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 The Sinner's Redemption (for CMS) 
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Post The Sinner's Redemption (for CMS)
Saragus looked at the scout ship's sensor display for the umpteenth time.

Still nothing.

Saragus nervously rubbed the white fur on one of his tentacles as he reflected how he had arrived at this point.

Saragus belonged to the T'marian race, a proud people whose single planetary kingdom laid at the nexus of five interstellar empires. The T'marians were a sort of galactic version of Switzerland, maintaining their neutrality through diplomacy and a stalward defense. The T'marians were acknowledge as superior warriors and scholars, whose young adults served in neighboring empires as technical advisors and project supervisors. Saragus himself was an engineer for various energy projects in the neighboring Zorn empire.

The T'marians were unique among the aliens of the universe in that they held those who trafficked in human sex slaves in complete disdain. Usually, these T'marians had never actually encountered a human female.

Those T'marians who had met human females found them irresistible, and usually never returned to T'mar again. It was never spoken of by their families, but most knew why their sons never returned home.

Saragus was one of these. He still remembered his first encounter with a human female on the pleasure planet of Shokushu. He couldn't even speak the female's language at the time. He liked to think he had been a gentle, generous lover, but he knew in his hearts of hearts that he had taken her, and every subsequent female, against their will. And he still couldn't stop himself.

So Saragus had resigned himself to living out his life in the Zorn Empire, never returning to his homeworld again. He never regrew his long hair outer coat, resigning himself to live the rest of his days with just his soft white underfur in the hot worlds of the Zorn.

But Saragus had finally decided to try to redeem himself, and maybe even make it back to T'mar. He had made contact with an undercover agent of the Alien Defense Directorate, and was now sitting in an empty parsec of space waiting for a contact from an agent of the ADD. The Zorns had thought he was making a trip to Shokushu, or even possible buying his own permanent human sex slave. Instead, Saragus was preparing to make contact with an ADD agent, and work against the slave trade that had brought ruin to him and other T'marians before him.

Saragus the Engineer

Thu Sep 11, 2008 6:45 am
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Post Re: The Sinner's Redemption (for CMS)
A fool’s errand, well that’s what I called sending an agent out into the dark of space to contact sum alien that had started feeling a bit remorseful of late. Now don’t get me wrong or nothin’ but I as I look one more time o’er all them documents that sum thing don’t add up.

Ok,, so the T’marian race ‘officially’ thought that having human slaves an their trade wuz wrong for the galaxy. Got it. But then that same race wuz known to have its members regularly apply for permits to the Campus island for a lil R ‘n’ R. An this Saragus, wuz he any different…..Noooooo. In point of fact he’d a had a few of them permits issued an seemed to have enjoyed himself at the expense of students like me.

Still, for all the fools of the universe an former permits, I had to take this one. I had to go an see if perhaps an alien could ask for forgiveness, an if they could, well….as a good Christian it wuz me duty to accept. It also jus might get me the contacts I needed with yet another race that could put an end to this whole human slave trade…oh…yeah female human slave trade.

So here I sat, feet up on the command console with the ship rigged to run as silent as she could. Inertia propelled me forward, silently as one could manage. The passive sensors announced the other ships presence as its systems pushed electronics into the vastness of space. Every once in a while I heard the rattle of small particles ‘gainst the thick armored hide of the scout ship. It wuz the chance yah took to run silent…a chance that one of um wouldn’t be so small and would puncture the hull of the ship. Sittin in me tin can I wuz kinda reminded of them U-boat movies of old. The crew gathered round, trying not to make a sound….cept I had no crew, just me, red air all done up in a nice safe braid, space suit at the ready. That rock could be jus round the other corner.

I ran silent worried bout rocks cause I wuz more worried ‘bout what might be lurking nearby as that T’marian ship blasted its electronic noise all ‘bouts. I swear yah could mask a battle cruiser behind it all. Ok, probably made the guy either sincere an no special agent. Or he wuz masking sum thing. An for me line of work that wuz what I wuz worried ‘bouts. Yet nothing…nothing turned up, no telltales. Nothing.

