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 Healthfood (cassie, The_Pack 
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Post Healthfood (cassie, The_Pack
Green is The-packs posting
Black = Cassie

The draw to this building had been unmistakable, within it's walls daily were uncounted numbers of females all experiencing heightened emotions boosted by adrenaline. So it was with cautious desire that the hive minded bodies of Yanis entered they Gym, through doors vents and ducts they silently crept in finding idea hiding spots and awaited a prime prey to feast upon.

Hour after hour they sat, each set of eyes visually licking the various girls of interest that appeared throughout the day, but continually there were too many at once. While together they could easily overcome a single or even pair of girls, more than that would prove to be extremely dangerous in their small forms. So still they waited their hunger growing ever greater as the day wore on. But as the sun started to set, the groups of girls grew smaller. With lips wetting in anticipation they knew the chance would come soon...

Cassie entered the now empty gym, the sweat streaking me white t-shirt till it threatened to turn opaque against me skin. Rivulets of sweat ran down me shapely toned legs. Toned from over 6 weeks of running, running that had started getting onto the 10 KM mark when it wuz an endurance day. The earlier workout on the weights adding to her exhaustion. But not nearly like when she started.

I eyed the water in the pool, an peering bout noted that nobody wuz here. I needed a shower too, but for know the water looked too inviting. I grabbed me a towel off the rack an a sauntered o’er to the pool, the blue PE shorts jus a swiveling a lil with each step. Sumthing I’d learned to do an wuz starting to look even better in them high heals. Me braded hair swished across me back as I walked, the long red braid running to the small of me back an all.

I jus a kicked off the running shoes one foot at a time, then brought me leg up and pulled the white sock o’er me foot, sliding each of um off in turn. I let me hot an tired body jus fall into the cool waters of the pool, water splashed high an wide, the a rippling outwards. I floated on me back a minute, letting the waters hold me up, me chest pushed high in the now wet shirt, the white sports bra clearly evident, me long nipples hardening in the cooler water, pushing on the fabric some. Yah weren’t supposed to be getting in the water with yur cloths on but nobody wuz here to correct me now how. Another rule broken, an I tried hard to not do that.

Twelve eye's all focused on the lone figure now plodding across the Gym floor, the sight of her body causing almost as many licks of desire as the thought of finally getting to feast. Eying her like hungry preditors as she disrobed partially and entered the pool, both the target and opprotunity had presented themselves, now all that held them back was the how. The various posiblilites that each position afforded them caused a slight hesitation, they could attack en mass jumping her in the pool, one could jump out scaring her and try to lead her to where the others could ambush or they could all just reveal themselves and enjoy chasing her down. As the possiblities ran rampant desire for sustanence won out and one little demon crept out of his hiding place and ran jumping in the pool, trying to swim towards the girl but with little success, it seemed it couldn't swim. The others however waited...
I heard a splash an then sumthing small splashing in the pool hind me. I turned to watch as the tiny creature ‘gain to sink…wuz it a small child, perhaps, I paddled over to it, membering me red-cross training an all. Grabbing it I flung it out of the water being careful to make sure it didn’t knock that head an all.

“Ekkk” I pulled back me hands staring at the little child like thing, but not a child..not really. So much for a shower an a skinny dip I thought to meself. Sumthing like this running round I wuz sure somebody would be by for it. “are….are you ok?......if yah are then please jus go….cause I don’t like the looks a this no how.” Nightmares a coming to mind of a sudden. But I couldn’t very well let him drown an all, it wuz jus the wrong thing to do…no matter what kind a critter this was….male for sure, and older cause that wuz a happy to see yah on him. I averted me eyes, not certain that some male child should be seen like that.

I looked ‘bout, wondering what else wuz here…
Her act of 'saving' Yanis was a strange one, while true it couldn't swim, it couldn't drown either as they really didn't need to breath, as the tiny demon stood up on the side of the pool it turned to her and smiled, it's long tongue sliding out of it's mouth. "I think we are going nowhere, we have waited long and I desire sustainance and you my dear are it." The creature said oddly it's voice a strange low hissing.

As she looked around she could see faint shadows in the empty Gym resembling the small monster in front of her, there were more and they, "First we feed on your emotions, then we enjoy your body." It's tongue trailed along it's lips before the creature dove at her again this time trying to get hold of her before hitting the water.

I dropped into the water as it dove for me, then kicking off the bottom of the pool pushed for the deep end, well If it couldn’t swim I a could. Good thing me ma and pa had me learn this stuff. I thought. Still, fear wuz sliding along me body, unsure of what they were after but knowing it wuz none to good.

Me head broke the water in the middle of the deep end, looking round and trying to find any sign of the intruders, with luck they would be gone an I could make a run for it back to the dorm. SO much for a shower an late night swim…

“god is good” I yelled, wondering if they would talk back, so much for being a good guy an a rescuing the thing in the first place.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Cala (Future Prefect)
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Mon Apr 30, 2007 6:17 am
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Realizing that attempting to swim after the aquatically agile girl would be pointless the creature allowed itself to sink beneath the surface until it reached the bottom, then began to stalk her movements from the pool floor. Meanwhile as she searched the surroundings for the others still they darted about so she would only catch the occasional gray shadow, or glinting black eye. At her exclamation to god, an odd sound resounded the room five separate voices cackling in precise time with each other, the sound was haunting and it came from all around. "God? Do you." One voice said from her left, "Really think he." Another continued from behind, "Can save you here?" The sentence was finished by another to her right.

"Demon's such as we answer to no one! We do not serve Satan, nor directly oppose God, we simply prey upon mortals that strike our fancy." Again all five voices resounded around her, and were getting closer! If she didn't find a way to get away soon they would no doubt have her trapped, as if to emphasize this point a small hand reached up and grabbed her foot and pulled, after a second it slipped off but she was in danger if she stayed in the pool.

