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 Graduation day, Shokushu HS - (Kouzakai) (Finished) 
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Location: conquered Davey Jones' locker...
It was really surprising, but the way she commanded these girls to obey her order or else suffer the consequences had me thinking that she might be alien by blood. I don't know...she might've experienced something in the past to actually make her into this dominatrix that I was seeing right now, or she might have been...


I played things cool again, once more, as I walked around and went to look at things which were happening right before my own eyes. A sip of my drink and I let it down, to concentrate on watching this little show right in my front.

'Olive' was the name of the other girl, the one who seemed to rival her own fool-hardiness, while 'Yung' was the apparent name of the other one who seemed to be the more submissive of the two. I do not know what to make of this pose but it must've been wired into her...both way back in her life when something else must've happened to her, or maybe it was something new. Some of our own slave modifiers here were much more brutal than this girl in my front and they could've broken Yung's spirits.

She was more acting naturally than playing a part, and from the glint in her eyes I figured she enjoyed playing around with Olive. I was not one to keep her from that little joy, but I would stop her if she meant to injure her. As I said, injuries to 'products' are not to be tolerated. I stood there, nonchalant and arms folded across my chest. Not even if I had eyelids to do so.

Well, maybe I did but it would look weird for them to see it.

" That's fine." I said with the same assertion of authority I had been using with the officers I talked to. " They would suit me well, and if one does not suit me I have the methods to make her follow, thank you."

With this I considered slipping into something more comfortable, although undressing before them would either terrify or amaze them. Either way I had no choice, really. So I ripped off the jumpsuit and luckily I had the tight leather pants which I wore into combat underneath it. I considered sitting down but the metal knee-protectors would dig into the back of my knees and itch like crazy.

I had not noticed it before but it seems they have bought up my sword into my room. As if I needed defending from these morsels. I left it leaning against the wall of my room and focused on the three girls I had for company.

End of passion play, crumbling away...
I'm your source of self-destruction.
Taste me you will see, more is all you need...
You're dedicated to how I'm killing you.

A member of the Archanius Alliance, Lieutenant.
The Archanius Alliance
Terror of the Deep

Mon Nov 05, 2007 9:27 am
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Pouring through me nerves the exhilaration of the moment fills me. Two girls, mine to command in any way I saw fit. The steady beat of me pulse sounding in me ears in shear joy. There were many things I still feared, an this wuz one. This darkness inside that dearly loved to come out an play. Though o’er the years Hanaji working almost daily had taught me it didn’t have to be thought of as dark…that perhaps the way I’d been brought up had labeled a lot of things wrong. Today though had been a big step, she wuz not here to watch or approve of the things I did. Today wuz mine.

He moved. Muscles rippling across that wide chest an narrow abdomen. An as I watched him stride with certainty towards us I almost forgot me manners…me eyes sensing the power, the way those arms could encircle me an hold me, guard me ‘gainst the terror of me nightmares. I knew we were dismissed by the words he used. Until then I had not realized I’d held me breath. With a long slow hiss of breath I let it out. Slowly licking me dry lips I watched as his shoulders bunched an the jump suit was torn from his legs like a ole rotted sack. The leather of his pants is tight across his legs. Stepping forwards I close the distance, a single finger touching his waist, circling round the back of him, talking to keep me mind from freezing, “ I am glad you approve of the selection, though I would be honored to select them for you in the future. As I learn what you like I’m sure I can train an bring even more delights to your chambers.” Once again sparks seem to shoot up me finger an me insides buzz with delight.

Stopping to his front I curtsie, me head going lower, the unmistakable bulge of his maleness before me 'neath the tight leather of his pants. Of anything this evening that scares me: scares me for what I feel inside in a tight yearning circle of desire. Aa scares me as me heart beats faster an me women’s intuition says them things cannot exist in that size. I come back upwards an with a circling twirl of me hair I turn me back so as to not reveal what me face wears upon its surface an give away me thoughts…me desires. Its like I can’t help me self, drawn to the hot flame like a mouth, a flame that will burn me away an leave nothing but ash in its wake. Once again I feel like I have met this man…once again I know I could not have…an still the doubts remain.

