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 Dr Llonen, PhD - Xeno-Anthropologist, Biologist and Linguist 
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Post Dr Llonen, PhD - Xeno-Anthropologist, Biologist and Linguist
"Dude, forget that. I hear the new teach is gonna be one of those Lo' chicks."
"A Lo'? Like one those jungle whores down on red? No way, man. You're making that shit up."
"Nah nah, I'm way serious. Principle's got her a landing site and everything."
"Really? Fuck. Like, she hot or what?"
"She hot? Dude, check this out."
The story is nothing new, a group of dumb, pathetic, hormone driven, horny teenage highschoolers, the worst among them gathering around to drool over whatever woman they can find, that dude's sister, T'rtak's mum, whoever's hot really. Doesn't matter that some of these women are nearly twice as old as they are, or that there's literally no way in hell any of them could get so much as a date with any of these ladies, let alone know what to do with them. Never the less, a few slightly blurred, distant shot pics taken on their holo-drive, and the guys have someone new woman to fantasize about. Namely; Hot New Teach.
"Woah, dude. She must be like, just out of college or something. What are those? D's? E's?."


Species: Lo'Shareen, a horn and tailed, red and grey species of humanoid.
Informal: Lushy, Laow'shi
Derogatory: Low-she, Lo', Sharr

Name: Doctor Llonen (A double L? Yes, that's a voiceless alveolar lateral fricative.) Xeno-Anthropoligist, linguist, and biologist.
Additional: A lot of people struggle to pronounce her name properly, and honestly she's gotten used to it. The only thing that actually bothers her at this point, is when people use her given name of Cashii without her permission. Lo'Shareen first names are something one usually keeps private and secret, used only for children, close family, and married lovers and, whilst she's often required these days to give out this information on official documents and forms, it's with a slight twinge that she has to bite her tongue and endure the major cultural offence and faux pas that comes with hearing others use it. Tch, not that anyone in the galaxy seems to care about Lo'Shareen culture anyway...

Gender: Female

Homeworld: Lo'Sha, a world of exotic jungles, idyllic beaches, and utterly beautiful islands. Originally inhabited and owned by its native species, the Lo'Shareen; whilst much of the planet's original perfection remains, unregulated visitation, exploitation, and insistent capitalist development, has unfortunately left its mark, forever changing both the landscape and the culture of the indigenous people. And though by no means 'primitive' before, advance nature technologies allowing the Lo'Shareen to fully control their environment, homes often grown rather then built, since the Lo'Shareen's introduction to the galactic stage, it has since become a difficult challenge for official conservationists, who have only more recently stepped in, to help the Lo'Shareen people maintain their original culture and identity.

The Lo'Shareen: A matriarchal society, widely ruled by its larger and stronger female sex, prior to their discovery some fifty or so years ago, the culture of the Lo'Shareen was extensively one of music, dance, sex, and peaceful living, most females taking to multiple male (and sometimes female) partners, and often most of them in turn taking many other lovers as well. Sex, like any other bodily function, was a casual act, as shameless and free as drinking or eating food in front of others, though part of this freedom would come from having their children raised separately, the offspring of the Lo'Shareen partitioned in their own sanctum districts till they came of age. A widely institutionalized policy of boarding schools being the closest analogy, whilst there would of course be visits and summer breaks, for the most part, all other times the Lo'Shareen were a people who'd mastered the art of 'having fun whilst the kids are away', feasts and public orgies not entirely uncommon.

Living with nature, as oppose to apart from it, Lo'Shareen adapting to their surroundings almost as much as they adapted it to them, there'd not be much in the way of clothing or fashion present when the Lo'Shareen were first discovered. Clothes not entirely unheard of, but generally an optional feature, the most common place usage would be for the purpose of protection, to denote a uniform, self expression or, in some cases, as part of some kind of art form. Nudity however, would still be the most common dress. A people who embraced sexuality and a variety of sexual orientations, separation of nudity and eroticism is second nature to most, being naked around others not necessarily a broadcast of arousal and sexual desire, just as much as being full clothed isn't necessarily a barrier preventing one from exuding such energy.

