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 Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member) 
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Alyssa felt the second strike coil around her neck cutting off more air, she fell to her knees as the agent yanked on the whip. Her hands grasping it length muscles straining to try to pry it of, then one arm fell limply to her lap, and then the second. She was losing air quickly now, her eyes begain to roll back into her head. It would all be over soon.

"Fuck you, Cow." She managed to get out.

OOC: off to bed, hope i dont have nightmares of whips tonight...well thats not a bad thing i guess :)

Sun Nov 18, 2007 6:32 am
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Still keeping a firm grip on the whip she quietly reached for another one near her, ignoring the statements said by the two

(oh dont worry i think youll have dreams instead of nightmares *winks*)

Student or ADD agent? you decide. Message me anytime *winks*
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Sun Nov 18, 2007 11:27 am
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Archanius seems unconcenred as he just stands there and watches this event unfold.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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If you fancy an RP with my character do not hestitate ask. I'm always free.

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Sun Nov 18, 2007 1:16 pm

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(Would you mind if I joined you? I would have posted sooner but aol decided not to work and I just found out about the progress of thread.)

A member of the Archanius Alliance, Major

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Sun Nov 18, 2007 4:38 pm
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The bitch apparently was going to strangle her to death with the wimp. Her arms were limp at her sides, her face beginning to turn blue. She couldn't move, it was over. Her head rolled forward laying limp on her chest.

Even though her body had stopped working, Alyssa mind was busy. Her Master as he said himself made it so she no longer required a doctor, her body was superior to a normal womans, wounds healed, her longs could survive off much less oxygen. She retained full control, watch she displayed though was a facade. Soon when the agent let her guard down she would discover that all to well.

Perhaps she would make this cow into a toy, and she so loved playing with toys like she was doing now.

Mon Nov 19, 2007 3:29 am
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Hana hissed softly as she saw alyssa's head drop. With a jerk fueled by fear and desperation she threw the girl towards Archanius and bolted for the door.

"15 minutes of stealth" she murmurred softly her mind racing as she ran. *i think i can hold my breath for a few minutes

Student or ADD agent? you decide. Message me anytime *winks*
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Mon Nov 19, 2007 7:04 am
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As she got to the door it wouldn't budge or move, The door litteraly part of the organism of this base. "Nice try, the only way you leave is if you defeat me also." I tell her.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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If you fancy an RP with my character do not hestitate ask. I'm always free.

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Mon Nov 19, 2007 7:13 am
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those were the words she was waiting for.

She turned and smiled sweetly at him.

"Oh that means we have a slight problem" she adjusted her glasses.

Student or ADD agent? you decide. Message me anytime *winks*
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Mon Nov 19, 2007 7:26 am
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"We do don't we." I tell her as I take a step to the side trying to circle around her.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

My Bio- viewtopic.php?f=7&t=144

If you fancy an RP with my character do not hestitate ask. I'm always free.

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Mon Nov 19, 2007 7:28 am
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Location: conquered Davey Jones' locker...
{Nice to see some action happening. Keep it up guys and let's get this on the road 8) }

- Alliance fighter 'Devourer', floating off-planet, Zeta sector 09 -

The shackles did their job and she was about as helpless as a newborn child there on the examination table. The monster was keeping the bargain about not touching her or hurting her or anything, but that did not mean that he would let her do as she pleased. That was the advantage of keeping someone trusting you. Still, she could be very well his equal since she has played him for far too long, up till now.

He looked her over. She was very tempting, to say the least, as she was sprawled out butt-naked on that table. And upon seeing where the ADD had placed the probes on her body, well, it was a given that somebody up in the top brass was a psycho. Sending agents into battle with almost all the wrappings and all the wrong positionings.

Fortunately, the ship blocked out most questionable radio transmissions and most tracking signals so he was virtually nothing on the ADD's radar. Though of course, being the trickster he was he didn't pass up the chance of playing a little game.

" Well, well, well." He said, smiling faintly, still reeling from some of the effects of the poison. " Someone seems to be this a sick joke they put on you?"

Then moving in closer he whispered," Makes you think something about revenge, now, doesn't it?"

End of passion play, crumbling away...
I'm your source of self-destruction.
Taste me you will see, more is all you need...
You're dedicated to how I'm killing you.

