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 A Dragon's Treasure (Ryujin an Cassie) 
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Joined: Mon Apr 30, 2007 5:53 am
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Twuz a chill like no other that crept up me spine. An evil cold that crept outwards from the violated private points of me body an threatened to tarnish me very soul. The cold both physical an emotional, slowly sapping me of strength an purpose. Tears, rolled down from the corners of me eyes, tears of sadness an anger, an humiliation all rolled into one.

Cold hands, colder than even me doctors invaded me body, played me like some sick lil ole living blow-up doll. The grey skin rippling with power as the dragon forced himself upon me. His oh so cold tongue playing across the naked parts of me that seem to tantalize a man. An it wuz me fault…me fault at not following me lords commandments.

The sin of pride wuz me first mistake. Oh how proud of me self I’d been winning the part of the princess. The serpent had blinded me as I played the part an wuz staked out at the tree. Trying me hardest to ignore the beast before me, I looked into the pass, to discover the signs I had missed while the evil one cackled in glee at me gullibility. The class…I had not asked for. The teacher, telling me I wuz the best when it wuz not true, the clothes they had wanted me to wear. The chain oh, how stupid to have allowed it. but no…pride….pride had blinded me way.

Now squirming on the cold black obsidian with its evil pentagram inscribed upon its smooth surface I could see clearly. Me skin feeling the small indents of that sign upon them as I tried to curl into a ball an get away from the cold hands that pressed themselves with in…pressed against the barrier of me innocence and left me breathless form the cold an other wonders. Sweat, from the heat of me body driven to o’er the brink left beads an rivulets along its pale surface. Trembling I looked at him, this thing that held a chain in one hand an wrapped its tongue across me breast.

With aching nipples…aching from the blood that pounded in them, pushed them every higher upon me chest, I fought the cold an heat he brought me. ‘Lord they hurt’ I thought as the crucifix’s weight rode the valley tween me high mounds. Evil….only evil would bind me to this dais an use the collar ‘bout me throat as if I wuz a beast to use as he would. That would violate me with instruments that buzzed within me bum an sent a sickly heat to counteract the coldness of his fingers within me maidenhood. I had not agreed to this…I had to reason with him…show him the error of his ways….an do it quickly….yes quickly….before the heat I felt upon me leg would become me only option of warming meself on the inside….oh god no…..please no….

“Mr. Ryujin-sama” It couldn’t hurt I reasoned to use the name he wished me too. “how can there be an agreement in this. This was not ever even talked ‘bout like. Stop….stop yur evil actions an think for a moment like the good lord intended. Did I ever say I wuz yurs….I’m… I’m not even a princess….like, perhaps the campus tricked yah…I mean I’m not even from a village, I’m from a school….let me go an do what yah will with those that lied to yah an me. “

I gasped as the cold fingers pinched me nub, me body clenching to the ringing of metal chains drawn tight in sudden movement. It hurt in a joyful way I suddenly realized. Not this…not me first time….violated, pain….an…no….pleasure? I willed me self to speak….to gain an understanding…fore I committed me self to sign number two.

“I am not yurs….I am me….I am Cassie Marie Smith! I do not belong to you an have not signed no contract to be here. ” Then slowly to me self I thought…’cept that contract about devoting time to the play an doing what the teacher asked an all….it wuz all innocent that, nothing bout no lust-filled monsters taking me innocence an all.’

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Fri Jan 25, 2008 8:41 pm
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The rythym of my tongue's stroking motions was interrupted as I winced slightly when I heard the bound, helpless girl add "Mr." to my title. I reeled my tongue back in, letting it follow the path it traveled around the mound of flesh. I looked up at her and pinched the pierced nipple between my fingers harder and twisted it even more. "Do not add "Mr." or any other kind of honorific to my name again. It is Ryujin-sama only." I said and eased up on the rock hard teat, returning the twists and tugs to the original beat.