“Girls, grab the cases an follow me.” I stride to the door, the place of me refuge were I reckon I can get hold of me self for the next round. A round I am sure well be a delight for a man. Mama always said the way to a mans heart was through his tummy….The smile grows wide as me palm hits the panel. The kitchen…a woman’s refuge…another of me mama’s sayings, an so true today.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Mon Nov 05, 2007 6:32 pm
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Location: conquered Davey Jones' locker...
I had not used the kitchen other than to have some robots make sandwiches for me. My favorite were the Kraken Club Sandwiches, it reminded me of the kraken hunting season we used to have so far ago in the past. Or maybe the Leviathan Special, a massive mountain of leafy greens from every part of the galaxy topped with a special sauce I so much like, and bits and pieces of squid, octopus and other types of mollusks and octopods from any planet. A gourmet delight for me.

Though I never seriously though of it as a place to have something short of a steamy sex session happening. You see, heat against heat does not really mix. More so for someone like me. One whiff of heat and I was a sitting duck, literally. I cannot stand more than around a hundred or more degrees of heat.

I watched her order around the two other girls. She reminded me of a drill sergeant we once captured from an ADD training facility. She was given to me as a joke...but that was a night I never forgot in my life. I never knew she was so much fun, that she had SO much potential that they even swore they saw me smiling the next day up until the end of the walk. A tasty little tart indeed, which was not evident from the way she carried herself.

As for this situation, I am sure she would most probably end up on the ADD's roster of fine agents but that was what I was counting on. I am sure she would be loyal to that organization, she seemed to be too much of a hero, as it showed before I bought her down here. But she can serve me a purpose as well...and in turn I might have a chance to do something for the organization I loved so much and was so much loyal to.

I entered the kitchen armed with an almost delirious excitement. Like they say, man's most potent and wondrous creations all come from the kitchen.

End of passion play, crumbling away...
I'm your source of self-destruction.
Taste me you will see, more is all you need...
You're dedicated to how I'm killing you.

A member of the Archanius Alliance, Lieutenant.
The Archanius Alliance
Terror of the Deep

Wed Nov 07, 2007 8:46 am
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Entering the small tight room in a tangle of heat an hormones, I lead the two girls, feeling there presence behind me. The thought of Yung tween me legs an taking me wuz heavy on me mind. Me hands trembled a bit as I got ready to spin her gainst the cabinet an take her there an now having suppressed me own desires for far to long. Turning, I could feel me eyes going wide as the large bulk of a man stepped through the doorway into the cramped space. I could smell him…the pheromones that were music to me nose an drove me to th very edge. Assailed by a tangle of scents that cried out in need, Yung with her sweet desire, Olive with a ripening need that still required a bit of time, an his…his masculine tang that sent a shiver down me spine.

Oh lord I had to do sum thing…an this was not what wuz expected. I had to get the girls prepared…the meal…an me self. This had not been part of me plan, the fantasy that played out in me head. The one that left me still loyal to me love, an still faithful. Yet I couldn’t show him up in front of these girls, the ones he called slaves for it might send a bad precedent.

“You” grabbing olives sleeve, our bodies touching with a thrill that I found nearly impossible to suppress….oh lord I was on pins an needles. “I need you to gather up all the pillows an cushions an stack them round that coffee table in the other room to make seats for our meal….”Go” me voice cracking, me mouth dry from desire. As she scotched past our chests met in the small space, I couldn’t help but put up a hand as she slide past, fingers sliding along the high cut hem an touching a small swirl of hair. For a moment I swear I could feel her nipples in spite the leather…feel me self against her…

I had to get more space…a reprieve of sorts. Sweat rolled down me legs, me body heating up. Taking the two steps that were required I warily closed the gap tween me and the man that me body seemed to yearn for. Warily outta fear for what I might do…I wuz not certain I could hold me self together much longer. I wanted to jump into his arms an wrap me legs round that slim torso…to find out what the bulge really meant…to have a man for the first time I could ‘member. Somehow I managed to jus reach up…to stretch along his tall torso, me body brushing gainst his, flesh on cloth to flesh an cloth. I could feel the heat of him stir me body. Could feel the sparks along the lines of contact. He bent just enough for me hot breath to play along his ear.

Me lips brushing his fleshy lobe, sparks threatening any speech. “please…I need to prepare a most wonderful feast for you…an prepare the service. I know you will enjoy, yah can leave the door open, an tell me how this stuff works, but I …I need to do this, an yur too big to be in here no how.” I’d never heard me voice so low…so husky…like it wuz someone else talking. Some how I managed to force me hand to uncurl from the hairs at the back of his head I had been stroking.

