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 Challenges... for Cassie 
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Could I have been….been this girl, this wonton harlot who begged to be whipped…who cavorted with a piece of leather. Me hands went up an touched the leather upon me neck, leather that felt warm an wonderful like it belonged thar as much as the golden crucifix did. Leather that wuz on me in those eyes….I bowed me head an pulled me legs in close, covering all me nakedness, me red hair flowing over me body in a final layer of protection.

“Please, enough….please no more…..I….can’t be me….how…how?”

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Sun May 27, 2007 1:07 am
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The alien smiled at her as the bit it had shown her finished. "What I showed you was just part of the encounter. You really seemed to be enjoying yourself. I was rather having fun."

Sun May 27, 2007 1:31 am
Profile YIM
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“it can’t be ….can’t be me…I I wouldn’t do no such thing.” So much can be faked with them computers and stuff….so many ways I suppose. But it is I who sit naked on a floor with a leather collar round me neck. I look at the room, an reckon it to be some kind of medieval torture type chamber. Firelight flickers from them wall torches, casting shadows among the iron and leather devices.

I gasp at what I can see….on then off to me side upon the ground sits a punch of leather straps…looking like something Suriel had wanted me to get an I’d been unwilling to. I glance away, fraid of what it may mean….fraid of these strange machines an things.

“where are me clothes….can I have me clothes back?… Stealing a glance into them big yellow eyes.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Sun May 27, 2007 4:31 am
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"You traded them to me for your new outfit," Alucard explained. Its eyes showed Cassie biting her tongue when she was whipped. "I expect your word to be as binding as my own. Put it on."

The alien put forward one of its hands. There was a small drop of red in the very center of its hand. "This is your blood," said Alucard, "proof that at least this part of your experience was not faked." Its eyes continued to play the action, Cassie being whipped and loving it.

Sun May 27, 2007 12:39 pm
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Sitting up with me legs tightly clenched together and me arms a hugging me chest closely I watched the actions of a crazy red haired young girl. She could easily have been me identical twin sister, but I didn’t have one, no it was me….had to be me. Thar wee things in the doing that I could never have done, could never let me god fearing parents know I’d done for it would break thar hearts. The yellow eyes showed me things bout meself I dared not believe. Me own mouth betraying me….making a deal with this giant spawn of the devil himself.

Trembling then, twitching….me lip quivering as I spoke, no, rather stumbled o’er them words in a quite squeaky voice not me own….not like the girl in his eyes….she wuz strong in what she did, what she felt…demanding what wuz done to her. I wuz weak an timid in my words, “I…..I am …. Good to me word.” I shook me head, how could I…..”if I …..I did give it…..I be true as a good Christian girl, but please….I couldn’t have…. Not like me…no….please no…..” It wuz then I wondered what other things I’d promised…what other things had happened. I knew I’d come here to be punished, the eyes, oh they showed me being a punished in deplorable hideous ways.

I turned me head from those eyes unable to watch what the machine had done with that whip the pain….the ugly red marks. I began to crawl towards the leather, me breasts hanging like swollen melons from me chest, I noted the way the nipples had expanded while watching me self…oh lord no I prayed. Oh my god….It wuz a lie….I had none of those angry red marks upon me flesh…stopping I held meself…covered me privates and with renewed vigor looked him in the eyes. I wuz not defeated yet. “if that is me, then why in me skin pale an pure without a mark upon it!” I demanded.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Cala (Future Prefect)
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Sun May 27, 2007 7:43 pm
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Alucard's eyes showed a conflagration, showed the flames engulf Cassie, not to burn her, but to heal her. "You were healed," said Alucard. Its eyes glowed until the images disappeared in the light, burning brighter than the torches on the walls.

The collar began to work its devilry on Cassie's body silently. To distract her from it, Alucard said to her, "You enjoyed it, didn't you? Not just being tortured, not just then, but seeing it happen as well. Seeing yourself be whipped, spanked, electrocuted." The alien didn't need to look down at her nipples to know this, but it did anyway.

Sun May 27, 2007 7:59 pm
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The look of righteous fury died on me face as I watched….watched the young girl in those eyes be consumed by flame … an…but no she wuz thar….laying upon the floor….the leather I ahd crowled too nearby….thar in those eyes. Me own go wide an large in surprise, like the lord had both blessed me an cursed me. I mouth the word several times for air passes cross me vocal cords an like lets the word be known. “how?” I don’t seek the answer…not really… the lord works in mysteries ways.

