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 Haunted- (Swordsman_Adrift) 
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He bowed and led her to the counter.

"All I need you to do is stand there. Trust me, that's all then I'll see you tomorrow."

Smiling, he took his place on the other side. Within his fathomless psyche, he chanted the words to a spell that all Savants knew, one that would wreak such havoc with a mortal mind. Already, the room's already chill temperature dropped and even the glow of the chemicals became muted as Montclair, better called Magadon, gathered the dark energies of his native Void.

Looking deep into her eyes, he expelled his breath and power into the cauldron's rising fumes. Material components mixed with malevolent power as it blew towards Cassie, catching her in a cone of powerful, hallucination-inducing scents. With the little Christian writhing and flailing in among the green clouds, he opened the drawer all the way and slipped on the white skull mask of the Nal'senshi, drawing his true form onto the field.

"Do you see them? Those eyes that stare at you from the depths of your dreams? Mark them well; They're mine."


'Thine eyes unsleeping.'

(Interested Parties, PM. I don't bite. Mags has his ways...)

Last edited by swordsman_adrift on Wed May 28, 2008 9:18 am, edited 2 times in total.

Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:40 am
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So very gracious in every manner of his treatment of me; ‘Here is a true gentleman,’ I thought while patiently awaitin’ his next instructions. Detention really didn’t seem so bad. It had been me great fortune to met a man like this professor. One who did not remark on me clothing, one who wuz genuinely interested in a helping lil ole me.
“yes sir” letting me lips curl in a big ole smile as he moved to the other side of the strange glowin’ pan of liquid an ‘gan to chant something in an unknown language. But then Latin was all greek to me no how…an it kinda sounded like what the priests would chant an all.
Shivering a bit as the room gained a wee chill. Yet I watched, not knowing at all what to expect. A cold growing till even the air I breathed seems to make lips tremble. An still it goes on…more an more as he chants. Each moment I can feel the sapping of me strength. Can feel me tongue go numb an me lungs ache with each breath. Hugging me self I try and get warm…rubbing skin to skin, desperate for heat.
Cold leaves me rooted in place. Leaves me failing for breathe as the fog builds for me face. But through that fog the pale face seems to throw back the green hellish glow from the pot…a darkness falling across the room much like the cold….so cold….so dark. I swear I try an run, but I move not. ..not an inch….
An aroma fills the darkness that touches me….touches me naked skin an runs a claw up me legs. Can’t run…sum thing holds me ankles…holds them tight an I swear I can feel its cold breath upon me. Swear I can feel the an hear the fabric tear. All the while the pale green face fore me eyes grins an laughs….till it is a white skull dancing fore me eyes…Death….Death is here with me. I scream….Scream with everything I have….Deaths cold bony hands touch me…reaching round me body with hands that grasp me full breasts an press their sharp nails into the soft flesh above me heart. Hands whose bones grate cross the soft hard flesh of me nipples an pinch them tween those hard boney joints. Pain then...pain and mind numbing cold.

No matter that the head is before me…no matter it makes no sense at all. Death is here in the room with me….embracing me….an oh so cold.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Thu Apr 17, 2008 10:25 am
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As he'd suspected (or learned, much to his eternal chagrin and surprise), an Artefact's limited sentience usually bonded itself to a creature or inhabitant of the dimension it happened to find itself on. But why it did that was a frustration that often had the usually laconic Savants sending eloquent rants into the nothingness.

But there would always be time to find the answer. A Nal-senshi could wait the equivalent of an eternity for a scrap of knowledge. Often, effort and patience were rewarded. Like now when he'd met a human who possessed that which was bane yet benefit to his race.

His form sliding through the thick lab counter, the perpetual grin upon his mask mirrored his very emotion. The compound actually had nothing to do with loosening the choker's hold. It was meant to dull Cassie's senses and reflexes while he had his 'work'.

A pool of roiling shadows slid from his kilt and boiled towards her coughing form. Magadon's attention was arrested by the flash of milky skin and the pained heaving of her generous chest. Yes, this would be most 'educational'...