Fear drove me as the voices sounded…my foot suddenly grabbed an a pulling me under a bit. I fought to get back up looking down an noticing that the thing hadn’t drowned its big black eyes jus a staring at me. Fear can give you strength an in that moment I knew even the pool weren’t too safe. Reaching the top of the water I sputtered, then pulled me legs up and looked about. Shadows by the front door. Demons ‘gain. God wuz always seeing if I would prevail…her I wuz ‘gain

I swam hard for the edge and pushed me self out, water droplets sliding down me body, to fall to the concrete floor. I ran, not for the exit at the front, but the one at the back, quicker, less exposed. No shadows.

Clothing pushed gainst me, matted to me skin, but it wuz no matter. I ran with all me strength an speed, happy I’d trained hard and had gotten faster. I wuzn’t sure were the door might lead, but it wuz an exit clearly marked. I left the shoes ‘hind me at the pool edge, no doubt I’d not be needing them, membering another time I’d run an picking up clothing had cost me precious time.
They made little movement as Cassie retreated from the pool, wanting to instead enjoy the sight of her climbing out from the pool her clothes clinging to her shapely frame. As she started running for the door however there was no outcry at her escape, no bellow of rage swearing her eventual capture, instead was the eerie high speed padding of half a dozen pair's of feet silently pursuing her to the door.

As the demons closed on her all smiled in pleasure, the chase had begun and already her emotions offered a delightful palette for them to taste. Her scent was intoxicating, her fear delicious and hint's of hope and faith only adding spice to the flavor, they were getting close but Cassie reached the door first. Upon reaching the other side all signs of pursuit seemed to stop, no sound came from the other side of the door at all....

Bouncing through the door, me shoulder still smarting from the collision and the panicked opening I ran...wet feet slapping the concrete the sound echoing off the walls of the long wide corridor, the red exit sign glowing in the distance.

I moved with speed, me long legs chewing up the ground like an antelope getting way from a lion. I hit the door at the other end an a ran up the slopping walk, slowing a little as I entered the sports stadium. I moaned, the fear building in me as it circled in a single tier a seat bout me. Not as big as them really bid stadiums in the States, but still it could’a seated the entire student population I'd guess.

The way back wuz no good, the way ahead wuz grass an lights that cast strange shadows on the turf. I ran, slowing as I hit the living grass, it squishing under me bare feet an all.

I looked back over me shoulder then back round the seats, the doors about the top edges of the seats, clearly closed, padlock an chains on each. Had they run me here on purpose, to see me under the lights, I'd never been here fore. I hated monsters, all of them, an at times like this I hated running. The rivulets of water slide down me legs to pool on the damp grass, the air moving o’er me, cooling me as the water evaporated off. With me chest a heaving under the wet clothing, I turned round, fight wuz what they'd get, flight wuz out of the question.
The undeniable fact that she'd been unsuccessful in escaping them came in the form of their unnerving laughter that seemed to come from all directions at once. She hadn't heard any doors open or close or really any noise at all before the laughter so it did beg the question, how had they gotten in at all without her noticing and worse apparently surrounding her once again. "You cannot escape me." Came a voice from somewhere behind her, "We know your scent, we know your taste." Another spoke, "We will follow you till we know every touch, every sound, every smell, every sight and every taste you have to offer. You will be mine." Finally one became visible as it slipped out from behind a chair.

"However, we do sense your resolve not to be taken easily, and it would be such a shame for us to have to harm you before we feast. So instead we propose a challenge, a game if you will so to avoid any harsh or painful injuries." It smiled evilly as it stalked towards her, was it bigger than she remembered or did it just seem like it now that she could see it clearly. Holding out a hand suddenly with a flair of light an oblong ball was in it's grasp, "Rugby, I think will suit us both, if you can get this ball from one side of the field to the other we will let you go, however we are free to grab, tackle or use any physical means to stop you at our disposal. You may try as many times as you like until we've managed to strip you completely then you are at our mercy....So do you accept our challenge, or would you prefer to discover how well a mortal fares against six able bodied demons in combat?" It said with a sinister grin.

I blanched, face a lil pale at the whole demon thing. So it wuz to be demons…always the demons an the devils. I had to wonder what god wuz a really trying to tell me. I gave me sign an crossed me chest, the crucifix dangling tween me breasts under me shirt. I’m sure that the gold would not be invisible with me soaking clothes an all. White wuz a bad color for a dressing when you wuz wet.

I took a big breath, willing meself to be calm, to try an understand. “I need to know them rules for this thing we play….I take it I run from here to thar,” Pointing to the far end of the field. “An the ball….I take it I a carry it?” I looked waiting for sum sort of acknowledgement. “How far away do yah start…an if you tackle me like in football, then I give up a piece of me clothing or sum such?....” I didn’t wait, jus kept a mulling it o’er in me head, They wuz smaller, but they wuz demons an they wuzn’t bout to loose…sumthing wuz up. “if yah get me clothing an then yah tackle me I’m done….I don’t think that is sporting enough do you?...specially since I don’t know how much head start I get each time, so lets come to an agreement on the terms right, for we start an all”