His words hit me clean tween the eyes. I try an over me body better with me arms….I want to cry out in denial, let him see what his eyes seem to linger upon…but I can’t, for his words ring true, something bad deep inside me quivers in delight at the sights, makes me breath a lil different. Hesitantly I reach out to the leather straps upon the floor….touching them with but the end of me finger. I can feel warmth, a suppleness that comes of … I shake me head as sparks seem to fly tween me finger an the black leather. I retract the hand as if I’d been bit…me eyes go up to this gaint thing of grey flesh an an enormous head. His eyes still bored inot me soul….played over me body like he could eat it….like he hungered for it.

Looking quickly away I knew fear form that look. Fear that coursed though me nerves an made me feel more alive than all me praying ever had. I focused back on the straps on rings, me hands upon htem before I realized. Warmth flung itself at me from this dead cow flesh….startled as Me insides flipped….I turned it o’er an o’er, slowly standing an a holding it next to me. Rubbing me self with the feel of it….oh lord so wrong this…like the piana….oh lord to play the piana with this on….i’d not be able to hit a single note….the grin across me face then.

I looked at him, his large eyes an mouth. “Hoooww, I mean … like how does it go on” Turning the leather in me hands the firm suppleness of it. the way it seemed to have no …. Oh lord perhaps it didn’t cover like a normal set of clothes…perhaps mit made you look even more naked…enhanced the curves……no…I couldn’t…..but I had to try….no oh no….good thing I didn’t know how. How to put it on.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Cala (Future Prefect)
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Sun May 27, 2007 8:18 pm
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Alucard looked her over again hungrily. Its hands reached out to the leather. The alien observed the outfit, the black material, and began to tell her how to don the straps of leather.

"Go ahead and put it on. Then we can continue with your punishment."

The alien wondered silently to itself about her magic, if that was what it was... Alucard was always curious about magic. It wondered how it would affect her taste, if it would have any effects when it used her.

Sun May 27, 2007 8:33 pm
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With me hands quivering a lil I passed the leather straps over and round um….felling its texture pass by me fingers an the small charge of sumthing a crossing me flesh an a getting me a lil giddy in its doings. It wuz all I could do to stop meself from a putting it on…all I could do to realize this wuzn’t me, not the real me. Slowly I forced me fingers from the leather….gravity finally pulling it round me hand till it lay in a heap upon the floor. I felt the loss then, the loss of a good friend like. I sank downwards with me knees bending….ladylike an a dignified even if I be naked fore this brute. Me hand touching the leather once again, listening to its song an a knowing it would live again upon me body.

Listening to his explanations of how to put this mass of straps an buckles an things upon me body. I sat upon the floor a starting to place the first straps on me legs. They let me put me long toned legs through, runners legs, pale an full, to be encircled by the supple leather.…..a series of buckles that ran up the outside of me leg…a strap about me ankle buckled, a large silver ring hanging from the outside….another below me knee an another ring. Another o’er me knee, each the same as the first till the one about me inner thigh, pulling me skin jus beneath the joint of me leg to me body…I stared for a moment, as it made me seem obscene an sexy at the same time. Each of the horizontal straps holding the vertical ones that crisscrossed as they ran up me leg….finally running up to us below me navel in another cross of leather.

I squirmed into the top half …. Me shaved mound still uncovered…me breasts left hanging free tween the crisscrossed black leather an silver rings. Finally me arms, each like the legs…till I was swathed in a lattice work of jet black leather, the silver rings bouncing ‘gainst me skin with each move. I thought them most strange, and for the life of me could not reckon what they were thar for.

I felt an instant thrill with the last buckle done….an for a moment I wondered what it looked like, what others might see when they looked at me….I quivered, not in fear but in satisfaction, like I wuz happy at me obeying…me putting this thing on that no good girl would do. ‘Did this make me a bad un….’ I wondered.

Looking towards the monster, me voice quite an a quaking a lil “Is it right”. I couldn’t ask if it looked good or I did….no that would be wrong, I was naked, vulnerable in this…oh so vulnerable, almost like I wuz already tied up an a ready to be thrown in some pit with men that would make demands of me I could not bear to endure. I closed me eyes to the nightmare, trying hard to banish the thoughts while me heart fluttered at the prospect…alone, unable to say no….only able to endure it … I gasped as the sensations of pleasure rolled through me throwing open me eyes to stare at me tormentor and his hungry look….

