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 Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member) 
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
( Well, welcome aboard. By the way my ship is...well just look at my ADD pro. 8) )

He was so busy with the girls that he forgot what they had talked about earlier. She was supposed to be captured, a slave under the Alliance, and he was her cruel master, what tortured her day and night. Oh, of course. She wanted to give these stubborn femmes a right old scare, and here he was spoiling the agreement. What a way to start the day.

Regardless, he figured out it wasn't too late to play the hero, since the day was just beginning, in so much as the two girls were concerned. There was a silent shift of roles.

" Of course." he spoke.

The silent flipping, and the secret teasing...she hated doing this, maybe it was not her style. However it was hard to keep a straight face since she was so out of character, and anyone who knew Cassie from the ranks would be surprised to see her like this...particularly the two female agents who were in Kouzakai's tentacles. However, this gives them a rough picture of the slimy, green merman.

" Had you been good while I was away, I would release them." he said. " However, seeing as you were so bold to mess up with my personal bath..."

There was a silent beckon coming from the ship. It was a faint signature but judging by the Devourer's reaction it was an Alliance signature. The security codes were already bypassed and only one man could even bypass the security codes on the Devourer, which was quite unique: that was the big boss himself, Archanius.

Though of course, it seemed highly unlikely that Archanius would interest himself with things like technology and stuff, but he really had no idea who else knew about these codes except that mad scientist which he knew went AWOL about quite some years ago.


" You will learn your place, slave." he said, forcing her face onto his member. The two agents-in- training were getting quite a show. " And your friends will learn theirs soon, as well."

Before anything else, though, he was greeted by another aesophagus-like air lock forming at the side of the ship.

What in the...

End of passion play, crumbling away...
I'm your source of self-destruction.
Taste me you will see, more is all you need...
You're dedicated to how I'm killing you.

A member of the Archanius Alliance, Lieutenant.
The Archanius Alliance
Terror of the Deep

Tue Jul 01, 2008 1:26 am
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
"Let us find out." I tell her as I go over to the consule. If Kouzkai's connection was still estiblished he would have to work fast incase he didn't know I was a spy as my hand's went wild over the controls. By human standards you could say I could type 1000 words a minute, that equaled a lot of data crunching as I input our parimters as okay into the ships security as I estblish the air lock.

Once that was done I take Kazari and thrust my fingers into her pussy stiring her up a bit before taking the juices to my mouth and licking them. "Lets go on board. There is plenty for you to enjoy if our comerade will share." I tell her seeing the sensors of the ADD agents he had with him as we enter and using an implanted computer I make my way towards the area they were at as I open the door and walk in. "Yo Kouzkai. Get that promotion yet?" I ask him simply.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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If you fancy an RP with my character do not hestitate ask. I'm always free.

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Tue Jul 01, 2008 2:11 am
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
For one so astute in the ways of both alliance an ADD he seemed a might bit distracted today. Maybe ‘membering ‘bout those times we had previously shared the slaves. Still, I valued his discretion an the ability to ensure me cover wuz not broken. Though frankly, things were not going to plan. Wuzn’t it sum fella called Murphy that said a plan don’t last no further than first contact with the enemy or sum sorta thing?

Well contact wuz reached an the plan wuz going south faster than a coon dog on scent trail. Damn… now I really had to play the part. A part that made me skin crawl with its mushy master this an master that. Worse yet wuz the way he would no doubt lord it up now.

“Yes master….how did I mess up yur bath so I may be better next time.” Might bit wordy for a slave, an maybe a bit too beseeching. But frankly he wuzn’t gonna notice. Slave master had never been Kouzakai’s main talent. No, he made money for the alliance with other skills.

An that wuz why when he took hold of me head an forced me mouth round that thick tube steak a his. I almost forgot me place…well the one I wuz acting on. He probably felt the teeth for a moment. Ohhhhh how I wanted to bite an make him hurt. Ohhhhh payback wuz gonna be a bitch, an I could play that part to a tee. .

Damn if he didn’t force his member all the way into the back of me throat. Came up gasping for breath an a thick web of spit hanging from me lip to the tip of his cock. Learn my place will I….maybe he’d been studying all the things I really didn’t need him studying. Next thing yah know he would be barking out the words an putting us through the paces of all them slave positions they taught yah in the ADD under the guise of infiltration tactics. An damn if all that training didn’t get ingrained in muscle memory….

I figured another thrust was about to happen, an then there wuz one of them pregnant pauses like. Event the girls over his shoulder noted it. They’d also noted he wuz really well hung an probably wondering how I’d managed to get to the base of his shaft without suffocating. Soon enough lil chickadees….soon enough you will either learn or hack an cough a lung up. It wuz the only part of the party I wuz looking forward to.

