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 Anatomy 666 (Niellwyn and Cassie) 
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Post Re: Anatomy 666 (Niellwyn and Cassie)
Cassie's unexpected scream jolted the teacher's nerves, and she retreated a few steps out of sheer instinct. The young, helpless maiden writhed sinuously, thighs quivering while her chastity belt flashed and crackled. Miss Smith's eyes bulged and rolled back, and she gyrated her hips in vain until her muscles severed the circuit of their own accord. Perspiration beaded along the lenght of the student's body, her chest heaving magnificently with each labored breath. Once recovered enough to speak, the girl fought her bonds tiredly. She begged, pitifully, for Ms. Hannigan to give her satisfaction. But Ms. Hannigan was not to be moved so easily. Miss Smith was still under her power, and she had not yet decided what to do with the girl. It was true that she had not dallied with any other for more than a year, but then she valued her career and her principles. She could simply dismiss her current desire for her pupil as a passing fancy, brought on by chemical exposure. Not that the knowledge did much to make Cassie less tempting. Her hands reached out to test the feel of Cassie's full breasts. They were smooth and yielding, capped by nipples darkened to an excitingly red shade of pink. The droplets of milk that streamed from them provided a tantalizing allure that was rooted deep in the subconscious. She squeezed the flesh, and it was warm and molded to her palms. She could sense areas of especial softness within, delicate spots that gave her probing fingers no resistance. All the time Ms. Hannigan kept scrutinizing her subject's face for reaction.

Should she continue? Or should she take this moment to fulfill one of the promises she had made? The creature had been growing impatient for weeks now. No better time might be forthcoming, for Miss Smith appeared willing to accept any sexual attentions whatsoever. She would give the girl what she wanted later. She withdrew her hands and pushed the trolley back into the small storage room. Once there she retrieved a pneumatic hypo of unusual design, and a pair of communication buds. One went into her ear, and she squeezed the other. "Adam" she spoke into it. "Come to the class. The girl is ready for you." Little time was left, so Ms. Hannigan hurried out to her student and without ceremony circled to her back before touching the cool disk of the hypo onto the back of Cassie's neck. The object hissed, a sharp pain lanced through the girl's spine, and then everything broke apart in the student's mind. Her last impressions were an invitation to the professor's quarters at some future date, a white coat swishing while footsteps clicked further and further away, and finally a kaleidoscope impression of dark limbs whirling about and a slithering, fleshy sensation all over her nude form. A cinnamon scent reached her nose, and then all was blackness.

Who knows how long she drifted in that realm of unconsciousness, hazy images filtering into her mind. There were acute pains, as of being shocked, and others of bruising, but the feelings seemed faraway. Random colors intruded, and there were scenes involving Ms. Hannigan and herself locked in some intimate position that continually rearranged limbs. Soft gasping, patched in with Ms. Hannigan standing coldly to one side, recording the spectacle with her steely eyes. At one point it seemed the clothed professor was penetrating her urgently, which was nonsensical to Cassie even in a dream. A black tide rose up over her, rocking her in a vast primordial ocean.

Wakefulness came tentatively, at first blurry and colored by her dreaming mind. Gradually she surfaced from that sea of dreams. There was a bright white light, hurting her eyes. Muffled voices spoke around her, unintelligible. The speakers loomed over her, powder blue with wide eyes that sparkled. Glasses, a rational part of her supplied. The figures were holding gleaming metal instruments, and she felt pressure between her thighs. She felt wet there, dripping profusely some clotted liquid. Her tongue tasted strange, and she realized that her mouth too was filled by some musky fluid. A tube passed her lips, and suctioned out a portion of the liquid. One of the figures turned it's glassy eyes toward her, and pressed a mask to her face. A sweet smelling gas flooded her nostrils. This was not the nurse's office. The tiled walls and stern demeanors of the figures were unlike what she had experienced in Shokushu. The place felt more like a hospital. The gas grew choking, and she slowly sank back into darkness.