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Mon May 28, 2007 8:56 am
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Alucard's eyes were yellow-tinted mirrors to Cassie's erotically-dressed form. "You've done it well," said Alucard. "You might just be ready for your next punishment..."

Mon May 28, 2007 9:32 am
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‘Wuz it not punishment ‘nough that I stood fore this gaint being in fear in something that made me feel more naked an depraved than at any other time of me life?’, I thought, ‘Wuz it not enough that I saw me reflection in eyes that hinted of hunger for me. A hunger that made me rattle an shake under that gaze in fear for me life?’

An yet, those words seemed to make something inside bubble in delight….something that had no right to be thar in this setting an within a god fearing young lady of the church. Words that said I’d done well, words that brought a fire to me skin … from me belly upwards… all the way to me face. I dropped me gaze under those words, shifting me weight to one hip, me toes curling under a lil. I let me hands drop to me sides, the tips of them running along the fine leather that pulled gainst me thighs an made the lil space tween me legs seem to gape even more open …. Made me look even…. Well…. Sexier, if it wuz a word to be used, an more like a floozy I suppose. I strode a lil straighter then, pushing me chest a lil more outwards, pleased by those words.

The next words brought me head back up, eyes wide an worried like. But I knew I wuz here in detention, but what those eyes had showed of me past, a past I’d forgotten an knew nothing of made the fear almost overwhelm me an a send me to me knees upon the floor. I gasped, bringing a hand up to me mouth to cover me surprise, me fright.

“please….not…not like that….I … I don’t like pain… not” I hung me head, as the expression did not change, not a bit, knowing it wuz useless, an a knowing that the girl in them pictures had been enjoying herself. A tremble made me hands shake, It couldn’t have been me…no, not me…...

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Mon May 28, 2007 7:19 pm
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"You certainly did earlier," said Alucard. The collar continued to produce the feelings on Cassie's soft flesh, over her entire body, covered or not.

"However, if you care to break your end of the deal, I suppose I could just eat you and be done with it."

Alucard grinned at her, the cavernous maw stretched wide. "And to think, you haven't even been rewarded yet..."

Mon May 28, 2007 7:30 pm
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Trembling me foot went back..then the other, anything to get away form the great chasm that threatened to engulf me. Fear though paralyzed me in place even as me mind screamed to run….I’d missed sumthing in those words, sumthing important…but ti did not matter I suppose, only …. Only that I live.

“Please no, I… I don’t wanna die….an I bet I’d taste real bad like… I….I will….what deal?….I’ll do it…anything I agreed to….show me….”

Reward? I be getting a reward… that I reckon wuz better than being eaten….I pushed the fear down….trying hard to regain me control of me wayward body. I noted the lack of them teeth, maybe…no snakes eat thar food whole and then I almost set meself to throw up. I swallowed hard the lump moving back down me throat as it burned a lil….I waited, would it be a deal, the mouth or a reward…hard to tell with this un as I tried to figure out what all them expressions really meant for me

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Mon May 28, 2007 7:46 pm
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"The deal was that in exchange for not eating you, you obey my whims for the duration of your punishment," said Alucard, "and that is what we will be doing: punishing you." The alien continued to smile at her. "I will reward you with jewelry if you cooperate."

Mon May 28, 2007 8:09 pm
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Nervously I shifted me feet as the giant critter stared at me, the gold crucifix a strange contrast as it hung tween me naked breasts ad the lattice work of black leather that wove about me body. For a moment I wondered what I’d even do with another necklace, it seemed strange to be a wearing this with me outfit, the one this thing had me a wearing.

“umm," shaking me head a lil at this, "I... I will do what you ask", sliding both me hands behind me an onto the straps that ran from me thighs to me hips….trying to settle them sum place that’d feel like they actually covered me bum. I hooked me fingers beneath the smooth leather an a pushed it as I slide the fingers downwards. Suddenly noticing me reflection an how it looked like I wuz a playing with me but a from his vantage. I stopped right then an thar. Instead pulling me hair forwards to cover me breasts an give me a lil decency.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Tue May 29, 2007 7:02 am
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