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 Annie to the rescue (Akkiguujin) 
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Location: On the shelf, in the corner, forlorn and abandoned. Why not pick me up?
*As the cross touched the demon's fingers it adhered with a violent hiss, smoke pouring from the blistering digits. Akki's hand convulsively clutched the piece of metal, collapsing to the ground with a howl of agony, the cross gripped in his clawed hand, pulling the girl down atop him. White flames began to burn at the edges of his wings, the smell of cooking meat filling the room.*

"Aaaaagghhh! It burns! Why?! What have you done to me Cassie?!"

*The demon rolled on the floor, arm curling against its chest as the hand clenching the cross burst into flames, the girl feeling the heat but not being burned. The screaming beast flopped onto its back, arching up away from the ground, heels drumming on the floor as inky tears poured from the voids of it eyes.*

"I tried! I tried to repent! Why does your God burn me?! Why did you betray me?! I spared you! I trusted you!"

*The demon's convulsions slowed, then stopped as the girl lay atop its chest, hand clenched together with his smoldering claw, her skin warm but otherwise intact. The black voids of its eyes seemed to dwindle as they stared at her....then the chest stopped moving.*


The Doll House

Fri Nov 30, 2007 9:25 am
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The stench of burning flesh fills me nostrils an makes me gag. Panic hits me…”I …I don’t know….I can’t know” the sizzle of meat in a fry pan hurts me ears jus as much as the creatures plaintive please for help…the not knowing. The body dances below me, his talons pulling me back over him, the white towel sliding lower as our bodies touch.

Convulsions rack his hideous frame, the sound the sight…the smell….backing away as me body threatens to send the remnants of me tummy onto the floor beside his still body…still….still….

Tears pour from me eyes as I search me own soul for some sort of meaning. Perhaps as a demon he could not enter heaven with his body…could this be like a man or woman…could it. Did he leave this shell behind, for I know god works in mysterious ways…I know he would forgive, it is gods way. Did the demon truly repent, … wuz his soul even now encased in the beautiful body of an angel?

“May you rest in heaven” fingers go to me white towel…pulling it upwards….I …I have to call someone…anyone, though how to explain. Standing over the still body I quickly pull the school shirt o’er me top… then dropping the towel I pull the skirt up.

I have to get help…if there is any help to be gotten, jus in case he is not yet done for…
Bending low I touch him once ‘gan…”I hope you are in heaven…perhaps that pain was gods way of driving the darkness from yah…I really don’t know…any minute I expect to see an angel walk through that door … for it to be you. Though I really don’t know….so much new here…Not going far…get sum help is all. God be with you”

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Sat Dec 01, 2007 1:43 am
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Location: On the shelf, in the corner, forlorn and abandoned. Why not pick me up?
*As the girl bent low to touch him, the demon jerked upright with a long scream, grabbing her hand and pulling her face within inches of his own, swirling voids reappearing where his eyes should be.*


*Akki smirked at the girl, raising his hand in front of her face and opening it to reveal the steaming cross, the gold blackened by heat. His other hand grabbed her waist, pulling her down tight against him as he spoke softly, his face looming close enough for their noses to touch.*

"Oh what a gullible little duckling you are...did you really believe I would ask a non existent sham for forgiveness? You want an angel to walk through the door? Poor little girl, angels aren't real. Just monsters like myself....and my friends."

*Cupping her chin firmly, the demon turned her eyes to the again steam filled doorway to the showers. Shambling through it came the tongue dolls, red glint in their eyes even fiercer than before, tongues dragging along the ground as they approached. Behind them slithered the hideously tentacled form of Resusci Anne, plastic face smiling beatifically.*

"And if you want me to rest in heaven...well...I'll have to make my own little piece of heaven....inside of you should do nicely.

*With those words, the demon raised a knee between the girl's legs, forcing his lips against hers, his forked tongue slithering into her mouth to twine about hers. Her mouth flooded with a foul taste as slimy saliva filled her mouth and trickled down her throat. The knee between her legs rubbed against her crotch firmly, the skirt riding up over her hips in the process.*


The Doll House

Sat Dec 01, 2007 7:32 am
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The hand entwined in me own pulling me off balance. Catching me self jus as I came up on him, face to face…the hideous black eyes dancing for what seemed some cruel joke. Vile words those, words that only the most demented of the evil vile creatures that inhabited Hades would say. I had been a fool. But then god does work in mysterious ways.