I waited, willing to accept the challenge if I had at least what looked like a chance. Sumethign I wuz probably gonna regret. I ‘d seen a lil football, an the ball looked like one of them…this Rugby stuff wuz new, really new.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Cala (Future Prefect)
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Mon Apr 30, 2007 6:18 am
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The one visible to her nodded, "The rules are simple, we each start at opposite sides of the field and you try to get past us to the goal as we try to take you down. Each time you are tackled the point you hit the ground is your new starting point however we return to our original point giving you some running ground each time. As for the clothing you'll not need to remove any at all we will strip what we can each time we get a hold of you, which is good for you considering what your wearing if you had to remove a whole article of clothing each time the game would not last very long." It said with that unnerving smile as it's tongue reached out to taste the air, "And yes once you are naked you will have one last chance to make it to the goal, however should we catch you again, your body will be ours to do with as we please, do we have an understanding? Or do you wish to add something to the challenge?"
I wuz bigger….meant I should be able to cover more ground….the catch. Were wuz that catch. “you have ta run, an none of that flyin’ or teleportin’, or such cheatin ok” somehow they’d gotten in here without me seeing. Maybe that would solve a lil problem an give me a better chance. “An if I’m down like thar will be no more pawing at me an any of me things right?” I could see a big ole pile a bodies on the ground with them all takin thar liberties with me an my clothes. None of this sounded to good to me, but then at least I seemed to have a chance. I scanned the field, when the idea hit me like. I’d seen sum football, every Sunday afternoon it wuz a playing on the lil TV set in the family room. If I go outa bounds then no talking an no touching jus like football … Other than that ok” I drew in a big breath an prayed aloud to god. “god your will be done, Amen”
"We find your rules acceptable....Are you prepared to begin?" It asked as now the others fully revealed themselves and she would be able to notice that she was quite well surrounded and they were all closer than she would have thought possible. That answered any question in her mind what might have happened if she refused the 'game', "If you are take the ball and get to your starting point we will go to mine." Then they all moved to the far end of the field awaiting her to begin the game.
“Yah, as ready as I’ll ever be”

I padded barefoot over the soft grass, feeling it tween me toes. I looked back once, seeing the short lil critters thar erect shafts merely reminding me a what they probably would do if I lost. Fur me, thar wuz no option but to win! For a fleeting moment I had to wonder if human males spent most a the time running round with thar things all hard like as well….I banished the thought and tried to focus on getting ready to run me heart out.

I tucked me braid down the back of me shirt, no sense giving um something to pull on an make it easy to take me down I thought…The short blue shorts I pulled a lil higher on me waist…nothing but leg now from toes to me crotch an all. I took sum big breaths, filling me lungs then setting at the line and looking o’er the field I noted um. I took off with all me speed, trying to build it up an gain as much ground as possible while the lil men like things ran towards me. I knew I could make it to the half way point…knew it sure as god is me witness an me salvation. Me heart beat hard in me chest, me lungs ached for air and still I went….long legs pushing me forwards, not trying to hide a thing as to what I could do…demons don’t play by them types of rules, yah went at um flat out and hoped fur the best.

As Cassie started running the creatures all went after her at the same time, they spread out to use their numbers to their advantage so she would have less space to run to if she got past one of them. By the time they managed to reach close enough where they presented a threat, three kept their distance watching and waiting to ambush her attempts to escape the other three that closed in on her speeding form. The first to reach her made a dive for her legs in an attempt to trip her, the other two jumped hands outstretched and reaching for her torso, fingers hooked ready to grip and tear fabric should they touch.
It wuz like everything slowed…painfully slow as I saw one come at me feet. Leaping I felt me back foot just clear the warm naked skin of him. I felt the tug of a sudden that sent me slightly of balance to the right, a tearing of clothe fingers still mixed in with it. I hit the ground a lil off balance, tried to flow with it as suddenly the clothe gave way an I was free, stumbling to maintain me balance, lurching forwards, holding the ball tight in me arms like it wuz a new baby.

I grunted as more fingers an bodies started to close, seeing them all bout me. Still I kept me legs moving, not even aware of how far I might have come.
Cassie had managed to clear just over half of the field so far in her first run, three of the beasts behind her if she could pass the other three she just might make it as she was obviously just a bit faster on her feet. But that would now prove quite difficult as two working as a team blocked her path directly ahead, the third jumping off the backs of those two to dive in at her, while the other three had regained their feet and were coming up from behind if she didn't think fast they would be all over her in the next second.
I saw the body hurtling toward me….felt the crunch gainst me as he hit an almost knocked me backwards, fingers twined across me body, a hand upon me chest where it don’t belong no how…but this wuz a rough boys sport, and suddenly I wondered if I had agreed to sumthing I shouldn’t have. More clothe ripped as I stumbled into the two bodies in front of me.
Flesh to flesh, as I started to fall forwards, times I didn’t want to really know what sum of those touches may be from…didn’t like the idea that maybe the thick round cylinder at me cheek was sumthing I didn’t want a touching me face an all as I toppled o’er, too many of um….
As Cassie fell she felt smothered by a surrounding wall of hot hard flesh, pressing in on her the odd moist tongue sliding against an exposed part of her revealed skin. The sounds of tearing filled the air just before she hit the ground then with a thud, the mass of bodies hit the earth, for an instant there was no movement as if they were going keep her pinned and not let her go. Then in the next instant, they all pulled themselves off of her, and stepped away to let her get up, she was still fully covered by her clothes but the top was a near thing, strips of fabric were missing just below her breasts and the collar was torn. Her shorts had survived mostly intact but the seam on the left side had ripped slightly. Then the little beasts went back to their starting position, and if she didn't miss her guess they all looked just a bit...Bigger.
I wuz engulfed by squirming flesh…for I fell. For a moment as I sat under an over the still bodies I had to wonder If I’d bargained well….if this was the way it would end. But they seemed true to thar word, in that they wuz still and didn’t have a wondering hands and had stopped messing with me once I wuz down.

I sat on me heals painting for air as they walked back to thar end of the goal. I surveyed me clothes, the rip upon me front, almost like it’d been planed of a sorts to slowly shed me shirt …I wondered for a breath moment if they be working on me bra next. Of a sudden I thought maybe they wuz playing with me, but the good lord would show me a win if that be the case. I got up, an tucked the fabric back into the shorts as I could an all. A gap along me tummy showed me belly button. Well nothing I wuz gonna do bout that….good thing I had me bra otherwise I’d be a spilling out from under this t-shirt now.

