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 Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member) 
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
(Doing fine)

Somewhere on the ship a secret pod opened up the kryoginic timing releasing as a bony hand reaches out and grabs the edge as a scientist of the alliance comes out. He pulls his googles down over his yellow glowing eyes as they take in data on the ship. "This rust bucket was supposed to get me to the Alliance meeting while my double kept them busy at the ADD... Oh well. Guess I best fix the damn thing." I tell myself as I head towards the engine room as Kazari would sense a new victim or perhaps ally awake on board my life signs greatly diminished in my pod was the reason she couldn't before.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Thu Jun 19, 2008 8:39 pm
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
(Hey, hey, hey, new members. :mrgreen: )

The hellcats that they were, they refused to give up or even show any sign of worry or fear. They attacked once again, as if heeding the summons of the monster, launching their attacks in timing to his command.

The blonde girl issued further threats as he partner aimed for his arm, outstretched. He made no attempt to avoid; instead his hand showed amazing speed which the girls would not have suspected from arms so large and bulky.

As if she did not learn from the earlier lesson, he grabbed her once again. But that proved to be a distraction as one of them went for the LOW kick to effectively disable him...


Of course, she would not have expected that a nicely shaped, and nicely placed scale protected the most important of areas that the Lieutenant would really have to protect.

And as the other girl hung in reverse, her hair pointing down to the floor, Kouzakai had unlimited visionary access to the body which his 'mistress' had offered him.

" Nice." he said, ignoring her struggles, and her partner who was crumpled on the floor, clutching her foot, as he head for the door. There was a familiar scent he was smelling...the distinct smell of Cassie in heat.

So he could be forgiven if he did not see that, in the distance, engulfed by the binary star's brilliance, was a lone space cruiser, in a somewhat sorry state, heading for the planet which was relatively...silent.

End of passion play, crumbling away...
I'm your source of self-destruction.
Taste me you will see, more is all you need...
You're dedicated to how I'm killing you.

A member of the Archanius Alliance, Lieutenant.
The Archanius Alliance
Terror of the Deep

Fri Jun 20, 2008 11:36 am
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
Kazari sat in the chair and looked at the computer screens that made no sense to her. She stroked her cock gently, passing time as the ship painfully slow made its way home. Suddenly she sensed somthing on the ship and turned in her seat. "whats this?" The succubus stood up and strode down the hall toward the source. "did i miss sombody?.....part of me wish's i had....ok little whoever you are time to feed me" The demon laughed and rounded a corner.


"its not the dark you have to be afriad of....its whats in it"-Echo Night Beyond

Fri Jun 20, 2008 12:41 pm
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
Ohhh, now that wuz an interesting turn. I made a mental not to not assume kicking him in the balls wuz gonna work. In fact, I’d never gotten into a full tussle with Mr. Muscles, might be a good thing.

Even at the screens resolution I could see him take an interest in the spread legs an black haired mane of Brenda. A pang of jealousy ran through me, sum thing I had no right to. After all I wuz not his wife, or even his mistress an so had no right. I’d given the girls to him for whatever he wished to do with them. Still….still a part of me wanted the one thing I would never have. Him all to me self.

“Learn to share Cassie”, I mumbled under me breath, ‘an don’t fall in love’ I silently added. It wuzn’t like I’d not jus poisoned him. Our foreplay could be kinda rough I noted. I also noted that Brenda seemed to like it that way as well. There wus a glistening to those pink lips of hers. A puffiness to those lips that wouldn’t be there is she wuzn’t a bitch in heat after their bought.

I suspected sum thing wuz wrong with all of us agents. We seemed to get hottest for the ones that bested us, after all they were the only ones worthy. I could only imagine the come hither now pheromones that were cast from her pours an a heady chemical cocktail. An if he avoided her now, well…jus maybe he really liked me…if a monster like Kousakia could like as a human could….damn those were bad thoughts to have going through me perty lil head. An here diddling me self wuzn’t making it any better as I though ‘bout his strong arms an legs, an that magnificent thick cock of his. Ohhhh shit, I’d fallen far in the last 5 years. Damn…damn…damn….

