of entertainment whether they were a vid player or music player.

The vid player was a rather odd device. There was a station that allowed them to tap into numerous security feeds. Certainly not all but they could see areas of interest such as the slave quarters, refresher areas and infirmary where the Adda partook of numerous slaves.

They were unable to tap into any sensitive areas or personal chambers. Another channel allowed them to communicate with other areas of the ship. A comm station, Gonnar, Kray and Goro the later did not respond being absent from the vessel presently it seemed.

Perhaps someone else knew more about it. For the most part the two were left alone. The cycle was more or less the same with slaves changing them every once and a while and trips made to the infirmary or the showers.

Experiments were still conducted on their breasts but did not have any strong effects that either recognized. However, there were no drugs that inhibited orgasms during this shared time together. It appeared as if they were being monitored, Diva more so.

For a few days they were met with normalcy. The only Adda they saw were the two masked guards outside their room glimpsing them whenever the slaves came in or when they brought them to the infirmary where there was an Adda tech or the showers.

Save for that there was only Kray. After a few days of this Kray came to their chamber. “Perhaps I should separate the two of you now. You have been getting too cozy with one another and have forgotten your places on this ship it seems.”

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Thu Sep 13, 2018 4:32 am
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Post Re: Problem (for Alex and Diva)
reunited with her lover, Diva showed sighs of faint lucidity. However she was still very much out of touch with her own surroundings as the knight only seemed to fall into the agents embrace as Desire came over and hugged her. Diva, Enema, the slave knight, it didn't matter at this point, the violet haired women was losing her mind after weeks of endless fucking, torture, and physically taxing brutality that broke every sentient mortal right she had available to her. It was a miracle that she was still alive after what Kray put her threw, even more so to have even a semblance of mental thought was a testament of the ospoden's will power. Lesser slaves would have lost their minds and physical broken weeks before Diva even showed sighs of cracking.... and now Kray pushed her just hard enough that her minds and body could not take anymore forcing her into a state of mind break.

Seeing her lovers face again did however rekindle the knights mind as she smiled in the agents arms. Resting in that warm embrace that seemed to calm the broken slave knight as for now Kray decided to let the pair have their time alone so that Diva could "recover". Desire would spend this time with the knight locked inside their room, caring, and loving her for the time they were together the next few days. The only company they had were slaves that came to clean their room, and Adda who came to take them for their treatments while at the same time monitor Diva or was it Enema now very closely.

The knights time spent with the agent showed sighs of helping her mentally warn down state, becoming more and more lucid each day she spent with her lover and connected by the collars that linked their hearts and bodies, however it was clear that the knight's mind was still fragile and wavering as the once brave and rebellious knight showed sighs of timidness and tender fear twords the Adda that came to take them away for their treatments, yet more so Enema showed this fear twords Kray who visited them on occasion as the pervert even watched their love making at the door to their chamber, something that commonly seemed to make Enema more and more nervous.

It was in the last day that in the heat of their love making Enema and Desire were interrupted by Kray who came to their chamber for a visit. The Ospoden male watching them finish as Enema could not help but nervously look in his direction, forcing her to break the deep passionate kiss she was sharing with Desire only to blush and nervously look away in the same manner as a pet who was in trouble. Enema nervously turning to her lover and falling into a new embrace as if to hide from the mans disdainful gaze. "Desire..." Enema said as she turned her back on Kray and embraced her lover with a tight hug, clinging to the agent nervously, already know that Kray was capable of.

Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Mon Sep 17, 2018 11:30 am
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Post Re: Problem (for Alex and Diva)
Enema seemed to recover some of her senses while in her partner's presence. Desire held her lover and tried to provide as much tender care that she could. The tender cuddling soon became a warm embrace and eventually, the sounds of their love making filled the chamber. No matter how vulnerable they were, neither could ignore their needs. Desire's scent filled their bodies with bubbly heat and tingly need. With the ADD agent's addiction and the effects of the musk itself, the two women were trapped by their own lustful desires.