This time, the creature laughed, a sound that wasn't that set the darkness trembling and writhing, like the limbs of a young girl tasting the sweetest bliss of her first sexual release, as soft wavering tendrils wrapped around her limbs and pulled her into the lightless depths, exploring and stroking all the exposed skin well within reach.

"Do you see them? Those eyes that stare at you from the depths of your dreams? Mark them well; They're mine."


'Thine eyes unsleeping.'

(Interested Parties, PM. I don't bite. Mags has his ways...)

Thu Apr 17, 2008 3:46 pm
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A nightmare…not hell….not eternal damnation. No, the apparition that swam ‘fore me eyes wuz not a demon but rather death. The Mind numbing cold making it hard to think quick an fast an straight. Everything wuz slow….me hands an arms slow to protect me from the touch of death. Me mind slow to react an understand the pale glow of a skull that closing in on me own face. The lifeless black orbs of its eyes pulling me inwards towards them. Only by closing me eyes can I shut out the feeling of having me soul sucked into the hideous face.

I could feel me body tremble ‘neath deaths touch. Feel me skin crawl as wisps of air coalesce as if it has form an slide along me smooth skin like silk. I shudder as more bony fingers slide tween me clothes an me body, pulling at the only protection I have….the thin flimsy fabric of the balck teddy an matching panties. Not nearly enough to stop this assault on me sensibilities, much less me body.

In the midst of me terror a laugh rolls forward to greet me ears. The silky touch upon me skin pulses an rumbles about me, every inch of me flesh touched an pressed in the most intimate of ways. I am with me love….Hanaji’s hands upon me. Her touch light an oh so pleasurable, a promise of things to come. Lips slide along me tummy an I quiver in anticipation as the go lower. Hands an fingers take on flesh an touch me cold skin with warmth. Tracing a pattern upon me ankles…me wrists…moving inwards…always inwards. Me neck warms beneath the circle of leather…warms an pulses with sensations of pure joy. I can feel the muscles of me body relax…a long slow breath that fills me lungs. Lifting me points to the hands that lightly caress me hard nubs. Twisting me torso I happily greet the touch of me love.

“Hanaji….” Me eyes fluttering open. “AARRRRRRRR” the scream tears across me lips once more. Every fiber on me body recoils in horror with the vision that swims for me eyes. A pale skull, not Hanaji me love. Warm soft flesh suddenly cold an boney. I find me foot is able to slide back….a half step…a half step away from this ghost of death incarnate. How is it I am here….an were is me lord an savior….is death at me door?

Sooooo cold. ‘lord….why me….why me….please’

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Fri Apr 18, 2008 8:10 pm
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Her cry echoed against the cold gray stone, reverberating back towards her ears, the sound cruel and cold to her hearing. It was as if the shadows that permeated the laboratory mocked her pleas.

By this time, the thin tendrils begun to penetrate deeper into her thin garments. Their experimental probing deepened, stroking her warm skin with all tenderness and care. Likely Magadon didn't want to inflict any lasting damage, of course.

He idly took note of the name she whimpered. Hanaji A quiet girl of short purple locks and toned physique came to memory. Magadon recalled that some of the students, and a few of his colleagues, not that these human teachers could equal him in knowledge, often talked about who was sleeping with who, and her name, immediately followed by Cassie's, came to mind.

Now, this information was of no consequence to the being that defined self-centered evil. But the Savants were well-known for malevolent creativity. An idea formed in Magadon's head, even as another tendril sprouted from his back and dipped itself in the concoction it had just finished. If the formulae had been correct, if he combined it to the compunds native to the Nal'senshi's astra-biological make-up, it would create a very powerful relaxant.

The tendril he'd dipped in the chemicals wended its way towards Cassie's struggling form, slipping underneath her over-sized shirt even as the other tentacles began to stroke emphatically around her most sacred parts.

But this was only the first phase. He whispered in her mind with her lover's voice, the seductive tone he heard in his captive's mind his medium as the relaxant slowly began to take its effect, drowning her senses in a sea of pleasant sensation, masking the brutality he'd almost regret later. Almost.

"Do you see them? Those eyes that stare at you from the depths of your dreams? Mark them well; They're mine."


'Thine eyes unsleeping.'