Me fantasy of taking Yung evaporating in the mist with those words. But it would buy me a lil space… a lil time if only he would turn. “Yung…its Sushi…were making it an your partner is the service. “ For a moment I swam in an ocean of water…me legs wrapped round this man as he filled me like no other had ever done. I shook me head the image gone, a hulk of a man standing for me, a small waif of a girl in a white smock gainst me hip. Heat filled the room, the hot steamy heat of mutual desire by all three of us. “Thar are things in the suitcase’s that all us girls will need an will prepare us nicely for a meal.” I winked, secretly knowing what I planned, and that fantasy as well driving me slowly crazy with lust. I swear me thighs positively sloshed with each lil move.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Wed Nov 07, 2007 6:29 pm
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Location: conquered Davey Jones' locker...
{ All right...lemme see where you'll take his. Pardon me if my rep wouldn't be the 5-paragraph stuff I usually do }

I so dislike being told what to do. I was looking forward to watching, but I was relegated to being a backseat watcher. Guess you can't have your cake all the time and eat it too.

I let her have her way with me. Although this is rarely how everything goes about when I am in office, here I must let her have her way. I have a feeling that I'll benefit from this, anyway, and she'll pay for her arrogance very soon...even sooner than she thinks.

I smiled, silently, and maybe she was surprised but I agreed to what she said.

" Alright, it's your call."
I said and high-tailed out of the room.

Not one to be a spoiler, I even closed the door so that I'll be able to wait in suspense for whatever might come out of that door.

I pondered on my thoughts, and looked out of the window, absorbed in the vastness of space and the coldness of my room. The spraying waters continues, and they were so soothing to the senses.

End of passion play, crumbling away...
I'm your source of self-destruction.
Taste me you will see, more is all you need...
You're dedicated to how I'm killing you.

A member of the Archanius Alliance, Lieutenant.
The Archanius Alliance
Terror of the Deep

Fri Nov 09, 2007 11:22 am
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There…a flicker of emotion across the face as he looked at me with eyes of a hunter. I could see the hesitation across that wonderful body. Like a magnet, drawn close an not wanting to part, knowing sum thing deeper was driving us together. An then the smile, a warm smile of knowing an letting that tension I felt inside in the asking go. Suddenly I knew, knew I couldn’t take Yung, not like this, not with him in that other room. The whole idea as much as I needed it seemed wrong, seemed like cheating.

The great back turned, an with but a few steps he was gone while me lips moved an sound seemed lost to me. With a woosh the door closed, an in a gasp of air an a small voice the word tumbled out…”stay” too late to change a thing.

Trembling me body hit the counter. Breathing quickly I forced the air in an out…forced me self to gain control of a situation I wuz fast loosing it in. Yung, with her thin hot body next to mine wuz not helping. No…I had to work, at any moment he might change his mind…might walk in an it…it would be cheating to have her with her hot moist tongue sliding tween me legs. I splayed me fingers on the countertop, leaning forwards an locking me elbows to keep me from falling, for showing any sort of weakness to me…yes slave….that wuz the word.

Work….lunch…..a million little details….

The door opens, a man clearly in charge lounges upon the only chair in the room. Yung walks towards him, trailing a large white sheet behind her nearly naked body. Surely the first thing he will notice is the rope that circles her neck and plunges down her front, three simple knots evenly spaced are its front. The rope crosses from her back to pulling large diamond forms tween each knot, leaving a cross crossing pattern down her front. Pert tea cup size breasts jiggle slightly with each step. Still lower a wire runs from tween her legs, to a round pink cylinder Velcrod to one thigh. The lips of her sex seem exposed an pinched tween the twin ropes, yet accessible as they glisten in the the light from the gathering moisture.

With head down she spreads her arms, the coffee table with its ring of cushions momentarily hidden from his view. I can think of no other way to make the surprise last any longer…I suppose if I’d truly been brave it would be me an not this olive haired beauty on that table…but….I smile, seeing his look o’er the top of the sheet, his face an thankfully he can’t see me knees go weak with desire. In that moment I sense my own weakness in keeping me vows, the suppression of me needs working gainst me, like he plays me, plucking each of me strings till I can’t say no.

“Yung…drop the veil. “ I order. A flutter of cloth an then the scene is reveled. I walk forwards, Yung stepping back to settle upon the cushions were I have told her too. Olive graces the table, her naked body covered in the meal we will partake. Ankles are bound to the short wooden legs, her arms tide forearm to forearm behind her as she lays with her back upon its surface, the food upon her skin. There upon her thigh rests two devices, wires from each run tween her thighs, to disappear sum where inside her. Even no me fingers tremble with the shear will I had to exert in placing them with in an not do anything else.