It'd be a fine, exotic culture, filled with drums, campfires, and dancing on the beach sands from sunset to sunrise. However, for the stability of this culture to withstand the introduction of newcomers, the power and command of its women and ruling class would be needed and, unfortunately, when first introduced to outsiders, it'd be at this point, and this point only, that a particular quirk of Lo'Shareen physiology would make itself known. Some people speculate as to how plausible such a thing is, something like this evolving naturally by itself. Some even suspect a foreign agent introduced pre-emptively to the ecosystem, making the Lo'Shareen this way before first contact was ever made. Whatever the case, when exposed to the scent and pheromones of alien males, of any sapient male besides their own species, Lo'Shareen females (and some of the men too) will quickly find themselves falling into a deep, submissive, sexual lust, a heat of varying strength that urges them to surrender and be mated. As such, there'd be many Lo'Shareen women who's journey off world began with a sneaky 'visit' to the outsiders ship, even with others telling them not to, subsequent engagement with the onboard males keeping them so heavily engrossed they'd often fail to get out in time, many failing to even notice the craft taking off.

Physically pleasing and widely attractive, most Lo'Shareen masterfully skilled already, quick to learn, and easy to break in, with a whole new planet ready to 'recruit' from, the Lo'Shareen would quickly become a common sight among the sex trade, either as slaves or working whores. And even for those Lo'Shareen that leave their home world through proper channels, it often becomes the case that most will either side line in the sex industry, or take on a very sex filled lifestyle.

Still, not every Lo'Shareen that leaves home longs for such an existence, so to combat the heat experienced by meeting other species, there'd soon come a number of developed treatments, the most common being an oil based, chemical supplement, derived from a Lo'Shareen plant which, among other things, temporarily suppresses the olfactory centres, stopping any unwanted lust affliction, whilst unfortunately killing the Lo'Shareen's sense of taste and smell. For the most part it’d work as a solution. However, supply lines can be sketchy in the further reaches of the galaxy, and it's not unheard of for a Lo'Shareen travelling off world to fall from grace, burning need driving them to seek out a more appeasing lifestyle and employment.

Place of Birth: Lo'Sha

Age: 33

Hair Colour: Black, straight, shoulder length hair.

Skin Colour: Three tones. Mostly dark grey, and brownish, clay red, but also blue insides and blue markings.

Pubic Hair: Varies. Most of the time she likes to keep it shaved.

Height: 177cm or 5'11"

Bust: D-Cup

Weight: 74kg

Background: Growing up on Lo'Sha, Llonen would be raised as part of a generation fully afflicted by the cultural contamination and degradation inspired by outside influence. Witnessing the impact of a people's lost identity, her parent's home something built rather than grown, the way of these offworlders to tear up trees and root, dig up dirt and stone, and grind them to mortar... Unlike some of Llonen's parents and grandparents (Lo'Shareen family units usually include multiple adults), Llonen would not grow up surrounded by nature and trees. Instead, her upbringing occurred surrounded by newly constructed streets and urbanizations, with even her education coming to her supplemented by foreign aid and galactic standardisation.

Still, as she grew older, and eventually became impassioned to learn what remained of her planet's native culture, it’d not take long for her to find her focus and, interests branching out to encompass other languages and cultures as well, it’d work out well for her that the education she received, at least part of the way, complied so well to that of the galactic standard. A bright student, who learned quickly, an array of good grades and compatible qualifications, her ambitions would soon see her able to pursue higher education off world and eventually, in time, her own doctorates… if only she could get people to take her serious.

Slipping into a teaching role for many years, earning her way as she worked on her thesis, trying to educate others on Lo’Shareen culture here and there, it’d not take long for Llonen to grow tired and bitter. Living off world, teaching snotty, self-entitled brats the ins and outs of classical literature and foreign language, with teenagers who paid more attention to her breasts and ass more than her lessons, had she found herself back home on Lo’sha, she suspected she would have seen a greater level of respect and reverence there, especially from the males. Even the chance to teach at university would’ve been better than this but, thankfully, it’d not take too long for her to earn her title and, eventually receiving approval for her research, taking a generous grant to conduct field work from her university, Miss Llonen would finally have the chance to shrug off her teaching cap, Dr Llonen taking to the galaxy.
Additional: Though not entirely relevant, it may also be worth noting that the parents of Llonen, when she was born, continued to follow the Lo’Shareen tradition of naming. A given name chosen for the child, their last name would be that of the mother’s given name, with an addition ‘n’ added to the end. This hails back to a much older dialect of the language where the letter ‘n’ worked much in the same way as a possessive apostrophe ‘s’. In affect, Dr Llonen, or Cashii Llonen’s name is ‘Llone’s Cashii’, this matriarchal society very much making the child the son or daughter of the mother. And indeed, should Llonen ever have a child, their last name would be Cashiin and whatever given name is chosen for them.

