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 The Lost Goddess of Spring Returns (for Princedarkstorm) 
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Post The Lost Goddess of Spring Returns (for Princedarkstorm)
...Somehow, it felt like she had been asleep a long time...

...Perhaps...everything in the last while would have been one very long nightmare...

But when those bright blue eyes opened again, Persephone Williams knew that she was still on the Island, surrounded by her beloved flowers still. They were soft--like silk against her skin and the heat of the sun...She could just lie amongst her flowers forever, resting peacefully without a care in the world. But she knew that could never be. For one, she was a student and it was generally frowned upon to be out after hours. But as long as the sun was up, she didn't really care.

Persephone had always loved the warmth of the sun, for one reason or another; loved the season of Spring the best. Perhaps, she did it out of some faithfulness to her namesake, the real Persephone, who was the Greek Goddess of Spring. Heat always made her sleepy though, soe often took naps under the sun, mostly unbothered. However, sometimes heat caused her the oppoite effect and would make her become hot and bothered...but not today. She laid sweetly in the light of the sun, a circle of trees around her in a groove where her private little garden of wildflowers grew.

Don't you just hate it when you say "Oh, f--k me!" as a response to a bad situation and the tentacle monster(s) take you seriously?
The Tentadex
You Gotta F--k 'Em All!

Persephone Williams


Thu Feb 19, 2009 11:19 pm
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Post Re: The Lost Goddess of Spring Returns (for Princedarkstorm)
On one the very rare times the Dark Exile was out in daylight he wandered the island ."So beatiful and full of life "he thought to himself .He wandered until he came upon Persephone among the flowers ."She is godlike mortal that is beatiful on this island ."A rare flower ."said outload .The Exile waearing a black hooded cape covering his face still not liking the light of Day it reminds him of his past .
Persephone hears his voice it does not sound like a monster but a man .She sees a tall man black cloak,black pants everything black or onxy on him .He watches her very closely now .

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Thu Feb 19, 2009 11:32 pm
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Post Re: The Lost Goddess of Spring Returns (for Princedarkstorm)
It had been a while, but perhaps no so long, owever Persephone had changed very little since her first coming to Shokushu, except in very minute ways. She always had a connection to nature and, perhaps, felt it stronger on this Island that, in its own way, adopted her as its own. She was no goddess, but she was a legend in her own right in this place. But the time of legends were past her, or so she thought.

She heard someone speak aloud and she opened her eyes to see who it was. Perhaps her sight was failing her, for she couldn't see who was watching her very well, for they seemed to blend right in with the shadows. Sitting up, she brushed off her skirt, a much different from the usual pink dress that she wore. It was more lady-like, long and flowing...perfect for wearing amongst a bed of flowers.

"Who is it?" she asked softly, those large blue eyes of her narrowing a bit in wariness. Would her peace be disturbed today? She had to wonder.

Don't you just hate it when you say "Oh, f--k me!" as a response to a bad situation and the tentacle monster(s) take you seriously?
The Tentadex
You Gotta F--k 'Em All!

Persephone Williams


Thu Feb 19, 2009 11:48 pm
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Post Re: The Lost Goddess of Spring Returns (for Princedarkstorm)
"Just a man looking at the reson why the Gods created nature of beatuy to behold and to admire ''said Exile still remaining in the few shadows .
Persephone could tell in way he was sadden but was not pure human but he made no threat towards her of yet .Would the famous Persephone's luck hold out ?
He watches her almost like waiting to asked to join her among her flowers .
"What is your name ?" asked Exile his voice echo around the area reminding Persephone of how a God would talk to mortals .

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Thu Feb 19, 2009 11:54 pm
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Post Re: The Lost Goddess of Spring Returns (for Princedarkstorm)
A soft breeze blew, taking with it some petals which caressed her cheek as she looked at this stranger. She smiled for him andthen simply answered, "Persephone." She used to give an explanation as to her name, but she somehow felt it wasn't really necceassry wth this one...

She stood up, an odd grace she hadn't felt in years suddenly in her. What was coming over her, she wondered? She hadn't felt the need to be poised or polite in a long time...not since her first arrival on Shokushu Island. Taking her skirt in her hands, she curtsied to Exile in a manner befitting of a lady. "A pleasure to meet you."

She knew something was up, of course. She always did. Perhaps it was a budding sixth sense...perhaps she was so used to being on this island that she could tell when there was a shift in it. Who knew?

"I can't see you...won't you come out into the light?' she asked, stepping forward and holding out her hand towards Exile. She wasn't sure if he would take it gently or forcefully, but her luck had a weird way of working in her favor at times.

Don't you just hate it when you say "Oh, f--k me!" as a response to a bad situation and the tentacle monster(s) take you seriously?
The Tentadex
You Gotta F--k 'Em All!