Opening me mouth to speak, “ummm…” me face forced by his hands to look at the shambling creatures that once again prowled the earth. Losing me voice as a sudden dance of fear makes me heart flutter. I squirm, feeling the growing excitement in the thing below me. Pushing back…an then his hands forcing me head forwards. Our lips meet, vile an horrible…a slithering tongue, an a taste of pure evil forces its way past me teeth. I bite, tasting even more of the rancid meat that this thing is.

The bile rises in me throat, unable to stop it. Flowing into me mouth in reaction to the taste of spoiled food upon me tongue. Chunks of me lunch force thar way past me lips…to be expelled upon the flesh of evil.

Fighting his strength I try to back off, his knee tween me legs, rubbing me in a way that is all wrong…unless its me love. Panic nips at the edges of me sanity. I can feel the gathering strength in me arms an legs. The grip upon me tightens with a flash of pain. Our lips part, an he laughs, a hideous sound that grates ‘gainst me ears an sets me seething tummy on edge once ‘gain.

“Let me go…he does live…lives in all that is good….please…what did I do to you?” I had witnessed first hand the miracles of me lord, nothing would shake that…I hoped.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Sat Dec 01, 2007 8:20 am
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Location: On the shelf, in the corner, forlorn and abandoned. Why not pick me up?
"Do to me? Absolutely nothing. I choose to torment you on nothing more than a whim. A desire to defile you in the most basic of ways. What is it your preachers say, "Your body is a temple,"? If that's the case then yours will be a temple the likes of which whores call home by the time I'm done with you."

*The demon laughed again, knee grinding harder against her. The tongue manikins arrived, tongues wrapping around the girl's wrists again, lifting her off of their master. The scuttling creatures hissed as they carried her back into the steamy shower room, the tentacled mass of Anne wrapping her feet in a nest of snake-like appendages, the suckers on them pulling at her toes in a teasing manner.*

"Won't this be fun? The master is going to play with you! You should be happy!"

*The writhing mass seemed exuberantly cheerful as it helped to carry the now dressed girl across the steaming tiles. All of the heads had been turned on again, and the drains had been partially blocked with towels, causing the middle of the room to fill with an inch deep pool of scalding water. The tongue manikins leaped to the ceiling, her arms wrapped in their writhing appendages, causing her to hang over the near boiling pool of water, toes dangling just above the surface as the mutated CPR dummy released her.*

"Ah. Steamed duckling. What a delectable dish. Tho I prefer my meals with a little less wrapping."

*The demon smiled malevolently as it reached toward her with a clawed hand, apparently ignoring the hot water around it's ankles.*


The Doll House

Sat Dec 01, 2007 8:33 am
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Screaming at the top of me lungs “Nooooooo….” I wuzn’t a whore… ohhhh how I hated them words. Tongues wrapping round me arms…pulling them apart an upwards. Gasping as the terror swells inside me. The demon laughs, filling the small room with his insane sound.

Steam swirls all round me, a gushing of heat that leaves me red hair plastered to me back an shoulders. The white button down school shirt soon stretches across me body, its surface turning translucent in the hot steam. Breaths come hard in the dampness, all the energy seemingly being sucked out of me. Sweat joins the steam an trickles down me arms…me body…me legs. The beast plays with me toes, toying with me as I swing from the crazy mannequins.

Heat runs up me legs, I hang me head, the water a seething mass jus below me toes. I can still remember the day the pot fell over from the kitchen counter…the one with the corn on the cob. Thankfully, it had fallen across me dress, not on me skin direct like. The doctor had said I was jus plain lucky id not gotten a scar cross me leg. Jus the same it hurt like the blazes.

Jus like that I stopped me squirming. Jus hung all limp like. The demon before me the water jus swirling round his feet like it was nothing but a nice swimming pool. Me mind racing for a way out…seen nothing as he spoke of me like I was some critter. One ugle claw reaching up, sliding along the edge of me neckline where the black collar an me white shirt met…sliding downwards to the first button. Me lungs heaved, pushing the sodden shirt forwards, stretching the fabric cross the fullness of me chest. Thar wuz nothing doing ‘bout any of it.