They still had visitors throughout the days, usually to take one or both of them to either be cleaned or experimented on. The collars revealed some of what was happening to the other. The sharp sting of needles along with the feel of rough hands groping Desire's voluptuous form echoed through the bond as the busty slave willingly accepted the Adda's advances. Enema could feel her lovers lips and tongue wrap around a meaty cock as she sucked and slurped deeply on it. The ghostly sensation of a hand stroking through the woman's hair showed that whoever Desire was pleasuring was more than pleased. The salty taste of hot gooey seed soon filled the woman's mouth, lingering for a few moments before the agent swallowed it all.

Once she returned to the room, the two remained close to one another. Hands roamed over the two lovers until they could not help themselves any longer. The musk infused their senses and they drowned in their own love towards the other.

Kray watched which seemed to bother Enema. Desire did her best to soothe her partner though she was worried much the same. She did not understand why this man wanted to hurt her love so much. If the knight knew anything, she would have revealed it long ago. Any further torture was just needlessly harming Goro's belongings. With Enema becoming more timid and docile, even the Adda seemed more willing to treat the beautiful alien woman like another slave.

When Kray finally spoke up after a few days, the agent gently stroked her partner's pink hair. "I do not understand, Master," Desire said softly, "The Adda have been more than pleased with our behavior. They have accepted us both now. If you wish us to tend to your needs, you merely have to command us."

The woman's cheeks were flushed after having just came from making love to Enema. The scent had filled the chamber, continuously stimulating and arousing the two women as they sat in each other's arms. Desire stroked Enema's hair. "It's ok..." she said as she gently left her lover's arms. Huge breasts swayed with the human woman's movements. Large thick nipples stood fully erect and aching after being sucked on my her lover just moments ago. She gave a sultry smile to Kray as she slowly crawled down from the bed and towards the Ospoden male. Once she was closer, her hands would reach to stroke up and down the man's thighs. Desire was on her knees before the man as she looked up. "If you feel neglected, that was never our intention. We exist for your pleasure, Master. You reunited me with my lover. You have my deepest gratitude." She sat up some and pressed her huge mounds up against the man's crotch. "Shall I satisfy you, Master or do you require both of us?"

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:41 pm
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Post Re: Problem (for Alex and Diva)
Kray had seen that reaction, not exactly the one he had been going for but one that was pleasing all the same. He caught that look in Diva's eyes with each visit as he watched the pair. Now that she had something to loose he could exploit that fact.

He must have been taking shots of serum or some other means to counteract the musk since he had never been compelled to join in and retained his sanity. This time he raised a brow at Desire as she brought up her ignorance of what was going on.

Then his features softened compelled to watch as she crawled forward. The scent growing greater as she neared though he remained just as relaxed. His eyes left her for a moment to look at Diva for a second then snapped back listening to Alex.

Those mounds felt good against him, his pants keeping him from experience their full warmth but the slave knew what she was doing. In short order his member had stiffened against that touch.

That question had him thinking for a moment. A hand reached down to brush Desire's cheek causing Enema to feel that touch as it rubbed that spot back and forth. He then called out something to one of the Adda guards outside the room something about getting a shot or getting ready to shoot. The Adda hurried off leaving Kray alone in the room and just one other Adda outside of it.

“Both,” Kray returned at last. “But why don't you start us off? Di – no Enema still needs to learn a few things.”

He let Desire begin giving the Adda time to go off and return with one of the Adda techs as Kray was well under his way in driving that pulsing rod into Desire's mouth. He was watching Enema the whole time.

The tech had a needle, one that he used on Kray's arm that apparently did nothing. That was the cue that he was waiting on as he gestured Enema over, a pleased look on his features as he filled Desire's lips.

“Oh, you are good at this. Let's see if you can teach Enema a thing of too. Enema, it's your turn.”