Maybe it wuz forgiveness, once more I popped the history up on the main screen, watched as the large furry…well….octopus looked back at me. Not really a scary creature I thought…an…well…those tentacles cold come in real handy. I slapped me self. Too long in a tin can all alone did things to an agent. Agents weren’t meant to go too long without contact. That drove me crazy. I really needed to find Kouzakia, have a bit of fun an find out what mission he wanted me on next. I also needed to smack him a good one for the last one that had ended up with me having to share a bed with three Z’gotorians for a week. He’d probably thought it would be funny…well it wuzn’t.

Focus…cassie…focus. Hands moved and the vector analysis changed on the Nav screen, lines intersected, mine…and the red one. But I knew they would, I’d worked it out on the raw inputs. That change had cost me, know I’d now jus how good the dude at the other end wuz, had he seen the small dump of energy that changed me course….did he even know notice the starfield behind me distort as the ship closed with his. If not, well, the bracking an vector matching in ‘bout 29 minutes should wake him up fully…

NO…why wait…why not live dangerously. It wuz that impishness that had me instructors all up in arms when I wuz in training. But that 6th sense worked perty well. Energy flowed to shields as me hands danced on com. I really didn’t want to wait for 29 minutes….Thrusters fired…main engines…more fun in hotdogging it. Not sum thing yah get to do everyday, an sum thing me handlers would chastise me for when they reviewed the mission tapes. But they wuz going to hell, I wuzn’t.

Seven minutes later The ships were side by side, nice an cozy like…..his a lot bigger. Men…..hopefully I'd scared the bejesus outta him an even now he wuz cussing like a sailor or whatever his race did. I'd known ahead of time to run off all the collision claxons.

“Saragus?” I paused…”This is special agent Smith. I have been informed you wish to discuss a matter of some importance.” Tight beam comm….ship to ship, aimed with precision and the antenna array on his ship. Hopefully the scatter would not be detected by any potential lurkers.

Now it starts.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Thu Sep 11, 2008 1:37 pm
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Post Re: The Sinner's Redemption (for CMS)
Saragus was startled by a bang on the side of his ship. A million thoughts ran through his head of all the things that could go wrong or were going wrong. The Zorns had followed him. The slave traders had discovered a client was going to work against their interests.

The voice that came across his receiver was tight beamed, designed not to be detected by any unfriendly ears. Saragus returned the communication in like manner.

"Agent Smith, I'm here to offer my services to your superiors. My talents, and the unique position of the members of my race, might be valuable to your agency."

Saragon couldn't help but notice that the voice was that of a human female. His imagination thriled at the possibility of what the owner looked like. He quickly quashed those thoughts. He was here to reform himself, to stop using sentenient beings for his own pleasure, not matter how much they might enjoy it, or how wonderfully glorious their small, curvaceous bodies were. No matter---

Saragon forced his thoughts to halt as he waited for a reply from this Agent Smith.

Saragus the Engineer

Thu Sep 11, 2008 9:18 pm
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Post Re: The Sinner's Redemption (for CMS)
“Looking forwards to doing business with you, and it’s Miss Smith…” I set the computer to watch the surrounding area and alert me to anything that moved. Fingers danced locking down the controls to me signature. Only when the com wuz secure did I dare leave me seat an see jus what this alien had to offer. I would meet him on his turf…his ship. But not without a few goodies.

I slipped outa the small cramped cockpit an down the access tube to me quarters, he hand set still wrapped hind me ear.

“So…does yur airlock work? Umbilicals should be….” There was a soft ring of metal to metal as the wire grapels found there mark and he umbilicals gain to extend….

“ahhh….there now. “ I strapped on the wrist sheath, and slide another vibro-knife along me shin. The Walther Sure shot PPK slide into its holster at me hip. Before I waltzed on down to the airlock an noticed all wuz green. Ok….deep breath. Big fuzzy octopus. Nothing to be worried ‘bout I told me self. He seeks absolution for his sins and the sins of his people. Seems I’m jus the angel to provide it. The thick rubber soled boots thumped on the lock once jus to make sure….Green light go.