With me skin crawling jus below his touch I swung slowly next to him. Trembling an having to wonder once gain if god had deserted me. But then ‘gain, his only sun had been tempted by satan himself. Some how I had to have the strength for this….somehow, cause I wuz here no matter how much I didn’t wanna be. Fool…….

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Sat Dec 01, 2007 9:14 am
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Location: On the shelf, in the corner, forlorn and abandoned. Why not pick me up?
*As the girl went limp, Akki began to hum a simple song, one more at home in a kitchen than a steamy shower. He retracted the claw and undid the top button of the girl's shirt carefully, moving down the line until it hung open, her heaving breasts exposed once more, golden rings flashing in the red glow of his minions' soulless gaze. Anne's tentacles reached forward, pulling the ends of the shirt behind the girl and tying them in a neat knot behind her. The demon ran his hand along the taut flesh of the girl's stomach, giving it a gentle slap as if testing a side of meat, grinning and nodding as if pleased.*

"You are in fine shape, duckling. Smooth skin, toned belly, and we can't forget those succulent breasts of yours. Perhaps you aren't a duckling after all? A cow perhaps, with gold pierced udders?"

*Laughing cruelly, the demon pinched her right nipple between his fingers, rolling it gently, flicking the ring up and down occasionally as well. He brought his mouth to bear on the other, forked tongue flicking out and wrapping around the nipple, squeezing as he sucked on the breast firmly. He caught the ring on this nipple in his fangs, shaking his head from side to side slowly, her breasts jiggling in a most satisfactory manner.*

"You have such lovely skin...does your Hanaji help you rub lotion on it? Does your Hanaji play with your rings like my master does? You are a very lucky girl, you know. He's in a good mood right now. He might not even eat you when he's done."

*The plastic head of the tentacled mass hovered next to the trapped girl's face, whispering cheerfully in her ear. Two tentacles rose from the writhing nest beneath Anne's artificial smile and stroked along the girl's spine up to her shoulders, tickling along under her pulled up arms.*


The Doll House

Sat Dec 01, 2007 10:17 am
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Hell had come to earth. I had no better explanation an could not even ‘gin to think on what me lord wuz a trying to tell me ‘bout me self. What test wuz it I had entered into? What good could come of me hanging o’er the troubled waters an having a demon of hell itself play with me like a favorite toy.

Carefully he unbuttoned me shirt as if time itself stood still at his feet. Unbuttoned it in a casual way…the way I would have, treating it with respect an care. Each fold creating a perfect crease, gentile so it would not tear or be ruined in any way. Creating a sense that the shirt wuz worth more than gold. More than me perhaps. A pulse of heat an anger that it would be so…vanity perhaps.

The hooked talons of his hand played o’er me skin an taught tummy, slowly stroking the soft flesh…flesh I had spent a great deal of time on…flesh that rode over strength an tone. Had I taken to much time exercising…taken too much pride in me appearance for me love, an me self? Could this be the sin? The soft slap…the compliment ‘bout the care I took of me self lost in the haze of other worldliness. Had it been Hanaji that uttered those words I would have been filled with pride. But from his mouth it came out as an insult, as if all the vain an foolish pride I had taken to keep me body like this wuz for this hideous creatures pure enjoyment. The words twisting like a knife tween me shoulder blades. I could not take it as a compliment, could not enjoy those words form such a mouth.

Gritting me teeth as he played with me firm an full breasts, I prayed for the strength to resist. The traitorous body of mine having jus the opposite reaction. Do men react this way? The thought soon lost with the first flicker of pain from a pull upon me gold. The nipples responding to his play…filling, growing, the points hard an firm within that horrible mouth. I closed me eyes to him…to it…an found the sensation of him upon me better than I could member Hanaji. Eyes fluttering open to watch. Watch I did, in utter horror as the vile thing played an the skin of me breasts grew taught an sensitive … horror as the pain of the play flipped an pleasure mixed with it. Hell … could this be what it wuz to be…to be filled with dread an horror an have yur body feel pleasure?