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Wed Aug 20, 2008 3:27 am
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Post Re: Anatomy 666 (Niellwyn and Cassie)
The Nightmares returned, causing me to thrash in me sleep. Thick looping tentacles held me still while others did unspeakable things to me body. Exploring, probing, refusing to stop even as I cried out to them. The scene shifted an I realized I wuz in hell. A demon laughed at me while he ripped me clothes from me body. Laughed ever the more so while I prayed to heaven above. He did what he willed with me an I … I enjoyed it after a time. A witch…I wuz a witch that needed to be burned at the stake so me soul might go free an enter heaven.

Bright lights met me eyes, me body laying upon sweat dampened sheets. Restraints held me arms above me head. Held me feet to each corner of the bed. A thin sheet covered me otherwise naked body. Class….I had been at class. Heat flared upon me face, an I turned me head while me belly warmed. Ohhhhh, how I had wanted her in me bed. How I longed for her. She had touched me, had caressed me aching breasts. Even then I felt the sheet shift as me nipples reacted beneath it. Nothing…nothing more I could member. Perhaps they would believe me now. Perhaps I wuz in a hospital an they would find out why I had these blackouts.


Cassie (Good Girl)
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Cala (Future Prefect)
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Wed Aug 20, 2008 3:45 pm
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Post Re: Anatomy 666 (Niellwyn and Cassie)
Her first thoughts were that the hospital she remembered briefly awakening in had somehow changed. The tiles had been replaced with seamless walls painted a color like mint taffy, and a sharp smell to the air reinforced that impression, though she identified the odor as a cleaning solution rather than mint. Furthermore, the quality of the lights had become less harsh and more full, blooming yellow from a window she didn’t recall being present. Her cot felt softer, and much warmer, and she discovered that a knit blanket of pink wool covered her up to her shoulders. No longer naked, a medical gown sheathed her in crisp plastic, which she noticed was itchy from her sweat. Then came an inkling of recognition. She’d been here before. That low couch against the wall seemed familiar, as well as the background noises of lazy conversation interspersed with the jingling call of telephones. Thoughts of Ms. Hannigan finally reminded her, and she realized that she’d been taken here previously. It had been the first time Ms. Hannigan had disciplined her, when she’d fainted after writing all those lines on the classroom chalkboard. Half expecting to see her Anatomy professor regarding her from the couch, she looked about. Cassie was alone in the room. At the moment, not even a nurse was present.

“Hello?” she asked aloud, but for the nonce the placid atmosphere that pervaded the infirmary seemed to preclude any answer. Luckily, the morning held a few tasks to distract her. Somebody had left a fresh breakfast tray of scrambled eggs and cheese on the stand next to her bed, as well as a Dixie cup of orange juice, a pair of ham slices that had been cooked for an unfortunate extra minute, and a single slice of cold, buttered toast. Her school uniform hung on a peg close by, apparently ironed sometime recently, and a toothbrush along with a tiny tube of Crest rested on the lip of the room’s washbasin.

Changed, sated, and in the process of ridding her mouth of the film that always plagues those who oversleep (it had a curiously strong flavor for some reason, that gave her an inexplicable sensation of dread) Cassie glanced toward the door just as it swung inward and a nurse entered the room. The name Clair glittered in polished black on her tag. That’s right; she was familiar to Cassie as well. The same nurse as before. Smiling the same way as well. Nurse Clair jotted down a note on a clipboard clutched in her fragile looking hands and approached.

“You’re an accident prone girl aren’t you?” Clair observed with an infectious chuckle. “Your second one in as many weeks! And a nasty sort too. Everybody says pranks are harmless but it takes a scare like yours to prove otherwise. Well! We should check to see if the hallucinogen has finally been purged. How many fingers am I holding up?” The nurse bent forward a bit and waved two fingers in front of Cassie’s face like a hippie who’d just learned to make her first peace sign. “Did you enjoy breakfast?”


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Wed Sep 30, 2009 7:06 pm
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Post Re: Anatomy 666 (Niellwyn and Cassie)
The heavily starched uniform cracked as I pulled it free of its hanger. It was here…I felt better, why not put it on? Of course try as I might I could not find me bra an panties which was a bit disconcerting since I had always had issue with the shortness of the skirt. I would also be in violation of the uniform policy and demerits were not my kind of thing.