Stepping forwards, I offer a hand, the short China dress the only oriental thing I own. An yet I can see his eyes enjoy it. A dragon runs along the shimmering green that carries the color of me eyes. Enjoy the way it hugs me curves, the shear silk outlining me hard nipples with thar pierced points. A dragon runs along the shimmering green that carries the color of me eyes. The slits up to the top of each thigh, the hem cut so the tops of me thigh high stockings are reveled, the right one showing the pattern of yet another dragon in its richly woven black lace. A dragon that crawls up me leg, pointing the way towards the delights that lie jus out of reach of its claws.

“Your meal is served, Yung will serve you in any way you deem..” me voice breaks an I clear me throat once before continuing “she is fully prepared. If you would take me arm I will escort you to the table, I do so hope you will enjoy the service. Should you wish to turn up the heat, there are controls at the bottom of each cylinder taped to…” did I use your or our….” Our slaves. Of course I had not worn one…even though there was another in my case. In a way I now regretted it, but then it would have showed weakness to these two, an knowing me current state I doubted I would have lasted past the point of insertion. Inside the beast growled, loud an defiant at me refusal, sending a tremor cross me insides an dampening me thighs. It wuz the way of this dress, any undergarments jus left lines an ruined the whole effect. It wuz a calculated risk, even standing her before him in it wuz yet another risk. If I hadn’t worked the angles jus right in me head…if he tipped his head downwards there wuz a good chance he’d notice.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
Bio and adventures

Fri Nov 09, 2007 5:37 pm
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Location: conquered Davey Jones' locker...
The vastness of space welcomed me with a dark desire to engulf the sadness glowing within me. Some days this job just gets to you, but of course I should do what I must. In a way these girls are similar to me...without a place to call home...nay. I had a place to call home. It was this headquarters, and the vast space colonies we had under our control. We have already emerged as the top power in the galaxy, thanks to my efforts and of the other high officials who worked together with me in expanding the will and the might of the Alliance.

Clearly we had gone a long way, from being just a piracy to becoming the next great force to that of the ADD. All the others just simply bowed down to the supremacy of the ADD but we seemed to be the only ones capable of going into war with them.

Still I had advices against that. Despite our status, we were still simply too undermanned and too outgunned to wage a war for the control of the entire galaxy.

I was snapped out of my reverie by the kitchen door opening. I took it as a sign for me to enter, and there I walked in...but not before this vision in a china dress came out to escort me inside. Clearly my little red-headed agent had a smile on her face. She was walking towards me in a dress which I would like for her to keep on for a partly long time, since this was something which I dared not rip apart. I wanted to enjoy the vision for as long as I can.

Yung, and Olive, on the other hand, were visions of lust. With the way Yung dressed, and of course the way Olive was served literally on a platter before me...such meticulous preparations for a very, very erotic meal. And I see that Olive lost some of the feistiness I saw in her before...seemingly to obedient...

That's when I saw the wires sticking out of both of them. I almost chuckled with anticipation and excitement, for I had a really good idea where those ended.

And the way she talked, using 'our' slaves instead of 'your' slaves, seemed to undermine the thought I had of using her to place a chink in the vaunted armor of the ADD juggernaut.

" Thank you for this...wonderful culinary masterpiece." I said. Further enjoying the treat, I thought it would be a shame to keep such a delightful morsel to myself. " Perhaps, you and Yung would care to join me?"

I had a thought she might not be able to resist this offer, as she had been resisting me all night.

End of passion play, crumbling away...
I'm your source of self-destruction.
Taste me you will see, more is all you need...
You're dedicated to how I'm killing you.

A member of the Archanius Alliance, Lieutenant.
The Archanius Alliance
Terror of the Deep

Sat Nov 10, 2007 6:31 am
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The surprise on his face I would cherish forever. For once It seemed I had done well, then leaning against his strength I let me hip touch his, skin to leather, an smoldering exhilaration in each touch that rumbled round me middle….desperation filled me thumpin’ heart…promising me self after dinner…desert I thought. The right time…no, I couldn’t do that…wrong…must think on Hanaji…

“Umm oh, yes thank you, I would consider it an honor. Yung though is here to provide for you, for any desire you have. “ Yung waited patently while I seated who I hoped would be me new boss upon the many cushions. As he settled down upon the cushions I moved behind him, me hands upon his wide shoulders, fingers gently caressing the ripple of musles, a gentle massage.

