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 The Music of the gods. (Bonjoceiv, Cassie) 
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“If yah really respected me yah wouldn’t wanna be kissing me. I told yah I wuz married.” Still…his lips looked so appetizing an all. Not as curved an Hanajis….but then men an women are a bit different…what would it be like to kiss them, to know a mans lips as apposed to a women? Had I got me self married to early? So many questions all bouncing bout in me head like one of them balls in the arcade machine.

Lifting me head upwards….a lil….a lil more. Closing me eyes while I felt the hot breath of him upon me lips…so close. A small tremble crosses their red surface, while me hand grips the fabric of his shirt in anticipation…will he…should I? maybe once? No……but still I waiver so close to his face…I swear our lips almost touching.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Cala (Future Prefect)
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Fri Mar 28, 2008 7:17 pm
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Post Re: The Music of the gods. (Bonjoceiv, Cassie)
Bon quieted down, letting her take the wheel. But when she stopped less than an inch away from his face, he moved in, planting his lips on hers, slowly wrapping his arms around her back, holding her close.

Female Temptation & Lust

Fri May 16, 2008 7:40 pm
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Post Re: The Music of the gods. (Bonjoceiv, Cassie)
The fourth of July hit a bit early this year. I could see the colors of the rainbow explode behind me eyelids as those masculine lips hit me own full an puffy ones. The concussion of the explosions shook me so that I gladly welcomed his arms ‘bout me, holding me still against the buffeting of me body. O could feel me body held tightly ‘gainst his own, an even through the cloth of me uniform there wuz the quiver of his beating heart pounding ‘gainst me very tips, jiggling them in a way that sent me own blood to a flowing till I could feel me own points indented into the soft tissue of me bosom.
Me tongue found his past his parting lips. A slow dance leaving me giddy an way to warm for all the clothing in this tropical paradise that was a school uniform. I could feel the tug of me conscious, the pull of sanity as I walked lost down the path of sin. I really wanted that voice silenced….really….but the golden crucifix went cold an hard tween me breast reminding me of a higher purpose than doing bad things with bad boys.
Reluctantly I broke the lock of our lips. Pulling me head back jus a bit a opening me eyes jus a lil. Big breath….’one….two….three….count….get your focus…..’

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Cala (Future Prefect)
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Fri May 23, 2008 4:06 pm
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Post Re: The Music of the gods. (Bonjoceiv, Cassie)
Bon saw how it was clouding her judgment and even though she broke the kiss he wasn't about to let her slip away again. He quickly locked his lips to hers, rubbing her back and holding her close. Once again his tongue slid into her mouth, but this time it wrapped around her tongue and began sucking lightly on it.

Female Temptation & Lust

Fri May 23, 2008 7:53 pm
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Post Re: The Music of the gods. (Bonjoceiv, Cassie)
Not long…not long indeed did the hunger in his eyes wait to be satiated. Surprise engulfs me in her spell as his lips resume their place ‘gainst mine. His warm moist tongue plunges past me lips with lil offered resistance. Surprise once more as his dexterous muscle wraps round mine, leaving me to wonder at thoughts an ways such a tongue may be useful. Bad thoughts that leave me heart to pounding an me insides to warming. There is naught to do but respond as nature takes me breath away an his strong arms cradle me….pull me closer till I swear our skin touches even with the clothes tween us.

I can feel him throb to life beneath the tight jeans, me thigh gainst his crotch an all. All man an threatening by being jus that. A nervous trickle of sweat rolls down me side under the cotton school shirt. Heat seems to take o’er the room leaving me cloths damp from the exertion. AN exertions barely begun an all….Me mind much to active as I imagine what it would feel like for our naked bodies to slip an slide together as one.
‘No…no…..’ me head screams in alarm. This time I put me hands upon his chest an push him back. Our lips part still seeking solace tween them. Air….panic subsides lil by lil….

“One kiss….all….you….said….” I gulp in air tween each word, me voice almost unrecognizable for the depth an huskiness of it. Lust threatons me very soul. I want him…but tis wrong to do so…wrong to act upon this wonton desire we both feel.

“married….or did yah forget…” One of us has to be strong. To turn away from what both of us feel in this moment of passion. If only the lord would give me a sign…tell me it was ok an not a sin. How easy would it be to slip from me clothes an slide down upon him. To spear my self upon his hard shaft an kiss an touch…an make love till mornings first light.

“yur a teacher….gainst the rules….no…..let me go, please” I pray for strength…feel the weight of gold about me neck. There too is a weight of leather about it, a war tween these two decorations. Each seeming to tug me in different directions….each a symbol of me very nature. For the moment I balance on the razors edge. None to sure which way I may fall.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Cala (Future Prefect)
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Fri May 23, 2008 11:07 pm
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Post Re: The Music of the gods. (Bonjoceiv, Cassie)
She wants a sign huh?..., he thought to himself. Suddenly a bright light shown behind him, "well I wanted to say was... teacher's always right... and I was just looking for someone to save my soul...". His laughter went off in his head as he rubbed her waist some and he smiled into her eyes. His eyes just screamed "save me, save me please" and he knew that'd be enough to get her to act on her lust.

