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 A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari) 
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
His head expands in me mouth, his balls jiggle in me hand an I feel his hardness increase as I grip the base of him. I slide him in an out. Work that head till explodes, the warm salty cum rolls on me tongue as I savoir it, not swallowing. At his first taste I feel the heat take me, a pleasure bed popping form me ass like it wuz all planned….give pleasure, receive pleasure. I tremble in a subdued orgasm. Subdued at me own doing as I try an concentrate on the task of keeping his seed from spilling forth.

His cum fills me mouth. When he finally stops pulsing I take a moment to lean back on open me mouth to his view, to wiggle me tongue round the creamy white goo to show him how good I’ve been. Only then do I swallow, an resume licking every inch of his cock clean so that non of the cum may be left upon its surface. I take him like I would have a popsicle, letting me tongue wander o’er the surface of his soft wonderful skin while me gut churns in hunger, the cum not yet filling the empty spaces within.

Twice more I have cummed. Yet I have done what he asked. An so I can only hope me sentence is commuted….though, I dare to wonder if I would like it to end…..till the pain hits me…an with it the pleasure an pain of the tight embrace of the shaft in me pussy.

“Master, I am sorry that yur slave cannot control herself. I have cummed two more times. I do hope I might have been satisfactory in me performance otherwise.” I await his verdict, the tip of me tongue tracing me lips in unconscious desire.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Tue Aug 26, 2008 2:08 pm
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
I lean on my hand as I speak. "Ha, your skills were quite good, your an accomplished cock sucker, and you didn't even let one drop of my cum fall onto the floor, just like I ordered. You did very good slave, very good indeed, save for one thing. I never gave you permission to taste my cum did I? That alone gets you another hour." I tell her as I reveal to her that my offer was but a trap, trap that would guarentee that she would stay the rest of the night like this at the rate she was cumming. I smirk at this.

"However, in this case I'll let you plead your case if you want, why I should stop, why I should suspend your punishment and let you into my bed, tell me, despite these mistakes you've made, do you believe you've shown yourself to be a proper slave to your master." I tell her.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Tue Aug 26, 2008 10:24 pm
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
“Master…. Ohhuummm….” Still I had tasted him, had enjoyed him. An still the beads tormented an pleasured me at much the same time. If I wuz to roll on the floor all night so be it. I would enjoy me self.

“Master, it is yur will, but would you not enjoy urself an sleep better if the slave wuzn’t rolling on the floor making noises all night? Would yah not like to see what the slave has learned? Are yah not curious? Ammhhppppffff” , panting I could not continue as I fought off the wave of pleasure an pain that coalesced an drove me towards the edge.

“Master though is correct; I have not listened well ‘nough. An not been able to merely take the punishment an stop me self from the pleasures of it…..arroooommmmmm” I went to me hands an knees, then bowed me damp hair swirling at his feet….

“Master, the slave is not fit for yur bed, not like this….I smell bad an am dirty. I would stain the sheets with me foil fragerance…..oohhh….ohhhh…..ummm…….” legs an arms failed me as I collapsed once more before him, cries of passion echoing off the walls. An for the first time I felt the exhaustion…the lack of food… the constant strain of pleasure an sex making me body shake as I convulsed in joy. Worry clouded me head. Worry that I might very well die tonight with a great big smile on me lips. But dead all the same. Dead of shear orgasmic exhaustion if such a thing could happen to a human.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:26 am
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
I look down at her and listen, listen to her carefully. "Good, very good, you relize the truth that you are not worthy to enter my bed, not now or ever, that is the first step to know that that when I do allow you into my bed it is because I will allow myself for a moment to dirty myself with a mere mortal girl." I then reach down and do something to her collar.

She suddenly felt a surge of strength and endurance. "If you finish out your punishment you'll get one step to my bed as I will allow you a shower and a good meal, if you fail and still have accumulated time when I wake up in the morning then we will have to do a different punishment. I've linked yoru collar to them as it will keep count. Your lovely moans of pleausre and pain will be a nice song as I sleep. Good night." I tell her as I go over and turn off the lights to sleep as I leave you in this purgoartory.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:43 am
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
His hand touched me neck an for the life of me I could feel the electricity spark tween us. Like I wuz meant to be touched by this man. Like I lived to feel those hands upon me body. Sum how, that touch wuz enough to perk me right on up. No Longer did I feel as tired an worn out. In fact I felt downright refreshed. The things this man could do to me were not of this world. Is that why he thought to demand the services of a demon. Why he cavorted with Kazari. I shivered jus thinking ‘bout it. “bout what that demon had done to me an the taint that must surely stain me soul for the doing. Still…still mortal or not his words echoed in me head.