“Yung is accomplished at serving tea…or at giving a massage.” Bending down I felt the tips of me breasts press ‘gainst him through the thin silk of the dress. Then whispering in his ear, “There are other things she is good at…I can personally attest to her tongues skill” Lord knows I wanted it on me…but now wuz not the time. No, this wuz all ‘bout him…his pleasure….his needs an desires.

Standing I walked round to the other side of the table, me hips swaying in what I new wuz a sexy walk. Theater taught you many things, an I wuz in the role of a lifetime. Turning in me bare feet I carefully smoothed down the dresses front, demure, lady like, an sat upon the cushions with a final fling of the back part of the dress. Thar wuz no sense getting it all stained with me own juices.

Picking up the chop sticks I selected a delicacy from Olives flat quivering tummy, then bending forward me chest pressing hard gainst the unyielding fabric I offered it up to his mouth with a big ole smile. “Would you like to try?”

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Sat Nov 10, 2007 6:54 am
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Location: conquered Davey Jones' locker...
It was nice to be king.

Although in this situation, at least.

I never thought things like this could be possible, even for me. A high-ranking official of the Alliance I so faithfully serve. Never thought it to be possible, but it never crossed my mind that the treatments which my fearless leader, Archanius, could get, I could get too. These treats before my eyes weren't just for show...they were for me. For the consumption of one such as I.

Well, I thought it might be befitting my status as one of the feared leaders of this galactic juggernaut, since I was...well, I was nearly invincible, nearly untouchable. That was what I would like to think of myself. One of the pioneers, one of the galaxy's most feared leaders. Not the leader of a group but at least, I had one flotilla under my control. That had to be enough.

I smiled a formal smile as she offered the food to my mouth.

" Gladly." I said as I opened my mouth to taste the noodle treat.

Tasty. It was also a bit salty, but well cooked enough to suit my palate. Earth food really had grown on me ever since I tasted them. Both this, and the 'other' food I so loved to eat. I begged for some more.

That cherry on the top of her nipple captivated my eyes and so, without even asking permission from the cook for the night, I hovered over poor Olive. I let out my serpentine tongue and slowly flicked it off the top pf her nipple, and loved the taste.

" Tasty." I said, sitting back and smiling that officer's smile I loved using. " I wonder what the whole treat would taste like."

I leaned back against the chair, hoping Yung would massage my tired back.

End of passion play, crumbling away...
I'm your source of self-destruction.
Taste me you will see, more is all you need...
You're dedicated to how I'm killing you.

A member of the Archanius Alliance, Lieutenant.
The Archanius Alliance
Terror of the Deep

Thu Nov 15, 2007 3:53 am
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I feed him the morsel of food from her quivering tummy…sliding the steel chop sticks back out and grabbing another small snack. The smug grin spread cross his face like a kid in a candy store….I uwz certain ‘bout being a piece of that candy though…I wuz spoken for. Every few seconds I found me self having to remind me of it.

Oh…the turkey. Ah leaning forward like that, the muscles rippling before I could get to another bit for him. A tongue of a snake, must have been. Perking right up as I sat up straight an back a wee bit…a quiver went cross me nipples…than shook me deep inside as his tongue rolled out an back across Olives nipple an grabbed the strategically placed cherry. It wuznt time for desert an I really didn’t care, no, it wuz the thought rolling through me head of that tongue sliding round me I focused on. I could feel it squirming deep inside…tween me legs as I sat on me heels. Flickering its way deep within, then out…rubbing cross me nub.

Food tumbling off the chopsticks back onto her body as I watched, me eyes focusing on its slow fall. “Opps…ummmm” speechless…me who could talk a mile a minute. Olives face showed the same look as Yungs…That same I’ve died an gone to heaven type look. I looked at them, me mouth curling a bit like a wolf claiming its territory, Alpha…me vows slipping further away like they wuz a long lost dream. Another life long gone, watching him lean back, an cross his hands behind his head….like a King looking over his spoils…I could feel me insides quiver under that gaze. Never fore Had I felt like this…never for Had I seen sum thing like this. ‘Lord Help me’ it seemed a silly prayer, for I had already lost…lost the moment we had met in the beach, I jus hadn’t known it till now.

Yung took a step backward…maybe the snarl…maybe sum thing she sensed. I reckon I would never know…for Olive…well she wuzn’t going no where now being all tied down on that table. Inside I felt like dancing…a daring lil tease slipping cross me thoughts, one I had to act on…a chance to set the hook on the biggest fish I’d ever known. Though who wuz catching whom wuz still up for grabs.