(Interested Parties, PM. I don't bite. Mags has his ways...)

Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:51 am
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Shoulders ache in tension, a headache building right behind me very eyes. Green eyes stare in horror at the pale laughing skull with its pupil less voids floating before me. Reaching with me hands I try an push at the black mass. Try to push it away from me but find nothing to touch. Darkness creeps inwards, swallowing me outstretched hands. A sensation crawls up me arms with each inch that disappears. A cold touch that sends shivers up me arms, warming the longer it remains…stroking…stroking like the lips of me lover. Jerking them back I flail at the creeping inky darkness, trying to brush it off, to remove it from me body. Even more so the muscles of me neck tighten in panic.

The skull moves closer. So close it brushes me ear. Is this to be me end? Closing me eyes I brace for the impact. Be it blade or teeth, for death seems keen on taking me, I can do nuthin’ but pray to me lord in heaven that it be quick an sure. I want to live life, so much more to see an do.

I jump…jump from the sound of me loves voice in me ear. Jump so high that had I been wearing shoes I reckon I’d ‘ave jumped right on out of ‘um. Me loves whispers…takin’ me from the nightmare to feel the her hands touching me. Her warm soft flesh ‘gainst mine.

“love….yur tense…let me work on you…relax….relax…..were together now….” lips ‘ gainst me cheek…moving then. Lips, slim an warm touch mine. Together our mouths open, me tongue finding hers. A dance that has me tip me head to hers as she worms a warm slick hand up under the shear black teddy.

A hand that spreads oil tween me breasts, then flows over me right breast. Squeezing the full orb with warm an strong fingers. Gentling kneading me tip in her warm embrace. It feels so good. So very good I can feel me whole body relaxing into her. Our bodies touching, as se do her hand slides behind me an ‘gins to work o’er me shoulders an neck. A long an passionate kiss finally ending with a lil ole moan that leaves me lips.

Should I even open me eyes….are the feelings real? What is real? Is it real that I am dreaming of a death himself in the room with me. Or is it real that I am once more with me love, entwined in her arms? A nagging doubt grips me in a dark embrace. Dark as hanajis caress is light. A spreading fear of opening me eyes an finding the mask once more floating ‘fore me eyes. I can feel me lips quiver…a warm soft finger pressing ‘gainst them….’shhhhhhhh’ I breath….content to listen to me love.

“I love you hanaji…but…but I’m afraid….I’m afraid of which is real an which is the nightmare….another nightmare….but different this time…different cause its death……oh god hanaji I hope its you…hope its you pulling me panties down…..ummmmm….that feels good……oh lord it feels good. “

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Mon Apr 21, 2008 8:46 am
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The shadows roiled in the darkness once more, echoing the peals of laughter he tolled out within his psyche. The relaxant was working and his mimicry of Hanaji must've been that superb. It even made him form a tongue from the shadowstuff that dripped from the bottom of his mask, licking and rubbing against Cassie's tongue and exploring all of her mouth's more secret places..

Tasting her mouth, he found a sweetness that not only pricked at his consciousness but drew him in like a dangerous addictive. Delving his 'tongue' into her, he found it not only pleasant but... Enjoyable. It also appeared to have made her more trusting. The being of the Void made a mental note to explore all the relationships of his future subjects.

Magadon whispered into her ear, stimulating the hot breath he knew human lungs were known to expel, the hot air making the skin on her neck tingle just so deliciously. He made a fine choice this evening. The tendrils continued to massage her, the ones under her shift massaging and caressing her belly as another pair wrapped themselves around the heaving globes of flesh.

"Hush, love... It'll all be alright..." The voice from behind the porcelain wended its way to her ears and mind, strengthening the delicious illusion as other tendrils slowly began to peel away her lacy undergarments, stroking at her silky-smooth thighs. The tendrils wrapping around her breasts rhythmically squeezed and rubbed, making her pierced nipples jut from beneath the nightshirt.

"Do you see them? Those eyes that stare at you from the depths of your dreams? Mark them well; They're mine."


'Thine eyes unsleeping.'

(Interested Parties, PM. I don't bite. Mags has his ways...)