Not worthy?....that had not been what I wuz thinkin’ at’all, perhaps It wuz why the lights were off an it wuz dark an I wuz rolling on the floor. Maybe I harbored still too many aspirations as a slave. Maybe I did think I could do a great job in his bed. Pride, it wuz one of many of me weaknesses. One that had me pray to god for forgiveness.

The tingles crept up me spine, an set me on edge. Pain….pleasure….weakness….I came. Another 10 minutes added….another that I would have to sit through as sang out in joy. An then whimpered in pain as the orgasm made me clench the stiff shaft within me. How many times….how many? An still me night left me tossing an turning on the floor. Me hands caressing me body, the feel of the soft carpet on me back an upon me front. I had to stop, control me self once more. Control….control of me own feelings, wuz a slave allowed? Did he even want me in his bed? Is that why I had to endure to feel this wave after wave of pleasure an pain. The night seemed to speed by, the midnight hour reached an then passed an still I could not stop me self. There had to be sum thing….a goal…set a goal girl. What would be worth it….

Screw the bed, a shower an a good meal, I’d have died for one. An suddenly the spark set foot upon me person. I rolled over onto me hands an knees an prayed. Prayed in all seriousness an supplication to me spiritual master. I bit back the groans an moans, stifling them as they started. Me lower lip grew swollen as I chewed upon it the warm coppery taste of blood within me mouth. Pleasure …four in a row pooped from me bum an took me to the edge where I felt me own insides try to twist. Panting I breathed, trying to remember the mantras they taught us in school. Mantras that were never designed for the torments I have endured this day. Me prayer became a mantra. Strength of will an purpose coming to me. How I tried…how me fingers curled in the silken carpet fibers as I put off the rising storm.

The storm swept me o’er, a wave too large to fight. But once…only once….I had gained back time. An so once more I fought….Once more I felt the weight of me own mortality descend upon me shoulders. Oh how I wanted that release….pain popped….pleasure popped. An like a using yur credit card the bank seemed to up the ante the more I succeeded. Me balance went from 4 pleasures in a row to 5….then 6…I squirmed the pain almost getting me when it hit. I had to pray ‘gainst both. Pleasure became pain as I fought it. Pain became pleasure as I accepted it. I kept me swollen nipple from the carpet. Felt me arms shake once more. So tired….sleep….food….fought the images off jus in time as the pleasure hit 7 in a row. I gritted me teeth, desperate to let me self go…knowing…knowing I could not.

O’er an O’er I thought of Pizza…home made lasagna….roast beef…..German chocolate cake…or ice cream…tubes of ice cream like them oreo’s ‘n cream. An a shower….me shampoo, the fragrance of strawberries an cream….mmmmm strawberry shortcake… I could taste it on me lips. Feel the water running down me body, nice warm water, the pungent sent of soap filling the room as I inhale the clean feeling. Perfumed…prepared…pampered…so that I may serve….I slept…..

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Wed Aug 27, 2008 3:26 am
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
She wakes up to feel hot water around her, swirling around her skin as hands were moving over your body, sensaul and soft as bath servents bathed your body, cleansing it as the incsence floated around the room. Opening your eyes you see a stack of pancakes floating on the a tray next to you, with whipped cream and strawberries.

"Pierceye told us to clean his new slave and give her a meal, a reward for actually meeting his goals." The slave told you as she holds up the sweet strawberry scent soap for your now increased senses to take in as someone is getting inbetween your toes.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Fri Aug 29, 2008 5:59 am
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
A miracle, it had to be. How I had ever fallen asleep. A miracle an shear an utter exhaustion I reckon. More so me master had kept his bargain an I must have succeeded sum how… an not too late. Like a dream warm water, warm food. Do I dare to think this luxury is real?