Spoil his bath me round ass.. He’d spoiled it by not leaving the two of them in sum dark hole. No doubt on purpose too…jus to watch me try an be a good slave. Oh.. damn…damn… damn him to hell as I am the angel of gods retribution in these here parts an justified to do jus sort a thing.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Tue Jul 01, 2008 3:42 am
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
This was alright, fit to a T, this thing.

Here was his chance to play the agressor. All this time he and Cassie had been equals, though of course that was in every way. They shared the same bed, when the chance came...he always welcomed it so when the ADD sent her once again to capture him, only to end up being his personal 'R & R' partner. And she was also becoming her equal in battle...though she was not that strong, as he had said before, charm and a little bit of brains always prevail over a lot of brawn and she had those...oooh did she have those...

He smiled as he felt her teeth scrape against the rough skin of his member. No doubt he would feel that familiar surge of pain if ever she bit it, although it did not seem like that was the case. No. She was playing the slave part to a T for the convenience of everyone watching...and maybe for the convenience of the two ladies he had beside him. It was a wonder they hadn't passed out from being upside down for this long, but maybe that was because they were so intent on watching their senior be a slave of the monster who had just bested them. Maybe by now they were thinking this was not a training after all, and somewhere down the pipe line, a letter of instruction had gone terribly, terribly wrong...

He would've continued to enjoy if not for the hissing sound, the telltale sign of someone else docking into the ship. He would love to ignore that, but...

If anything, this could be one of them.

He heaved a sigh of exasperation, shot a look of sorry to Cassie, and dropped the girls into the water...rough at that, just so he could give her some sign of sorry. He stepped out and fixed his pant, filthy as they are. Figured that shower would be far too long away once again.

In stepped a creature he had not seen in a long time, perhaps locked away in one of the WarLabs' testing room or on a routine recon for more alien technologies to study. This was Pierce Eye, and this guy...well Archanius was not so much as fond of him as anyone else. There were rumors abound that the reason why the ADD had come a long way from what they were before was because of him.

He got the usual jeering greeting between two members of the Alliance.

" Delighted as well, Pierce Eye." he spoke in a dark voice. " And what brings you here? You're supposed to go down there. Your master awaits." He said, pointing downwards to the dead planet and referring to Archanius. " He missed his lap dog so."

End of passion play, crumbling away...
I'm your source of self-destruction.
Taste me you will see, more is all you need...
You're dedicated to how I'm killing you.

A member of the Archanius Alliance, Lieutenant.
The Archanius Alliance
Terror of the Deep

Tue Jul 01, 2008 6:04 am
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
There wuz that look. A look that told me sum thing deeper than a lil humiliation for the girls wuz in order. I’d have asked what wuz up cept I couldn’t an that really got to me. Suddenly having them two others in the room wuz not making me none to happy. I liked knowing what wuz up, an this….this skullduggery wuz not helping me mood already on the razors edge having to play a part I loathed.

I watched from the corner of me eye as the two girls retreated as far from Kouzakia as possible. One could only hop the tentacles had been active across their neither area. Which if their training had held wuz as wet as mine.

The zipping up his pants wuz not helping that either, or me mood. I didn’t think the LT would jus toss away a good fuck unless things were really bad. An turning his back on me with that throbbing stiffness all waded up in his pants meant things were serious. I wanted me combat gear, a nice couple of crates now safetly stored in the hold of devourer….damn.

Pierce eye? The dossier went through me head. Now here wuz a guy worth a lot of money for a bounty hunter. Left the ADD to join with the alliance over sum pay dispute. Seemed he might have grown a lil too fond of the agents in training an a lil too heavy handed in his training assistance if the file could be believed. Then again, what an opportunity for a double agent. I had no idea who the agent could be, jus that is wuz one of the senior guys. An getting cut off from a ready pool of talented flesh might very well have caused him to change his mind.

Oh lord…now I had to play the part…..oh damn. As a slave I had no rights, an a guest could make requests. I really wuzn’t into bed hopping and sharing me self with a bunch of sex crazed aliens. Make me self real small….an slink off into the pool. I had a big advantage o’er the other two thanks to Kouzakai….I could stay underwater.

Imagine me surprise when I moved an the chains clinked. Not to mention the lil round bells that seemed to have taken up residence on the leather cuffs that circled me wrists an ankles. Another belt like round me waist. That an chains that lead tween them all. Standard slave restraint gear. The collar tingled, the golden rings going warmer an vibrating jus a lil. Nothing you might see, but being right up next to um I could really feel.