Looking down at the jiggling hill I licked circles around the cherry nipple aureol and slid my tongue into the ring, tugging upon it a few times before retracting my tongue. I pressed my lips around the hardened nub and sucked as hard as I could, pulling the supple mammary as I pulled my head back and stroked the diamond headed nipple with my tongue. I held my head in place, moving around in a circle as I teased her sensitive flesh. I release the mound of flesh with a wet pop, making it jiggle as it falls. "You should have read the conditions of the contract you signed to play the part of the princess more closely. When you signed it, you handed your life over to the school to do with as they pleased. And so, you have become their gift to me, Cassie Marie Smith."

My words were true enough. The school did hand her over to me on a silver platter, though there was no formal agreement between us. As for the girl squirming beneath me, I had no idea what the details of the contract were. Still, it was a useful tool in breaking her to my will. "However..." I pulled the leash taut, willing the collar to send a wave of pleasure through her, "...I did ask that the one promised to me be informed of what her duties entailed. Thank you for informing me of this treachery." I said and planted a kiss on her tremling lips, a trace of her nectar on my tongue. As I held the kiss I sent another wave of pleasure coursing through her, adding the sensations of the previous wave.

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Tue Jan 29, 2008 12:23 am
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“ummpphhh” me head coming up ‘gan at the pain that shoots from me poor abused nipple. The ring twisting under the cruel intentions of me captor, his latge grey fingers playing me like some sort of toy. ‘no’ I thought, I will not cry out to this inhuman beast, this freak of nature that should in no way….’what sort of a name is Ryujin sama anyway’ things wuz gettin’ real strange an all….It had to be a dream….one of them bad ones. Well at least when he was lecturing me he wasn’t turning me insides all gooey like. If thar wuz one thing that really scared me right now it wuz that.

That had really hurt….an now the soothing cool of his tongue reached out an found me aching tip. The coolness welcome upon the hard fullness of me. Even that hardness seemed more than normal, the firmness causing me discomfort an a mild ache like feeling in me straining tips. The lord had given me some strange gifts in those nubs, but the way he acted I had to wonder if it wuz not indeed a mixed blessing.

Keep….keep him talking, almost saying it out loud while I lost me self for the moment in his infernal caress and the strange feeling hum within me an upon me neck that left me on an edge of sorts.
“I….the mouth descending on mine as I tried to speak. Treachery? Lips brushing mine, teasing them as the cool tongue descending within me own warmth. There wuz the tangy scent of me own perfume, the taste I knew so well upon me tongue. But cold, not warm, not loving….an I liked it, me body responding now like it had a will all its own. A fire warmed me insides and left me without breath as I broke away form the kiss with a shy turn of me head.

“oh”….surprise within the sound that left me parted lips. Looking at his eyes sideways, as such a glorious feeling ran along me veins. With a small twist in me hips I pushed the beads with in me against tender and sensitive areas. There wuz no way I liked this…no way at all….’cept I could hear the fingers sloshing within me, feel me self hold him tightly at the very edge of me self.

Had to think, had to change me focus…..” Rey u gin Samma that is a strange name” as I felt it twist me lips in weird ways an not sounding ‘xactly like he said it…. “I think you should punish the man then responsible for this terrible treachery. I….I had not been told nothing ‘bout you or any such agreement…..let me go an we will punish him together, cause I ….I … this is wrong for me to be here at’all….shouldn’t be doing this….no, lord knows it is not a good thing for a good girl to be doing with sum strange man an all…” the words tumbling o’er me lips, hoping I made sum sense of it while I closed me knees together an tried to make it harder for him to do that thing that felt so cold an still kept me insides a getting hotter an hotter like.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Wed Jan 30, 2008 12:26 am
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I chuckled slightly when she broke the kiss, turning her face away as if afraid to look at me yet unable to turn away. The shy expression she bared looking into my eyes as the pleasurable sensations ran through her defenseless body was priceless. It told volumes of her vulnerability, even more so than what her wrists and ankles shackled to the pedestal did. And when she twisted her hips, trying to move the anal beads to where she could feel them better, I knew. She was breaking, starting to give in to the sensations her body so craved, starting to want it.