Persephone Williams


Fri Feb 20, 2009 12:01 am
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Post Re: The Lost Goddess of Spring Returns (for Princedarkstorm)
"It is a honor to meet Persephone who named after Demeter's daughter and beloved to Hades " (a slight nod of his head towards her ) said Exile .
The Exile would take Persephone's lovely hand and very slowly enters the light of day .She can tell a sense of magic is about him a strong one .His eyes glistened like polished onxy .
Exile looks abit surprised by the kindness this woman gives him and the honor as well ."Thank you ,Kore as she was also known as to others ." said Exile .He smiles perfect white teeth at her .His skin is jet black and smooth his hair is as dark as the night .

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Fri Feb 20, 2009 12:14 am
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Post Re: The Lost Goddess of Spring Returns (for Princedarkstorm)
Her eyes widened as he came out into the light--though not out of fear, but in fascination. Persephone had come across many different people--and creatures--throughout her stay on the Island. Some she remembered, some she didn't; some she would hold dear despite what would happen between them, others...she would probably loathe to the end of her days, although the latter category were very, very few. In fact, if one thought about it...who did Persephone really hate?

In his touch alone, she could feel that he was different from her--even a blind person could tell. Her fascination grew and she wondered about this stranger in her garden.

She smiled. "My mother calls me Kore, too." She chuckled and another breeze blew through the flowers, a soft sound emitting from if they were singing...a sorrowful, wary if to warn their caretaker of this they had always done. After Keemari...but she would never remember him, the flowers knew...the one who made them sing for her.

"May I know your name?" she asked. Trusting, too trusting. Perhaps some time ago she had lost all trust, but it was returning to her, as if she was starting anew.

Don't you just hate it when you say "Oh, f--k me!" as a response to a bad situation and the tentacle monster(s) take you seriously?
The Tentadex
You Gotta F--k 'Em All!

Persephone Williams


Fri Feb 20, 2009 12:23 am
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Post Re: The Lost Goddess of Spring Returns (for Princedarkstorm)
The Exile would blink .No one has never been kind to him in both of his forms sure as Keith Storm woman watched and liked his careness but as the Exile it was mix between fear ,hate or lust or even all of the above and towards the monsters he had only being alone .
His onxy eyes show a sadness ."Was your mother Demeter ?You do look ...(pause ) ...I am called the Dark Exile ...I do not know my TRUE Name ."states Exile .He looks into Persephone's bright blue eyes ."They look like the sky " in a low whisper .

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Fri Feb 20, 2009 12:37 am
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Post Re: The Lost Goddess of Spring Returns (for Princedarkstorm)
There was that sadness in him, this she was sure, but she couldn't quite pinpoint what. This was probably the longest conversation she had with anything remotely male on the island, aside from her own professors. Where did this person come from? Who was he really? Many thoughts and questions ran across her mind, but she had no answers and she wasn't sure if she should ask at all.

"Ah?" He had caught her by surprise when he asked her if Demeter was her mother. She only smiled and shook her head. Oh, no. She was an orinary girl who shared the same name as a Goddess, nothing more. Sure, she had a green thumb; a special touch when it came to making plants and flowers grow where they shouldn't, but that was it.

"Oh? Dark Exile?" she repeated, sounding curious. What an odd name, she thought. "It sounds like such a sad name..." She thought about something for a moment. She didn't speak until a few moments later, right when Exile mentioned her eyes. "Oh, I know! How about I give you--"

She stopped.

"Oh? mother always says my eyes tend to reflect the sky. During the day you could see they're like a pretty blue sky and at night, the sparkle like the stars. Silly, isn't it?"

She shook her head. Phew, it was hot, wasn't it? Hotter today than yesterday. She was starting to feel a bit dizzy and being in close proximity of Exile, well...his energies weren't very compatible with hers. Almost as if being near him was sucking the life right out of her. A strange feeling, but she was known for her perseverence and stamina and Persephone wasn't the type to just faint like that!

" about I give you a name? One that isn't so gloomy? If you don't like it, you don't have to keep it. Or maybe that'll be what I call you whenever I see you." Trusting little thing, always too trusting. Like the Persephone of old...the same Persephone who got whisked away into a land of darkness.

Don't you just hate it when you say "Oh, f--k me!" as a response to a bad situation and the tentacle monster(s) take you seriously?
The Tentadex
You Gotta F--k 'Em All!

Persephone Williams


Fri Feb 20, 2009 12:47 am
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Post Re: The Lost Goddess of Spring Returns (for Princedarkstorm)
"You know me?"ask Exile .
"Do you know my TRUE NAME then ?Then I will no longer be this Beast then ! Please tell ! "said Exile as he states this in a fast almost predatory cat move pulls Persephone into his arms .She fells his fast beating heart and his powerful build is like that of the Gods .
But she could tell that the sunlight might weaken him .