‘well girl, here we go again.’ An with that I awaited his reply.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Cala (Future Prefect)
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Thu Sep 11, 2008 11:55 pm
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Post Re: The Sinner's Redemption (for CMS)
Saragus waited impatiently for the two ship's to finish their electronic 'handshake.' If he had been a human, his palms would have been sweating. As it was, Saragus's white fur was mildly damp, thanks to the ship's atmosphere, which was reminiscent of autumn in Seattle, both in humidity and temperature (Saragus's people, after all, had more in common with Earth's otters than they they did with Earth's octopi, appearances to the contrary aside).

When the lock opened, Saragus felt his pulse quicken. Smith was a redhead, just like the first female human he had 'known.' And like that human, Smith had curves in all the right places. Saragus found himself imagining what Smith looked like without all that clothing.

Get a hold of yourself, Saragus thought to himself. That life is over.

"Age--Miss Smith, it is my honor to meet to you." Saragus extended a tentacle, trying to simulate the custom of humans shaking hands.

Saragus the Engineer

Fri Sep 12, 2008 12:15 am
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Post Re: The Sinner's Redemption (for CMS)
“Well I how te do too yah too” extending me arm an shaking his, umm tentacle. For a moment I had to wonder jus how many young girls he had plundered with that same extremity. In fact…well…god get it together. Two weeks in the tub an I wuz having carnal thoughts that had no place in this mission. Kouzakia had better not be hard to find otherwise I would be doing hard time. I swear the assignment officer got perverse pleasure outta sending me one these things. Maybe not giving in to his demands had a real downside. Yah, bite me, an make uim sweat a bit. Speaking of sweat ….

Well never let um see yah sweat. Seemed a good motto so I jus walked on by, giving him me back after our polite meeting at the airlock. I mean secondary to any mission wuz to get a gander at alien tech so the Add scientists might get sum idea as to what wuz out there. The collar hummed round me neck, the suit fading away as I walked till all that wuz left was the jet black body suit that hugged every curve.

I sum times hated the collar round me neck, an this wuz one of um times. Course this change in clothing meant it could be picking up on sum sort of alien vib…or me own unchecked libido. A warning in the way it reacted, not meant to be such, but time an tradition had taught me a few things. It meant that one or both of us wuz a bit hot under the collar for all the wrong reasons. An that did not bode well for forgiveness. Still, I reckon it wuz like an ex drug addict…put um in a room with temptation an there body wuz gonna react. Better set the boundaries now, jus in case.

“I also suggest yah hold those urges of yurs in check….I wouldn’t wanna cut any of yur tentacles off. “ I tried real hard to not let the swagger of me step let me hips roll. But that wuz asking a lion to pretend to be a baboon. It jus wuzn’t gonna happen. Especially after all the slave training ole one-eye had run me through. Sum things jus stuck with yah no matter how many times yah washed.

Wonder where the bridge is…if he didn’t wanna hid anything I’d have a tour of the ship.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Fri Sep 12, 2008 1:37 am
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Post Re: The Sinner's Redemption (for CMS)
Maybe it was the swagger of her hips, or the med-tech collar that changed her outfit into that form-fitting body suit. He could swear that he could see the shape of rings on the peak of her breasts. Maybe it was the less than subtle threat about him taking liberties with that hardly concealed form of hers. Maybe it was the fact that he had been celibate as far as human females were concerned for so long.

Whatever it was, Saragus's tentacles shot out, capturing Smith's wrist and ankles, slamming her spread-eagled against the wall.

"Do - not - threaten - me -again, human. I am a T'marian, a race of the most respected scholars and feared warriors in this spiral of the galaxy. There are engineering marvels across the galaxy that have stood ten thousand years that are the products of T'marian architects and engineers. Empires twnety times the size of my kingdom still treat us with deference. The null wall which I have you pinned against could disable weapons that your species have yet to even dream of. Even a disgraced member of my race such as myself would be a boon beyond imagination for your agency."