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Wed Sep 26, 2018 4:40 am
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Kray at the door watching the pair with his cold and merciless eyes only seemed to cause Enema more distress as she clung to Desire with a warm embrace. The scared slave shivering in what seemed to be fear. Even after their time spent making love in this musk scented room Enema still showed nervousness in Krays pressence as he watched them at play, Enema at one point even making the mistake of meeting her eyes with his in the throne of a orgasm, however Kray would see the broken ospoden women turn away in what was clearly fear. Fear of what was unclear, was it punishment? shame? or something else entirely was uncertain, however common knowledge was that Kray spent a great deal of time torturing the poor ospoden slave. Slaves heard her as Kray fucked her pussy with shocking cattle prods, weapons, and even living creatures while injecting her with harmful drugs, also using the collar as mental torture, and even threatening death.... cruelty was all Enema knew from Kray to the point the Adda were more welcome in her presence. Kray managed to solidify that sensation in her mind as the only thing stopping her from struggling to run away out of fear of being harmed yet agin was Desire and her warm calming embrace, Enema closing her eyes as she felt her hair gently getting brushed as she refused to look in Krays direction.

It was not until Desire whispered in her ear and she felt her lover leaving her arms did Enema's heart skip a beat and she nervously glared into her lovers eyes, shaking her head negatively. "N-no.. h-he will..." Enema whispered quietly before she paused mid sentence, fear of finishing her own words as she gently held her lovers arm, yet she was not forcing Desire to stay on the bed as Enema only turned her head. Bright violet eyes watching her lover crawl off the bed sensually twords Kray, who would notice for for a split second Enema's eyes met his before quickly looked down to the floor in what was a timid and fearful fashion, very unlike the once bold and brave knight, however mounts of endless rape, and torture would have that effect on a person....

Enema was nude and scared, she figited with the blanket on the bed as she shivered nervously. The collar making the ospoden slaves feelings known to her lover even as she approached and offered Kray something he could not resist... however the moment that word left his lips, Enema's heart sank into her chest as the phantom sensation of his finger tips graced her chin and cheek forcing her face sinking in nervous fear knowing full well Kray was planning something to hurt her.... harm her in some way. Eneam was not sure how he planned to hurt her yet, however Enema's nervously peaked back up for a moment only to see her lover kneeing before him as she felt the phantom sensation of Desires breasts rubbing ageist his pants, teasing the zipper.

It was humiliating for Enema but she started to feel aroused, her breath growing ragged, and heavy, her eyes glossing over as the sensations of pleasure, and desire began to mix between the to, amplified by the collar only driving Desire to begin and in turn forcing Enema to endure the phantom oral of sucking Krays cock. A sensation that forced Enema's eyes to wince in what was a shy and nervous blush. The poor ospoden slave let out a gasp in conjunction with Desires own as she felt the sensation of her lovers tongue teases Krays bulbus cock tip, his length, sucking him off deeply. Enema experiencing first hand her lovers expertise. This was unlike numerous blow jobs before with Adda who only wanted to blow several out into the slave agents mouth. This time Enema felt her lover working his length, tease his tip, taking her time and pleasuring him as Kray held out for the tech to return and inject something into his arm before he waved in Enema's direction.

Nervously Enema glared at the floor below Krays feet as she obviously avoided direct eye contact. "Y-ywesh..." Enema gasped, her voice slurred, the phatom sensation of Krays cock in her mouth making it hard to speak as she timidly nodded her head. With trembling movements Enema slowly crawled off the bed and onto the floor where she nervously moved to her place at Desires side and below Kray who loomed over her. Enema nervously shaking, the fear real in her heart as she reached out to take her lovers hand and squeezed tightly, her nerves on edge over what Kray might do to her.


Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Tue Oct 02, 2018 12:04 pm
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Post Re: Problem (for Alex and Diva)
Desire held nothing back as she devoted her all towards pleasuring this evil man. Lips slid along the growing shaft, nibbling gently on the underside. A hand eased out Kray's sac and proceeded to squeeze and massage them while her other hand stroked the throbbing rod. Such skill and vigor revealed how trained the agent was in being a slave. Alexandra was a wanted prize of Goro's and there were no doubt other slavers out there who would love to claim her once more. Signs of the fiery agent seemed to be harder to find with each passing day as their training continued.

