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 Infirmary (Haruma) 
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Post Infirmary (Haruma)
El's resolved to at least look like she's sleeping in the span between lights out and go time, but it's hard. She shifts restlessly between the sheets, hand between her thighs, heart a staccato, all goosebump and swollen nipples. It seems endless but then the alarm rings. and she lifts. The curved heel of one foot hits the floor and a jolt of ice shoots up her spine. She pads for the bathroom.

Wiggling into a tight pair of black leather pants. It's the kind of shit she normally can't wear here without looking like a total skank, but here's an opportunity, so she's taking it. Skin-tight Gibson spy fiction.

She turns to face the mirror, dark brow quipped over expressive bright eyes, smooth flashes of skin in the semi-dark reflection, naked from the waist up. You're Linda Hamilton in Terminator. You're Emma Peale. You're that chick from the Matrix and and... Uma Thurman in Kill Bill. Damn right. She tugs a snug Jefferson Airplane midriff over bare skin, drapes a navy hooded jacket over that. zipper up. hood up. bag slung over shoulder, butt end of baseball bat poking through the top. A-check. Into the dark.

Her path through the corridors is circuitous but precise, and it's not long before she's outside the nurse's office. She settles her back against the wall, skipping her eyes one way down the hall, then the other. Her heart's on fire. She really hasn't thought this through. She's not a fucking thief, she doesn't know what she's doing, she's gonna get caught, but she's just so damn pissed off at this shit.... She hefts the bat,wound in a pillowcase to dampen the sound as she cracks open the window, combing the edges for loose glass. She's been to the infirmary a few times in the past to scout things out, and she's got a pretty good feel for the layout. This is a snatch-and-grab, and she's right for the medicine cabinet, not even locked. Hah. Eyes skim over the rows and rows of pills. Loritabs. She grabs, shakes out a handful, swallows. She needs the numb, the blanket, the shell for the terror.... but mostly for the continual aches and pains of daily sexual assault.

Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:45 am
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The shatter of glass, the popping of pills..what more could a monster ask for then to have some durgged up naughty girl in their clutches?

The she-wolf or Miss Haruma as she was called here in the school was already heading to the faint first sound of glass breaking. Whether or not it was a burglar or some girl waiting to be captured, she was part of the staff afterall and was her job. If she was found to have been in the area and did nothing, she could very well be figured out. That was something that couldn't happen. As she neared the sight of the scene, she already caught the scent of the girl whom had broken in for pills by the sound of a shaking bottle. What a anughty student this one was. She would certainly have to be taught a lesson.

Finally coming to the window of a very obvious hole, she peers inside just as the woman was taking quite alot of pills at once. it was a good thing she must've read the enscription because the one next to her's was very deadly if taken to much of. She unlocks the dorr quietly and leans against the hard wood where it once was before flickering the lights on.

"Oh no please...go on with killing your braincells. Don't mind me my dear," she says sarcastically as she raises a brow to the woman, "Didn't anyone tell you that over the counter drugs kill when taken to much of?"

Haruma the she-wolf

Sun Feb 24, 2008 3:12 am
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Fuck! She freezes in place, zipping the bag up real quick. She turns away from the woman behind her, hood pulled up tight to further conceal her face, watching the lady's reflection in the reflective door of the medicine cabinet, still like a cat, her eyes glinting jewels in the steel polish. Okay, so this wasn't the smartest plan of action. She should have known better, should have known it would turn out like this, but she's desperate. She's pissed, and she just wants to lash out, so she goes running in half-assed like this. Figure, these things are gonna hunt you down one way or another, may as well fuck up as much as possible in the process. Her hand is closed tight over the handle of the bat. She's turned away. But she's standing here in a pair of skin-tight leather pants, sleek, form-fit to athletic curves, caught red handed.... and she feels like an idiot.

"I'm a smart enough girl to self-prescribe. I've got medical books."

((btw, does Haruma pose as a feminist in her teacher guise, or just an environmentalist?))