Female Temptation & Lust

Sat May 24, 2008 1:28 am
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Post Re: The Music of the gods. (Bonjoceiv, Cassie)
The heavens burst through the wall behind him, a halo of pure white light surrounding us in a curtain of purity. Automatically dropping me eyes from the sight of me lord an master I averted me eyes downwards, but not fore catching the forlorn look of a lost puppy in his eyes. Never ‘fore had such a thing happened. Never ‘fore had me faith been so richly rewarded by me lord in heaven. Vowing with all me strength to bring this man to gods good graces I slide backwards off his knees.

The white cotton of me uniform seeming to stick to me body from the earlier heat of the room as I knelt in supplication. Lips still tingling with his unearthly touch. Slowly I run me tongue across those lips tasting the goodness in this man. A man that god himself has shown a sign to. For a moment I feel some small measure of shame for the desire I had felt. But god has surely forgiven me, an has taken note of me strength in staying the high an hard course. Now as I kneel before him an god I look up into those beautiful blue eyes an beseech him to follow me example. Breathe catches in me throat, me chest straining as it fills ‘gainst the tight shirt.

“Please …. Sit with me an pray. Open yur heart to he that reigns in heaven an accept him as yur lord an master in the name of the father an son an holy ghost so help you god. “ I knelt at the piana bench like it wuz an alter at church. Knelt with me bare knees upon the warm wood flooring an locked me hands together in supplication.

“Do as I do an repeat after me.” Waiting now in earnest an knowing me reward would be like nothing one could imagine cause god is jus like that.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Cala (Future Prefect)
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Sat May 24, 2008 3:01 am
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Post Re: The Music of the gods. (Bonjoceiv, Cassie)
Bon looked down at her, the light glowing some more behind him, "I'm afraid I can't be saved that way... I can only be saved by having intercourse with a woman...".
He signed, "You see... I had sex with a succubus on accident... and God came and spoke to me... that if I wanted to save my soul... I'd have to find one of his most loyal followers... and get her to make sweet love with me...".

Female Temptation & Lust

Sat May 24, 2008 12:50 pm
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Post Re: The Music of the gods. (Bonjoceiv, Cassie)
Trusting I am, I wish the best of people. An there kneeling before him an god. Me lords pure an glowing white light silhouetting his golden hair an beseeching eyes I wanted to believe….really wanted to. But it went ‘gainst so many of the things I’d been taught….in so many ways. Oh how I wished to trust his words that seemed to honest an all. But … but even now I halted. Stymied by perhaps me own lack of understanding of how this would be truly of god.

“I….I…..” stammering under the gaze of god. “I am married, perhaps….need to find a innocent virgin girl an marry her….devote yurself to her every day an never stray.” His eyes had me flummoxed. No….no not even that was the way…had I forgotten me own teachings?

“but….but god gave his only son so that you may be saved an forgiven of even the worst sins….” More an more it seems to ring false. Oh lord that kiss still lingers on me lips. I suck them in, tasting him once more. A giddy feeling of elation coming o’er me. Imagining those strong arms that encircled me holding him up as that cute an rounded bum of his powered him into me in long fast strokes. A sudden tremble shakes me body, breaking the daydream. Slowly, the shaking dissolves the lingering image of his chiseled chest beneath me finger tips.

Grabbing the thrice blessed crucifx in me hands I clench them round the cold gold an pray for all me heart an soul. The metal chill an rigid ‘neath the strong grip. Yet other of me jewelry is warm an seemingly humming at the thoughts of him. Vibrations that send a shiver up me spine an then back once more to me belly. The leather round me neck seems to pulse…a pulse that leaves me breathless an fighting a rising tide of lust an desire.

‘Would it not be worth it to save his soul?’ a dark whisper upon the back of me mind. “what are you willing to do for me?” a large tight lump moves down me throat, gulping back the saliva that seems to flow freely. A saliva of lust that I can feel travel all the way to me tummy warming it.

Sensations so like pins an needles run up an down me nerves. I see me hands shaking from the effort to restrain me own dark desires. But are they dark? Soooooo very confused , ‘lord’ I pray, ‘show me the true path…an not the path of damnation’

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Sat May 24, 2008 1:42 pm
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Post Re: The Music of the gods. (Bonjoceiv, Cassie)
Bon grew tired of these games, if this one last sign didn't work, he was most likely just going to rape her.
With the light still shining behind him, he thought, She wants another sign huh?... I'll give her another sign.... He stood up, "I understand... its alright if you don't want to hel", he was interupted by his once buckled pants falling down, revealing his black boxers, he quickly bent down and pulled them up. It was obvious to see that his belt had been broken into two pieces and the buckle and a piece of leather made a nice little cross on the floor in front of her. "Sorry about that... I just bought this belt too... like I was saying... thanks anyway...". He turned away and started towards the stairs

Female Temptation & Lust

Sat May 24, 2008 7:07 pm
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Post Re: The Music of the gods. (Bonjoceiv, Cassie)
The possibility a teacher might rape her was the farthest thing from young Cassies mind as she tried to win a soul for jesus.