With the stiff fabric encasing me in its tight embrace I set about the meal with a gusto. Me tummy withered an a gurgled in apparent frustration at the lack of food while I had been here. Here being like wait. There was a eerie familiarity to the place. Like an unpleasant dream that makes them lil ole hairs stand on the back of yur neck like. I really did wish I knew what had happened and why it kept on happening. Too much of me life had been missed in this place, these dark swaths of time gone forever like life itself had left me ‘hind.

I brushed me teeth ridding me mouth of the foul aftertaste that lingered even after me meal. Jus in time to. If I wuz one of them paranoid type peoples I might have thought me every move here wuz monitored. Like they waited for jus the right time to come on in an announce to yah what yah might be dreadin’ to hear an all.

It was here…same starched whites, much like me uniform. Like maybe they were all cleaned in the same place. Clair…yes clair, same look..same demenour, acting like she was checking up on one of them lil ole white rats from science class that yah inject with all sorts of things and watch what happened. Her fingers drummed on the back of that clip board she held in front of her in a constant lil tap tap tap. Like she couldn’t stay still.

“Two” I answered cause that wuz what I wuz supposed to do, but I wanted to know more…much more.

“What happened…and what …what prank…like …like is everything ok…” I didn’t much care about me breakfast no more…I wanted to know what wuz going on and all cause them hallucinogen things wuz not sounding very good and purging…well I did not want to do none of that. Girls talking ‘bout purging there meals an all. Not me game, no sir, I wuz not sticking me finger down the back of me throat so I could throw up. That wuz jus soooo gross like.

SO I wrapped me arms under me bosom and tapped me foot in chorus to her drumming fingers an awaited me answer. Perhaps a lil insolent…but even the good lord knows that being meek all the time jus gets yah a cold shoulder to cry on. I didn’t wanna inherit the earth no how. I wanted answers.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Cala (Future Prefect)
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Fri Nov 13, 2009 2:33 am
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Post Re: Anatomy 666 (Niellwyn and Cassie)
The drumming stopped as Nurse Clair noticed the way Cassie was reciprocating her noise. Her fingers trembled a moment in the air near her clipboard, and then they made a single hard tap as they came together to clasp the hard surface and set it onto the pastel bedspread. She tried to defuse the awkwardness with a cheery smile but Cassie’s serious countenance fractured her composure. She bent down and proceeded to study Cassie’s chart with unnecessary concentration.

“Oh. Oh! The..the accident? That’s not so bad. Really not so bad.” The nurse tried another smile for reassurance. “A laboratory accident, as I understand. Some ointment of some kind was replaced with a psychotropic drug. The school’s looking for the culprit and they’re pretty close to finding them.” Nurse Clair nodded, encouraged by her own words, and stood up, swiftly reclaiming her precious clipboard and holding it against her chest. “Everything’s okay and you’re in good health. You just got a nice excused absence for a couple days and, from what I hear, an extraordinary trip!” She squeezed her eyes shut gleefully, like a purring cat. “I’m kidding Miss Smith, naturally. I hear the experience was pretty straining. It was wasn’t it? Kind of scary? It must have been. But that’s all over now. Here.” The nurse reached into one of her pockets. Cassie could see two margins of paper protruding from the breast pocket. They looked like letters, possibly. “I have your mail.” Clair explained, proving that she did in fact carry letters. She held them out and dropped the rectangular parcels in Cassie’s lap. “I’ll be back in a bit to give you a pre-release checkup alrighty Miss? You just go right on ahead and read those.” Suddenly Nurse Clair was gone and Cassie was left with herself and a lapful of mail in the summer-bright hospital room.