The busty redhead felt Kray's cock jump while between her lips. "Mhm..." she purred as she sucked long and deep while drawing her head back. Her tongue swirled and lashed across the thick tip before sliding that meaty rod back into her throat. She swallowed around the alien manmeat, causing her tight throat to squeeze around the heated tip.

Enema was soon called to join in. The two women were soaking in the drug-like musk while Kray seemed to have gotten a dose of the serum to remain clearheaded. The knight was nervous and immediately took Desire's hand. The ADD agent smiled at her partner and gave that hand a squeeze. Kray's cock glistened with Desire's saliva as it stood proud and erect between the two women.

"Look at it," Desire whispered softly as she looked at the erect spire, "It is yearning for your attention. I could hear your eager pants. Do not deny yourself. This is what we serve, what we desire."

She gave the hand another squeeze as Desire leaned in to take one side of the erect phallus. Warm breaths soak over the base of the shaft as she looked over to her partner to join her. If the Ospoden woman followed along, Kray would have both beautiful women sliding their lips along both sides of his cock. Desire would give sucking, slurping kisses as they moved slowly upwards. Once they reached the tip, the human woman would kiss around the tip and on her partner's lips. She gave three of these kisses before drawing away, letting Enema have full reign on Kray's rod.

Desire would then move back down and begin nibbling and sucking on the man's sac and balls. She moaned softly as her panted breaths soaked into the swollen testes. The agent's eyes were glassy as she continued to worship the very thing she was trained to worship.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Tue Oct 02, 2018 8:01 pm
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Post Re: Problem (for Alex and Diva)
Kray no doubt delighted in the attention forced to endure the very pleasurable sensations that he experienced. He had not interfered with Desire's instructions not really sure what she said to Diva. Whether he experienced Diva's lips upon him or not was another matter.

He did have plans either way and if the two worked together to toy with him all the better. He would not allow it to go on for long barely able to hold back before having them stop. A grin touched his lips as he now spent time positioning the two.

Quite aware of how skittish Diva was he had her laid out on her back on the floor. Desire he would place atop her face looking at him as he moved between those thighs. His hands fondling those large breasts while Diva ate out her lover all while he went unseen.

In a fashion Diva was teasing herself. The more Desire was teased the more heated she became. In addition more of that musk entered the air. While this was occurring Kray rubbed his cock against Diva's slit threatening to enter her but never doing more than heating the pair up.

The musk certainly got to him though he had been able to resist it a little longer. The drugs he had been injected with had been a cocktail, one that helped against the musk by delaying it's effects as well as making him sterile more or less for the next few hours. There was a third effect, one that was unintentional but a pleasing surprise.

Kray fondled those breasts, sucked and licked on them even rubbed Desire's clit in small circles first one way then the other. He waited on Diva, waited for any signs of distress, muffled pleas or her even lifting her hips in response.

Still he teased her until he could bare it no longer pressing inside the knight. The eagerness at having to wait so long for this moment he wished he could see her face. All that eagerness caused him to burst inside her with that single thrust. He throbbed inside her then a moment later he began moving inside her nice and slow, that injection giving him the means to press beyond his own sensitive nature.

Groans escaping his lips between kisses to Desire. One hand working behind the agent stroking her rump before a sole finger slipped into her ass making slow thrusts into her there.

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Tue Oct 09, 2018 9:17 pm
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Post Re: Problem (for Alex and Diva)
Holding her lovers hand seemed to put the scared knight at ease at least a little bit, however it was hard to for Enema to no nervously tremble at Kray feet as she rested on her knees below the evil man. She sensing his gaze on her as he loomed over her with such malice. It made her heart pound as Desire could sense the fear in her lovers heart, the panic, the despair, she was the only thing keeping Enema in that spot right now as she could sense the broken knights instinct to crawl away in fear, her instinct to hide as whatever it was that Kray had done to her had left her scared more then anything Goro or the Adda even managed to do while she was being brutally fuck tortured by them....