Mon Apr 21, 2008 3:13 pm
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Her voice soothing away the strain, letting me forget me worries. I could really get used to this. The way that jus by being close to her I could feel the way I did.

Her hands slowly pulled upon the thin straps of me panties. Pulling them out an o’er me rounded hips, the thin back strap rolling out from tween me rear cheeks. Wiggling me hips I went ‘bout helping gravity do the deed. Knees together till the I feel the silk straps settling cross me outer thighs…dangling downwards, loose an all. A small slide of me bare feet upon the cool stone floor, an opening of a small gap tween them. Me feet feel the caress of satin. Stepping out of me panties, I leave them behind, Hanajis hands upon me bare bum. All that remains is a strap under me foot. A constant reminder that me love was removing me clothes….one step at a time.

A prickly sensation runs up me arms as I seek me love. Even with her breath upon me neck, I fail to find the body that should be there. An alarm rings deep inside me head. Quietly at first, but as me arms flail in the air with have nothing to grasp to alarm grows louder. An while me body grows warmer from the ministration of me love, her touch grows colder. Reality….a dream…a nightmare. Dare I open me eyes to know which was which?

With a shuttering breath I prepare to open me eyes. Fear raising small bumps along me spine, long ago the hairs having disappeared. Will I be living in a nightmare? Or will the nightmare be only that … will I awaken to me loves gentle touch?

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Tue Apr 22, 2008 7:23 am
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"Love, don't tense up. Relax..." 'Hanaji's' tone was chiding, like a mother gently admonishing her child. The Savant found himself becoming more and more accustomed to imitating her purple-haired lover. One would even use the verb 'enjoying'.

Deep within Magadon's near-immaterial form, the feelings that he'd fought to repress were slowly coming to surface. But it wasn't as if he was trying to stop himself. It's just that if he let that side of him out, who knows what may happen?

How do humans deal with lust?

One look at the prone bare-bottomed female in front of him, writhing and panting with obvious arousal and need, was the answer he needed.

They don't.

If his porcelain mask could grin any wider it would. But, unfortunately, it couldn't. But, again, it didn't matter. He rather liked that conclusion. Now, with her only other garment out of the way (a flimsy lacy thing his tendrils folded up rather neatly on the counter), Magadon's limbs were left with more vulnerable spots to explore. Another pair wrapped around each of her thighs, the whip-like points roaming up and down her quivering skin.

His 'tongue' licked the side of her cheek, tasting the sweet hesitation from her pores as his first protuberances looped themselves delicately around the nipple rings and tugged tentatively, as if testing for a reaction as they wrapped around those generous mounds of flesh, massaging and squeezing.

His hands had finally found her bared ass and found the soft cheeks a thrill to touch, squeezing them and pulling them apart, revealing the tight ring of muscle. He decided to save that spot for experimentation later.

More of his tendrils began to detach themselves from Cassie, if only to dip themselves in the relaxant and wrap around her again, rubbing the solution into her skin. No sense in wasting good lotion.

"Do you see them? Those eyes that stare at you from the depths of your dreams? Mark them well; They're mine."


'Thine eyes unsleeping.'

(Interested Parties, PM. I don't bite. Mags has his ways...)

Tue Apr 22, 2008 1:17 pm
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Strong hands upon me thighs, her fingers wrapping themselves around me quivering flesh. Making a mental note of how long her fingers were, I found me self moving ‘gainst me loves embrace, sum thing I’d never noticed ‘fore. Hanaji wuz everywhere at once. Tugging on me nipples, playing with the golden rings. Hands upon me bum, gently squeezing me full round cheeks. I feel a swoon coming on. So wonderful are the sensations.

Lips an tongue move along the inside of me throat. Me head going back an exposing the long line of me slender neck. She moves along the edge of the collar, teasing…caressing ..playing. Her hot breath moving o’er the top of me pounding pulse; sending me heart to flutter in delight. Feeling the breath upon me skin I know I want nothing more than to be here….here in her arms. Yet, even so the voice deep within nags at me…makes me think I live a lie.

Do I deceive me self? It be wrong to delude oneself, to shy away from ones fears. I must face them. Musn’t I? Is that not what me lord on heaven asks of his followers….