Physiology: Like most Lo'Shareen, three of the main things to note about Doctor Llonen is the Lo'Shareen tongue, tail, and interspecies heat.


The first, as with the inner flesh of the mouth, sex, and other orifices, Doctor Llonen's tongue is a vibrant, electric blue, fully prehensile, and has an extended reach that can go all the way down past her chin. A major selling point and appeal for those who seek Lo'Shareens for their sexual prowess, this organ is also responsible for many of the complexity present in Lo'Shareen languages and dialects.


Second, like all Lo'Shareen, Llonen has a short, stubbed tail that extends from the lower back. It rises when aroused, can wiggle just a little, and will generally serve as a powerful erogenous zone, pleasure sensitivity around the rim of the anus extending upwards to both the base and the underside of this tail.

Thirdly, the Lo'Shareen Interspecies Heat, which for Doctor Llonen scales on the higher end of Lo'Shareen intensity. Naturally of course, from both her early academic career, through her teaching days, and now in the present day, she'd make use of a regular chemical supplement that removes both her sense of taste and smell, as well as her sensitivity to her species specific interspecies quirk. Often taken weekly as a small capsule of plant oil, with semi-regular 'pranks' and outright malice from others seeing her pills 'missing', Doctor Llonen has also gotten into the habit of treating some of her handkerchiefs, as well as her glasses' temple tips, with this same substance. A surreptitious taste, or an otherwise casual nibble, being sufficient to keep her flush mostly under control should her usual medication find itself removed from her some how (or alternatively, if an even stronger concentration of scent and pheromones has been thrown her way).

Languages: As a Xeno-linguist, Doctor Llonen is verse in any number of strange, alien languages. Her first two languages however are Lo'Shareen and Galactic Basic.

Likes: Chocolate, and well educated people who know the Lo’Shareen to be more than just a race of crazed, nymphomaniacs.

Dislikes: Oranges, and people who think she’s up for grabs.

Psychological Profile: After a life time of dealing with sexual harassment, sneers, and people who simply refused to take her serious, it'd be with an almost cold, professional detachment that Dr Llonen has learned to stay on her guard. Detached from many of the aspects that make up much of the Lo’Shareen’s original culture, despite her desire to teach the “ancient ways” (really it’d only been fifty years or so), there’d still be many parts of traditional Lo’Shareen culture that even she herself has not fully embraced.

An openness in the face of sex, pleasure, and indulgence, a love of music and dance, Spiritual Druidism, in many ways Llonen would have already abandoned these things in favour of respect, keeping appearances up around her peers, and generally making herself out to be an academic scholar folks might actually listen to. Indeed, the only times one can really see or hear Dr Llonen’s passion shining through is when she’s either discussing her research, or openly sharing the widely unknown background and depth of her people with others. In short, she is somewhat prideful. However should your crew or team be in need of such a person, one should not underestimate her experience, Dr Llonen’s knowledge of ancient and present day cultures invaluable to any potential diplomacy or negotiation.

Personality: Perceived occasionally as 'uppity', full of herself, and sometimes even kind of snappy, unless she's had a particularly stressful day, or a long shuttle journey, it isn't usually within her to lash out with any true malice. Instead, once you've gotten past her protected exterior and earned her trust, it may well become possible to meet the real Llonen, a playful, cheerful, and sometimes even flirtatious intellectual, inquisitive, eager to learn try new things and, in her own way, kind of laid back

Virgin?: Afraid not. Llonen has had a number of boyfriends, girlfriends and other romantic partners in the past. She is currently single however, previous relationships failing either because of her species’ inclination towards open polyamorous relationships, though it should be noted she’s never once cheated on a partner, or in one case, because of her lack of desire to have children. That was actually her last relationship, possibly the most serious one she'd had and... well... as much as he wanted to have them, five years teaching teenage brats was more than enough parenting for her.

Piercings or Tattoos: On previous occasions she’s had piercings in her ears. However, those have mostly healed over now, so she’s mostly clear for piercings or tattoos.