And just as quickly as Saragus had grabbed Miss Smith, he dropped her. "If you'll follow me, I'll show you my ship and then take you to my small onship office, where we can discuss in what capacity I can serve your agency."

Saragus led Miss Smith to the bridge, as a strange new spirit rose up in him, a spirit that had been absent since he felt he had first "sinned" against the mores of his people.

Saragus the Engineer

Fri Sep 12, 2008 3:29 am
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Post Re: The Sinner's Redemption (for CMS)
Faster than I would have thought possible he pinned me, encircling me arms an legs, spreading me out like a trinket to be devoured. Ohhhh, how I hated the part of me that thrilled to the experience, the part that One-eye had coaxed into existence with months of solitary confinement. I could feel me nipples strain ‘gainst the taught fabric. Feel the heat flow across me body an into me belly. A new scent assailed me nostrils as pheromones slipped from me skin in ever increasing amounts. I could taste the tang of arousal in me mouth an feel the pounding of me heart.

I knew I had to dampen me own reactions fast. Had to find a way to dose me self in cold water. Otherwise this would be a long rough trip for the both of us. It seemed as if I too wuz an addict with that all too familiar fix next to me. It would do no good to have me body crying out for attention if I wuz to help redeem this creature.

The damn suits should a sent a man. No fuss, no muss. The two could have worked together an been happy. A paranoid person would have thought they didn’t jus to elicited this set of circumstance. Could have accused um of wanting the war to continue…wanting the slave trade to go on. I knew I needed to know how the money flowed. If I found out that I might finally be able to understand why both sides seemed so eager for the status quo to continue. I pays to be one paranoid lil ole agent.

“It is good to have an agreement then between us. It wuz not a threat but a line drawn in the sand as me species says. A boundary tween us. I will respect yah an what yur race has done so long as yah respect me an all. But I do so agree, the ship is wonderful….an I would love to see the bridge….”

I could feel an eye caress me skin, an no matter how much it might be wrong or close to the line in the sand I knew me body reveled in those constant glances. Me stance changed, the way I carried me self. I wuz sex personified, lust incarnate, magdaline an the temptation she may have been for the lord. Yes, the collar may have been reacting to only me own libido suddenly finding its own stride. Any other changes and the alien tech would be picking up on his as well… to watch an guard me self as best I could to draggin’ him down into sin.

“wow…..” I could only wish me bridge looked as nice.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Fri Sep 12, 2008 12:02 pm
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Post Re: The Sinner's Redemption (for CMS)
Saragus could tell that this Miss Smith was impressed by the bridge of his scout ship, and it was impressive. Of T'marian design, it was built under license in several places in the Zorn Empire. Of course, the Zorn design was somewhat smaller and more Spartan, reflecting their military use of the vehicle. And the scout vehicle that the T'marian military used was more advanced than the one they exported (or the one they allowed their own people to use outside T'marian borders).

Still, Saragus knew that even the 'dumbed-down' version that was available to the Zorns was more advanced than what the human female was used to dealing with.

Saragus was equally impressed with Miss Smith, or more specifically, the body that was barely concealed by her form fitting body suit. He could tell by the state of her nipples that the situation and their recent confrontation had excited her. He could all tell that her nipples were definitely pierced.

A part of Saragus wanted to remove those piercings. That part might argue that is was for aesthetic purposes, but the real reason was Saragus wanted to take trophies, to remove the mark any other being might have put on her and brand her as his own. To mold her to his own tastes.

Saragus forced those longings down, as he demonstrated the various controls on the bridge. The bridge was large enough to accomodate Saragus size, the controls adapted to his superior speed. Still, for some reason, every time Saragus wanted to demonstrate a particular function, it was always placed in such a way that it required Saragus to extend a tentacle that accidentally brushed Miss Smith.