Why hadn’t I jus taken the risk an had the collar removed! It wuz times like this I wuz not amused by the alien sense of humor that had programmed the damn thing into misbehaving an setting me up. Our understanding had seemingly come to a sudden end. Jus when the last thing I needed wuz to get all perky an turned on. Pheromones would be flying, an that might bring notice me direction I didn’t no how want.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Tue Jul 01, 2008 12:12 pm
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
Kazari followed her master inside the room, looking at the other alien then at the slave girls in the corner. Her eyes narrowed on one particular female. "hmmm" Her hands resting on her hips as she looked back to their host. "and who might you be?" The succubi asked, tail zipped around behind her lazingly.


"its not the dark you have to be afriad of....its whats in it"-Echo Night Beyond

Tue Jul 01, 2008 7:21 pm
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
"He's 1st Lt. Kouzakai Gorshnak, one of the very early memebers of the alliance. However I still out rank him in that area since I've been one of Lord Archaninius right hand men since the begining. That is until defected to the ADD." I tell Kazari as I adjust my googles as inside was a small computer that had infomation on all the ADD agents.

I look at them and instant info pop up on the girls as they could lock onto DNA, heat signutures, and other various methods of seeing. However I was suprised when it locked onto the slave girl at his feet. I readjust them momentairly. How very odd. "You have an intreasting slave at your feet, quite a beauty too. How long have you had her?" I ask him still acting very casual.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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If you fancy an RP with my character do not hestitate ask. I'm always free.

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Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:47 pm
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
‘Lord….Please’ I mouthed silently as I bowed me head down low an took on the position of supplication. All I’d wanted wuz to be invisible. Let the other two provide the entertainment…me ….I’m not here…not here…Except those darn lil bells an traitorous collar had made sure I’d make a cute lil ole sound with each movement. I really didn’t need this…not now.

Well there wuz silence now, I wouldn;t move another muscle for the next day of need be. I could do it. Maybe they would notice the splash of water from the other two guests an leave me alone. I could hear it!

Oh I willed it with all me heart an soul, both being a lil blacker for all me sins. While all the while that nasty programming the ADD had done was making me hotter jus realizing they were looking at me. Sum times yah can’t catch a break for trying.

An frankly, there wuz no telling how good ole Kouzakai would play this. I could almost hear the wheels turning in the great brain of his. Oh…that poison thing wuz looking worse an worse, payback could be hell. I swear He wuz smirking, an damn him if he did anything to get the attention on me! I would….Well…I would get even. Even if I deserved a lil payback.

Though, really I didn’t really deserve any of the sort. Well almost killing him…making a mess outta his pants…booth bad. But he had enjoyed both of those in the end. I’d made sure of it. Two feisty almost agents, worth a couple million galactic creds no doubt on the slave market, an word about a double agent selling out the Dear leader that could get him promoted. Good. Not to mention he still owed me a good orgasm. Frankly I had the scales in my favor. But then I wuz a bit prejudiced bout that.

I hated to cuss but sometimes; ‘Shit, a nice simple run wuz not turning out like that at all.’ I thought. Time would tell.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:51 am
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
Kouzakai had waited to hear from HQ about others, but in a long time this creature...Pierce Eye...had been the first to show his hide among the other members of the vaunted Alliance. Archanius would've been on-planet. The others would have to have ships around, but he did not pick them up. Technically they were the first to make their presence felt.

Pierce-eye he knew, but this other alien...a female, hermaphrodite it seemed, was someone he did not know from all the files and dossiers they had been given. His attention to the slave-agent Cassie was forgotten all too soon. He could not show any shred of emotion now...who knows what the Alliance would think if one of them grew strangely fond for an agent, though it was all forged in lust, not romance or any mushy thing whatsoever.

" Piece eye." he said, silently glowering over the intrusion." You know very well I like to act alone. Even Archanius lets me be." he did not call Archanius 'lord' or 'master'; never did, ever since. " So I'm surprised you would...visit...on such short notice. I thought you were...missing."

The newcomer, he deduced, by sheer knowledge of races and mixing and matching blood types, must be a demon of sorts...a malevolent spirit, a succubus. One which preyed on the delights of mere human males, and in doing so siphoned their life essences for her own use. He, however, was not caught by such parlor tricks.

" I should be the pilot of this ship, as well as a top Alliance official. Ranks mean nothing," he shot a calm glance at Pierce-eye, " and I might as well ask who you might be."

Cassie was cooperative, at least. She played the role of submissive slave to the hilt, even more so now that 'guests' were unwelcomely arriving. However he let her play that role, for her own safety.