Activities: A bit of cardio, weights, maybe the occasional swim when she gets the chance, Dr Llonen does her best to stay in shape. Outside of that, she likes to read, grow plants, and otherwise relax between work hours, new things always welcome as she learns of other cultures and the ways they have fun.

Magic?: As a doctor (PHD) and student of the sciences, Llonen has scarcely any reason to believe in magic, let alone practice it. That said, she's always had some fascination in how the concept of magic continues to come up in multiple cultures, including that of the Lo'Shareen who previously practiced a deeply set, nature based spirituality, some of their present day technology said to derive from mysticism.

Weapon of Choice: Not really a fighter, Llonen usually one to travel as part of an entourage, or else aboard a galactic cruise vessel, as her research takes her further and further from the civilised parts of space, she has nonetheless taken lessons in how to adequately wield the basic, government issued side arms and particle rifles that are usually carried aboard most freighters and passenger ships.

Equipment: Though she scarcely has cause to use it, as part of her field research, Doctor Llonen does have access to a standardised EVA suit, an environmental scanner, archaeological tools, and one of the aforementioned side arm pistols.

Fighting Style: Generally she prefers to talk and negotiate when it comes down to it. However, she does also have some basic hand to hand combat training, as well as a couple years of ‘light work out with the other girls’ weekend kick boxing.

Motivation: Dr Llonen seeks to both learn of other cultures, educating her own people about them, as well as facilitate in the galaxy at large a deeper understanding of the Lo'Shareen. It is her belief that much of the misunderstanding, prejudice, and exploitation in the universe can be overcome by making the Lo'Shareen less of a fresh, new, exotic people, good for only sex and pleasure, and instead more of a known, commonplace, understood culture that has its equal place among the rest.

Weaknesses: Despite all her years and experience, Dr Llonen can't resist a good mystery. To uncover some lost forgotten truth, or ancient secret... she'd also be partial to a bit of good ol' fashion treasure, here and there, should she come across it.


^[That image will go here once I can get images to behave on Shokushu]

New Sexy Female Alien [Profile Link]

Disclaimer - Artwork is by Incase. All rights owned by them, any images used can be removed if requested.

Last edited by Dr Llonen on Tue Aug 30, 2022 10:15 am, edited 4 times in total.

Wed Aug 24, 2022 1:30 pm
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Post Re: Dr Llonen, PhD - Xeno-Anthropologist, Biologist and Ling
How Dare you Olivia! You had this hottie in your back pocket and were holding out on me? Seriously though, you really outdid yourself with this one. A+. It's always nice to see a new species sexy aliens, especially one as...agreeable as the Lo'Shareen.

Do you mind if I ask where the art was from, in case I want to use one of them as a background slave in another thread?

Arblis, Djinn of Desire

Wed Aug 24, 2022 2:09 pm
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Post Re: Dr Llonen, PhD - Xeno-Anthropologist, Biologist and Ling
Oh lord, how did you know it was me? Hehe. Glad to see you like it. Artwork is by Incase, which I've added to the signature as a disclaimer, since I don't own the artwork. Now if only I could get the bottom most image to go onto Llonen's signature without getting 'It was not possible to determine the dimensions of this image.'

^[That image will go here once I can get images to behave on Shokushu]

New Sexy Female Alien [Profile Link]

Disclaimer - Artwork is by Incase. All rights owned by them, any images used can be removed if requested.

Wed Aug 24, 2022 2:12 pm
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Post Re: Dr Llonen, PhD - Xeno-Anthropologist, Biologist and Ling
Everything looks good I think. Welcome!

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Wed Aug 24, 2022 6:32 pm

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Post Re: Dr Llonen, PhD - Xeno-Anthropologist, Biologist and Ling
Welcome to the fun. Hope you enjoy yourself.


Sun Aug 28, 2022 8:56 am
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Post Re: Dr Llonen, PhD - Xeno-Anthropologist, Biologist and Ling
Thanks, though I've already been here a while with another character. Definately hoping I'll have fun with Llonen however.

^[That image will go here once I can get images to behave on Shokushu]

New Sexy Female Alien [Profile Link]

Disclaimer - Artwork is by Incase. All rights owned by them, any images used can be removed if requested.

Sun Aug 28, 2022 8:39 pm
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