After a tour of the bridge, Saragus led Miss Smith back to his office, cutting through the small communal area. The communal area was a technological wonder in itself. The room served as a common area for Saragus's own quarters, his small office, and the quarters for two additional crew men and/or visitors. After coming out of transit, the room would transform itself into its present state in a matter of minutes. Its present state was a small pool (well, small by T'marian physical standards) with a recirculating waterfall. The water would be slightly cool by human standards, but quite comfortable by T'marian standards

Saragus let Miss Smith take the sight of the common room in, while he imagined her cavorting without clothes in the pool. Without thinking, Saragus lightly touched the collar around Miss Smith's neck. "That's an interesting curiousity. A new fad among your species?"

Saragus the Engineer

Fri Sep 12, 2008 3:13 pm

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Post Re: The Sinner's Redemption (for CMS)
Saragus could tell that this Miss Smith was impressed by the bridge of his scout ship, and it was impressive. Of T'marian design, it was built under license in several places in the Zorn Empire. Of course, the Zorn design was somewhat smaller and more Spartan, reflecting their military use of the vehicle. And the scout vehicle that the T'marian military used was more advanced than the one they exported (or the one they allowed their own people to use outside T'marian borders).

Still, Saragus knew that even the 'dumbed-down' version that was available to the Zorns was more advanced than what the human female was used to dealing with.

Saragus was equally impressed with Miss Smith, or more specifically, the body that was barely concealed by her form fitting body suit. He could tell by the state of her nipples that the situation and their recent confrontation had excited her. He could all tell that her nipples were definitely pierced.

A part of Saragus wanted to remove those piercings. That part might argue that is was for aesthetic purposes, but the real reason was Saragus wanted to take trophies, to remove the mark any other being might have put on her and brand her as his own. To mold her to his own tastes.

Saragus forced those longings down, as he demonstrated the various controls on the bridge. The bridge was large enough to accomodate Saragus size, the controls adapted to his superior speed. Still, for some reason, every time Saragus wanted to demonstrate a particular function, it was always placed in such a way that it required Saragus to extend a tentacle that accidentally brushed Miss Smith.

After a tour of the bridge, Saragus led Miss Smith back to his office, cutting through the small communal area. The communal area was a technological wonder in itself. The room served as a common area for Saragus's own quarters, his small office, and the quarters for two additional crew men and/or visitors. But the real trick was the common room: after the ship came out of transit, within a matter of minutes, the room transformed into its present state. There was a small (by T'marian standards, anyway) pool of clear water, with a recycling waterfall on one wall. The was was slightly cool by human standards, though very comfortable for a T'marian. As Miss Smith took in the room, Saragus let himself picture her nude, cavorting in the water.

Without thinking, Saragus gently touched the collar around Miss Smith's neck. "This is an interesting curiousity. A new fad among your species?"

Saragus the Engineer

Fri Sep 12, 2008 3:27 pm
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Post Re: The Sinner's Redemption (for CMS)
Oh I wuz impressed. The ship as I had come upon it had amazed me in its graceful lines an octagonal patterns. The bridge was large by human standards, but then he wuz large by ours as well. And the layout, alien, but understandable an not far from human standards. I reckon they counted in base 8 much the same as we counted in base 10. A simple happenstance of the genetics of our appendages.

It wuz those appendages that kept brushing the edges of me suit an sending a tingling across me skin as if…as if they touched me all their own. Some how I always found me self tween him and whatever I had a question on. As if…no….He must have been moving hind me. Moving for the angles tween us. An yet, I could recall several instances that could not have been his to make. No, circumstance…must have been, but then I really didn’t go with luck of circumstance. God perhaps, but not the other two.

I felt giddy, all the new stuff he showed me. already there wuz a new bounce to me step. The inner music ‘gan to play an I moved to it. An spun to look back at him as we entered the marvelous commons an touched me collar. Me mouth almost dropped as he asked that all too personal question.

“Umm….” I could feel the heat in me face, the flaring across me chest. Me heart beat faster. Me breathe suddenly caught in me throat.