“Yes…a cow…an so why find such interest in a cow?” I hated saying the words, but I had to change … had to for I could feel me self losing the battle for me own body. I had to save it…save me soul.

Like eve in the garden I could feel me self slipping into sin. Anger, Lust, an Vanity all warring in me mind for its attention. The beast within awakening with a soft purr….a purr that found its way up me tight throat…an past me clenched teeth…a purr I could only hope had been lost in his voice.

Stuttering…me breasts pushing forward as I tried to speak…”Hanaji…much….much better….” The lie finding its way out, forced an trite. Another tremble along me spine, the same place the tentacles now caress with such glee as the mannequin whispers in me ear. Fear reared its ugly head…fear he would eat me…but more so that he would eat me immortal soul.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Sat Dec 01, 2007 8:42 pm
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*Akki released the girl's breasts, letting them hang before him. He gave them a gentle slap, setting them to swaying along with the hanging girl.*

"So, you want to be a cow then? What does your kind do to cows silly girl? They keep them in fields, tame and complacent. Then when they have matured enough.....kill them....No no no, if you are a cow, then you have most certainly *Squeezes her breasts firmly* matured enough to be devoured. I will give you a choice."

*Akki released the girl's swelling breasts, running the back of one claw gently down her stomach from between her breasts, all the way down to the waist of her skirt. The claw turned over, running along the inside of the band slowly, pulling the fabric away from the girl, and at the same time pulling her closer to him. He flicked out his serpent's tongue, playing lightly across the skin of her stomach, twirling for a moment in her navel.*

"Do you want me to devour you literally...or figuratively? To take your flesh into myself, to feast upon you like a cow? Or to give my flesh unto you, to devour you in the manner of all things masculine, to take from you your pride as you fulfill the role of a girl, nay...a woman. Which is it then, are you a cow....or a woman?"

*The demon tasted the fear rising in the girl, mixed with the taste of the vanilla perfume she had dabbed on herself. Dread and vanilla. What a delicate bouquet of flavors. As he finished speaking, he brought one hand up between the girl's legs, parting the skirt as his palm settled against the black lace covered crotch. He began to rub his hand back and forth across her hidden flesh, dragging the lace across her sensitive nether lips slowly.*

"Do you not see how gentle he is being? Why do you insult him so? Hanaji would be sad to see you be so rude to such a kind being. Can you imagine the look on her face if she saw you right now?"

*Th plastic face moved around to hang in front of the girl's, features slowly shifting, pulling on the girl's memories to choose its new form. Before the girl's horrified eyes, the face took on a Asian cast to its features, softened slightly with a Caucasian influence. The dummies hair turned purple, the bangs growing long to hang by its chin. The eyes turned a warm hazel color as the red glow faded. The expression turned to one of extreme disappointment as it gazed into the girl's eyes.*


The Doll House

Sat Dec 01, 2007 9:08 pm
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Dangling from overhead, I find me self within his grasp. De-ja-vu…like I have been here before, another nightmare of sorts, hanging…the hands groping me flesh, wanting nothing to do with it. Playing with me breasts as if they are toys an not a part of me flesh. Like they live all on there own. Makes me want to smack him…an yet another sin brought on by me tormentor. His presence making me member each an every one of the sins as they crossed me.

Revulsion fills me insides. Revulsion of him as I force down yet another gag within me throat at his overwhelming stench. Revulsion of me own body as I find a sort of perverse pleasure in his gentle touches. The tongue playing cross me tummy, the way me nipples ache for his attentions. Even a slap….playful…wanting more…across me bum…for being a bad bad girl. All so wrong….so so wrong.

“I….I… woman…I am a woman…” Bowing me head as I catch the drift of what he wants. The fear takes me. Does he have the power to get me with his spawn? Fear of what he will do to me…the fear of his seed. Did not god give Mary a Child. I’d heard ‘bout all those horror movies….seen one or two. Could it come true for me? Would it? Me skin trembled uder his touch, for yet one more reason.