I looked at um again, waited till they was set an then taking a couple of full gulps of air set off once ‘gain, this time It wouldn’t last as long, still had to get as far as possible….I pushed me self, felt the strain in me legs form the earlier run and the last tackle. Part of me were bruised no doubt, but I had to win, had to push….

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Cala (Future Prefect)
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Mon Apr 30, 2007 6:19 am
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Again they took off only moments after she started running but this time their tactics were different, staying together as a group they ran at her in a slowly closing U, making it so she would have to either go through at least some of them, run out of bounds or turn around and hope to out manuver them. But the choice would have to be made soon, they had started much closer together this time and they were quickly going to be with in reach, already hands reached out graspingly tearing at the air as tongues flailed with each motion as if licking her from where they stood.
I saw um start to close in me…the furthest point right in the middle of that pack of demonic bodies. I screamed an plunged ahead, then bounced to me left as I hit two of um trying to get tween um an all. Tongues, an hands seemed to lash at me, but I paid no head to it all…set to get forwards…to keep goin’ an all. One of um was a riding me back, sumthing long and slender pressed to me skin…soft an hard. Which meant that me shirt had come untucked, torn or rose wasn’t thar at me lower back no longer…..I didn’t think un it.

I staggered under the extra weight, me feet an momentum propelling me forwards, seeing the goal line much closer now but still too far away unless I got real lucky this time….real lucky. Perspiration trickled down me brow, a wisp of me red hair fallin’ in front of one of me eyes. “gotta go….”
The beast on her back took firm hold of her top and managed to tear it away completely, but it's momentum caused it to fall off her back. Her mad charge had managed to knock down two, the third falling off her back and taking out a fourth. Her luck did indeed seem to be better, but only for an instant as the final two who had taken advantage of her slowed progress to come up beside her on either side then each reaching out with two hands they each grabbed a leg and pulled out and away pulling her to the ground by forcing her legs into a split as far as they would go. The other four shortly catching up to pile on her once again, this time costing her a bra strap and a deep rip on the ass of her shorts.

Hitting the ground the air bounced out an past me lips. Legs painfully spread, like when I stretched to make sure I could get the to the point I did them splits like Violet could, an she wanted me too. Felt like maybe I’d jus achieved that un….bodies piled up on me, driving me into the grass that of a sudden felt none to soft. I lay upon the ground me breathing labored from the exertion at the last. I would have to take stock later bout what remained of me clothes….frankly it might be better to run outta bounds…I thought for a bit…

I felt things gainst the bare skin of me body…things I didn’t wanna talk bout or feel. “I’m down…ah yah can get off now….”
The creatures all let out the same hissing cackle that they had before as they slowly climbed off her prone form. "You taste of despiration and fear!", "Such wonderous flavor she presents, each new emotion given even greater taste by the hint of hope mixed in." They spoke as much to themselves as to her as they once again walked back to their starting point, but this time it was unmistakeable, they were bigger since this had started each one had to have grown at least a couple of inches taller, and their bodies were getting larger.
Laughing then…”trying to get me to think I can’t win….no, I think you’re jus a lil bitter cause this one is gonna slip away” I got to me feet as they left…somehow each a lil larger, maybe that wuz cause they wuz closer now…maybe not…could that be the game, the way they could cheat me. Clenching me jaw I set me self.. no they wasn’t gonna win this one…not at all. Me shirt wuz gone but me bra still held me in, even though a strap be broken an a hanging. I could feel the light kiss of breeze cross me bare bottom, at least the g-sting wasn’t gonna give um much to grab once the shorts wuz gone an all. For a moment I wuz a lil afraid. Afraid that maybe I wuz making this more fun for um…afraid cause I don’t think it’s a right un to go naked in anyplace cept the bath. I looked ‘bout the stadium, the lights that lit me under thar harsh glare. Hopefully nobody wuz a watching up thar, but I had me doubts…me nightmares had a habit a not being all that private no more as me mind found ways a tormenting me all o’er ‘gain.

I took a big breath, determined to get cross that goal line once an for all. The big 10 wuz under me feet. I set me self and waited…waited till they wuz ready an all. Curling the ball next to me I set off, veering to the right an getting ready to plow ahead so nothing stopped me at all.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Cala (Future Prefect)
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Mon Apr 30, 2007 6:20 am
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As if managing to read her intentions when they set off they came at her in a combined force in a unified group designed that if she managed to get by the first pair the next would be right there waiting. Then deciding to add another flavor to the emotions pouring off the girl the monsters began shouting at her. "Such a proper girl she tries to be but look at her now, nothing but a devil's harlot.", "Indeed, did you see the underwear she has on? Wonder if that's proper church attire these days?", "It's obvious she's shameless, look at her whorish self running half naked without a care in the world."
I heard thar insults and I knew they’d lost. Anger poured from me, I hated what they said…even though I knew some of it to be true cause its how I felt. I hit the first two an was through, fabric stretched an broken, twisting in their grasp an then out of it. I wuz no slut, no whore….no matter what the nightmare made me do. And I’d worn me undies jus like these ta church…here on the island.