Sun Feb 24, 2008 9:38 am
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(She's sort've both in a way. But she's practically in her teacher diguise. :3)

"Smart girl. Though I can't say much for the scene right now. I don't supposse I could ask you to just put the bat down and put everything back where it was, hmm?" she asks softly as she sees a faint wood of a bat. The woman had a weapon with her it appeared. Still, wood was hardly a match for her claws once tracted. But a blow to the head might cause some damage if she was lucky enough to get a shot. It was very uneasy to just stand there and see what the girl was planning to do. Should she just attack now? Or maybe wait? Hmm...these medicines might prove very useful now she looked at them.

"Just stay calm Miss. There's no reason to break in here as you just did. You could've merely asked a staff for some prescriptions and they could've given it to you. Teachers walk the halls here at all odd hours...but how about first can you put the bat down?"

Haruma the she-wolf

Sun Feb 24, 2008 4:33 pm
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She recognizes Haruma's voice. She's got a course with the woman, but she can count the number of classes she's attended on one hand. If the woman's on staff, that makes her the enemy, and no... the irony of a feminist rights teacher at Shokushu is not lost on El. She doesn't turn, poised, muscles tense, practically poured into the leather of her pants, the coat snug around her curves, hood still up. Turned away, her face is still hidden. Her voice, snarky. "Got a nurse's note in my pocket, promise. She told me I could just break in after hours and take whatever I needed." A grim sneer, fingers wrapped around the bat like it's her life preserver.

Mon Feb 25, 2008 9:07 am
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"I find that rather hard to believe. Breaking in and destroying property. Sounds like I need to fire the nurse if what you say is true," she answers quickly and slowly sneaks her way into the room for little chance of escape. Now that the two exits were blocked, she crosses her arms as if ready to scold and smirks as she gets the familiar scent of her student's. She remembered this girl, though little did she ever attend her classes her scent was unique enough.

"Is that you Miss Renfroe? I'm surprised to see your still at school. The way you skip my period I would directly assume you dropped or got kicked out," she says sternly with words meaning to hurt now, "I'll ask again. May you please drop the bat or I'll be forced to take it from you in defense."

Haruma the she-wolf

Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:23 am
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Drop the bat? Not a chance in hell, lady. Even if her arm is trembling. It's rage. really. She spins to face the woman. Her eyes are moist, a tsunami of tears threatening to well up. "I'm not the criminal here, really.... So, I guess you're here to rape me, huh?" There's a numbness to it, a wavering of her grip on the bat as the loritabs wash through her system. There's a listlessness to her eyes all of a sudden. "Never been raped by a chick monster before. How's that even work?"

Tue Feb 26, 2008 4:22 am
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"What nonsense are you speaking of? Are you drugged that much? Why in the world would I rape you?!" she snaps in 'confusion'. Though she was lying it was better not to drop the act till she dropped the bat.

She slowly steps forward as she seems to be trying to make a gentle approach. "I never said you were a criminal. Now just....try and take deep breaths okay. You hold in that emotion it will come back and probably make us both regret it alright. Just try to stay calm Miss Renfroe."

As she cautiously steps towards the rageful girl she was already making plans to see how this would work. Such a fiesty spirit may be to much to pass up now.

Haruma the she-wolf

Tue Feb 26, 2008 9:24 pm
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"Oh, fuck you lady! Whatever happens in this place, I'm gonna regret it.... And you! You're like one of those fucking nazi soldiers who worked the camps. Go around acting like you don't know anything, but you can't be a teacher and be that stupid, right? So you're either one of them, or you work for them." She pokes Haruma in the core with the top of the bat. "So, do they let you watch or what? Maybe they give you tapes to masturbate to? Or maybe you're just willing to turn a blind eye for a nice paycheck." She sneers, a quivering wreck squeezed in tight attire. "I'm betting the former."

Wed Feb 27, 2008 5:52 am
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"I see we're not going to get through to eachother. Perhaps I should tell you I'm new here. Care to explain how I would know anything if I were new here? You think they tell us anything? Whatever your spuing has got to be from some medicine you swallowed."

She was starting to get aggravated by the continuous poking at her chest with the bat. its not like she was feeling pain but the temptation of merely tearing the girl apart then ravaging her was starting to sound the more pleasing with each shove.

