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 A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari) 
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This was a simple love to give the slave. Actually suprising, giving her sexual backround, of all the things that had been done to her, a simple and gentle caress was enough to make her go wild as I feel her tighten around me nicely as she speaks out her words as I kiss her neck.

Her bodies desire was indeed high as she said those sweet and innocent words, full of longing, and desire. My only thought was, we shall see as I continue the slow grind of our hips together. My hand reaching up and taking what she offers as both hands run over her fine breasts as I continue to kiss at her neck, slowly taking my time, as this pace was easy to handle for me waiting for the next part of what she asked, For her to be beg.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Sun Sep 21, 2008 2:04 pm
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
Overhead me face contorts in pleasure an concentration. I had not noticed the mirror ‘fore, perhaps he had jus had it put her…perhaps it had been there all along. But no matter, for he seems to enjoy having his slave watch herself as pleasure wafts o’er her body an makes itself known in the face. An this face I watch is no different. A face contorted by pleasure as I try an stifle it.

As I watch I realize it only heightens me awareness of what he does an its effects on me. Me skin tingles neath his lips, even when he pauses o’er the surface of me. I can feel the heat of his breath, the closeness of his touch. As if the air itself presses down upon me body in a gentle caress all its own.

I spread me knees an bring me heels into the small of his back, pulling him closer an deeper. Me arms engulf his torso, fingertips racking is back as I scratch at the itch that gives me such pleasure. He takes me, his torso rubbing me jus right when he hits the bottom of me. I gasp an mew into his ears….

“Master….ohhhh master…..ohhhhh” me body tightening its hold an the girl in the mirror’s eyes glaze, an she goes strangely fuzzy round the edges. I blink..once…twice an clear me head. She snaps back into focus, her mouth a grin…then a soft O as she moans an the sounds met me ears. Me gaze travels downwards an takes in the hard round butt of me master. Clenching…unclenching…taught an firm…hands reaching..reaching for those cheeks an grasping them, pulling them an him deeper into me. Arvhing me back to rock with each slow teasing thrust.

Fire spreads ‘bout me an I feel the flames fan higher. I ‘gin to doubt me ability to hold out. Ohh…I…I cannot fail…not now….

“oh…ummmm…MASter….” I scream….oh god so close…so close….”Please cum….pleaseeee…..”

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Sun Sep 21, 2008 2:39 pm
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
She was on cloud nine and it was an intreasting thing to see on her face, contorting, changing, showing such sublime pleasure as I take her body so slowly. It wasn't the over the top way I usually got it out of her, but it was good to know she had a weak spot that I could exploit later on as she starts to speak as she wraps her legs around me, pulling me closer, deeper into her body as she fully embraces me, her nail digging into my back.

After those words it seems she is struck with an idea, with pleasure as she then grabs my ass and use's it to pull me into her faster, stronger. She is then getting near the edge, near the peak of her climax as she so much as says so as I feel her pussy twitching a bit.

"No, you must beg for my cum, for me to go faster to make you cum." I tell her as I then remove my hands from her breasts and grab her arms forcing them down above her head as I slow down to a mere crawl moving slowly in and out, only keeping her where she was, not moving her forward.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Sun Sep 21, 2008 10:50 pm
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
“ohhhhh…..” he slows, pulling me hands above me head as if they are bound. A gentle pat upon them as if he would like them to stay there. I oblige me master even if this is supposed to be me night for how can I do naught else given the way he drives me to the edge with his touch. An yet he works me like he owns every inch of me, like he knows me every thought.

“Ummm….” I wiggle me ass and then grin wide a sparkle of mischief in me eyes that glimmers in the mirror above.

“Master, how do you know me so well….You drive me to the edge an then keep me there….an oh how I like it. An I would gladly beg for you to cum….an oh how I want to….but…but would that make me slave you would want in yur bed every night? “ I clench him, making his have to work to pull himself fro me…the gleam full an bright in me eyes as I continue.

“but…This slave reckons that if she drove you to the edge as you toyed with her before she begged you would want her in this bed much more, and that is all this slave desires….to be in yur bed as much as I can. Soooo….ummmmm….as much as I want yur cum an would gladly beg for it now, Yur slave will try an drive her master to the edge while he drives her crazy with desire. Ohhhhhh…not nice” I smirked, then giggled as his pace continues an I start to work at him, clenching him, pulling him inwards while he withdraws. Using every trick I’d learned or been taught. Ohhhhh, wuz it right for a slave to do this? To tease her master, of course he could take me anyway he desired and at any speed. My sole duty to him wuz to make it pleasurable when he used me an that I would do.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Sun Sep 21, 2008 11:42 pm
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
I smirk at her at what she speaks. Every sweet word that pours from her mouth is the truth in so many ways, for an ADD agent she knew the ways of slavery, or perhaps I had taught her or finished her training as I look upon her collar and her gold nipple rings.

