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 Chase or capture...which is better? (Grailsarves, cassie) 
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Post Chase or capture...which is better? (Grailsarves, cassie)
Sitting on the steps I laced up me blue New-balances, making sure the laces were tight an the knot doubled. If yur gonna go for a run thar is nothing worse than having yur shoe laces get all undone. With a final jerk upon each of the laces I stood. The sun beat down upon the earth at even this early hour, warming things, but not yet with the heat of midday…its why I ahd chosen to do me runs in the early morning now, fore the day got too hot an life got hectic. I left Hanaji alone in our bed, asleep, an allowed me to jump her when I got back…made morning showers all that more fun.

Stretching upwards an a clasping me hands I reached for the sky, the light white T-shirt loose around me middle. Fabric straining cross me chest as I inhale the sweet aroma of the flowers that bloomed year round in our lil paradise. Then a slow bending over at the waist, stretching me legs till I could put me hands flat ‘gainst the ground an hug me chest to me thighs. The tight blue shorts pulling tight over me bum an down tween me legs with a gentle tug across the ring that pierced me thar under me plain white panties. I’d worked hard to achieve this level of muscle tone, an I was bent on keeping it so. Not out of vanity, but rather out of wanting to stay in shape, of learning things yah could do if yah could stretch an have any sort of endurance. I’m sure Hanaji appreciated it.

A few more stretches, limbering up for what would be a longer run, 10K this morning. I’d checked the maps of the trails an selected one that would let me run along the beach on me way home. With a deep inhale of breath I started off, a familiar thumping of me long braid upon me back. Looking back o’er me shoulder I watched the familiar brick buildings grow smaller. This is what it was all about, a gorgeous day…the thick scent of wild flowers, a cool breeze from the nearby ocean. The beating of me heart picked up its pace…the breath coming even with me strides. In for one…two…three….out…on four. Birds chatter as I pass…rounding the corner to enter a forest of delights, the building gone…the world mine an mine alone.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Mon Oct 29, 2007 12:24 am
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It had only been a few days since the lizard man had awaken from such a deep slumber. He was held captive for some reason, prisoner underneath the school in one of the many rooms that the basement would hide from the general student body. He was on his own again, enjoying the freedom of flying through the air, swimming in the ocean, or just basking underneath a tree in the middle of the day. Or even having a quick gander at a gym class that was outside for the day, excersicing and working up a sweat. Even though there was no school today, he would still be able to spy as much as he wanted on the student body.

Spying for him was fun. It was a way to let him know what was going on around the island, and what to expect. A few of the students, the new ones, already suprised him...and he knew for sure that this batch of new, ripe bodies were not to be easily trifiled with. He also knew that because of this, he was going to have a much, much more fun time breaking them than ever before. The beast thrived off of shame and humilation, seeing someone who was once proud and strong devolve into a pile of quivering flesh and fear. It almost drove him more than the ultimate act of taking their flesh as his own.

The forest at this time of day always seemed the best. The dew from the previous night would still be decorating several of the plants around him as he lay there, relaxing in the forest near one of the off beaten paths that was just a mile or so away from the campus and gymnasium. He stretched his frame out slowly, feeling it bulkier today than what it had been a few nights back. He noticed that there was something odd going on with his body that he had never noticed before...The more instinctual he was, the more he allowed the beast within to roam free...the more vicious he was, violent...But as soon as he began to use that brain of his, use his personality more than his might, his frame would slim down...grow more lean and agile. It was an odd feeling.

Getting up, the lizard man groaned and stretched after a good night's sleep. He cracked a few bones in his fingers and back before turning his neck to the side, popping it several times before he began to make his way out of the patch that he had made as his home, already on the hunt for some fun this morn.