Oh I could imagine Hanaji’s look. Her very surprise as I hung above her. The sweet voice calling out as her fingers played across me legs, calling out to find out what her mistress required…knowing…knowing that like this it would be sum thing kinky….sum thing dealing with sex of sum sort. A tear traveling downwards o’er me cheek, knowing now what she had in mind.

“Noooo…not….not Hanaji!” How could I continue living if…if me love ……This wuz not what I had thought at all…it wuz far far worse.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Sun Dec 02, 2007 3:56 am
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"Yes my pet. And I'm very disappointed in you. Look at yourself, writhing like a little slut in his hands. I should punish you for not letting me do these things to you right now...but I'll be kind this once."

*The tentacled dummy sent two tendrils up towards the hanging girl's face, the slimy appendages compressing and shifting into a pair of feminine hands. The hands stroked the girl's face, pulling her toward the visage of her lover gently. Anne/Hanaji kissed the girl deeply, tongue eagerly pressing into her mouth, as more tentacles stroked along her spine.*

"A woman then. Just remember, my gilded duckling....when you think back on this were given the choice of dying pure...but decided to succumb to sinful lust of your own will....If this was a test from your God...then you have just failed..."

*Two tentacles emerged from the demon's ribcage, each twining around an ankle, spreading the girl's legs before him. His claw retracted from the waist band of the skirt, and his fingers set to removing it as carefully as he had the blouse. He tossed the removed wrapping to the third tongue manikin carelessly, hands returning to the girl, stroking her feet, ankles, calves and finally up to her thighs. His claws traced lines in her soft skin, before reaching her black lace undergarment, one claw going to each side and drawing the lingerie down her thighs ever so slowly.*

"Such a naughty piece of clothing to is almost a sign that you were waiting...hoping for this to happen to you. Is that the truth, little duckling? Did you ache for someone to pull you down from grace? To drag you into the exquisite pleasure of sin?"

*Akki brought his face down from her stomach, running his tongue along the crease where her leg met her hip. After a moment, the forked appendage slithered across her skin to her smooth, hairless sex, flicking across the concealed nub of her clit before delving inside slowly.*


The Doll House

Sun Dec 02, 2007 4:35 am
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Sin….suddenly I felt Hanaji’s lips on mine…her face before me as I closed me eyes an tasted me love. Our roles had been reversed, but it wuz hanaji…no one else kissed like that. We were one…married…lovers…partners. Sin….there wuz no sin in love. What had me guardian angel said so long ago…what had the priest confirmed when he had come to the campus to give mass. That god wuz love, an man had been given the manifestation of love in the form of sex. That I tried to restrain me self still wuz more a product of me own past. I had failed nothing.

“You have it all wrong. You are like the church who lost there way when it comes to god an love. I dress for me love, to show her I care. The embrace of love is not dirty… not sin. I….I jus don’t want it, really.” Why is it so many still thought as I had. Even the demon that spoke could not see the truths as I had so recently learned them. I wuz guilty of sin…guilty of many. But know, wuz it? Me mind reeling in confusion and the press of sensations flowing from each point of me body…so many.

His touch…soft an sensuous much like the kiss playing on me lips. Another lower, another higher. Two girls, or not, like so many times before with hanaji. Though those times they had been tied up. I could feel the beast uncurl from his slumber, could feel the heat inside…lifting me legs to gather them round my love, me hanaji.

A soft murmur of joy bubbling up me throat to mew within the mouth of me love as a tongue worms its way cross me middle….strokes the nub of joy an seeks the nectar of me flower.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Sun Dec 02, 2007 5:04 am
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*Good. She's slipping under. The heat, the teasing, the face of her lover...all to break her to my will. The demon's tentacles released her feet one by one to allow him to remove the black panties carefully, again the garment being tossed to the waiting tongue manikin. Akki's tongue pushed deeper into the mewling girl's folds, undulating slowly within her, caressing her inner walls with its forked tip. His saliva filled her receptive cunny, giving her the sensation of warm gel flowing through her, dripping down her legs to the steaming pool below.*

"Yessss.....give in...your Hanaji wants you to be happy...happy as you receive me into you..."