I swam through arms and bodies an legs….so close the goal so close. But those hands seemd to have other ideas. I felt me breasts bounce, bounce in ways they wouldn’t as fabric left me bare up top. Setting me teeth I kept a going. An as the shorts seemed to come free I toppled over, a hand upon me bare breast, other wrapped round still another upon me bottom. Other objects stuck me skin, seemed to drip ‘gainst it as I fell. I knew I wuz short, but I could feel one last piece of clothe upon me skin. Grass, tickled an made me itch. One more time…its wuz all I needed I lay upon the grass me chin buried in the turf an such an giggled….they wasn’t gonna win…no they wuzn’t

“boys, The lords servant is gonna win this one…so get on off of me and lets go fur the last one.” I wuz glad me front wuz buried in the grass, at least me nakedness of me top would be a minimized an all.
As they once again released her body from their grasp they all leered at her with devilish lust her body now almost totally exposed to the eyes. Her rage had been delicious, but it was her arrogant pride as she declared herself soon to win that caused them all to groan in appreciation. "A rare dish you are girl, we will savor you for as long as we can. We've seen hope, anger and desperation, I wonder how passion, lust and hopelessness will taste." Again a jump in size, it seemed that the stronger emotion she showed the faster these creatures grew, they had started out below her waist now each was almost at her chest. They set up on the goal line their lustful gazes locked onto her almost naked body, the only thing standing between them and her flesh a tiny piece of fabric that clutched itself between her legs

Getting up slowly I clutched the ball o’er me naked chest. I would give um nothing tah enjoy so help me god I thought. Yeah they had grown, that wuz thar trick an all. But I wuz still bigger and the goal line was jus ahead of me. “so yah ready to call it quits” I eyed them, this pack a boys that wuzn’t gonna have me as thar boy toy, no sirree. Jus a few feet…I coulg get it in a single step.

Holding the ball o’er be breasts I breathed deep and then plunged forwards. No doubt hands would soon be closing in on me lil panties, trying to tear um loose…but I would be past by then, into the goal line...A dark shadow closed over me, a wall a flesh as I pushed forwards the ball twisting outta me hands as I feel cross the line. Fingers treid to scramble for it, desperation as I tired to regain it….falling..falling, breasts now exposed. A hopelessness as the fabric snapped an slid from tween me legs. Me last thought as I felt the crush of bodies, me head and shoulders far o’er the line wuz why hadn’t I held the ball lower and more secure….always worrying bout being naked….always losing for it in yur nightmares. I hit the turn with a resounding thud. The ball no longer anywhere near me. Bodies spilling over mine in a heap a naked flesh. I wuz a crushed, body an mind….despair.
As the crushing mountain of demon flesh pressed her into the field the hissing cackle returned, but now it was far deeper resounding in the chests of the now much larger demons. "I guess we win." One said close to her ear, "So now one begs the question, do you a servant of God intend on keeping your word and allowing us our pleasures.", "Or will you prove yourself lower than a demon and forsake your promise once we let you go....I wonder?" Their tongues now quested her body as they slowly let her up, her legs, thighs, arms, back and neck all being licked as if made of ice cream. But get up they did and awaited her next action, feeding on her despair and with each passing moment seemed to grow.
One normally does not finds demons so accommodating I though to me self…I’d half expected them to take me thar an then. I looked bout me at the gathering pack, their thick an solid swords unsheathed an ready. I bowed me head then an prayed for the lord to give me strength. I’d made a vow, committed me self foolishly it would seem. I suppose the lord willed me to suffer for it, though the lesson eluded me a bit right then an thar, a circle of demons round me, waiting thar turn at me soft an vulnerable flesh.

“I shuddered an spoke the words. “I gave me word demon, an I am honest to me word, perhaps you also do the lords will an so I have to wonder will you take me or release me now that I show I am true even though I fear yur intentions with me body.” Kneeling then before the one that spoke, loking at his feet I had no choice but to submit to his will….hoping that he might let me go as they had had their sport. A deeper piece of me wuz already fluttering to life, wanting to see what fun it could have with these demons…I bit it down, grateful it wuz not yet fully alive in me. I could feel the trickle of sweat as it ran down me heaving chest…could feel the slow burn begin deep in me belly. How long would I have to fight with meself I wondered before I lost that battle as well.
The Demon's all smiled at her as she spoke their long tongues swaying at her as they tasted their intangible foods. "Ah, to keep one's word under such circumstances is a thing to be praised, but unfortunately for you, we too are creatures of our word. We said we'd have you if you lost, so now we will keep my word and enjoy your emotions and body to their fullest.", "She is most certainly a diverse meal, so contradictory part hope, part resignation, part faith, part fear.....and was that!? It was just for a moment but, did I taste Desire?" As one asked they all moved in closer their hands falling upon her body without waiting for an answer lifting her into the air where their now eager tongues began to molest her body furiously.

Trailing over her flesh the tongues explored her body, every inch, every crevice the skilled appendages touched, tickled and caressed in ways no human hand ever could. They were over double their original size now, taller than her and well built, even still they were growing and the firm members between their legs were keeping up with the rest of their bodies.

Raised up an over there heads I shuddered, but like the demon had said I’d given me word and wuz now trapped by it. I felt the tongues as if detached…then a slow return to me body as each tongue found a sensitive spot, played with me like the toy I could become in me nightmares. I felt a few notes of a song, then felt them spin away as I fought ‘gainst what might be me own pleasures.

I looked up into the harsh lights, the sky black beyond them and wondered how long these creatures would feed upon me body. Would the morning suns warmth be felt upon me skin fore they let me go? I clenched me teeth against the squirming tongue…then realizing iI’d given me word opened it….letting the tip explore me own tongue. I tired to relax, every breath I took wanting to fight these creatures, but they had reminded me of my words, an a person only has one thing in life…and that’s thar word. Me Pa had told me that o’er and o’er. So I relaxed and let me legs spill open, let the tongue wiggle cross me privates and into me insides. The soft moan of longing seeping cross me parted lips an around the exploring tongue that played cross them…”ahhhhh” soft, barely discernable o’er the slurping as me own beast ‘gain to rise within, let loose under the pleasure of the tongues, let loose by me own words.