One of the letters in her lap was smaller than the other, a plain manila envelope. The second had a pink envelope of some weird paper she’d never encountered before. The pink envelope felt smooth to the touch, and as Cassie discovered, extremely delicate. A single exploratory touch had nearly torn a rent in the envelope, which was somehow tender, too moist for regular paper, almost the texture of flower petals. A floral scent introduced itself cordially to Cassie’s nose. It smelled of roses, exactly like the envelope felt. And what was that object that threw itself into circular relief from the inside of the letter’s covering? Struck by the familiarity of the object as well as its exotic wrapper she couldn’t help but tear into the pink letter. There it was, as she’d suspected. One of her golden nipple rings lay amidst pink scraps, right on top of an unfolded note made of parchment, just like one she’d received after she’d lost her beloved rings.

Darling Cassie,

How happy you must feel to be reunited with one of your little decorations, and how pleased I feel to have brought it to you. The pleasure is greater for the fact that you’ve earned it. This ring is truly yours now. Your performance with your teacher was, shall I say, invigorating? The staff will assure you that your experiences were naught but a midsummer’s dream, but like those hapless mortals in Shakespear’s play, you are caught up in doings beyond your ken. Believe me that every instant of lust, and every word praying for carnal fulfillment that you uttered was real. The event after occurred just as certainly, though I doubt very much that you remember it right. That beast would have broken any less gifted woman. Before I get sidetracked, here are a few bits of advice for you. Do not worry about wearing your ring. It will attach itself as long as you’re persistent in trying, and will remain as permanently as you are used to. As for the others, I will inform you of opportunities to reacquire them.

Your Secret Admirer.

That was the entirety of the letter. The other, plainer letter said even less, having been addressed to her by Miss Hannigan with a single line; “Come to my apartments at eleven o’clock. My promise still stands.”

(OOC note: changing the color finally to reflect the end of Adam's part in this RP. Hopefully the change won't throw any reader's off stride.)


Send a PM anytime you feel like an RP with Natsuki. She's not shy!

Last edited by niellwyn on Thu Nov 18, 2010 9:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Nov 16, 2009 8:31 pm
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Post Re: Anatomy 666 (Niellwyn and Cassie)
I read the letter again. Furrows cut into my brow, uncertainty clouded my mind. Dreams, reality collided and rolled with one another so tightly I could not separate them. I’d had too many dreams since coming here. Too many nightmares of lust and sex and all the things a good girl did not dream of. I did things in those dreams that I could not admit to in a million years out of object shame and disgust with this other self.

Me dream self. The one that did things with critters out of Dantes own books. It could not be real, but the ring was. How I had gotten them I did not know. How they felt like a part of me I did know. Like a piece of my own precious soul, it had been returned. Dreams, nightmares, suggested a singularly nefarious purpose for those rings. An attachment that made me something I did not want to be.

But that was in the world of dreams, her in life…in life the black collar that circled my neck and those rings tingled in pleasure at times. As decadent as the feeling might be I enjoyed it, but did not act on it…not like the other girls that routinely used out common room as a sort of decadent roman orgy. If one was to believe that history book we had to study from.

Yes, sex and all its evil trappings were everywhere in the material we studied. Perhaps that is why I had the nightmares…but the letter….

There were dreams. I was to meet my teacher much as the letter said I would. I liked me professor, liked her a lot. But this letter, it could not be real. I would never pray for carnal fulfillment, and god would never grant such a self-centered prayer. I did not understand. Not in the least why someone would want to confuse me like this. I was also not going to make my teachers life miserable by acting up in class. Not at all. I had told her…yes…yes I had. I had told her all about not having my rings anymore and how I was supposed to act up.

I had…but that was a dream. Had to be…hadn’t it. My hands closed on the parchment, crinkling the fine paper till it was a ball….

It had to be a dream…had to be…

When the nurse returned she came back to a young lady swinging her legs freely muttering something about dreams….her hand under her blouse and over her right breast. In that the letter had told the truth..the ring was once more attached.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Mon Nov 16, 2009 9:36 pm
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Post Re: Anatomy 666 (Niellwyn and Cassie)
Nurse Clair interrupted Cassie’s reverie with an especially loud tap of pen against clipboard. Her face was as pink as the torn envelope in Miss Smith’s lap. Her eyes lingered on the improper placement of Cassie’s hand, and her slack face plainly showed her shock, but she quickly mastered herself by donning her ready smile.