I lowered my tongue to let it dance upon her turned cheek, slipping it into her mouth again to play with her tongue. Almost as soon I pushed it in I withdrew it to lick her flushed cheek. Traveling down her sweat slick body, taking each diamond headed nipple into my mouth and releasing them with a wet pop before traveling lower. I ignored her futile attempts to distract my attention. She knew she was approaching her breaking point; anything she said was merely a desperate ploy to delay the inevitable.

I stopped my advance down her body when I felt her legs close. She was trying to offer more resistance but it turned against her as it added more pressure to her sopping cunt, making the fingers twisting inside her feel bigger. I pulled my thumb from her pink love button to allow her legs to close fully. “Oh? Finally decided to accept your fate have you?” Still twisting my fingers I pulled them from her juicy snatch leaving only the tips of my fingers in before pushing them back again, hitting new places every time I pushed them in and out of her.

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Thu Jan 31, 2008 10:59 pm
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Twuzn’t funny from my view….an chuckling at me expense wuz not gonna make me appreciate me situation or this beast none. There outta the corner of me eye I saw the widening grin…the look. Like he’d jus had sum big ole idea hit him square tween the eyes an all. An no….no I didn’t like that look a power an hunger that light up them evil eyes like a sparkler on the 4th of July.

No, not even when the invading tongue hit me mouth ‘gain wuz I in a receptive mood. No, nothing I vowed wuz gonna make this any fun for him. ‘please lord, give me strength’ I silently prayed feeling the warm golden weight of the crucifix upon me heaving chest. As his cold tongue played along me….his warm mouth gathering each hard an heavy bud with it’s embrace, warming the flesh the tongue had left so cold. The mixing of such conflicting sensations wuz no different than the signals me body an mind now sent. Silently chiding me self as the small sound left me lip when the second bud popped free of the demons own grip, the heavy swollen flesh bobbing gently as me body flared with heat. ‘please lord….is this yur will….yur will for me to endure such torment’ an yet wuz it torment….to withhold me slef form the sensations, to push them away, that wuz torment… but to give in…noooooo….I couldn’t…I couldn’t for it wuz soooo wrong. What would me lord do in these circumstances…yet, had he been tempted with the pleasures of the flesh?

“I……..nooooo…..” to let this beast mount me like a mare with a stallion…could not. Would not. Yet the pressure of sum thing hard n soft, pulsing, brushed me leg an sent a warm chill into me middle were the cold finger played at me edges, brushing inwards at times … playing as I squeezed with all me might to keep him from me.

“contract illegal…but…but I signed….if….if since I did….need to read what me duties are… to know me fate” almost I blanched, feeling the rise of bile in the back of me throat even while I squirmed under his touch…silently wishing for more. But I had to know, feared the knowing…quickly adding membering almost to late “Rey u gin Samma sir….”

Oh how I feared what I might read….oh how I feared what the rear of me mind was starting to think un. Gutter thoughts…thoughts of warmth were there was only cold…thoughts that made me belly tight an warm, curling itself into a smaller and smaller circle of tension. I had to fight it…had to for me own sanity.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Fri Feb 01, 2008 8:45 pm
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"I'm afraid I don't have the contract, though I am aware that by signing it, you forfeited any and all rights afforded to you by the school and agreed to submit yourself to the custody and absolute authority of the second party, the second party being myself. I shall inform you of your duties at my leisure. As for what your fate is to be, I have already told you. Several times in fact." I said, adding more force and speed to my pumping hand to match the added pressure her closed legs provided.

"I am not especially cruel by nature, nor by choice." I say reaching up with my free hand to carefully brush a stray locke of hair out of her face, "I take no pleasure in hurting you like this, but you are giving me no choice. I know I can be a good master to you if only you would let me." I said gently stroking her cheek. "Please stop fighting. Stop fighting and open yourself up to me. If you let me, I'll show you that I can be a gentle, caring and loving master that will take care of you always."