*More of Anne/Hanaji's tentacles flowed up from the writhing mass, a cluster of them squirming together to form another visage of the girl's lover. The new mock-Hanaji began to press kisses to the girl's back, tongue licking out to trace her spine from the base of her neck to the crevice of her firm ass. Still more compressed into more feminine hands, reaching around the writhing body to cup her full breasts and squeeze them, pushing them together so that the rings in her nipples clinked together quietly.*

*A thought struck Akki as the girl's legs rose of their own accord, stretching to wrap around him. A third tentacle emerged from his shoulder, lashing up to the pipes of the ceiling, touching them one by one, seeking a particular source. The gasps and sighs of the girl caused his member to harden further, rising between his legs like the prow of an ominous ship, twitching with desire to dock within her.*


The Doll House

Sun Dec 02, 2007 5:28 am
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Losing me self in her embrace, like so many other times fore. Me breasts jutting proud like to be fondled an grasped. Returning the kiss with greater fervor, losing me self in her scent, her touch. Our tongues twined together, dancing within the shared embrace of our mouths.

I can feel the other girl hanaji has brought to our tryst as her breath runs upon me back. Soft an gentle the lips an tongue move down me spine to play along the top of me bare bum. The tongue wiggles itself into the crevice of me tight cheeks. Me tongue slips round the teeth of me love, exploring every inch of her delectable mouth. Pushing me head forwards, twisting me head to gather up all I can of her.

Soft hands squeeze an fondle me breasts. Soft an feminine, like they should be. Lust an desire build within me insides. Heat rising to match the hot humid air I labor to breath. Nostrils flare as our lips stay locked in one another an the breathing becomes more intense. Once gain me pulse pounds the underside to the black collar upon me throat. Pleasure coursing through me veins as the sensations seems amplified by some strange source.

The place I hang, the sick twisted demon of evil forgotten in the embrace of me love an her friend. I long for them to stroke me…to play there hands an tongues lower. To find the key to me body an turn it. Already the wire upon the neck of my bottle begins to untwist. With time, like the Champaign inside a bottle, I will explode outwards, unlocking the passions that I bottle up inside.

“ummmm hanaji….wahts her name…..ummmmm…..yesss, jus like I like it….ohhhhhh” I mumble round her mouth, encouraging her onwards. How we got to this place who cares…no … only the passion matters, the quenching of the fire that now threatens to rage within me out of control

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Cala (Future Prefect)
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Sun Dec 02, 2007 5:59 am
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*Excellent. Her mind has fractured into this state. She believes she is in her lovers arms. How delightful it will be when I break her from this trance... The upward questing tentacle found what it sought, wrapping about a particular pipe and squeezing with savage strength. The pipe crumpled, a fine jet of cold water spraying down over the suspended girl and her enwrapping tormentors. As the water fell, Akki pulled his head away from the girl, his tongue flicking over her emerging clit before slithering back into his mouth. He dropped a hand to his cock, its size changing to nearly the maximum for a human male. He rubbed the head of the massive organ against the moaning girl's labia, grinding the slickened tip against her clit before starting again. A fourth tentacle emerged from his side, snaking under the girl to run up her leg slowly, the tip forming into a near copy of the throbbing rod pressing against her sex.*

"Tell me how much you want to be filled....tell me where you want me to put these...beg me to stuff you with them....

*Anne/Hanaji #2 whispered in the girl's ear as the first copy pulled her lips away to kiss and suckle at the red haired girl's neck. The feminine touches on her back continued, the hands massaging her shoulders and squeezing her ass cheeks. The hands on her breasts rolled her cold and lust hardened nipples between their fingers, tweaking the golden rings as they magnified the cold seeping down from above. The only source of warmth the girl could cling to was the body of the demon tormenting her body and mind.*

"Yessss....tell me duckling...tell me what you want your sweet Hanaji to do....and I will make it happen....I answer prayers much more quickly than your so called God....the only price is something your body wants to give me anyway.....

*Give yourself to me little girl....give me your will....damn yourself by your own choosing and sink into despair as I wake you from your dream and fill you with my corruption.... The demon's fleshless face broke into a wicked smile as his tentacled minion continued to caress and coo to the dangling girl in the steamy Hell they had created.*


The Doll House

Sun Dec 02, 2007 6:30 am
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