Mon Oct 29, 2007 1:28 am
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Slowly me body an mind loosened, becoming one with the quite roll of feet on the dry ground. Instinct took o’er as me mind numbed to the constant refrain of me footfalls. The red braided pony tail swished behind me, thumping in a rythme all its own on me back. I traced the route in me mind…more out of habit than anything else. The path ahead had already started its upward tilt…a tilt in the land that would take me to the halfway point before a final curve an a view of the ocean from the high cliff face. Form there I would plunge downwards for about 2km along the switchbacks that took me back to the ocean…for the final jog along the beach. That offered two paths, the one just inside the bushes along firm ground or the grueling path along the white sands, an with it a chance to get wet if things were getting too hot.

With the white T still fluttering behind me I rolled through another gradual turn, the hot sun temporarily disappearing behind the tall waving fronds of a palm tree. The coolness good as the sweat ‘gan to run down tween me bundled orbs. Slowing a bit I broke into an easier pace, one that would knock the K’s hind me but not utterly kill me…I would push later down the sand I decided…a chance to enjoy the surf at the end fore going back to the dorm an waking Hanaji after a quick shower with a kiss. We’d shower ‘gan soon after, but thar wuz jus something wrong with getting in bed with someone all stinky an sweaty.

As I ran I twirled the ring round me finger, reminding me of her…of her kindness, her generosity an her love.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Mon Oct 29, 2007 4:59 am
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Walking through the forest, he decided that he was rather thirsty after waking up. The forest never really provided that great of drinking water, if ever, and he knew that the beach would only have the saltiest of water to drink, which in ways would defeat the purpose of his task. Streching his leathery wings out fully, he took to the skies, heading towards a cave that was near the beach, one that he knew had the best tasting water he had ever let his lips and tongue touch upon.

Upon landing near the cave, he glanced off towards the beach, seeing nobody there for right now. Sighing softly he headed into that dank, dark cave, right to his favorite watering hole. He promptly stuck his head into the water, sucking up that nutrient as fast as he could until he felt completely better. Raising his head out of the water, and shaking off the droplets that fell from his nose to his chin. With a refreshing sigh, he began to head back out of the cave, but not before stopping in his tracks, his eyes narrowing down on someone who seemed to have worked up quite a sweat.

She had come to the beach, and that made the lizard man curl his lips up into a sick, sadistic smile. Thoughts already started to go through his mind, ideas being generated as he thought of what he might possibly be able to do to this new woman he's never seen before....She did have a nice rack...he thought.

Mon Oct 29, 2007 5:20 am
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The waves curled an crashed gains the rising sands. The same sands that now so far into me run made each step a horrible task. A sea gull circled lazily on the currents above me no doubt looking for a meal upon the oceans surface. I ran at the top of beach, white sand jumping into the air with each footfall. Each step seeming to push ‘gainst an huge weight as the earth shifted below me an kept me stride tight. Perspiration ran down me arms an legs, the white sports bra cleanly silhouetted ‘gainst the nearly translucent shirt were the sweat had soaked it through.

Breath came in ragged bursts, The strin of the run now starting to show as fire spread up me legs an still I pushed meself on. What wux the saying…no pain…no gain. Jus months ago I would not have been able to run this far, let alone run along the beach for any distance.

Here life was still secluded, away from the students that would soon blanket the beach closer to the dorms on their day off. Here the beaches were small curved inlets tween the tall rock outcrops with a small trail going up an over. Each breach wuz several 100 meters in length. This place I loved the most, secluded an wonderful in its rugged beauty, the way the waves rolled an crashed along the rocks till the swept up the sand capped with the white froth of their spent fury. God wuz indeed great.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Cala (Future Prefect)
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Mon Oct 29, 2007 5:39 am
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As the monster watched the student plow her way onto the beach, each footstep taken proved to be just a bit harder for the girl as the sand sank underneath her footing, making the run even harder after having to pull up sand along with the weight of her leg. The demon smirked, however, seeing that she would already seem tired from excersicing. He continued to gaze about her, looking down to the sand before her and thinking to himself as to what he could do to her.