If anything, her previous religious rambling proved that she was willing to use persuasion even when it seemed pointless. Hopefully, she would be open to it as well. Perhaps she would believe me and stop resisting my advances to prove what I had said to be the truth.

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Mon Feb 04, 2008 6:46 am
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“Master?” Twuz utterly incredulous, me voice crying out in defiance an question. Then It all got the better of me, anger rising in me voice, a jolt of heat rising up me throat much like the simmering heat in spite his cold fingers from down below. “I ain’t no slave, no matter what yah think…an chaining people is hurting them, god gave us free will an I wouldn’t a signed no such thing an if yah can’t produce the paper then I know you to the be the liar all demons and devils are. So unhand me an let me go fore god smites thee like sum lil ole bug that gets squashed by me shoe.”

Maybe I wuzn’t making no sense…maybe it wuz a last ditch effort to stop the fuzzy wave of pleasure I wuz a getting from the stroking…an maybe it wuz that god would strike him down. I really hoped for the last…really, even though them kind of thought might be wrong.

Good lord me thighs was cold as they remained clamped round the cold hand. I could feel his finger probing me insides, bumping into the shield of me purity. Sometimes it hurt a lil, but most times it wuz feeling good for what I figured were all the wrong reasons. There wuz no way I wuz letting me self be some ones slave!.....Shaking me head in frustration an a sending me hair to bellow ‘bout me head like fire. “leave me be…I’m a free women, from the land ah the free an the brave….!”

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Tue Feb 05, 2008 5:20 am
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She was certainly a fiery one indeed. Even her hair seemed to reflect this, moving like a blazing fire as she shook her head violently. "That is unfortunate. So be it." I said and pulled my hand from between her crossed legs and her warm cheek. The leash sent another jolt of electricity through her, though not as powerful or as long as the first. Still, it was enough to make her cry out in pain, making her legs shoot open to reveal her soaked slit to me. Her jucies dribbling out from between her sex lips to fall between her ass cheeks.

I pushed the two fingers back into her cunt roughly, pumping and churning her pink inner walls. "Deny it as much as you want. But I think that in the back of your mind you find the prospect of being a slave inviting. Just look at how wet you are down here." I said flicking her engorged clit with a frosty thumb, "And these..." taking a pierced nipple between thumb and index finger, "...are as hard as diamonds." I said before giving the small bud a good pinch. "They all tell their own story of how much you're enjoying this. If not from being a slave, then from having your body played with like a toy."

I held her legs apart and dipped my head between them, spreading her labia and slowly lapped at her pink folds. Still with the leash wrapped around it, I slid my hand down the back of her thigh and to her pert buttocks. I cupped and squeezed the firm cheek before moving to her stuffed anal opening. Pushing two thick, clawed, freezing fingers into her hot crack, I inadvertantly pushed the last bead in deeper pushing it right next to another bead.

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Last edited by Ryujin on Fri Feb 15, 2008 1:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Feb 09, 2008 8:19 pm
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The current hit me like a big ole boot to the head. Every muscle in me body suddenly pulled taught with me nerves running in pure fire. For minutes breathe failed me, me lungs burning in agony as inwardly I screamed for the coolness of air to fill me once again. The scream that left me lips I could still hear when me sweat drenched body finally hit the cool surface of stone once again. Breaths came in ragged heaves as me body trembled in the after troughs of the pain.

As if that wuzn;t enough he once ‘gain made his intentions clear with those claws of his. Piercing me privates an roughly showing me how he wished to use an abuse me. The words echoed in the cavern of me head. The wet sloshing sounds of his fingers moving within me, the wonderful feelings … He was right…I wuz loosing, succumbing to me own weakness. As much as I hated to admit it, everywhere those fingers went left fire in the wake of the cold.
Slave?…But what had me lord said, ‘to render under ceaser’ an had there not been slaves….should I not to what me master desired. Anger an heat rose equally within me me like a twirling fire. I could tell at a glance he saw it…the hard edge of me anger an the softer haze of passion exerting itself as his tongue touched me insides. An for all that it had driven me crazy I did what I could to remain still. No, Not sure if it be a sin to render me body to him…to surrender. Oh how I needed wisdom. I could feel me hips rock….me body a startin’ to move all on its own like. To show a sign that his touch pleasured me much as the collar ‘bout me neck did in its own way. A point of pain for disobeying…a point of pleasure at knowing all I had to do wuz obey.