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Fri Feb 20, 2009 12:54 am
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Post Re: The Lost Goddess of Spring Returns (for Princedarkstorm)
Persephone let out a startled cry as she was suddenly pulled into Exile's firm embrace. He was strong--stronger than her, but she was't too worried. Yet. She kept as calm as possible, but her heart, too, was beating very, very quickly, betraying the fact that she felt more than a little anxious. If he were to do anything to her, in this heat and in his arms, she'd be too weak to really fight back as she normally would.

"W-well...I'm not sure of your true name, but if I had to pick a name for you..."

She trailed off, remaining quiet as she thought of a name for him. Her body was small and soft, compared to his, but it certainly wasn't a bad fit. She tried moving back a bit, towards the light, almost instinctively.

"...May you..."

She paused, still unsure.

"...May I call you..."

She bit her lip. She couldn't do it. She couldn't give him the name she wanted to give him. Who knew how he'd react to being called Hades, after the god of the Underworld? Because with his dark hair and dark eyes, it almost suited him...

Don't you just hate it when you say "Oh, f--k me!" as a response to a bad situation and the tentacle monster(s) take you seriously?
The Tentadex
You Gotta F--k 'Em All!

Persephone Williams


Fri Feb 20, 2009 1:08 am
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Post Re: The Lost Goddess of Spring Returns (for Princedarkstorm)
"You then do not know me "sad tone in voice .
Yet Persephone reminds him of close to him in his shattered blast .For a second his oxny eyes would turn hazel ."I must stay ...I am in control (He tightens his hold on Persephone not hurting her but she could tell his very stong ).
The Exile looks into Persephone 's bright blue eyes "They remind me of what I lost ..."states Exile .He listens to her beating heart .
"You were going to call me something ?"Exile would asked in a curious tone .

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Fri Feb 20, 2009 1:15 am
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Post Re: The Lost Goddess of Spring Returns (for Princedarkstorm)
Persephone felt bad for him, that she couldn't know him. It was impossible, wasn't it? Sure, her memories were messed up as of late, full of fragments of things she couldn't quite piece together, much like a puzzle mixed with other puzzles in such a way, she had no idea which piece belonged where.

"Nn!" He suddenly gripped her. It didn't hurt her, but it was a stronger hold than before. She shivered a bit, her body anticipating something her mind didn't yet.

Her eyes were like the blue sky as it was now, cloudless and bright. They held the sun in them and were bright and glowed. They were fixed at his eyes now, which were a different color.

"I was...going to give you a name that I thought would fit you, but now that I look at your eyes, I'm not so sure..." Her heart beat suddenly went faster, nervous all over again. "...I was going to call you Hades..."

Don't you just hate it when you say "Oh, f--k me!" as a response to a bad situation and the tentacle monster(s) take you seriously?
The Tentadex
You Gotta F--k 'Em All!

Persephone Williams


Fri Feb 20, 2009 1:22 am
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Post Re: The Lost Goddess of Spring Returns (for Princedarkstorm)
"Hades .Then I will go by that when I am around you "said Exile .
"It feels wrong I remember I was ....(paused) "states Exile .
His jet black lips kiss Persephone right on the lips .It felt right and wrong thought Persephone.

Persephone would feel his groin grow with desire .The Exile was now at war with himself it was not his Keith storm persona that was fightning to protect the women but Hades /Exile now .His body wants her but she is a friend and family and it is my duty to protect was a quick flash in his mind .

His grip would remain but Persephone would see tendrils appear four from each shoulder and flail behind him ."It is dangerous for you ...I do not want to ..."said Exile the voice sounds alittle colder more savage .

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Fri Feb 20, 2009 1:34 am
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Post Re: The Lost Goddess of Spring Returns (for Princedarkstorm)
Persephone had hoped her calling him by any name would have jogged his memory somewhat. She wanted to help, despite being a little afraid now. Of him and what he might do to her.

"What feels wro--" Before she could even finish her sentence, his lips were on hers. didn't feel right to be kissing him like this. Worse was her first kiss! Her first! At least she thought it was...But his lips...she would be lying if she didn't like the feel of it, though it scared her at first. She moaned softly into his lips, utterly confused as to what was going on. Her mind was clouded, but not enough for her to realize how he was reacting to her. She could feel it...feel him.

Oh, god...did he...did he...?

However, she tried to remain calm. As calm as possible...

" what?" she asked innocently. She saw the tendrils and that look of curiosity came across her face again. Although they surprised and even frightened her a bit, she reached up to touch one of them with her soft, gentle hands. Feeling the new, foreign texture of the tendril she gave it an experimental stroke, blue eyes filled with curiosity, as if she didn't know what she was supposed to be doing...that she was supposed to be very afraid of him now...the strange dark man who had her at his mercy.

Don't you just hate it when you say "Oh, f--k me!" as a response to a bad situation and the tentacle monster(s) take you seriously?
The Tentadex
You Gotta F--k 'Em All!

Persephone Williams


Fri Feb 20, 2009 1:46 am
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