He looked at that sweat soaked shirt and her chest, the lizard man already growing arroused by the sight of the woman working up such a sweat. He took to the air, those powerful wings of his carrying his body up over fifty feet. He snapped his fingers while he was in mid air, looking down and grinning as he began to see the sand near the gave shift, sprial for a moment before a rather threatning tail begin to pop up from the surface.

The tail that exposed itself from under the sand had a large, curved, pointed edge at the end of a rather bulbous sac. That sac was attached to a tail that would dive under the sand. The tail was connected to something that was rather bug like...a large, almost human sized scorpion that was tunnelling through the sand now, the stinger the only thing visable as it made it's way towards the student that had just landed on the beach.

Tue Oct 30, 2007 2:19 am
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A shriek sounds in the air above me, the circling flights of the gulls ending as they flee in all directions. An ominous shadow ripples cross the sands to plunge cross me own. Me heart flutters, an still running, I turn me head skyward. Thar coming outta the sun in a large black splotch upon the sky…so large like, menacing in the way the birds have all fled. One foot drags along the sand, catching on the flotsam of the ocean deposited long ago by some past storm. Tumbling, the giant bird lost to me vision as sand and broken shells become my abode. Grit an sand cakes itself along me sweat soaked flesh. Knees an elbows complain and the sudden scrapping of flesh against the ground. Thankfully the soft ground yields to me, scratches the worst of me injuries. I scan the sky, the great bird lost to me. Gulping at the air I pick me self up, noting the strange stick upon the sand behind me.

The stick moves…towards me. In that moment panting for air, me body covered in sand I watch with growing apprehension as it closes, a trail of white powder hanging in the air to mark its passage. The stick grows larger, a thick barb an sack, much like a creature I can’t immediately recall. Now it hits me, like that ole time movie with the big nasty bugs that mutate due to radiation…its…its…Me heart goes to me throat an I jump, scurrying o’er the sand to get to the nearby trees and the faster path away from the ocean an the creature upon me beach.

Gasping for air me mind screams….’scorpion….big un…..’

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Cala (Future Prefect)
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Tue Oct 30, 2007 8:50 am
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Grail was lost to her vision, that was for sure, but to him, he had a dead lock on the woman that he was after. He soared higher, grinning as he already could tell that his little idea was forming to plot. He lowered himself a bit, watching carefully as he could barely make out the student quickly jumping up from the demon that he had summoned. He could see, however, that she was making a mad dash for dirt, actual ground that would force that demon to show itself in due time.

The beast continued to chase the woman in a quick pace, the stinger serving almost like a shark's fin, warning her that the danger was close. And just like a shark's fin, the stinger represented where a certain part of the beast's body was, and from the way it seemed, the front of the beast's body was gaining quick on her heels. As she reached the end of the beach, hopping up on the dirt and grass and vying to get to that path, the scorpion demon burst from the sand up onto the land, showing off it's entire body.

As the scorpion landed on frame, it clicked it's pincers at her, the apendages being big enough that they could crack a watermelon in two quite easily. Other than that, the scorpion's body seemed to be your run of the mill, other than the fact that it was about the size of very small car.

It continued to skitter after her, opening it's maw out to reveal that it was quite demonic, and several tendrils began to shoot from it's mouth, all of them aiming to entangle the woman if it could reach her.

Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:03 pm
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Branches reach out to grab at me, scratches across skin, clothing snagging an slowing me down. Everywhere nature contrives to slow me…to allow me into the grasps of this giant beast whose clicking pincers sound ever closer. Plunging ahead I fight the trees an bushes, twisting an turning as I stumble though the forest an away from the beach.

Air comes in gulps, the pattern of me breathing disrupted as the adrenaline gives me new strength an urgency to leave this terrible place. Never in me life had I seen such a hideous critter…never in me life had I known such a thing existed. If I got outta here I had to warn the school…warn them of he dangers so me fellow students wouldn’t succumb.