With me lungs full of air, me breasts pushed high into the air I let out a long slow exhale. Trying to relax. To find the ground….to find me center…me place. Heat rose within, filling me face no doubt, an I looked away from his eyes, trying to hide me own view hind a swirl of red hair an the arm secured above me.

I curled me lips back an grimaced in pleasure, easier to do now that he could not watch me directly …. That cold tongue of his arousing me now that me mind knew its place. This…this could not be right… I had to go away….drift from the torment into me own world. A world of goodness filled with gods own light. Away from this place of evil debauchery that threatened me own sanity and purity.

“w….whwww…..what I….I don’t wanna be slave….ohhhhh” me voice filling the room with each word echoing to a close before the next one came cross me lips. A sense of pleasure pouring forth from me hidden eyes that danced under the halo of fire that wuz me hair an more so wuz the heat that filled me inspite the coldness of his touch.

“Ain’t no slave … no….ummmmm……please…..please don’t …cuze….cuze even though I like it …its wrong….” I knew I’d done it…stupid of me…regretting those words as I knew by the look in his eyes…though for a minute I wuzn;t sure if he was laughing at me…or jus plain happy with the stumble of his prey.

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Mon Feb 11, 2008 6:35 am
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And so I had fanned the flames that burned within her well, judging by the way she pushed the lips of her labia agaisnt my tongue with each lick of her womanhood. More and more juices leaked from her hot, wet hole. Encouraged by the copiuos amounts of fluid flowing from her womb, I redoubled mt efforts to bring her off, dragging my tongue across her pink folds in longer, slower motions.

As I continued to work my tongue over her pussy I looked up hearing the leash move as she turned her head away, trying to avert her gaze from me by hiding behind her bound arm. Never the less, I could still her grimace from my ministrations. If I had known that she would more easily respond to me by not seeing me I would have kept her blinfolded and taken her when she was still tied to the tree. I pulled my fingers from her ass and turned the beads on to high, sending more of the pleasurable vibrations through her tight rectum.

Still, I didn't want her to avert her gaze from me. Rather, I wanted her to look deeper into my eyes, to see my desire for her in it's entirety. I tugged on the leash, forcing her to look at me again, keeping it taught to prevent her from looking away again. "What you mean is that you don't want to be a slave now." I pushed my fingers back into her ass, adding a third this time, and resumed pumping in and out of her. "Right now you only like what I'm doing to your body, but given time you'll grow to love it and everything else I do to you." I said between each sluggish lick of her cunt.

to prove my point I stopped my fervent licking of her snatch and turned my face up to her and licked my lips clean of her fluids. I looked her face over as I held her. The heat I felt before had spread to her face and the pleasure she felt seemed to flow out of her eyes like a river. As I stared into those emerald pearls, the leash sent another wave of pleasure through her, as if to confirm what I had said. I went back down on her hairless snatch, taking her pierced clit into my mouth to suck vigorously upon the sensitive nub.

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Sat Feb 16, 2008 5:11 pm
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Heat flared anew within me middle, a smooth swirl of fire that moved outwards into me limps an left me mouth hot an wet with desire. His tongue playing across me folds, hitting me button at jus the right time to send sparks swirling inwards to dance in the fire. A moan ‘gain to rise within me throat forcing me to bit me lower lip to stifle the pressure in the back of me throat. A sudden unwomanly snort of sorts coming from me nose an all as the air rushed out the only way I’d let it.

A yank upon me neck brought me head up to look straight into his round dancing eyes. The lids heavy upon them in lust, as they stared out at me an seemed to pull at me very soul. Oh lord I thought, looking down with the sudden realization that me knees were open an inviting, me chest heaving with each touch. Humiliation swam within me body a redness reflected in his eyes that lit me face at me body’s acceptance of his touch.