“If you’re ready for examination…” the nurse inquired politely, seeming as if she’d just as rather leave her patient to her own devices for the time being. She could not help glancing again at Cassie’s incriminating position. The redhead’s breasts jutted out splendidly underneath their coverings, lifting her shirt to bare a snatch of her navel. The fabric crossed the flesh tightly, displaying her cleavage immodestly, allowing her nipples to raise bumps in the white cotton and outlining the shape of her hand. What Nurse Clair could not help noticing with her eyes, and what Cassie herself was noticing more directly was the increase in her bust. She seemed to have filled out considerably since class, and she’d become firmer and yet more tender at the same time. In fact, her breasts ached rather intensely. As the ring inexplicably pierced her areola (absolutely without pain) she discovered the cause of her newfound voluptuousness when a spurt of milk stained her blouse. It was this wetness as much as the way she seemed to be groping herself that drew the nurse’s embarrassed attention. “If you’re ready for examination…” Clair repeated, more for her own benefit than Cassie’s, “…then we can get you all set to go back to your room and catch up on homework.”

The nurse began to busy herself in laying out the assorted diagnostic tools on a bedside tray. There was a stethoscope, and one of those Velcro straps with the squeeze bulb for checking blood pressure, as well as a pointed rubber hammer, a conical flashlight positioned on a handle which Cassie recognized as being intended to check the ears and eyes, a tongue depressor, and all the sundry trappings of a medical checkup. They were much more familiar than the exotic apparatus that she’d encountered in anatomy class. There was a beaker for a urine sample as well, which was somewhat disquieting but not unexpected considering that Cassie had apparently been drugged. Just as the nurse had finished preparing a shout of “Hey you!” sounded from outside the room and then Amanda was bouncing excitedly at Miss Smith’s bedside and tugging on her sleeve, oblivious to the vigorous protests of Nurse Clair and the other medical staff which were following her.

“C’mon Cass! I just heard you were up!” Amanda exclaimed, her blond hair bobbing. She pointed to where a pair of classmates from Anat. 666 were rapping on the window and waving, one of them holding a camera equipped cell phone. “They gave me a call.” Amanda explained, and then tugged again, insistently. “So don’t stay in bed all day and come with us alright?!”


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Tue Nov 17, 2009 12:52 am
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Post Re: Anatomy 666 (Niellwyn and Cassie)
The blush, pink and lush with heat, crept across my face as I noticed my nurse was back and my hand was still upon me taught breast. Quickly I membered me hand, and looked down, swinging me legs in embarrassment. Like the note had said the gold ring was back…and a wet feeling against my skin and the point of me nipple were the taught starched uniform held me tightly.

Wincing a lil at the way me breasts felt, heavy and full, I looked down to notice the small but widening patch of wetness upon the white surface. The growing translucent circle yet another thing to be ashamed of and worried ‘bout. I’d not been given a bra, and the hard point seemed to press against me shirt like it was trying to break free. Could the drug still be coursing through me body? Or had I been given that medicine like in class that had me …umm….milk…lactating that was it.

“um…nurse clair…ummm” but it was too late to talk in private about me condition my head coming up in a swirl or red fire. The blond bounced into the room, all of her as bubbly as she had ever been. Others stood behind the wide glass windows in the hall way.

“Amanda” I shrieked, happy to see someone full of life. I hugged her, felt her warm body next to mine and then realized my mistake as the wet cloth pushed against me chest. Breaking the hug I stepped back and twisted me hand in me hair all nervous she might have noticed me condition.

“AHh, yeah, I would like to but, well…unless nurse Clair says I can go I really can’t sum thing bout sum physical to make sure I am all better an the drug is gone. But I am glad yur here, and I am really happy and all to see you too. Thanks for coming” I gave her another hug, though not as tight and regarded my current keeper.

“Can I go…or do I haaave to do this?”

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Tue Nov 17, 2009 3:01 pm
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