"Hmm.... " Enema whined as she timidly averted her eyes from Krays cock as Desire finished servicing his errect shaft with all that she had. The arousal felt by both of them, as Enema even panted in the heat of this erotic game, however the fear, the shame, Enema was finding it hard to act on her own thanks to theses emotions, luckly Desire was here to coax her into action as Enema heard the lovely voice of her lover speak as the evil mans cock finally came slide free from her lips forcing her to glare into her lovers eyes, finding that calming glare soothing and exactly what she needed to calm down.

Hesitantly, Enema nodded as Desire gave her a short pep talk, coaxing the broken slaved knight into acting as Enema shly flicked her eyes to the bobbing length of Krays massive cock before agin feeling the squeeze of her lovers hand on hers. Desire forcing the knight to gasp. "W-we.... we desire..." Enema repeated in a soft tone of voice before her glossy eyes reconnected with her lovers. The arousal washing over her thanks tot he collar as she felt her lovers over bearing heat, her lust, her need as Enema in that moment felt compelled to mimic her lovers actions as she fallowed in her her lover and took the other side of Krays errect spire before coming to the base of his cock and with warm breaths began to softly pant over his length before sliding her lips along his cock, sucking and kissing her lovers lips with Krays erect dick between them before in what was almost a perfect mirror motion slowly slide upwards to the tip of Krays cock where Enema was coaxed into a deeply passionate kiss with her lover before Desire used that same method to get Enema to do the unthinkable.

Kray would have never expected the once proud and holy of most knights known as Diva to willingly give him head. The women he wanted for so long was servicing his cock like a common whore as she was shamfuly brought to the lowest point of being.... Enema. Enema was scared... yet she did as her lover asked of her and she went down on Krays cock, her lips sealing over the mans length, feeling the girth in her lips as she gently and carfully sucked and lick the evil mans tip, and the under edge of his manhood before being compelled to bob her head and suck and slurp with her lovers guidance. Enema servicing Krays manly rod with her mouth while Desire would take the low road and began to suck the mans balls as the pair were assaulting Kray for both angles.

Enema had no idea how long this lasted, however a time came when she felt a hand gently pat the crown of her head and signal her to open her eyes and pull away, dislodging the tasty cock from her lips as Enema's jaw dropping maw pulled away only for her to heavily gasp with heated breaths as she rested at the mans feet hornier then ever. The pairs lust feeding of each other as the comination of musk, and desire drove them into a almost drunken state of carnal pleasure... however Enema was still skittish of Krays action as she flinched when he raised a hand, or even suddenly moved agiest her, yet with Desires help, Kray would mange to easily get Enema to lay out on her back.

Enema could not help but tremble in fear and mixed pleasure and lust, a strange... yet effect combination of emotions that only made this play that much more intense as the evil man forced the knight into a position of submission, laid out and exposed beneath him, before sealing her fate by having her lover pin her to the ground in the most awkward and erotic ways possible as Desire was ordered to sit on the slave knights face, forcing Enema to do what her instinct ordered her to do in her sexual state of unfocused. Enemas began to lick, nibble and playfully bite as her lovers drolling sex above her as her hands and arms came to lock around Desires thighs as Enema pressed her lips to Desires sex in what was almost a sense of nervousness and stress, almost like she was seeking any distraction to take her mind off of Kray who was teasing her lower body now.

However even with this stressful display of sex, Enema could still feel Krays cock agiest her, teasing her pussy, fallowed by the phatom senstions of her lovers tits being kissed and licks, so vivid it was almost like her own were being teased and fucking played with non-stop as the overwhelming sensations were driving her mad with that need already almost compelling her to forget everything as Kray would get the reaction he was seeking and found that Enema in her heat was already bucking her hips, as her legs and thighs twitched at the attention. Kray seemed more the eager to get the ball rolling as Enema hardly had the time to prepare for what was to come as she gasped into her lovers pussy the moment she felt her hips getting tugged up off the ground as Kray with out concern jammed him self into her soaking wet Ospoden sex with one hard and mighty pluge that sent the knight reeling.