“Ahhmmmm” as I cleared the knot away…” ah no, but they said no secrets. So…its alien, an has a bio-organic interface to me mind an body. It is always a collar ‘bout me neck, but shifts at times to look different. It…umm….has other functions…the nano tech is impressive to say the least an It really should be considered for all practical purposes as a part of me body. Much like an arm or a leg or tentacle. “ lord knows I needed to change the topic.

“So….where do yah want me to move me stuff in to. They said I’d be going with yah since me ship was not outfitted properly for one of yur race an all. An tween yah an me after seeing this ole shiny, any way I send me ship to yur shipyards to get outfitted instead of back home?” I winked at him. Not sure if the ADD would approve…but well….they sent me here an I’d like to make it even more my ship an not thiers. Though who knows what the bill would be, but then, I didn’t care after all they would be paying…well at least I thought so.

I didn’t wait for an answer as the gurgling water drew me attention with its small pool…well larger for one of me size. I fairly skipped to the waters edge…marveling at the tech that must have to be used an the mass this ship had to transport to keep it moving…

“ohh….lord knows a swim would be wonderful….I bent, the buzz across me throat an body like a thousand tiny ants a scurrying to do their deal. Bare skin met the cool water, a bare knee upon the tiled edge of the pool. Suddenly I felt really embarrassed, feeling the small straps cross me body. The suit fashioned in two pieces of the barest of material. Damn collar….I dove….nothing else to do, coming up back at the edge, me red hiar now slicked back against me scalp. I hid in the water, only me head an arms above the edge an smiled back at him like an imp.

“Sorry….Like a said the collar…well…it can sense me thoughts, an that of other round me. That time I wanted to go for a swim…an well…. “ me brows crinkled an I regarded me knew partner for a sec.

“An what were yah thinking yurself…normally I get to wear a bit more to me swim sessions. “ oh so help me if it wuz feeding off him as well. But it might explain a few things.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Cala (Future Prefect)
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Fri Sep 12, 2008 3:59 pm
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Post Re: The Sinner's Redemption (for CMS)
“An what were yah thinking yurself…normally I get to wear a bit more to me swim sessions. “

"I was...I was thinking that your collar might have a tracking device of some type on it." Saragus almost unthinkingly slipped into the pool himself. "I don't mean to be paranoid, but those who traffic in human sla---servants are not to be lightly trifled with." Saragus touched a portion of the wall. A small tray of exotic tools appears. Saragus selected one and the tray disappeared.

Saragus recognized the collar, if not the modification. It was a low-tech version of an interrogation device used by T'marian intelligence, although Saragus could only applaud whatever designer who had made the modifications to the device that Miss Smith was wearing.

"If...if I could just examine it for a moment, Miss Smith, to allay my fears. I'll only need to deactivate the device momentarily. I promise no harm won't come to either you or it."

In actuality, Saragus had already ascertained that any tracking device that might have been in the collar was effectively blocked by his ship's hull. He just wanted to have an excuse to "turn off" all of Miss Smith's clothes. As appetizing as she looked now in that almost non-existent suit, the sight of her in the all together was something that Saragus could not help but desire. And he did not want her own mind trying to block that sight through the collar.

Saragus the Engineer

Fri Sep 12, 2008 5:29 pm
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Post Re: The Sinner's Redemption (for CMS)
I looked askance at him. Sum thing not altogether kosher an all with his request.

“No, the collar ain’t what yah should be worried ‘bout. I know from experience that there will be at least two ADD tracking devices on me. Now those…well those I could use a bit of removal an destruction. After all I don’t want um hearing me even utter these words now. “ Lazily I kicked me feet in the water, keeping me breasts pushed up ‘gainst the side of the pool. As he came closer with his bag of tools I could feel me nipples rub the slick material that made up the edge. That wuz not so good.

“Damn collar….yah ain’t thinking pure thoughts is yah… stay….stay were yah is till….till yah get me a towel. An stop smirking…it ain’t funny. “ Oh yeah, he had some impure thoughts in that head of his….probably wishing he could see me naked. Why is it all the beasties out there wanted to see the girls naked, or worse yet in sum skimpy revealing outfit that nobody in their right mind would be a wearing.