That part that kept me on the true path shuddered inside as the beast rose….I would be lost for a long time if I let it out, would please these creatures in ways I would not willingly do if me other side kept in control. I fought as tongues added me enemy…the me of lust and desire.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Mon Apr 30, 2007 6:20 am
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"You may wish not to hold back those lustful needs girl.", "Once I've finished feeding you'll find us to be quite different in our tactics with your body." The voices surrounded her as they spoke, the tongues dancing over her flesh as if coaxing her to obey the words. Sliding over her breasts, licking her nipples, caressing her ass and one sliding into and exploring her mouth while the last one seemed to be determined to delve as deeply into her pussy as it would allow. "Besides, lust, desire and passion when mixed with shame and fear make for a delicious pre-rape meal, hehehehehahahaha." They all laughed as the tongues all seemed to double their efforts in pleasuring her body.

Tongues bathed me naked body in saliva….disgusting in its feel as the night air cooled skin even as me insides began to heat up. I withered on those tongues, hearing the words and knowing them to be true. I wuz shamed at having lost, shamed to have so many bodies ready to use me, shamed at being in public, and most of all shamed by the fact I wuz already enjoying what wuz to come. I felt me breasts go tight as me nipples rose to there obscene heights an turned a darker color, pulling the skin an allowing the tongues that danced thar to affect me even more. I felt me hips shift, welcoming the tongue that dwelt within me and explored me womb. Another tongue danced with me own …. A gurgling moan sliding round its edges an past me lips…

Fear, I feared I would not last to take them all the ways they might want…I feared for me own sanity, that I would once again enjoy it in the end. I mostly feared that God would leave me cause I had given me word an I wuz thars to do with. Perhaps he wuz a showing me the folly of me ways. I gasped an withered in the wicked embrace of flesh, unable to talk round the tongue in me mouth…only a few gurgles an moans.

I shut me eyes an since I’d given me word reached with hands to caress the flesh of evil. To partake as a part of me screamed no, and the rest screamed YES!

As her mind slowly fell prey to the pleasures of her body, the demon's were enjoying her to the fullest, each passing second the furious energy they expended on driving her further and further into the depths of pleasure seemed to intensify. Then suddenly the tongues were aided by hands, so many hands as they reached up and began dancing, pulling, squeezing and massaging her body all over, the action was just as frenzied as the tongues, but stronger, harder instead of guiding her on the path of pleasure it seemed they would drag her down it kicking and screaming if need be.

"She is most delicious, a shame our feasting is almost done but I will not be able to hold much more." One spoke around it's tongue as it ravished her mouth. "I do hope this one is able to withstand our pleasures, we would like to taste her again.", "It is not something to worry over, there will be others if does not....However, I believe this devout follower of God is truly a Devil's whore at heart, so I think she will not only endure....She will come to enjoy." As it finished speaking hands fell upon her pussy two pulling wide at the sides her tongue filled pussy another taking hold of her clit and teasing it with pinches and caresses, "It won't be long now."

I could not enjoy this, nothing said in our deal that once thy had won I had to willingly partake of their pleasures, only that I had to endure it….. I cried then while mouths an tongues played cross me flesh an made me feels things no good girl should I reckon. At least not from a pack of devils. I cried because I was a cheatin me husband of sorts. That me body wuz a responding in ways it shouldn’t an the creatures knew it…knew it an called me those names. I wuz no whore, I wuz gods servant on earth wuz all, an if he saw fit to let me be taken by these critters than that wuz his will. It made me tremble a bit to think that this is what he would want of me…but it wuz like the profit in the old testament that god had marry a whore an had to keep bringing her back home an all. Maybe that wuz what god wanted of me, to endure these beasts in me nightmares o’er and o’er ‘gain to prove me love of him

I raised me hands to the sky an gurgled out me prayer to me father in heaven around that tongue that threatened to crawl into me throat…I felt the one in me insides as they hads spread me legs further apart than I’d a really liked. On then they touched me an I jumped in their grasp….jumped as me most holy of holies was a touched an pinched an I trembled in their grip with the heat rising in me insides in ways that made me uncomfortable in the midst of this mob….Oh lord, how many more watched me violation, I shudder ta think it…all the while me hips had begun to move of there own….once ‘gain, I could find no peace with me treacherous body.

"How much of the pleasures of the flesh have you 'endured' we wonder?", "Have you tasted the pleasure of orgasm?", "The wondrous sense of filling of triple penetration?", "The guilty joy of being filled and bathed in the cum of your rapist?" They continued to ask despite her inability to answer as their actions with her flesh took on a more....Vigorous focus. "I wonder if when we are finished with you if you will still bend the knee and pray to God? Or if instead you will find yourself on your knees before us, begging for more." Still they mocked her as they molested her flesh, her nipples and clit being their main focus of attack now as pistoning tongues continued to assault her holes.

Me body trembling against each flick of a tongue, each touch of a hand I kept up me silent prayers to me father in heaven. Lord please help me, help me …. The salty tear rolling down me upheld face creating a path of wetness passed me ear an into me sweaty hanging hair.

The touches had me breath coming in ragged heaves as me chest rose an fell, the tightness of me skin across me breasts played with. I closed me eyes, knowing that even then I could feel me body responding, hot warm blood going places I didn’t want it too, making this pack of demons jobs even easier. Each of their spiteful taunts that met me ears turned me insides all wrong. I wuz a getting sick to meself…..bile rising up the back of me throat at the thoughts of taken them an all…..

I didn’t like the taste as it creped up me mouth an over the tongue that wuz thar…my tummy emptying what lil food was left from lunch then, the vileness of me situation taking me by storm. I could feel me insides down low twitch as I heaved a second time saving me from the gathering heat inside…I could only hope they would leave me alone after this.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Mon Apr 30, 2007 6:21 am
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The one in her mouth tasted the oncoming vomit before it managed to get to critical point and the rest immediately moved to keep her from getting it on herself. In an instant, she felt herself flipped and facing the ground, the tongue in her mouth escaping less than a second before she emptied her stomach. "My my, it seems she is quite disgusted with us after all...", "Indeed, then perhaps it is time we stopped being so careful with our food?", "Yes perhaps it is time to 'tenderize' her a little bit."