The large leaves hit me face…an then the web. It seemed to fold about me an I screamed, a long piercing cry of terror that the green vegetation muffled without an effort. A large patter of feet upon me arm that sent me skipping an a jumping while I waved me arm about trying to get the big ole spider off. Panic hit me…about the same time as something warm an kinda wet wrapped itself round me ankle.

Another scream pierced the quite of the dense forest Bushes wiggling hind me as I jumped ‘bout finally tearing me self free and a starting to run…no longer certain of any direction I wuz a going. The cobwebs were scrapped free as I ran…the branches snapping me in the face an body. Gasping as I went I could hear me own heart a beating in me chest.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Fri Nov 02, 2007 8:48 am
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Grail would keep soaring above the sky, tracking the woman's progress as the scorpion beast chased her down. He let out a large bellow, laughing the entire time as it seemed that the woman had gotten a little passenger, that spider, and that enough got Grail thinking. He beat his wings faster and faster, flying lower now over the trees as he snapped his fingers, groaning a bit as the power he had to summon seemed to be a bit weaker today for some reason.

The scorpion hissed as the tendril nearly had it's way around her ankle before she tore free from it's grasp. Clicking it's pincers loudly, the scorpion lept into the air, arcing midway before it crashed into the dirt, burrowing fast and deep under that ground and out of sight. It still, however, was following her as quickly as it could, the ground rippling as it dug it's way towards her now.

The gigantic scorpion would not be the only one following the student now. Lurking in the bushes, about half of a football field away, was the inspirational made creature that Grail had seen on her earlier. The giant spider clicked it's mandibles together, chirping silently as it turned it's body around, aiming it's thorax at the student that was quite a ways away, and began to shoot it's webbing at her, the thick, sticky substance traveling almost like a bullet at her body.

Mon Nov 05, 2007 3:14 am
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I had to be on sum B movie set….only this one didn’t have cameras an human crew no where….but it sure had the creatures. I ran, dodging tree trunks, puffing an huffing for air, each branch trying to spin me outta control as I moved past.

A huge hunk of sticky sap hit the tree next to me head with a smack….dodging the other way I looked hind me long enough to see the huge spider like beast. This time I screamed, taking valuable air from me lungs an leaving me knees weak an me lungs on fire. Still I ran…an stumbled o’er roots, scrambled on all fours under bushes…anything to loose the terrible things that ran after me an would eat me.

I could hear the crashing of water once ‘gain. Reaching forward to ward off the branches it hit me. Me whole back hurt as I wuz propelled forward onto me hands an knees scrapping them along the expanse of sand. Red trickles seemed to form on me skin from a multitude of small cuts, mixing with the salt of me sweat an causing each an every wound to sting….I crawled…still trying to get forward, something pulling ‘gainst me back as I went.

Heart pounding, mind reeling, mouth gasping…I crawled back onto the beach…but this time I wuz back at its beginning…I wanted to cry, to strike out an pound the sand. Reaching back I tried to dislodge the load that was making me slower. Me hand sticking on the strange white glop...Rolling an a lashing out I fought it, an each fight further entangled me…took the wind out of me till a ball or sand, flesh an sum sticky substance was all that wuz left. Gasping for air I stopped me fighting, all gummed up an no where to go.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Mon Nov 05, 2007 6:02 am
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From above the demon watched as the woman struggled with the webbing that had smacked her in the back. The spider was busily begininning to spin a web between two of the nearby trees just on the outskirts of the beach. The spider, now that it could be seen in a better light, was different in the sense that at the end of each hairy leg, sprung a rather obscene and large phallus shapped appendage, glistening with what appeared to be semen already doused from it's sac in a leg. The spider continued to pull on the woman caught in the sand and in the web, dragging her as hard as it could across that area.

That would not be the only horrifying thing that would have caught her. To her left, a football field away, the sand began to kick up again, surging upwards as the scorpion that had began to chase her exploded from the beach, arcing in the air again and landing on the sand, skittering towards her as quick as it could as those tentacles from it's maw shot out as it drew closer to her, wanting to get to her before the spider could drag her back.