Quickly me eyes flutter open….an darkness lies deeply in the room. A darkness so deep that not the faintest light reaches me pupils. Nothing….nothing at all but sensations of pleasure from each an every touch. Yes the smell is there….a smell not at’all like me loves. No, her lavender scent is missing from the silky strands of hair that brush by me face. The pulse in me neck jumps…jumps and bounces as more suspicions run along me nerves…more….more….and still I relax into her caress, the oils upon me skin making her strong caresses ease the tensions of me muscles.

So close…she moves an briefly a light touch moves along a sensitive lip. I feel the caress slide softly across the most tender parts of me. That touch moist. Have I really groan that close in me needs? Oh…that she does it to me no doubt….the nervous giggle escaping past me lips as me pelvis turns into the touch…begging for more.

“Hanaji love….so dark…it is really you….isn’t it?....hmmmmmmm”

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Wed Apr 23, 2008 8:49 am
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Magadon recalled that Hanaji had a laugh like the pealing of little bells. Maybe he overdid it, but he was new to mimicry, though he'd never have the humility to say so.

"Of course it's me Cassie," he reassured her, his tendrils fondling and caressing various parts of her anatomy as he reinforced the image in her mind. "After all, who else knows how to touch you like this..."

A tendril slid inside her most secret canal experimentally, testing just how far to see how it could go. He marveled at the damp and warm tightness. One could almost get used to this...

"After all, aren't we meant for one another?" The Nal'senshi couldn't help but let drip the seductive menace from his voice even at his extra extremities squeezed her breasts while rubbing the aureole as the pulled the the golden rings. The dreamstuff tongue slid into her her mouth, claiming and exploring her opening mouth fiercely.

But all this was for naught. He could feel the secret consciousness just beginning to wake. And if something could be awakened, then it could subjugated.

"Do you see them? Those eyes that stare at you from the depths of your dreams? Mark them well; They're mine."


'Thine eyes unsleeping.'

(Interested Parties, PM. I don't bite. Mags has his ways...)

Wed Apr 23, 2008 12:08 pm
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So very nice, the kiss upon me lips. A thrill that set me nerves a sizzling. Heat building from each on every inch of me skin to turn me tummy to butterflies. A feeling of constant flutterin’ deep in me belly, growing stronger with each minute that went by under me loves constant attentions.

Bringing up me hands I stroked the Hard smooth skin of her face. Fingers trailed along the edges of a mask. A mask that seemed to move all on its own. The tongue forced its way deeper in me mouth as I ‘gain to pull me head back from the deepening kiss.

A faintly gray skull formed fore me eyes. Eyes going wider as the hands no longer felt so much like hands…as the nightmare came real and the back of me head screamed in anguish…’I told yah so…told yah so….’. in a never ending chant. Try as I might to leave the many grips upon me skin only tightened thar embrace to the point it hurt an I knew there would be bruises come morning.

If there would be a morning. For it wuz death a holding me….death a stroking me in horrible ways. As much as me tummy did a flip it wuz still warm, warm an wet inside. The type that had the first drops of dew upon me lips.

“Lord…please…please save me….Oh god I am sorry I had not the courage to see this for what it is…please…please stop….please no….no ….no….no…..” me voice fading to the point the last word is a mere whisper in the darkness. A hope ‘gainst hope that the nightmare will end and I will be in me loves arms, here gentle rocking awakening me to love an light. I know better…I really, really do, yet the nightmare is real an the protection of me dream is a lie.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Thu Apr 24, 2008 5:17 am
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Never look a gift horse in the mouth.

Magadon knew her probing would have eventually slipped past the illusion. If Cassie'd been smart, she would have succumbed to his imitation of her lover. But her hands had wandered, and he could practically feel her fear and hesitation. But it all did not matter. Now it was his turn for pleasure.

And to think, we almost forgot you were sent here for punishment... How unprofessional of me.

The darkness writhed, the gloom seemingly sentient. The tendrils wrapping around her limbs tightened as they turned her onto her stomach, folding her legs underneath her while keeping them spread. Her arms were forced behind her back as he cast a spell that would finally melt her one remaining garment and expose her skin to the chill.