"MEAHGHEEEEEE!!! Enema screamed into her lovers sex from below. The cry muffled by her lovers pussy and ass as Kray hammed into her with on strong push, the strength of a Ospoden in his thrust as Enema's entire body went rigid at the mans forceful entry before.... in what was the same moment as Krays own peak of pleasure drove Enema into the same state of collapse as his explosion of manly seed erupted into her sex, filled velvet channel, and painted her hot inner walls with his release, tainting her womb with his release as Enema's his in that same moment bucked as her legs kick as she was forced to release a violent orgasm that mixed with his release and even splashed from her tight cunt, coating her inner thighs, and his hips with their combined releases before the collars ignited the chain reaction of endless pleasure.


Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Thu Oct 25, 2018 1:23 pm
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Post Re: Problem (for Alex and Diva)
"Ahh... Mph..." Desire moaned as pleasure echoed throughout her being. Her partner was still afraid but that fear was quickly being smothered by much more heated sensations. Every breath taken was intoxicating. It felt as if every breath entered the human woman's lungs and seeped into the very walls of her organs before seeping outwards in another tingling wave of stimulation.

Kray had them change positions. The busty human agent was sitting on top of her lover's face while the male Ospoden prepared to mount the female knight. "Oohhhnnn..." Desire groaned as hands roamed over her luscious globes. Every stroke sent tingly waves spreading across the tender mounds, echoing through the collar into her lover. Eyes fluttered shut as she arched her back, pushing her chest into the man's greedy grasp. Enema's tongue slid along the agent's juicy sex, nibbling and teasing her partner in all the ways that would make the agent whimper in defeat. The knight could already taste her lover's arousal, the musk ensuring the agent was always ripe and ready for action.

Desire felt as if she was melting in the man's grasp. "Mph! Mmmm..." Muffled squeals left her as sucked on Kray's tongue. His fingers teased over the agent's swollen love button, sending jolts of pure ecstasy shooting straight up into the woman's core. Hips twitched and rocked against the man's hand and her lover's face as a heated haze washed over her thoughts. One of the agent's hands continued to hold onto her partner's, squeezing it while her free hand was now cupping and squeezing one of her own breasts. Every squeeze sent her heart fluttering while every lash of the man's tongue made her mouth melt around the deep embrace.

Closed eyes fluttered as she moaned into the deep kiss. The collars, drugs, and training were taking over. It was just too easy to let go and let it all wash away in a tide of bliss and release. In this state of being, there was nothing to worry or fear. There was just endless stimulation and reward. Everything was just so simple. Why fight it?

Both women squealed when Kray entered the Ospoden's tight depths. Desire could feel the hot spire sear along her insides through the collar. She felt her lover's insides tighten around the invader, embracing it as both women shuddered before the evil man. Kray's finger pushed into the agent's ass, curling slowly as the woman's toes curled and trembled. Desire's hips bucked with Enema's though there was no cock inside the human woman. Both women succumbed together when that hot seed filled the knight and echoed within the ADD agent. Hot release sprayed out of the two slaves they both convulsed in their shared climax.

A hand rested over Desire's lover belly as she felt the heat seeping into her through the bond she shared. Drool escaped gasping lips as the kiss finally broke, leaving the woman breathless as stared at the man that was doing all this to them. Her hand squeezed Enema's while her other stroked over the alien woman's chest. She gave one of those firm orbs a nice hard squeeze, feeling the pulsing flesh mold around her fingers before pinching and twisting one of those engorged peaks. Desire was swaying on top of her partner, barely keeping upright as the aftershocks of their orgasms echoed over and over within her.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Thu Oct 25, 2018 7:35 pm
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