"And if you know what's good for you, you won't disrespect your teacher by what you said. This is the last tiem I'll ask. PUT.THE.BAT.DOWN."

Haruma the she-wolf

Thu Feb 28, 2008 1:14 am
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The look in her eyes, that fire, it tells you she sure as hell doesn't plan on setting her bat down and surrendering any time soon. She's circling around the woman instead, bat held out threateningly, bag clung close to her chest. She's backing slowly towards the door, keeping her attention on the teacher in front of her. "I'm not putting the bat down. If you were smart, you'd just walk away and pretend like this whole thing didn't happen."

Thu Feb 28, 2008 8:49 am
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Try as she might the she-wolf's temper was rising to vengeful level. Being poked by the bat while the girl edges to the door, she couldn't have that. Appears she wasn't going to be taken seriously unless she showed broot strength. Oh well. With quick reflexes and before the girl knows what happened, Haruma sntaches the part still within reach and actually tugs the girl closer to her before grabbing her arm. She tightens her hold purposely for pain discomfort before flinging the bat off.

"If you were smart little girl, you don't threaten whom you don't know because they may just go off," she hisses and practically pushes her straight against a wall, "Now then. Feel that bag your clinging to is worth this hm?" she asks before a shot appears to have been picked up in her hand. She seems slightly interested in the sharpness and gives the girl a threatening stare.

"Perhaps I should teach you what happens when you mess with drugs."

Haruma the she-wolf

Sun Mar 02, 2008 1:33 am
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Despite the fiery veneer, it doesn't take much for Haruma to reel the girl in. Maybe she's strong in spirit, but she's never really learned to fight. Haruma tugs her close without much effort, yanked close to the teacher. Her arm's twisted behind her back, bat flung away. Haruma can feel her hot, angry breath, bright blue eyes defiant, locked on Haruma's, her pretty pink lips twisted into a sneer. The way Haruma is holding her forces her to stand straight, pushing her breasts out, her legs together. Her little body trembles, and it's hard to tell if it's fear or anger.

"Bitch, I knew you'd show your true colors eventually. Didn't I say that?" Staring, doing her best to look unimpressed, but her breath is coming rapid. her free arm is wrapped tight around her bag. Eyes follow Haruma's hand as she reaches for a prepped syringe, locked on the needle-sharp, dripping point. She chokes down a gulp, but there's no way she'll plead, so she says nothing.

Sun Mar 02, 2008 5:30 am
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"Oh believe me wench, you haven't even seen my true colors. I know your afraid. To just bluntly stand there and insult me is foolish. Keep insulting me and see I don't sdo something worse to you."

She lifts the girl up with little effort and slams her ass into a chair before strapping her in with what appeared to be belt like rope that the nurse must've used for more...stubborn people who didn't wish to get their shots. How ironic.

"Now let's see...proper dosage..." she mummbles as she goes down the isle of medicines. She grins evily before taking a bottle and sticking the needle in it to suck it in the cartridge. As soon as that was done she walks over to the woman and holds her restained arm ina painful grip.

"Are you ready to get drugged up sweety?" she says with sarcastic tongue.

Haruma the she-wolf

Sun Mar 02, 2008 5:47 am
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Her hood's fallen back, squirming uselessly in Haruma's grip, as the teacher swings her around like a ragdoll. Her ass hits the chair. She struggles, but she doesn't shout, as the woman straps her into place. She stare daggers at the teacher, wrists working under the belt as she tests its tightness. Her top rises as she squirms, top raised, metal glinting from her tongue, her exposed midriff.

"Bitch, there's nothing worse you can do to me than what I've suffered through." Her eyes follow Haruma's movements carefully, wetting dry lips, her mind trying to weave a way out of this. There's a slow twist of her lips. a smile.... almost.... "So, I guess the whole staff is a bunch of fucking rapist monsters, huh?" Neck arching, trying to get a look at the bottle Haruma is drawing the syringe from. "What are you sticking me with?"

Sun Mar 02, 2008 6:05 am
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