A member of the Archanius Alliance, Lieutenant.
The Archanius Alliance
Terror of the Deep

Mon Nov 19, 2007 8:01 am
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Here I wuz, no shackled…I should’ve expected it of him, it would help him get off, then again I liked to shackle me mates as well. I looked forward to turning the tables an changing things on him, putting him in these shackles. I couldn’t help me self...then ‘gin the ship would probably jus release him, but I could play along.

Regions T an P…I really wuz failing to see his humor over it. Had to wonder what he wuz gonna think if I had to shove a swab up his lil pee hole to clear him. Laughing more to me self, I could feel me chest jiggle…then looked into those piercing eyes an noticed the fire of desire back hind um. It swam…swam inside me, sent a shudder down me spine an deep inside. I wuz really looking forward to putting a big ole smile on his face. I knew he wuz gonna enjoy me return….

“T and P eh…. I really doubt that wuz what they called it, I’m glad yah could find a joke in it though…so If I find one on you….lets jus say A or P…yah gonna be jus as happy” Smirking like I knew sumthing he didn’t….I jus suspected, after all I’d seen some of the raw intel. Intel that could lead yah in certain directions. I also knew about some of the tech. An it wuz real good…..

“Yeah...revenge, My lord says vengeance is his, an I’m the tool to do jus that. The bugs, they be expected. Thar are rumors yah know, lots of um….so stop your blabbering ‘bout it an get rid of um…then your on the table. Turn ‘bout is fair play, I suggest you be good ‘bout it cause I think I’ve got some bad news for yah….lots of it. Seems trust ain’t in the market round here…of course, well, I found yah like we agreed. So stop your drooling an gawking like some adolescent school boy…thar’ll be plenty of time for that later.” I winked at him, the grin spreading cross me face jus as sure as the moisture was building tween me legs. “Believe me, its been a long time since I had sum good action. An thar ain’t many I enjoy or even let close enough to find out what I enjoy. Consider yourself one of the few that jus makes this girls motor purr. “ that little girl deep inside still lived thar, but right now she wuz throwing a fit that I would be so bold an forget all the bible had taught me. But she wuz wrong…god wanted us to be happy, an for a little while that big baboon could make me happy…that wuz till he thought he had a passive lil girl in his lap. I had a habit of biting then, jus to remind these critters who wuz boss.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Mon Nov 19, 2007 8:54 am
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(yes this is going to be fun)

she kept her eyes on him warily still holding the whips. Breathing deeply she mentally prepared herself.

IN a blur of motion there was a crack as the whip narrowly missed him. She followed with the second one, wevaing them in aslow but painfull dance around her. snapping and cracking

Student or ADD agent? you decide. Message me anytime *winks*
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Mon Nov 19, 2007 12:25 pm
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Location: conquered Davey Jones' locker...
- Alliance fighter 'Devourer', floating off-planet, Zeta sector 09 -

Ah, such fun it is to watch these agents jeer at you while they were the ones on the jugular. Surely someone in her position would do better than jeer...then again, this may be his chance at relaxation. It was stifling enough to travel through all the rigors of space, and even more when you have reports of agents appearing from all directions. So much for intel.

The sight of her shackled and made docile against her will fuels the monster to do enough for what she might have. His resolve has never been more focused than ever. His resolve for something more than...revenge.

" You still went ahead and worked for the ADD." He said, feigning irritation which would have been the last sight for any Alliance thug who crossed him." I told you, you just say the word and I'll make you a top didn't want that, did you?"

Two teacup sized glass nodules went out of the lights on top of her. These went down onto her chest, were they fit snugly. Suddenly two flexible metal straws came out to latch onto a nipple...the one on her right. A second straw like thing came out to latch onto her pussy, this one a little like the metal tentacles Kouzakai had on his back.

" After this I don't think any of your friends will have any idea where you are." He said. " And then maybe you will consider ridding me of this wretched poison."

End of passion play, crumbling away...
I'm your source of self-destruction.
Taste me you will see, more is all you need...
You're dedicated to how I'm killing you.

A member of the Archanius Alliance, Lieutenant.
The Archanius Alliance
Terror of the Deep

Mon Nov 19, 2007 3:09 pm
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So much to think about, I enjoyed our foreplay, it wuz one of equals in a world of dominants. Well he might never admit it. The psych branch at Intel had been kind enough to give me their thoughts on this Lieutenant in the alliance. Seems he wuz an adrenaline junkie, a man who loved on the edge. That wanted complete power o’er the women in his bed, but when they gave in to his desires he would soon be bored with them an then move on. Deep inside he wanted a woman who wuz willing to be his partner, but one who when he turned his back after an exhausting night in the sack might just slam a dagger through his thick skull. He needed to live on that edge, an any girl in order to be worthy had to keep him on that edge. Only time would tell if they had it right.