(oh goodie... a yah think yah can keep up.... :P)

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Fri Jun 20, 2008 1:39 pm
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
As Kazari followed her senses she ended up in the engine room where a man with blonde hair with an ADD jumpsuit on was working on the engine. His back was turned to you so you couldn't make out his face, but he looked skiny and perhaps frail, still you could see he made quick progress in the engine room as about 65% of the area was fixed as he now worked on the engines.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Fri Jun 20, 2008 8:48 pm
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
"well well well who do we have here? did i overlook you?" Kazari stepped into the room, waving her hand whitch made the tools he had in his hand shoot out and clang against the wall. "im gonna drain you so....very ...slowly..heheh...heh..hahahahah!"


"its not the dark you have to be afriad of....its whats in it"-Echo Night Beyond

Sat Jun 21, 2008 3:02 am
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
He caught the other girl by the foot. Both of them now hung, dangling in the air, upside down as he carried them like freshly caught fish.

The airlock opened, and he'd got enough of a presence of mind to carry along the supposed gifts that Cassie had given him. So much for that...let her use it. His own devices would suffice, although that collar was a nice hat trick.

He stepped into the Devourer, the airlock behind him hissing closed. The ship was in full working capacity now, having realized it still had an owner. The shower was distinctly open in the distant back, and that was the direction where Kouzakai moved. He figured that, after everything else, it was time for him to take a bath.

He took off his bulky armplate. It clunked heavily onto the ground.

He took off his sword, and placed it onto his cockpit seat.

And lastly, he went straight for the door, where the sound of water heard.

Then he proceeded to start and take off his pants.

" Hey there." he said, smiling, knocking onto the flesh-door. " Can I come in?"

End of passion play, crumbling away...
I'm your source of self-destruction.
Taste me you will see, more is all you need...
You're dedicated to how I'm killing you.

A member of the Archanius Alliance, Lieutenant.
The Archanius Alliance
Terror of the Deep

Sat Jun 21, 2008 4:04 am
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
The view screen went dead, an else were the sound of pulsing water came on. Slowly paddling to the surface I looked for the source of the rain. There at the edge of the pool in a good sized alcove ran precious water. Each drop sending up a swirl of steam into the already humid room. But this…this treasure after a month on a cramped lil ship wuz not to be overlooked. No way.

No sooner than I swung me feet from the water, one knee still on the ground as I readied to rise did the strange door open 'fore me to his booming voice. There he stood once more in front of me. The large muscular body, muscles rippling across his wide chest. A chest I wanted to run me fingers down an feel each lil ole scale that rode upon those muscles. Even more so, the flat six pack of his abdomen beckoned, the very group of muscles that would work to move that monster of a dick in an out of me.

An there it stood at attention, bobbing before me very lips. No, there wuz no need to rise, not with Mr. Wonderful within me grasp. Here an there the flecks of dried cum still stood upon his scales. Testament to what I already knew….Yeap, I’d been a very bad girl…an the party wuz jus getting started.

Slowly I reached up an took the thick shaft in me hand…well as good as I could with his hunk of meat. Deftly I brought in to me lips, a slow kiss…..the grin growin on me face as I look up at him through me fluttering eyelashes. The good ole bashful southern belle…well why not.

“Why butter me butt an call me a biscuit why looks who’s here. Of course you can come right on in….an well….what a surprise to see what has proceeded you. Is this for me?” With a flourish of me other hand I let it drape seductively about me heaving bosom., patting the soft supple flesh.

“But if I DARE say so, it looks like you’ve already been wrung dry an all. Yah flirting with them other girls…or are yah saving yur self for the likes of me, cause me daddy still has that big ole 12 gauge shotgun. SO I dare say yah’d better make a honest woman outta me yet. Yah bring the ring?” With the very tip of me tongue I played across the underside of that big ole head of flesh, right were he would like it.

Lights, camera, action…..chuckling…this would be sooooo much fun, I could tell by the look on his face.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
Bio and adventures

Sat Jun 21, 2008 4:59 am
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
I wave my hand and Kazari is thrown towards me as I turn around and smile at her. "Kazari, Kazari, Kazari you were always one for the dramatic and the evil laugh." I tell her removing my cap revealing I was not human as she saw my face. That of Pierceye as I look at one of my bound creatures.