An yet I can think nothing else as the scent of strawberries fills the room an makes me tummy gurgle an mouth salivate. A servant takes a strawberry an places it in me open waiting mouth. The sweet juices splash cross me tongue an fill me mouth as I bite into the tasty morsel. There is texture, taste an smell in the food, so different from the gruel I have been feed for longer than I can ‘member. Real food swirls in me mouth, sum thing not grown in a vat for nothing but its nutritional value. I savior it till nothing remains in me mouth but a juicy cocktail. Each bite….each an every morsel I learn once more to enjoy, to desire what I had seen as a necessity an have learned is a luxury. As an Agent I had been spoiled.

Hands an fingers move not only ‘mong me toes but upon me body. Me heart quickens in me chest at their touch. SO long…an only me masters few touches had he allowed me that last night. To once more feel human flesh upon me skin. Squirming I feel every inch of me skin being bathed, the soap gliding across me body, the hands an fingers that touch me. I do nothing to stop any of their movements, obeying every command as I float in bliss.

Fires flare within, an without instruction a new dilemma hits me. Do I dare to allow it to run its course, or has the exercises of the last evening been a demonstration of me ability to obey me master in all things including the ability to cum only when given permission? Am I to save me self for his touch alone? For his pleasure alone? Or am I to be pleasure incarnate in his house for servants, guests, an his own hand?

As the hands grow bolder an the heat rises I am forced to grit me teeth an fight the gnawing hunger that had replaced the merely physical desire for food.

“Did the master leave any instructions for me….or for you?” I have to ask…am compelled to so I might know.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:07 pm
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
"Yes, we are to do what you say as if you were a senior slave, to get you bathed, to feed you, and then to clothe you and bring you before Master Pierceye, he did tell us that we were to give you the intstructions that you are not to cum or pleasure yourself without him though." One of the slaves answered with a smile as there technqiue was intimate but not overtly sexual as someone offers you another strawberry as they continue to clean your body as someone then starts to apply perfume to your body.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Fri Aug 29, 2008 9:25 pm
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
I feel torn. On one hand I have no desire to leave the warm water an soft hands that gently cleanse every pore of me skin. An yet I wish to rush to me masters side an hope to feel him within me. For I have not had living flesh wiggle within in far too long. I hunger, an with me tummy full and me body feeling refreshed I clamor for his attentions. Yet to hurry the bath an not be presentable, that would not be good either.

I can feel me pulse quicken at the thought of what I will do this evening. The pleasure an the pain I will surely experience at me masters own hand. Should I not hasten to his side?

“Am….is the master waiting? I do not wish to keep him. Do we need to hurry? Have I taken too long here? “ the questions come in rapid fire for a fear delaying to me masters side. I wish to do well, to do right as I have been taught from the days of being a lil child in me ma’s lap. Perhaps I worry needlessly, for a master would not wait on his slave, but rather make his slave wait on him. Still….it would not be good for me to be late. I would not want to delay the thing I desire, I can almost taste it I am so close.

The time alone has done much to remind me of what a person really needs in life. Of how the familiar touch of another is so very important. An if that touch can bring pleasure is it not doubly so?

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Sat Aug 30, 2008 2:54 am
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
"Master Pierceye is busy as he always is doing his research, after all he is the head scientist of the alliance. They say he's quite a genusis, but such things should not be our worries, only how to please our masters. How lucky you are to be chosen by Pierceye. I hear it's quite an honor, the only slaves he keeps around are those of superior quality and mortal ones rarely keep his intreasts for long." She told you.

"We should hurry though, he said that he would like you at his side for your next lesson as soon as possible, so tell me if you think your clean enough and have had your fill of food. The master will be in his lab for another hour or so, so if you take longer then that I'm sure he would be... upset." One of the slaves explained this all to you as they continue your wash.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Sat Aug 30, 2008 6:10 am
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
An hour….only an hour. The Master like all men had no idea how long it could take to get yur self ready. Luckily I had help from the other slaves. Manicures…pedicures, even washing an styling the hair would take time. Let alone getting me self dressed. Though I wuz certain that decisions would not need to be made as to what to wear…only that it fit, but then there wuz the collar.

While it had been good as of late, There wuz no telling what it might do to me clothes or what it might create all on its own. I could feel every beead of water upon me skin as it pressed or rolled along the surface. Sensations threatened to overwhelm me as the girls took me in hand an worked me nails, washed me hair, an made sure that every inch of me flesh wuz clean an scented. I stood an was greeted to the softest towels I have ever felt ‘gainst me. The sensation leaving me light headed as I sat an the prepaerations continued at a furious pace.