“I ain’t coming outta this water till yah get yur mind outtah the gutter.” Though It coulda been me, but I wuzn’t gonna admit to it.

“an jus for thinking them things yur now down to refit me ship in yur dockyards….” I smirked a bit, not sure if he would bite, but hey a ladies gotta try right?

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:44 pm
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Post Re: The Sinner's Redemption (for CMS)
"Refit your ship in my dockyards?" Saragus was confused. He wasn't sure if this Miss Smith was asking for a high-tech upgrade for her ship in a T'marian shipyard, or if perhaps this was some sort of slang common to her species.

Either way, Saragus was more concerned with what Miss Smith said about ADD listening devices. It was the opening he needed.

No, Saragus admitted. It wasn't what he needed. Not if he were trying to reform himself. But it was what he wanted.

And he really didn't feel like denying himself what he wanted anymore.

"Since we're going to be working together, I'm more than willing to help you in the 'removal and destruction' of the ADD listening devices you believe are on your person. Do you know where they might be? And are you sure that this collar doesn't contain one?"

With a deft touch of his device, the collar was deactivated and removed. Just as quickly, Saragus had a tentacle wrapped around each of Miss Smith's ankles and wrists. In a matter of seconds, she was immobilized, spread eagled, with her front completely exposed to him.

Saragus was enraptured with Miss Smith's beauty. Her skin was flowless, her form slender but womanly, her breasts large and firm, riding high on her chest. His gaze took in her shapely legs, her shaven sex...everything. Including the piercings

The piercing...the piercings were intriguing. But they were another's mark, and Saragus wanted to be the one to leave his mark on this human female. Perhaps he could make these piercings his mark...

"So where are these listening devices, Miss Smith? Would these be them?" A tentacle touched each of the piercings, not pulling, just making contact...for now.

Saragus the Engineer

Sat Sep 13, 2008 2:05 am
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Post Re: The Sinner's Redemption (for CMS)
The words were almost ready to be out of me mouth when he out right attacked me with those slithering tentacles. Only the gasp made it out as I started thinking quick. Course he might never know I had a trick up me sleeve should things go awry. An frankly it looked to be heading in that direction right that moment. Pinned, sum undersexed alien octopus looking at me with them eyes all wrong like.

“I thought yah wanted redemption an forgiveness… yah telling me a big ole strong member of yur species jus can’t keep their mitts….I mean tentacles off a lil human flesh, are yah that weak of will. I thought yah guys prided yur selves on self control. “ a small gasp escaping me lips as the beast touched the ring upon me breast….

“NO….an leave them alone. Yah got a high quality medical scanner on the this tub…I can show yah the settings, they’ll show up. Yah got permission to touch that area of me body to remove um. But only that area. An frankly I don’t need to be held down for yah to do it.

I’d seen with me own eyes the collar leave me neck, so it came as a complete surprise as me throat still tingled an I felt a familiar weight settle itself upon me neck. Like a thousand bussing nats, only this time they did not seem interested in bothering me. I could always hope they bothered him though.

“AN this lil insult on me will cost yah. Each time yah cross that line I told yah about I’m gonna increase the price. Now once more…about me ship, yes, in yur dockyards…yur high tech…if its really is better than the ADD’s, perhaps It actually isn’t, much like yur own self control. Did yah ever think that it might be tough on me going so long without sex? Did yah ever think that maybe if yah wuz nice some earth girl might actually say yes? Now….shall we try this ‘gain. The ship outfitted with a new power plant, like the one yah got. If yah continue to try things gainst me stated will, then I’ll add….comms, armor, computer, weapons. …. If that don’t do it then how ‘bout a whole new scout ship specially constructed for a human. Call it a special price for not being able to control yur self. You can explain how in yur own dishonor you came to owe this to as an attempt to regain yur honor….Isn’t that how yur race works. Do yah want to live in full dishonor for the rest of yur life?”

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
Bio and adventures

Sat Sep 13, 2008 4:00 am
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