" She is a slave which I had been taming." he spoke. " She would do well and fetch a high price, but by happenstance I still need to tame her more. She's mine for now." He spoke as if marking his territory. " To each his own, right, Pierce-eye?"

End of passion play, crumbling away...
I'm your source of self-destruction.
Taste me you will see, more is all you need...
You're dedicated to how I'm killing you.

A member of the Archanius Alliance, Lieutenant.
The Archanius Alliance
Terror of the Deep

Wed Jul 02, 2008 1:20 pm
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
"such a menacing voice you have....its like your...planning somthing" Kazari stepped infront of her master and glared at the host infront of them. "i can assure you if you try anything ill slice you down before you can say alliance spy" Kaza extended her claws, and licked one of them. She was in no mood for violence right now, however if anyone so much as laid a finger on her master all of hell's fury would cowar before her rage. The succubus shot a few glances over at the slaves, then narrowed her eyes on the big guy up front. "you would be lucky that we came along than say..oh i dont know a fucking ADD Destroyer? would have been shit for luck then my friend"


"its not the dark you have to be afriad of....its whats in it"-Echo Night Beyond

Wed Jul 02, 2008 2:38 pm
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
Listening I followed every word, every nuance in their words as I kept me head upon the floor an eyes averted. A part of me wuz really surprised at the way the LT seemed to protect me, to keep me from the conversation except to say I wuz a project of his, that much true…slave, never.

Bristling at the implication of his words I felt me body tense, the muscles standing up all along me back an shoulders. Sum thing no real slave would have done. Thankfully he had said in training. With the tensing an slight shift of me body the bells rang, once more calling attention to me. Though from the sounds of things I wuz no longer the center of attention.

Damn I wuz hot. The sweat wuz already beading along me spine from the humidity of the room and the lack of me own release. Acting the slave wuz bringing back memories. Pleasant an unpleasant scenes of carnal pleasures I had no choice in. Me body wuz riding that edge already, an this wuz doing nothing to relieve it. I had to rein in me desires, had to do sum thing to get me mind outtah the gutter an back on business.

To feel their warm caress upon me flesh, the thought sent a current along me spine. A touch, a gaze as I stand before them, attired as I am, appreciated. Oh….lord yes, even having them watch as the LT did unspeakable things to me. Too many new switches had been put in me head during ‘training’ an as fast as I tried to turn um off a new one would pop on. Perhaps if I knew they were ugly it would help.

How I wanted to see. To know these two new creatures that talked so menacingly with me partner. I could feel the excitement of the chase once more. The thoughts in me head turning dark as I speculate what it would be like to be with them in the partaking of carnal pleasures. Unchristian an unholy thoughts for an angel bent on gods own vengeance.

Oh…to sit up an watch the fireworks….perhaps the two of us would stand against them, take them out an teach um sum manners. The look upon their face when a mere slave girl puts her dainty foot across there throat, subjecting the subjugators …. Now that would be fun. I could imagine the now agitated female in chains at me feet. If only I could see her. I so wanted to take a peek….

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:36 pm
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
I put my hand on Kazari's shoulder. "She's so protective. But I like that about her." I tell him as I pull her back gently smiling as I face him. " Kouzakai Gorshnak. I agree totatlly. To me rank means nothing, it should only be used to establish when you do not have a choice in an organzation. So since he did not forbid me, I will tell you.

When I defected to the ADD it was under the orders of Lord Archanius. I've been acting as a double agent and gathering infomation as Archanius is considering of destroying the treaty made with earth and defeating ADD in it's entirty. Ether way I'll be rejoining the fold today. Now I ask that you be truthful a bit for you see I have no intreast in how big my harem is like most high ranking memebers. For most of my company they chose me.

What I do like to do with slave girls though is to experiment with them in all sorts of ways. Now I know it's hard for us in the Alliance to trust even others, but answer me truthful and I won't pass it on. First according to my googles." I tell him lifting them up so he can see some of the data going across it at speed speed. "That is Cassie Marie Smith, born Skokie ILL. She is an ADD agent who is under suspicion of having relationships with one of the Alliance or many of them. I seriously doubt any of us in that postion would have it romantic it's probaly purely sexual. There is other info here and it being recorded.

So tell me truthfully now and it will never get back to Lord Archanius. Is she your fuck buddy?" I ask him as the goggles had been recoreding everything, it could tell about the slightest lie and by scanning and observing I was able to come up with this conclusion. Whether he was fucking her for fun on the side hoping to enslave her someday or something like that I really didn't care at the moment. He could keep, but it had been too long for me and this was one of the rare times I wanted an ADD agent, that one to play with a bit. Since I was a co-creator for those items attached to her. Nothing in the main development you could say I helped with the blue prints. I left because... I just didn't think they would be pushed all the way to there potential. I could rectify that I thought with a smirk.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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If you fancy an RP with my character do not hestitate ask. I'm always free.