With that, she was flung to the ground well away from the spot where she'd just been sick, then they again moved on her. But now surely these were not the same diminutive creatures that had played their games with her. In their place, were towering monsters, mischievous faces replaced with visages of terrible lust, and cocks replaced with poles of flesh that bounced and twitched as they moved towards her once again.

Swinging in mid air, the vileness all ‘bout me as I left me lunch upon the soft grass of the field. The voices sounding all round me, but they had left me, left me insides an weren’t a touching me like they had been. I gulped in the precious air, an then I hit the ground hard, rolling in the shock, me hand hurting from it.

I had been unable to see them while they held me overhead. Now they were monsters in size an girth, me eyes grew wide in horror, I had agreed to sumthing I shouldn’t of, and now I knew why yah didn’t make no deals with demons. They moved on me, an suddenly I knew this wuzn’t gonna be nothing like it had a started out as. I covered me naked body with me arms an hands as best I could, rolling onto me knees for good measure….I had agreed…agreed to please them, to give me body as they pleased….Oh lord, I bowed me head, an almost retched ‘gain there and then….

“I … I greed, but that wuz when you be small, yah changed the game on me….so what do yah want of me, what would yah like?” Bringing me eyes up to see the first un, me eyes pausing as his throbbing pole bounced in front of me. Green eyes meeting his, knowing me word, but uncertain if I could do this….
At her look of fear she seen something different from the creatures, something that a change in her emotions had not caused before, instead of hunger or delight their faces twisted in brutal lust. And at her question all laughed sinisterly, "We no longer care for any deal. You may run or fight back now all you wish, we simply offered the deal so that your emotional turmoil would make for a more diverse meal. Now we wish to sate our lusts and willing or not we will bend and break you to our will till we are finished with you." The closest said, it's cock seeming to swell as it closed in on her, the rest however spread out again if she didn't do something soon she would be surrounded and judging by fierce looks of lust she was subject to there was little doubt that when they got hold of her she would regret not having found a way to escape more than she'd ever dreamed.
Adrenaline pulses in me veins in a sudden rush…even more so than the desire they had begun to stir within. I leap, naked as the day I came into this world but not caring…I must get away…I cannot be used by these creatures for that is what they shall surely do to me. So I run, faster than at any other time of me life…run for the way back to the gym without a looking at nothing.

My legs propel me forwards, me breasts bouncing in ways that hurt after the pleasure an tightness the creatures have made me…I run with only the goal of getting away in me mind. If they do not wish to abide by the rules than I am no longer subject as well. ‘lord’ I call out in me mind ‘give me strength, your will be done’
Gone was the chittering laughter they had mocked her with before, the taunts, the promises even the threats had now been replaced with the sound of deep lustful panting as they chased her now. Heavy footfalls thundering behind her like a pack of wild dogs, when they were small they'd been fast and their new sizes seemed to have only increased that speed but she was still closer to her escape than they seemed to be to her so it looked like she just might make it out. That hope however became short lived as they once again grouped together each grabbing another and with inhuman heaves launched three of the demon's over her to promptly cut off her retreat as they now blocked the door. As she was now blocked on two sides all six demon's rushed her arms out stretched ready to take hold of her body once again.
It was like they could instantly communicate or some such…never much sound but they acted, an yet ‘gain I found me self under a suffocating pile of bodies, hot flesh pressed ‘gainst me own. Hands a searching for pieces of me to grab, to hold, an to do even more unspeakable things.

I wuz abandoned to this hell on earth, a hell I didn’t in no way want…A hell that in me fevered nightmares I would maybe enjoy an that would only make it worse. I struggled to breath beneath the press a bodies, struggled to move, wondering if I would live…in some ways preferring death to what these sick creatures would want of me, make me do….
As the crush of bodies finally gave her room to breathe she felt herself pulled to her knees as easily as one would lift a doll, and there in her face and all around were the huge dicks of the demons all pointing at her. "We spent a lot of time tasting this little whore of Christ, perhaps she should now get a taste of us!" The one right in front of her said, then took firm hold of her head and jammed it's cock in her face, "Open up and suck or I find another hole to fill." Then her hands were lifted forced onto another pair of cocks, she was to service them all then if she hoped to escape them.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Mon Apr 30, 2007 6:22 am
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The game had changed yet ‘gain. Me mouth stuffed, the hard stiff penis moving in an out if it, the hands not allowing me to move me head in no manner. Forced to take the shaft, me moth wide around it I thought about biting…’membering other places for a moment and how it had only brought on worse. These despicable demons might use me mouth, well fine…I bore it, and did not bite ‘im. Gasping for air when he pulled back, trying to desperately to find a rhythm that would sustain me tween each long hard thrust. Knowing that when he swelled inside me the seed would come having learnt that from Suriel. I tired to prepare meself, tried to make sure I was ready to spit out the evil upon the grass field.

Me hands gripped the long hard shafts, squeezed um when the one in me mouth thrust deep inside then let loose. I don’t know why …what for certain they wus expecting me tah do. Rub um? Concentration going to me mouth and me breathing, jus holding the things in me fingers, not really wanting to but having no choice, none at all.
The beast in her mouth cared little for her disgust and less about her discomfort and continued to fuck her mouth with wild hard thrusts using her mouth for it's pleasure. Meanwhile her inaction with the two in her hands seemed not to bother them at all as they clamped their hands over hers and then began to stroke themselves using her hand. It seemed to be how they operated, they didn't care if she participated they just used her, before they tasted her like a piece of meat now they would use her to satisfy themselves again as if she was there for nothing more than their convenience.