His words as they came burned even deeper. Oh the shame, the way I relished the touch, the finger sliding within me, the things in me bum jumping now like them beans they sell, wiggling and twisting deep inside me an making me sweat from the heat they caused. Yeah, I liked what he was doing, as much as it might send me to hell. The heat within did not want a cold touch…not like I had been getting, I wanted something warm, filling me like fingers could not….wanted something within an found me hips rotate an move of there own while the thoughts tumbled in me head.

The way he watched me….licking the glistening moisture from his lips an chin with that hell spawn tongue a his. Cold fingers….cold, cold, cold, pushing there way within me. Teasing me while me own fingers curled round the metal chain an tightened. Even me toes ‘gan to curl as me heals found the back of his legs an hooked him….a first tremble, vibration rose within me. Small….an yet so powerful in what it told me I needed. I gulped at the air a few times…an prepared me self.

“Make me warm….” I could hear me own voice crack, the words so humiliating as they tumbled cross me lips. I could not have said it any differently and not burned in hell for the utterance. I was asking for me own demise, feeling the hot flesh I desired ‘gainst me thigh….a patch a heat that even in me naiveté new would change me forever. An then our eyes met…locked with one another an I had to wonder what he thought of me as me tongue ran across me dry lips…wetting them as I shifted me hips an a part of me screamed in the distance. Hell had come for me…….

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Sun Feb 17, 2008 1:42 am
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I felt the heals of her feet on the back of my legs as my gaze was locked with her's. She gulped at air, as if trying to gather the words to say something, "Make me warm..." I smiled a bit as she said it. Not in a mocking or a sinister way though. I pulled my fingers from her gyrating ass, and without a word the paper charms crumbled and blew away like ashes in the wind. Wiping the smile off my face before she could notice it, I leaned forward, bringing us face to face, staring deeper into her eyes for several moments. I wanted to be sure of her sincerity first, and when I could detect no lie in her a slight smile returned to my face. I planted a hot kiss on her lips pushing my now very warm tongue into her mouth, my ongue feeling almost hot to her without the ofuda's freezing sensation running through it.

When I had traced over every part of her mouth I withdrew and eased up on the leash, reaching up and over her to release her hands from their confinement to the altar. "That's 'Make me warm, Ryujin-sama.' And make sure you say my name right this time." I corrected her. I ran my hands down her sides, letting her feel the warmth of my hands. Finally I reached her slim legs and pulled them from the back of my legs before unshackling them from the altar as well. I gripped her cold thighs and gave her sopping cunt one last lick before standing straight, rubbing the tip of my cock along the lips of her womanhood.

"Get on your hands facing away from me. Do this and I'll give you the warmth you so crave."

A member of the Archanius Alliance, Major

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Mon Feb 18, 2008 4:15 am
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Those deep pools seemed to reach into me very soul with the promise to take me places I had never been ‘fore. Eyes, full an wide that drank me in. I could feel their heat tween us….feel the way they regarded me. An then the tongue hit, me own mouth welcoming the hard lips ‘gainst me own softness, the worming tongue with me own. Such a dance, one that took me upwards to remain ‘gainst him till he withdrew an I could breath once ‘gain.

With the heaven sent clatter of metal my shackles fell away. Wuz this yet another test of me faith? Wuz I being given a chance to be free, to make a choice? I could feel me inside tremble jus like the things in me bum bounced an vibrated with the touch of his manhood gainst me womanhood. Would I be strong enough? Sum how I moved with him, wanting….teasing…rotating me middle as he stroked me fore he stepped away. Gasping for air while he ordered me bout like some lover.

“Ryugin sama” the unfamiliar words an sounds twisting in me mouth. I cocked me head an bashfully considered him looking under me eyelashes. “I…..I….ummmm, free?” Bringing me legs up an propping me up on me elbows. Thoughts tore through me mind. If god had indeed given me this opportunity to avoid the pleasures of the body could I …should I run….go….