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Wed Jul 02, 2008 9:35 pm
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
The male seemed to like to hear himself talk. It wuz kinda interesting how a slave could hear all, being invisible to her ‘masters’ as it were. Still, I wuz not invisible enough, the conversation taking a decidedly bad turn as it focused on me an not the other two being real quite like in the water.

‘Fuck buddy’ Ohhhhhhh….that almost brought me head up. I wuz nobodies lil ole fuck buddy. We had a relationship. A very special one, an yeah I liked him in ways I probably shouldn’t. Maybe it wuz a human thing…even a human woman thing….but I still felt sum thing an hoped he did too. But….

I wanted him on the interrogation table. All that stuff about the ADD an their suspicions of me. Had I not been careful enough? That wuzn’t good. An…helped design me collar. Oh that wuz priceless. I needed to know, needed to understand how to control the cotton picking thing. I could feel it tingle with me own racing pulse. I finally wuz membering the hows an whens of this stuff. Knew sum alien scum bag back at the campus had “gifted” it to me.

How I wanted to scream out to Kouzakai that I would gladly pay the price for knowing more….almost any price. To stay here upon this living floor, me body bent upon itself an be teased with tidbits wuz almost too much to endure. I’d been horney…now though…. Now the crush of me rigid nipples against the front of me legs brought a dull ache to both. A thrill slipped down me spin an ignited a whole new set of lusts. The lust for knowledge. Sexual an otherwise, for to understand this technology wuz to understand me own head and its strange sexual wiring. The two being joined in a sort of strange dance that took me places I didn’t always wanna be at the surface.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:03 pm
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
Ah, how quaint. Always the same bravado being displayed in front of each other and of other company. This was the way of the Alliance, although of course one can always choose their better company. And for sure the LIeutenant would never pick a science man. A science man who knew too much, and should be left for dead in the field of battle.

Yet, nevertheless, a comrade is a comrade, and it is always better to be in the company of wretched colleagues than righteous enemies.

As for was not always welcome, and when one speaks, she or he should take care not to thread on touchy sentiments. He or she...whatever this succubus or incubus was...was getting on his darker side, but he did not show it.

" Learn to mind your surroundings." he spoke in a calm but deadly voice to the succubi. " You're in my ship. So I would prefer to be spoken to in a manner which would not raise suspicions. For someone under...Pierceeye you sound so strangely like one of them."

He was referring to, of course, the girls in his cadre. He did not know how Cassie felt or looked like right now but sure enough, she would be mutinous.

" As for any ships turning up, or touching can be sure I would not touch the fellow. After all, we are comrades," he smirked," and the ADD would never even put a scratch on this ship, as your 'master' would know."

He then turned to the rumoured turncoat who was now interrogating him. He listened to every word with his arms folded across his chest.

" Well, maybe she is, maybe she isn't." he spoke. " But what I do or do not do has the full blessings of Archanius. And did I not secure more than enough even under this armistice? If you say there'd be a full offensive on the ADD then that would mean more free space for me to operate and more quality cargos to secure and deliver."

He recognized that look though...the same look he had whenever he knew she would be the one sent after him by the ADD. This guy's wisened up, but he would not acknowledge how much she actually was in on things. If Pierceeye was so smart, then he figured he'd left it up to him to find things out for himself.

" Anyway, if this is what you came here for." he said, referring to the defeated agents he'd retrieved from Cassie's ship. " Then be my guest."

End of passion play, crumbling away...
I'm your source of self-destruction.
Taste me you will see, more is all you need...
You're dedicated to how I'm killing you.

A member of the Archanius Alliance, Lieutenant.
The Archanius Alliance
Terror of the Deep

Fri Jul 04, 2008 6:13 am
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
I smirk at him. "Indeed they are one of the reasons we came here, but why send that agent back when were about to destroy the ADD. If your willing I can readjust those collars and bells to react to you. I'll make her your little bitch without a complient. Of course I wouldn't dare think of actually breaking her. I know how we like to do that ourselfs. You see, I nether care about poltics or this treachy that resides amoungst our members. All I want to do is to push my knowledge and abilities to there limit. Taking those to the limit would be a worthy challenge." I tell him.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

My Bio- viewtopic.php?f=7&t=144

If you fancy an RP with my character do not hestitate ask. I'm always free.

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Fri Jul 04, 2008 6:19 am
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