‘Tasty treaty eh…’ I thought to me self. ‘Oh he’d asked…an it wuz in me power to grant’ the wicked an sly thoughts making me breath catch in happiness. Slowly me hand slides up the inside of olives long smooth thigh. I stroke the petals of her flower, teasing them open with a few soft flicks of me fingertips. Then, a slow plunge inward of me index finger….letting it disappear into the soft wet folds of her gripping hole. Her face so cute as she bites her lower lip to keep from moaning out load, trying to suppress her own pleasure as I had instructed her to. Twirling me thumb over her hood in a slow teasing caress I make it harder an up the ante, me eyes dancing from the sparkles of desire in hers…an the proud eyes of me host. Pulling me finger back out I bring the glistening end of it to me mouth an flick me pink tongue lightly for a lil taste.

“Hmmmm goood….Wanna have some?….after all yah said yah wanted a taste of the real treat” Coming up onto me knees, sliding o’er the table, one leg then the other till both knees slid to each side of his own. I held me hot moist self jus inched above that knee an a leaning forward held up me finger in front of his lips…waiting for his response. Yeah…I knew who he wuz a tasting next, dinner might very well be forgotten as another hunger finally overloaded all me good sense.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Thu Nov 15, 2007 9:15 am
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Location: conquered Davey Jones' locker...
Finally, all hell breaks loose as every resolve is broken and every break is forgotten.

She was speaking clearly on a different tone...and I, I was on the verge of collapse. Having 3 scantily-clad women service you as you feel like king of the world is something for the senses to really fathom. Ah, maybe one does not need to really think about things right now. Moments like this should be taken in without question, taken without hesitation. It is like a movie which is easy on the juts watch but you never analyze. For sometimes that brings the real headaches.

Besides, moments like this don't come so often in a lifetime. They do not even try to resist. And he resolve has failed. Quite like so many others before her. How lovely it is that I was able to notch this up my belt once again.

And of course, over her. Seemingly enough she would be a top agent but I might be able to make some modifications before I lose her over to the ADD. That would give me a chance to have my own personal spy working against them. That would serve two things. One, information for the Alliance, and two...a little rest and recreation for me everytime she reports. My own little food. She might have been preparing this from the start...she was really going to be food for her god.

She finally moved her good self over my knee, with it between her shapely legs. As I hinted a small trace of wetness falling down from within, I noted she might not even be wearing anything under that. She could've not even bothered to put anything. Easy for me, so I'm not one to complain. I like that sometimes...and I fought against the urge to raise that knee of mine to cop a feel of what hidden treasure might be emitting some kind of aura that drives me crazy.

" Ah...some call it ambrosia." I said, still smiling formally." I would like to taste what 'produce' we might have in this year's batch."

it's great to be king, even if for just a night.

End of passion play, crumbling away...
I'm your source of self-destruction.
Taste me you will see, more is all you need...
You're dedicated to how I'm killing you.

A member of the Archanius Alliance, Lieutenant.
The Archanius Alliance
Terror of the Deep

Fri Nov 16, 2007 2:45 am
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Location: Bringing light to the dark
“Ambrosia eh” From under me eyebrows I looked askance at him…”Then your taste”. The voice far more sultry than I could member mine being. Winking with me eye fore I put me finger ‘gainst his lips an as they parted slide it in, past sharp teeth…feeling his tongue an lips press gainst me while I draw it slowly back out, clean of her scent...put packing his.

Breath bellows outwards, having forgotten to breath while he sucked on me finger. Me insides body alive with desire. I can feel him gainst me, me thigh brushing tween his muscluar legs. A round hardness beneath the leather, sum thing bout it sending a jangle of sparks crawling up from the contact through me spine till me head crawls with energy.

I settle me heated middle across the curve of his legs, balancing me self around him…rubbing jus a bit…enough for him to pick out exactly what I’m up to. ”Yung…her now….yes like that…turn round…bend over.” Commands executed perfectly, her taught round bottom framing the dripping wet lips, a promise of a small an tight opening. I squeeze one cheek…then slide me hand round her thigh were I turn up the speed of the egg within her hot lil lips. Rubbing me finger cross those purple lips I pick up her scent, her muck, an her juices….an leave her there, bent over olive, a vision to swim before the man whose knee I sit upon.