An with out another thought I scrambled like a crab on hands an feet to the other side of the dias….I still had me resolve an if given the choice I had to do the right thing an leave the pleasure of the body to save me immortal soul….a wet streak smeared upon the black obsidian marked me path. Pausing I glanced at those soul stealing eyes, a small tear upon me own, knowing what I would leave behind. An then I turned to run for the door an me freedom, a twinge of regret an the feeling I was skimping out on me given word.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Mon Feb 18, 2008 9:29 am
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Location: I am constantly stalking girls across the campus
The slitted pupils of my eyes shrank as my breath starte coming in pants. Stopping her escape with the leash, I grabbed her leather clad legs and pulled her to me. I looked down at her with eyes full of hunger and lust as the hunger within my loins grew, a drop of drool falling from my open mouth. I didn't care that she tried to escape, the hunger was becoming unbearable with her so close and vulnerable. All I wanted was to end it, to drive my cock into that hot, wet, tight cunt and finally satisfy this gnawing emptiness inside of me.

"Going somewhere? No my pet, you asked me to make you warm, and I will. And in doing so, you're going to satiate this burning desire, that threatens to consume me." I said raggedly. Somewhat hurriedly I flipped her over onto her stomach and grabbed her knees. I lifted her legs up and toward me, rubbing the tip of my cock hurriedly across her soaked labia, "And now princess, you're mine forever." I said and plunged into her maiden depths, breaking through her virginity and not stopping until my entire girth was lodged into her.

I gasped when my tip reached her bottom. So tight! So warm and welcoming! As if her walls were desperately clung to me, trying to map and feel every vein and curve of my dick. The feeling akin to that of entering a hot bath after a long night of freezing winds and pouring snow. Soothing relief. But I had to keep going. I stopped for but a moment before pulling my hips back, stopping when half of my manhood was left inside of her before pushing back in.

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Fri Feb 22, 2008 3:58 am
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Joined: Mon Apr 30, 2007 5:53 am
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I wuz going….but not nearly far enough. The good book says that when temptation comes to run the other way…an really…really I wuz a trying to. Fingers an claws curled round me legs dragging me back beneath his hideous visage. The look in his eyes making one part of me want to curl into a lil ball an hide, but the other part of me, that part leapt up into me throat an made it impossible to talk while them parts down low flared in heat.

The voice sounded desperate, an full of lusting heat. His mouth opening an closing ‘bove me, a sliver of liquid trickling down his chin…hanging. Turning me head jus in time as the demon things drool hit me check an then rolled past me ear in a long line of slime. Had I really enticed this beast….shock hitting me, an that evil beast inside me rising upwards, grinning, knowing what I me self did not.

Like a rag doll…me body moving as he flips me an me hands claw at the air in desperation before me. The hard surface hits me breasts with a sharp smacking sound. Those large strong hands grasping me legs an lifting me long suffering bum into the air. Something large an bulbous rubs me privates…an I struggle…wiggle….”noooooo”. The words failing me as the air is rent with me scream of protest. Pain from tween me legs grips me, a large shaft filling me till I feel the sickening slap upon me bum an his tip finds me own inner ends. Air rushes from me lungs, all me insides pushed up an round as somehow I make room for this creature within me. The things he had stuffed inside me jiggle even more so, pushed aside an against me spine. Tears fall upon the black stone, marking a widening circle below me…. Panting I await me fate, pinned upon his sword…trying so hard to remain still, anything to ease the pain that scratches hind me eyes in shear torment.

I feel him begin to leave me, I can only hope… but no…he stops…directions change an once more he pushes inwards…but this time…this time there is not the pain. Me insides numb…a slurping sound as he hits me end an something hot an spicy hangs in the back of me throat. Me fingers try to clench the rock beneath them to no avail….oh god….no….not this….not pleasure….this cannot be my fault…no….

”please lord no.” the words tumble from me lips in quite desperation as the heat swells within me like a raging storm.

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Fri Feb 22, 2008 10:14 pm
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