Grail began to descend from the sky above, having enough of this chase for now and soon was hovering above the water a few yards away from the lovely, red headed student. He crossed his arms, bellowing out as he laughed at her predicament. "See, this is what you get when you run, only pain and the useless idea that you might actually get away. Facing your fears is a much, much better way to do things. Shame you'll have to go through this awful, awful mating ritual to learn that. And two beasts fighting to mate you as well...I may want to shield my eyes." He said, laughing again and then placing his hand over his eyes, parting two of his fingers to peek through at the female.

Tue Nov 06, 2007 4:21 am
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Brair rabbit an the tar baby….I’d read that book an wuz none too happy to be playing the part. But then, given me situation I might jus be able to use it to eventually get free…though lord knows I wuz scared an all. Its not every day that sum huge spider is reeling yah in to a tangled web I’d not be happy being part of. Each tug brought the ball that wuz me jus that much closer to an end I feared…an end of being sucked dry by some great monster. I could see lil me hair now snagged in the sticky white web that made me feel filthy…much like the smaller one had.

The beating of me heart hurt me chest. Earneslty I begain to pray….pray to me lord his will would be done, but uncertain if I wuz really ready to accept his will. An then I heard the booming voice over the thundering surf…a yank…another foot closer to me death.

‘Running….it brought pain’ That I could understand…but mating? What would some great beast want with me? Could they lay thar eggs within me…to have me be the meal? Trembling with fear in me ball of threads. This was a nightmare, sand spun into me face, clouding what vision I had, sending the gritty stuff right into me mouth. Sputtering I spit the grit from me mouth, lips now filled with sand, eyes an face a carpet of the stuff. Me hands could not move to brush it all away. Closing me eyes I tired to let me tears carry away the tiny crystals…tried desperately to clear me face by twisting me head.

‘fight’ is that what he had said? Fighting over me, like briar fox an briar bear…yet there was a third…the one that spoke…”Please … help me…please!” I yelled out, the sand swilling round me an kicking up more onto the sticky ball I had become.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Tue Nov 06, 2007 6:25 am
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Grail continued to stay still for a few more moments after hearing that plea for help. Grinning, he slowly began to walk over towards the woman being pulled towards the spider, and stepped on her back, holding her down in the sand as the spider continued to tug and jerk now, but to no avail. Taking a deep breath, the demon yawned, patting his hand over his mouth a few times as that foot pushed into her body slightly. "Help you? Why should I help you? What would I get out of the deal?" He asked, and as he did, the two deformed beasties began to move towards them now.

The scorpion lashed it's apendages out at the woman on the ground, it's phallic tendrils soon wrapping around her head, letting her feel the slimey texture of each penille type tendril rubbing across her face, and soon to be her lips as it drew up on her now.

The spider would chitter slightly, hopping off the tree and then began to come at the woman as Grail had one foot on top of her. The webbing continued to pull at her body, trying to reel her in even though the spider was coming foward.

Tue Nov 06, 2007 7:15 am
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Weight hit me in the small of me back, pushing me further into the sand. I could feel the tug of the strands that looped there way round me…a constant tug pulling on parts of me body. I kept me eyes closed, trying desperately to squeeze the gritty sand from under me lids till it would be all gone. Who this third thing wuz, the one with his weight upon me lower back, pushing an grinding me further into the sand, I had no idea.

“Cause its good…an right, an will earn yah gods good graces. I…I got no money….please…if yah can…help me….please.” pleading for me life I wuz, but not really understanding how anyone could jus stand by an expect sum thing.

Something slimy moved o’er me face, I sputtered as a tendril slithered cross me lips an closed them ‘gainst the prodding tips. Sand rolling ‘gainst me skin under the slimy tendrils. Me skin crawled under its touch, a trembling in me body that left me filled with the fear at being unable to do nothing…not able to run nor stop this touch.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Tue Nov 06, 2007 7:46 am
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