Makeup…hair….pampered like sum movie star all so I would hopefully make a pleasant and pleasurable dish for me master to dine upon. A favorable impression an from then on it wuz up to me to provide me master with the entertainment he desired. The more I thought ‘bout the night to come the greater me excitement became. I could smell the pheromones in the air round me, swirling like a heady cloud. Genetic changes made to me body by the ADD that all creatures would find attractive. Much like I could feel the reaming water droplets on me skin I could feel how puffy an moist me lips had become. An atop me full an round breasts rode the the hard fullness of me nipples already pushing ‘gainst the soft fabric of the towel.

Already I could feel the time slipping away an I had yet to dress.

“So what does the master wish me wrapped in? We have lil time to make me self presentable in it.” ohhhh curiosity would be the death of me. I could not wait to see, to wonder what it would mean if anything the clothes he chose to wrap ‘bout his slave.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Sat Aug 30, 2008 11:31 am
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
"The master has provided this data pad for you to look through of his choices, the outfit itself will also entail what you think you will be best at servicing him in, in and out of bed also." One of the slaves said offering it to you.

The first up was a maids outfit, serveral versions of course as some were skimper then others, or more frilly, ect. ect. Obviously someone to take care of his room, to cook for him, to help him in these things and to warm his bed if her master so decided, a fitting one perhaps for the southern bell.

Next up on the list was a lab assitant outfit, a chance for a slave to show off int. if she had any to begin with it was also an outfit that had more work then sex ratio, so if she had any ADD pride left she might pick that, but then again, if you asked the girls you would fine out that his assitance are also the first he experiments on in various ways when test subjects are in short supply.

The next and last outfit he provided for you to chose on the data pad, was one that was very clear. However with many different incantaions of the outfit. THe silk would feel great against her skin as she had learned as the outfit was that of a harem slave on earths Aribian area or that of a slave/dancer who would gyrate around and entice there masters before they would take them.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Sat Aug 30, 2008 4:06 pm
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
Taking the offered data pad in hand I reviewed me choices. The first choice: safe. There wuz a time in me life that serving a man, cooking, cleaning, having babies an raising um wuz all I dreamed of. A time an place I could never go back to. Still it called to me this chance at at least part of that ancient dream. A dream almost forgotten as me life took twists an turns I would never have imagined in a million years.

The second choice: boring. No other one word could describe it. the only science I had ever excelled at in all me life wuz astral-navigation. That would have required a pilots suit, not a lab coat. For the life of me it did not fit an I had to wonder why it would even be there as a choice. Perhaps I wuz, deep inside, nothing but a lab rat. The collar that circled me throat jus one item that gave the scientists heart palpitations when they could study it an me. The things I could do, the way I did them all part of a vast experiment of sorts. One on a scale that maybe only god himself could understand.

The final choice: exciting. Risky I reckon, but a choice that called to the beast in me. I had loved the theater once I wuz introduced even though it had been used ‘gainst me as a despicable tool of evil to test me resilience. The ADD did sum cruel things to the students at shokushu…what they had done to me wuz rotten to the core. Still, to entertain once more an in a way that left the delicate sensations of such wonderfully soft fibers ‘gainst me skin. Body, heart an soul jus ‘bout lept as I read the description an went through the looks. Scandalous, came to mind. An the beast moved within me….the things those fibers would make me feel….an the chance to be one with music once more. For Music wuz me first an foremost worldly love.

I checked the box, signing me name were it asked all proper like. It seemed he ran his house as a mini bureaucracy. All the forms, signatures, an now I had sold me self to the entertainment of whomever me master wished. I did so hope that it would be he I entertained first. But he wuz the master.

“Thank you” handing the tablet back, “If it could be arranged I would appreciate knowing the music he would wish me to dance to….an if I am to choreograph it me self or if I am to learn from sum one else….I fear the first time may not be as good as I could be If I had time to practice. I do hope the master forgives me first clumsy effort knowing I have not had time to prepare properly for him.”