Now if you just do all that I tell you, this will all be just a terrible dream...

Through it all, his tendrils roamed her form, fondling every contour and curve of Cassie's generously-endowed figure as the one tendril slid deeper, exploring what lay between her most sacred nether folds.

"Do you see them? Those eyes that stare at you from the depths of your dreams? Mark them well; They're mine."


'Thine eyes unsleeping.'

(Interested Parties, PM. I don't bite. Mags has his ways...)

Thu Apr 24, 2008 12:24 pm
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The nightmare spread from mind to body, making each of me struggles sluggish. The pulse ‘neath that band of tight leather ‘bout me throat pounding out strong an heavy in utter fear so unlike the response of me muscles. Feeling the tightening coils of cold slithering flesh upon me wrists and ankles jus fore death dealt me his next move, I foudn meself desperatly trying to get free.

Death is strong. With a stinging slap of flesh upon the unyelding ground, the coils did thier damage. With me chest an tummy heaving an a rolling, death spun me o’er an pushed me turgid points onto the hard stone floor. Pain, like a thousand tiny needles, lanced into me from me chest as those sensitive points scrapped across the abrasive floor from me struggles.

Across me back an sides I could feel a tingle upon me skin. Then, like rain upon bare flesh, the shear black garment across me torso seemed to dissolve an trickle cross me skin. Gathering in so many drops to slide off of me to reveal all that had been covered. A light an ghostly whisper of air fell across me, more so ‘gainst the part of me spread an high in the air. The part of me that should be covered an away from the eyes of mortal an immortals alike….a part of me that should be so private. That part of me felt an even greater chill as me juices contacted the breezy sensation that seemed to push me lips slightly apart with its icy touch.

Moving me bottom away as best I could while gasping an a heaving in shear panic. No….this could not be gods plan…not his plan for me life…. An yet the touch does not stop, instead it continues on its relentless journey….

“NO….stop…please….this….this is wrong an ‘gainst gods ways. Please….let me go…let me go…” I could feel the wet streaks of tears upon me cheek. As I flung me head to an fro in desperation their salty paths changed till me face grew wet an cold in the chilly air of this basement of doom. Had I ever known such fear…the fear of ancient mankind, a fear of the evil that comes with the dark…of death itself, an things worse than death. For tonight…tonight I wuz learning that death had a blessing all its own.

But the touch pushing at me slid deeper. Past the muscles that trying to bare its way. Deeper into me private spaces. Deeper, me body tightening in fear round the chill penetrating me most sacred of places. Could it be deaths own bony finger that now plied its way within me? I could feel every bumb..every joint in me tight embrace. Hot an wet I fought the cold within, a war of sorts sapping at me strength.

“Oh lord in heaven…please I pray stop it…stop it….stop it …” me prayer going weaker tween each shuddering gasp of breathe

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Sat Apr 26, 2008 9:50 pm
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I'm not even hurting you... Yet...

He began to slide the finger outward, teasing her with the limb's otherworldly texture as his other tendrils explored her lush body. Her breasts were almost covered by those shadow-black limbs as they contracted and rubbed those orbs of quivering flesh as more roamed her figure and skin with controlled abandon. When the tendril had gone a certain length, it was joined by another as it slid inside once more, repeating the process, both plunging in and out with a deliberate rhythm.

Without meaning to, one of the tendrils slapped Cassie's rounded cheeks, causing her figure to shiver suddenly yet violently. The movement gave the Nal a pleasure he could not describe but made him all the more... Eager. An idea began to take root in Magadon's fathomless mind. He leaned close, simulating breathing as cold as a winter night with a tone so innocent, chiding and laden with dark intent, it would have made a psychopath blanch.

Would you like this to end? Would you like to be in Hanaji's arms again while she tells you all this was just a bad dream?

"Do you see them? Those eyes that stare at you from the depths of your dreams? Mark them well; They're mine."


'Thine eyes unsleeping.'

(Interested Parties, PM. I don't bite. Mags has his ways...)

Sun Apr 27, 2008 1:00 pm
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