Her pussy grips me so tightly, so wonderfully as I then grab your hips and start to hammer into your pussy fast, breaking my slow pace as I take her. I moan out as I answer her. "Yes, you are correct my slave. Well done to figure that out Cassie." I tell her as I then cum and fill her with my seed, continuing to pound hard into her tight cunt as it embraces me, sucks me of my seed as I once again fill her up with it.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Mon Sep 22, 2008 12:06 am
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
The pace changes so quickly I have no time to react. Me master hammers me, moving in an out an I rise to meet him. His butt clenched beneath me feet an I arch me back to angle him deeper into me. It takes all me will to not cum an not bring me hands forward where he has last placed them. I moan an cry out in pleasure. Gritting as I try to last jus a bit longer…jus a bit….

Cum fills me insides an the breath leaves me mouth immediately….


Each spasm clenched him, but no longer is it determined by me. Nature owns me body as much as me master for the troughs of ecstasy have no master but nature herself. An so I dance about him hard cock as it sputters deep inside me. He thrusts ‘gain an ‘gain his seed spilling within me as his hot breath passes me ear. I raise me mouth to kiss him deeply, lips to lips…an cry out more than once into his hot steamy mouth.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Mon Sep 22, 2008 12:19 am
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
I suck on her bottom lips as she milks me every last bit of my cum once again as I fill her to the brim, swirling my hard cock deep into your body sucking heavily upon your lips as I do so, thrilling at the sensation as your pussy is truely heaven at the moment as I finally part after several long minutes of filling her up.

I look deep into her eyes before speaking again. "It's time, get dressed and ready for your final test." I tell her softly as I stare into those eyes of hers. I slowly pull myself away and get myself ready as well pulling on my robe.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Mon Sep 22, 2008 12:50 am
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
I wriggle in his arms. A feeling of warmth, security, dare I say it but love seems to fill me even more than the cock that stirs me to life. I moan in pleasure. I giggle when he runs his hands along me ribs. Me skin so alive an warm. An so when he finally pulls from me I am not ready. Even as a slave I want to pull him back into me embrace, to once again feel me master on me…upon me….holding me.

As he speaks to me I can only nod, for me voice would break an I fear I would cry. I try valiantly to look like I am ready but I am not. I glow from his touch, me body warm an wanting to snuggle. Instead I must prepare for what I do not know. But I do know that failure will leave me without a bed to lay in…without a master to pleasure. Failure is not an option.

An so I try an collect me self. How I wish to serve him. An after that…after what I have felt in his arms, how can I do naught but serve him. I cast me eyes about, looking for what I am to wear, wondering if I need clean me self. I should ask, but it is all too much. Too much of what I do in a lil while will determine me final fate an I have been in paradise. To lose it now….unthinkable.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Cala (Future Prefect)
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Mon Sep 22, 2008 1:33 am
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
I have her put on a jump suit, which sadly hides her lovely body from view as I take her to the launch bay as we both board a ship as I order her to sit down as I begin to speak to her. "The final test i sht elast test, if you pass it you will be my slave and I will own you body, soul, and mind, since there will be no doubts left." I tell her.

I then hit a button on my googles as straps appear and tie you in buckling you down as I look upon you. "The final test is of loyalty and the truth of where you truely belong. This is your ship that was taken from you when we caught you, your supplies, your uniform, it all here. THis ship is about to be teleported back to ADD space. The final test is for you to find me. Find me and bare yourself to me as the slave you truely are. This will quash any doubts you may have That if the ADD was to free you would you still be my slave or turn back to the ADD agent you were." I tell her this as I then start to leave her ship as my farewell. "If you choose to return, if you find me. My bed is waiting for you Cassie." I tell her.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Mon Sep 22, 2008 2:05 am
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
I turn me head from his view as the tears fall across me cheeks. I cannot let him see me like this. I want to run to his arms an leave the seat I am fastened to. Put the restraints keep me in place even as his footfalls fall more dimly behind me. I do not like this test. It is a test I fear the most. It is a test I cannot win.

Is this it? Can it be so that he would give me up freely? He must know that when the ADD pulls me back in they will attempt to change me…to undo the conditioning of me master an make me sum thing that I may not want to be. I know from the past what they are capable of. I know…I know….

The lock closes behind me…

“Master….goodbye….” me tears full as me body heaves an me distress becomes audible.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Mon Sep 22, 2008 2:20 am
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
"Do not say goodbye. I have given you option Cassie, false data is in your computers, ones that would have you in a deep cover uncovering. There's enough there to bluff your way through. All you must do is keep quieit about the truth that happened to you. To hide it and the ADD will not keep you from me." I tell her as my last words as I use my transportaion technogly and send her away. I did hope she would find her way back to me I thought with a smile as I then leave to go back to work.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Mon Sep 22, 2008 2:27 am
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