"It's been a while." I tell her as I had inflitrated the ADD posing as a tratior but of course my loyalty was to Lord Archanius as I smirk seeing my lovely Succubus.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Sat Jun 21, 2008 7:35 am
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
Kazari yelped as she was hurled toward the man, she hadnt expected another spell caster on this ship. She was about to claw his eyes out when he opend the hood. The succubus gasped, realizing the mistake she was so badly about to make. "m.m.m.m.m.m.master...wha...wha..what are you doing here?" She coughed clearing her throat, eyes widen looking at his. Her body stiffend in his grasp, she hadnt seen her maker in so long so very long. It had been years since he held her, touched her made her feel wonderful. Her cock stood to attention, pussy dripping cum down her thigh's. She was more than happy to see him after all this time, if anyone could best her in combat it was he.


"its not the dark you have to be afriad of....its whats in it"-Echo Night Beyond

Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:31 pm
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
I smile down at her. "I see that you haven't taken the rumors of my betrayal seriously. After all it was a ruse made by the very higher ups to inflitatre the ADD as a double agent." I reach down and carress her succubus check. I smile evily. "I have a present for you, a device I've been working on." I tell her as I then press a small metal circle no bigger then my thumb onto her forehead.

It was a home for several billions nanoites that I made which instantly entered her system robbing her of the use of her limbs, but left there sensation as the push from my finger was enough to send her on her back. "As you can see this device robs one of the use of there limbs. However, that is only the secondary funtion so the true purpose could be utlizied." I tell her as the nanoites attach to the pleasure center of her brain and nerve clusters in her body. I then snap my fingers as it begins.

She feels the most delicous pleasure, as if her breasts, pussy, ass, mouth, well it just faster to say her entire body was assaulted with the sensations as if another person did it. However my experiment showed that was not enough. Without the textile feeling of such things upon a person it would be empty pleasure a way of driving slaves to embrace there masters was my premise. She would be a good test. "As to why I'm here. I was recalled but have a duplicate of myself still there, so we'll be heading to the meeting together as soon as I fix the ship." I tell her licking my lips seeing her agony/pleasure filled face.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

My Bio- viewtopic.php?f=7&t=144

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Last edited by Keemari on Sat Jun 21, 2008 10:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:46 pm
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
Kazari gasped once the button was pressed to her head. She fell out on her back and begin writhing, squirming as the things played havoc inside her body. The demon twitched eyes rolling into the back of her head as her most intimate places were set aflame. Her cock twitched between her legs, pussy lips spasmed opening and closing as if they were winking. Her clit rock hard, nipples extremely stiff breasts firming to the arousal. "uuhnn! Master!" Tongue slid out of her mouth to dangle dripping saliva down her chin. Her tail twitched everybody knew a succubus's tail was a major pleasure center. The appendage twitched and spurted her poison out the tip having lost all control.


"its not the dark you have to be afriad of....its whats in it"-Echo Night Beyond

Sat Jun 21, 2008 10:05 pm
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
I chuckle as I see my lovely succubus twitch in pleasure. I wondering if she would be part of the 5% who would actually enjoy the pleasure and get lost in it not minding the loss of the textail in combination as I go back to fixing the engine room waiting for the experiment to come to fulation.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Sat Jun 21, 2008 10:48 pm
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
Kazari continued to twitch, her body spasmed as the machines moved around her body attacking her nerves and pleasure centers, they invaded her brain stabbing into certain portions of the muscle to make her scream out. "ahhh...soo good more more!" Her body suddenly stiffend as her first orgasm of surely many crashed over her. Cock spurting cum onto her chest, pussy gushing onto the floor between her legs. The demon was on a higher level of extacy than she had ever been in her entire well existence. Her body began to glow, eyes turned red mouth open wide sharp canines gleaming in the light. Her wings though lifeless along with her limbs strained as she gave into the pleasure. "MORE MASTER MORE! I BEG OF YOU MORE!"


"its not the dark you have to be afriad of....its whats in it"-Echo Night Beyond

Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:06 pm
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
I was reintilizing the core when I heard her scream out like that. I turn to see that she had already soaked herself in her own seed. I smirk. I should've figured that she would take to it like this. I slowly walk over to her and hold out four of my fingers each with another one of those metal dots.

"Each one of these will increase your pleasure and strength your body to withstand such pleasure allowing your mind to expand to accomdate. Are you prepared for that?" I ask her.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:10 pm
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