“hmmmm I have more for you to sample….but first.” One hand upon the middle of his chest, me fingers above the thumping heart a tingle running up that arm while I grabbed another lil roll of rice an seaweed from off our living table with fingers coated in Yung’s sweet juices. Watching his eyes will I open me mouth an casually place the morsel gainst me lips. The scent of food, an sex mingles below me noise in an erotic concoction that threatens to drive me o’er the edge. Holding it there, me body going forwards till I feel his skin press gainst mine through the thin fabric of me dress. Our heat mingles as I slide me body upwards. Raising me self up of his knee I slide me hands across his broad shoulders, fingers curling round the full muscles, kneading them…arms pulling me upwards, the golden rings pressed tightly to him…upwards till me mouth hovers next to his an I slide the food gainst his lips in an offering….Heat rises all around me…a heat form deep inside contained much to long that takes me along paths of foolish fancy and send me gianst the body of a giant…a man a leave me vows forgotten upon the floor of good intentions.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
Bio and adventures

Fri Nov 16, 2007 6:20 am
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Joined: Tue May 08, 2007 12:15 am
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Location: conquered Davey Jones' locker...
She was playing with me, that was too evident.

I slowly opened my lips to let her finger in my mouth, slowly taking in the digit. The taste of fresh juice was so intoxicating, that without any warning some tentacles of mine came out. They joined the mechanical ones, embedded in my body by a magic of science known as the WarLabs. However, they reacted to the momentary taste of something not normal. Once it faded, they too died down and retracted.

She seemed to grow too tired of standing up and slowly settled herself upon my leg. Cursed leather, I could not feel whether she was wet or not. But it was enough to feel her warmth and an eerie smoothness to know that she wasn't wearing anything that might hinder me.

Oh my.

The next scene would dare me to go over the edge, as before me Yung bent down over Olive and proudly displayed the forbidden fruit, just waiting to be plucked. Ah, a secret yearning threatened to get out too early. Her lips, already wet, further dripped when the egg within her vibrated to a thundering crescendo of sensation. The moans coming from her were almost enough for me.

Yet, as the night grew deep, so did the sensations.

The finality for me was what she did after she stood up a bit.

She got a rice/seaweed sushi from the living table and offered it to me, her god for the evening, in a way she only knew how.

She offered it to me through her mouth.

End of passion play, crumbling away...
I'm your source of self-destruction.
Taste me you will see, more is all you need...
You're dedicated to how I'm killing you.

A member of the Archanius Alliance, Lieutenant.
The Archanius Alliance
Terror of the Deep

Fri Nov 16, 2007 3:50 pm
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Joined: Mon Apr 30, 2007 5:53 am
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Location: Bringing light to the dark
The body below me arches gainst mine, responding to me own desires an needs. Strong Lips touch mine as teeth cut an tear the seaweed, spilling bits of sticky weed from round our hot wet mouths…I break off from the electric touch upon me lips, busily chewing an swallowing the small morsel of food. White rice glistens on his chin, me finger plucking off a strand an pushing it into his eagerly waiting mouth. A few more kernels rest upon his rising an falling chest. Bending forwards I bring me lips an tongue to each, slowly cleaning up the mess I’ve made.

Skin, warm an moist, adding jus a touch of salt greets me wandering tongue as I catch an bring each small white kernel into me mouth. A small kiss an I move to the next white speck…moving upwards in a slow march, back to his chin where I gather the last one with a flick of me tongue. Then, sliding me tongue along the line of his jaw a let me breath linger o’er his ear.

“I…..I’m gonna feed yah your meal…an then I’m gonna have desert, me soul be damned perhaps, but the lord knows you’ve got me blood boiling.” Shifting me position upwards, me hand trailing down the skin of his front till it disappears its touch is only upon me. Fingers…two of them easily slip inside me wet juicy folds surprising even me with how far gone I’ve become. I can feel me insides grasp the fingers, a small slurp sound when they pop free.