Well, I liked the dame edge….I didn’t need to lie to say he did things to me that filled me dreams with him when we were away from one another. I’d broken a sacred vow in me heart to be in his arms. To feel him inside me, stirring the essence of life….The straw like tub pierced me skin in both places.

“arrg” biting down on me lip, taking the pain in as every joint an muscle strained at the cuffs that held me in place. Back arching, trying to make me smaller an get out from under the probes as they did thar dirty work an slide into places that violated me in the most clinical of manners. I despised the ADD for what they had done even though I could understand the reasons for it. Sweet poured from me body. Wanting to close me eyes, to scream…but all were signs of weakness…weakness I couldn’t show in front of him, that I didn’t want to show in front of him.

So I watched, me chin to me chest, straining to remain still as me shoulders arched into the hard plastic like covering. Jus as I’d get one set of muscles unknotted another thundering sensation of pain would hit me from one point or the other. I had to wonder how much wuz really necessary, it would be his way to give me jus a little more pain than necessary. Eyes glaze with water, an I do all I can to not cry, to feed the pain elsewhere an turn it in on itself. Another sobbing gasp for air that sets me chest a jiggling the probes digging in a bit more as me body threatens to pass out. An then the straw pulses…a small splash of red along the inner surface of the tube…an small piece of matter being pulled upwards as the probes slowly withdrew themselves back to the ceiling.

A sheen of perspiration coats me body, parts of me feeling like I’ve been run o’er by a truck as I slowly melt back into the table. A whirl of thoughts an threads of conversation swirl within me mind. Panting to catch me breath an give me time to make sense of it all I wait…a face swims in front of me…familiar…yes….him.

“Thanks” I breath once more….”for nothing you two bit lil slime dog…did you forget yur next. I’m certain it didn’t need to hurt that bad!” I glare at him with me best I’ll get even with you face….an the pain, the sensations…it gets the better of me an I laugh…even that hurts the tenderness in me bosom. “Hurts to laugh right now. I…..I… think we better get yah on the table…I reckon yah have an XV-87 probe on yah.”

More threads of conversations rush at me…the previous drip now a flooding deluge that sweeps all before it. “wait a minute…I seem to member it wuz yah that wuz all keen on me going off an getting me self a job in the ADD….Yur the one that got rid of me…” batting me eyelids now, realizing that it might have been for other reasons…reasons that might indicate a bit of tenderness neath that hard exterior. “Yah trying to say yah missed me.” Perhaps that wuz more my dream…not his…”Switch…I’ll get yur probe…an then I’ll get rid of the poison if yah promise to treat me like an equal. Yur queen so to speak. I like the girls under me foot no less than you do…I jus like yah in me bed as well.”

Would I have every said that jus 5 years ago…thar wuz no way.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
Bio and adventures

Mon Nov 19, 2007 6:34 pm
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Ensign Kate Tyler was at the helm of her ADD scout ship when a unknown Alliance ship suddenly appeared on her ships sensors. Her scout ship was parked in a low orbit in the shadow of the huge gas giant that domiated this system. As the ship moved out of the system Kate curious to its destination broke orbit and started to follow the ship at a safe distance.

As soon as she started up her ships engines and keyed in the unknown ships co-ordinates the alliance ship disappeared off her scanner and vanished in thin air. Suddenly Kate knew something was going on and brought her ship to a full stop. After she had done this she opened up the comunications systems and conteacted ADD comand to report in and ask for orders. As soon as she sent her comunication she sat back and waited for a response from the ADD this responce soon came through the system she read it quickly it was a brief statement about a secret alliance meeting followed by a group of co-ordinates and final orders to make her way to this meeting and infiltrate it.

After she read the orders she inputted the co-ordnates into the helm computer and set off after the unknown ship. Eventually she arrived in the alliance system just on the far side of the moon that orbitted the alliance planet there she waited and prepared her self for her the mission ahead.


The more uncommon an evil, the worse it is.

If you want to RP with my character just send me a message.

Last edited by Beth on Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Mon Nov 19, 2007 9:31 pm
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