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Sun Aug 31, 2008 12:50 am
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
"Very good and to answer your question you will have the time to practice and learn them all." The slave said as they lead your naked form out of the bath and into a white room with a chair. "Sit down." One of them orders you as they then strap your arms into it. A girl comes out who wears a lab coat, her ears were that of a cow and she had that tail swishing about. Her breasts E's maybe F's as she came towards you as the other slaves secure you. THey move away as she smiles at you.

"I'm Pierceyes lab assitant and he's currently on a project at the moment. But don't worry." She says as she reaches down and taps on your collar. "He wants you well prepared." She tells you as part of it opens up revealing it's electronics as she then takes out a mini computer and attachs it there.

This showed an actually helpful fuction of collar if only she known about it before. The computer taped into the collar, into your spinal cord and to your brain as the area around you disapeared as you found yourself in a room with many different forms of harem outfits, with several doors before you, each with different writting on it. One would say anciet Harem dancing of the Persian empire, some were alien dances, that she may not be able to do, but they were there. Also the doors for more modern strip dancers of kinds as she was also aware for some reason, that this place was in her mind also, that this place would allow her to train, to practice her choreograph to the point of perfection.

One might say it's like that matrix download thing, except you had to work at it in your mind. Time here was extended for her that she two also knew somehow as her master had given her nearly a week in this place with her remaining time to get her choreograph, rythm, her time to get her sensualtiy down. It also give her many choices of different harem outfits to pick from to please her new master.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Sun Aug 31, 2008 1:59 am
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
Once more I followed the other slaves, doing as bid. I had to wonder if this white room an its gleaming chair wuz but another test. Nothing….nothing at all like that as I soon discovered.

Inwardly I shook at the look of the lab assistant happy I had not donned the lab coat. Though I expected that each of the choices wuz loaded with unforeseen consequences. No one choice wuz the best, jus a different set of good an bud…yin an Yang for each.

The down side I reckon would be my role as an entertainer of men, the need to use me body to provide pleasure for um. A role that came in conflict with me very religious an conservative upbringing. I reconciled me self to the fact a slave had no choice but to make her master proud. Ma had always taught me that if yur gonna do sum thing do it right. If I wuz to entertain me master an his guests then I would be the best. Even slaves had ratings, mine would be the top.

An so as I wandered the rooms in me mind I knew I would work as hard as I could to be the best. He had given me a data pad an on it had been a harem outfit….I choose that door first. For perhaps it wuz me masters favorite. As I donned the clothing an the ghostly instructor formed before me eyes I realized the military training potential of such a device. The Agent in me still alive an well even if she wuz buried beneath the slave. Perhaps both were not so different, they simply served different masters.

Yet me master here wanted me to learn, an so I did. The music echoing in me ears as I ‘gain to learn from the computer ghost an gracefully entered into the first moves. A belly dancer’s moves, gracefully turning under the silk to the beat of the drums till the me flat waist jiggled, the beat increasing. Arabian nights all o’er. Sweat poured form me body as the unrelenting ghost corrected me. Each day a different dance in the morning, then a review of dances that afternoon. He gave me additional work in the evening on things that needed to be perfected. I knew I did not do it right if the crop fell upon me flesh, a biting flash of pain as real as anything I had ever experienced.

The older dances, the alien ones, were far more difficult than the modern. Yet learn them I did. More time would have been better, an no doubt I would be sent back many times to learn, to improve me skill. For the best of the best could stir a mans soul with a look, with a swing of a softly curved hip, the flash of a leg. Could make a man or alien alike desire ever more with the gently sway of her body. More so I probably learned how to move me body in a pleasing manner an so perhaps entice even higher bids upon the auction block with a dancers grace.

I awoke naked sitting in a chair jus as I had been, the lab assistant’s pleasant smile before me eyes. Smiling back I waited for her to undo the straps that held me in place. Then stood an stuck the pose for the start for the dance of the 21 veils. Instantly me body reacted as it had in me mind, as if the muscles had been programmed to exact specifications. I gracefully twirled, feeling the music within me an felt a giddy excitement take me. Me hips woudl swing, me body sway an me breasts jiggle all for me master. I would perform for me masters delight. Perform till me body glowed in a sheen of sweet sweat an I had enticed him to take me to his bed. I would succeed.

“Thank you…. I can only hope it is enough for our master very demanding tastes.”

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:47 am
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