“A taste though…to get you through, an then you’ll have sum oysters…the girls always said they helped a man…ummm….well …” Heat in me face as I glance away from those gorgeous eyes an their deep turbulent emotion. It’s all gone crazy, an even more so I can’t deny me self. Fingers, dripping in me juice find thar way to his lips, slide over them to coat every inch…then plunge inside I let him have them…playing with them…

With one hand upon his mouth I get up momentarily, me dress up on me hips, exposing the roundness of me bum an still I care not. I turn up the vibrator on olive, an then grab an oyster…it slips an slides across me fingers…

“Yung…pleasure olive…but keep your bum where it is….an give me food when I ask for it…” I move closer to me man…straddling him, the silky dress now riding up on me hips till it bunches about me waist. I grip his hips tween me knees an settle me self in his lap. Sum thing large bulges in the tight leather pants he wears. Even after reading about men an sex its more nature, sum thing subconscious that thrills me with what that means. The he likes me…desires me…

Pulling me fingers from his mouth with a loud pop, as if he didn’t want to let them go…I prepare me self, wiggling down upon his lap…rubbing me bare middle ‘gainst his heat. The slimy raw oyster, one end clenched tween me teeth…the other end draped down me chin as I slide me body gainst his an offer it to his waiting mouth…Our lips meet, an heat fills me. The small slimy end slides down me tongue where I force it down me throat…like….’a hazy vision…swallowing…gulping down thick white gooey stuff…a man…a’. Trembling I lift me body away…trembling with desires an thoughts of what men might like…what he might desire an sum how knowing I’ve had dreams….dreams bout this sort of thing…so vivid…so very vivid they is real. A small drop of slim falls from me chin on onto his. It stands thar upon his skin, a glistening drop of dew. Me eyes focus…I am straddling a man, me heart racing me blood boiling. Thar is only one thing to do…

“Thar is no way I’m getting this dress all messed up with food. It cost me a fortune …” an in a distant place I realize its me voice…me whose hands lift the dress up na o’er me head, long red locks spilling once again cross me pale naked flesh in a halo of crimson. I can feel the golden rings jiggle upon me ends as the dress releases me.

Sitting back in his lap I roll the dress in me hands an toss it like I was playing basket ball o’er his head an into the middle of the room. Firm flesh free in front of his face…then leaning forwards, me hands sliding down the top of his pants as I press me self against him…hands tween us…finding the top of his bulge…nervously fumbling with the strange catch that keeps um all zipped up so to speak.

“Yah want to continue to eat?... or have a lil desert.. an then finish eating…or even enjoy desert while eating…” the words breathlessly whispered. I kiss the side of his neck, teasing with teeth….hoping against hope he makes me wait no longer. I would order Hanaji…but somehow, I don’t think that would be a good idea jus now…

Me last prayer is that he don’t make me wait…the musical moan of Olive fills me ears, an fills me gut with swirling heat….”we even have a lil music this evening….” Oh how I wish to join in that song…

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
Bio and adventures

Fri Nov 16, 2007 8:24 pm
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Joined: Tue May 08, 2007 12:15 am
Posts: 1223
Location: conquered Davey Jones' locker...
In a matter of minutes everything changes. Change, the only constant thing in this world...and rightfully so, as it brings along with it a dozen wonders of nature.

The night...or's really hard to judge whether it was night or day in space. The simulation helps a little, as it is real time, but of course the body recognizes its own clock. My body told me it was night. And what a night it was turning out to be.

The seaweed sushi was messy but she managed to clean off the mess she created, and in a way only she could do. Sensual, erotic, laced with malice. This were prime ingredients for a very turbulent night in this satellite colony and thank Neptune that I had ordered all comms to cease while I was 'resting'. Yung, with all her naked glory, was instructed as well to toy with the eventual food, Olive. But the focus shifted to her...whom I shall call Red.

I was right in thinking that her resolve would melt, and how I loved it. How I loved she thought that I liked her. True, that might be the case, but there was no affection or anything else along with it. It was only deep-seethed lust, only heavily tinted desire. The desire to mate with her, copulate, the desire to make her my own personal countless others. The difference would be, I would not let any other touch her. She was to be mine, to be my spy, my eyes and ears in the organization of the ADD. And to be my own little 'reliever'.

Once again she managed to surprise me. Off went her dress and in a matter of minutes, I was the only one dressed in the room. A naughty little hand finds its way into my bulbous phallus, which answers to the call. Not a very good thing to do if you were trying to avoid sin, but I guess that was not the issue with her anymore.

" Having a little mind changing all of a sudden?" I said to remind her of what she was ranting about earlier. It seemed she forgot why she bought Yung and Olive into this.

Now the real fun begins, as I take her mouth into mine for a deep, passionate alien kiss.

End of passion play, crumbling away...
I'm your source of self-destruction.
Taste me you will see, more is all you need...
You're dedicated to how I'm killing you.

A member of the Archanius Alliance, Lieutenant.
The Archanius Alliance
Terror of the Deep

Sat Nov 17, 2007 7:08 am
Profile YIM
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