Towering over me kneeling body I crane me neck back to look up at his eyes. I fail utterly, undone in the same manner as his pants, their undoing me own. Instead I am drawn to the silky black boxers, revealed as his pants fall before me very eyes. One hand comes before me open mouth, covering it in utter surprise, the other accidentally brushing past the heat of his bulging middle, barely contained within the flexible cloth.
With that touch I jump as if bitten by a snake, sprawled in a tangle of limbs upon the very floor I knelt upon. His gaze touches me an for the first time I feel the dampness of me panties, feel his gaze upon this part of me that should remain private an covered. Shame colors me cheeks for there is no denying the lust an desire I have felt in his presence.

Quickly I close me legs and kneel once more, smoothing the down the short skirt do it covers as much of me thigh as I can get it too. Once more I reach out, seeing how he too is embarrassed by the fall of his pants….once more I touch the fabric of his blue jeans in order to halt his exit.

“please….kneel beside me an let god into yur very heart… will feel better for the devil is the one that would want you to lay with me in sin…..not god….” The words leaping from me mouth even as me fingers seem to burn at the touch of him. I wonder if I could even remain still and in prayer with him so close. What is the hold He seems to have on me?

“The devil to plays many tricks all in gods name….one can never be sure.” Thinking for a moment, “if you do this I will give you a kiss….one of farewell, for to go further is to sin and this si something we must strive not to do even though god in his infinite greatness forgives us such.” Me voice cracks with the strain of the thought. A tingling feeling upon me lips, one that slides along me spin to quiver in me belly. A happy warmth brought no doubt by thoughts of brining another lost soul into gods good graces…or so I would rather believe.

Any sign is left unseen in the haste of embarassment. If only Cassie might look down tween her knees she might see the cross.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Cala (Future Prefect)
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Sat May 24, 2008 9:15 pm
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Post Re: The Music of the gods. (Bonjoceiv, Cassie)
"I already know how I have to be saved... God has already spoken to me...". He turned back towards her, "Now hand me the pieces of my belt near you so I can go find someone who will save me...". He bent down and held out his hand, waiting for her to notice the belt's cross.

Female Temptation & Lust

Sat May 24, 2008 11:50 pm
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Post Re: The Music of the gods. (Bonjoceiv, Cassie)
His eyes, so downcast, so numb at this personal cross he seems to bear in solace. At the moment, standing there with his hand held out to me, the other holding up the fancy jeans by the two front belt loops, he beseeches me. The price he asks….god asks… very high. A feeling of unease takes me and yet his whole demeanor seems counter to what I would have expected of him from earlier. Gone is the flippant god hating man that taught this class. What remains is someone truly seeking redemption.

Looking down to gather what remains of his belt I see a sign. My lords own symbol laid out in leather. A simple cross as if the lord himself had ripped that belt from this man an laid it upon the very ground for all to see. A tear strolls down me check as I reach out an gently touch the warm black leather. Such a sign…this coupled with the glow…the way his lips feel ‘gainst mine. Like it is meant to be, me destiny I reckon.

A pleasurable tingle rolls along me neck as I extend me chin upwards an gaze at this man. I have never been with a man ‘fore. Not that I would consider me self a virgin. With Hanaji an all, I would be hard pressed to gain that title. No, I feel unworthy of this task set before me.

I reach upwards an take his hands in mine. Never minding the jeans. Sparks seem to dance along me fingertips an something that a moment before I had thought could not be of god seems somehow right. Still I feel the weight of the bible versus echo in me head. A discordant note on what seems a harmonious day.

“Perhaps it is both of use that gain redemption from this task….I have never lain with a man. Is this what a bride of Christ does? ” asking the later more for my own piece of mind than really expecting an answer. I had once considered joining a convent, of being a bride of Christ.

“What has god said about how we do this thing to bring you salvation?”

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Cala (Future Prefect)
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Sun May 25, 2008 2:29 pm
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Post Re: The Music of the gods. (Bonjoceiv, Cassie)
Bon looked down at her hand in his. "He said I'd have to lay with one of his purest... so that I could be purified by her...".

Female Temptation & Lust

Mon May 26, 2008 1:07 pm
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Post Re: The Music of the gods. (Bonjoceiv, Cassie)
“then come, let us lay together and pray” said while I gently tub upon his hands, beckoning him hither, to kneel next to me…..till I have yet another thought. “or do you wish to go elsewhere, the chapel perhaps, your room, my room….?” The question hanging in the air, even as me smile grows broader.

I will lay with this man, either in comfort or upon hard rocks. It matters naught to the gaining of his immortal salvation. And while we lay together we shall talk and pray. Perhaps even hold hands on this joyous occasion.
Truly I am heartened that god considers me yet pure. There has been no small trepidation that me lord might find me relationship with Hanaji to be less than so. But now I know the truth. That marriage of a woman to a woman before god is something still held sacred. Perhaps even something that retains one purity before his eyes.

Yes, perhaps a different location where we will not be interrupted and the wrong ideas taken.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Cala (Future Prefect)
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Mon May 26, 2008 2:27 pm
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