The fucking of her face was getting more vigorous, the huge demons cock slamming into the back of her throat with each powerful thrust, "Such a delight to know that a mouth that is so used to speaking prayer's to the lord, is now reduced to swallowing a demon's cock. Will God listen to your words once this mouth is defiled with demon seed? I wonder?" He was pumping furiously now hot breath coming in heated gasps above her until finally it drove into her mouth one final time, then blast after blast of hot cum invaded her mouth, then he pulled out jet's of cum flying over her face and staining her cheeks.

Every thrust wuz another torment….an the creatures to each side, finding thar own disgusting pleasure with me hands. …god, what are yah trying to show me. The creature answering like, each word biting deeper inside me. Would the lord listen to me as he defiled me…would I be able to enter the fold. Me mouth worked, almost chocking on the large piece of defiling flesh that slammed its way tween me full lips. I breathed as best I could, suddenly feeling him expand, the trembling end of him jammed ‘gainst me throat. Seed hot an foul spilled from his flesh, a taste of sulfer an rot upon me tongue. More landed upon me face, me eyes a closing to keep it from them. I could feel the disgusting slimy stuff hang upon me skin…no doubt in me long red hair. I sputtered an spit, the seed mixed with me saliva as it dribbled o’er me chin to fall tween me legs upon the earth.

I shook me head, trying to dislodge the wet globs that clung to me skin as hands stroked the other two. Opening me eyes a slimy trail of seed hanging from my long eyelashes like a spiders web stuck to me face. I look up at the demon, the hard pole of him jus above me…his face contorted in some sort of look halfway tween pleasure an pain I suppose an it hits me. “If god be willing to forgive you, he will forgive me that yur seed defiles me mouth.” I say it with conviction, suddenly knowing that maybe I can save these hideous creatures from themselves….the way they treat me suddenly being less important than if one of them repent. “All you need do is pray like me, pray to be forgiven an it shall be done” Mouth open, smiling while me hands are used gainst me will to pleasure the tow to me sides, and others gather…I can almost feel the halo of light about me face, hoping that maybe I can be the angel that they need.
At her words the Demon's all paused in their actions, seemingly deeply effected by her words, then slowly surely they began to laugh, cruel mocking laughter howled at her from all sides. Then as the laughter slowly died down one of them spoke again, "God willing to forgive us? We were condemed to hell for raping hundreds of girls in life, then as a Demon we've raped a thousand Angels, and you know what we like it down there. What could be better than being able to indulge in the most perverse acts for all eternity? But I'll tell you what...If after we're done with you, you can still forgive us, we'll consider your offer of Salvation."

With that she was suddenly mightily grasped by her waist and lifted into the air, held horizontally from the ground her legs were pulled into a split, then without any further warning one of the Demons rammed it's huge cock balls deep in her pussy, then without waiting for her to adjust or accomodate began thrusting mightily her whole body being slammed forward with the power of the thrusts, even in the tight grip of the other Demons.

Me words are truth; an I witness a miracle as they stop, a silence upon us all. The dark night pushed aside by the them bright lights of the stadium shining upon us. An the n the laughter hits, like I done said sumthing funny, but I wuz being real serious. The laughter continuing as the creatures howl in the night, which is ‘nough to raise the bumps on me skin. Sumthing ain’t none to good ‘bout this I fear.

Flung into the air, handled by these brutish demons like some piece of meat that ain’t any thing of value for um. I know better though for without me they can’t sin, they can’t have fun of thar choosing. Fear makes me tremble as the spread me legs wide an I can see done me naked body, the one to me front taking his place. Hands full an strong grasp me hips…suddenly, The force a him rips through me like a hammer driving sum nail into wood. Me back arches to take the blow, the fire of pain flares from inside me, e very muscle twisting in hurt an suffering. Me head hangs backwards as the scream echos off the walls of the stadium, load an clear. I can hear form a distance the tormented animal, A sound like a beast makes while it is devoured by some predator.

I gasp an scream again, each thrust shaking me hole body. Pain shoots through me, an I long to pass out….an then something happens, maybe a miracle of god I think. My body adjusts perhaps, the pain grows less….each thrust slicker, not like the first time when the thick mass of him seemed to bump and grind his way into me. I gasp….my chest heaving not ready to believe that this is right but happy as the pain recedes and sumthing…sumthing else replaces it….oh…oh noooo

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Mon Apr 30, 2007 6:22 am
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As her screams shook the stadium the demon's once again started to laugh, making the act all the more humiliating as the one fucking her so vigorously seemed to gain momentum from causing her pain. But as the laughs died off another spoke, "Well if you try speaking to God in that tone of voice next time he just might answer." The two that were using her hands to stroke themselves began to thrust their hips toward her in time with the powerful thrusts she was receiving from the one plowing her cunt. As another of the Demon's stepped in front of her screaming face, he presented his dick to her shoving it in her mouth without giving her time to refuse.

The one fucking her felt as her natural resistance began to fail, her body began to accept what was happening, not wanting her to go into her usual bout of faith filled denial by accusing her outright he simply asked into her mind, "Something wrong? I thought you hated this?"

God had already answered me prayers I suppose, the pain gone, a warm sensation spreading thorough me gut an up me wide spread thighs. Thar wuz no time for a thank you, no time to gloat to these demons.

The screams, the gasping for breath soon became more difficult as one pushed himself into me open mouth, filling it I tired to push back me head hanging backwards an the blood rushing into it, pounding in me temples to the rhythm of the thrusts with the one tween me legs…. The demon saved me with his own lust; saved me from my body’s betrayal if only for a bit when he forced his way passed me lips..

Words inside me head, that I could not answer, cept to form words of me own as the creature used me mouth. ‘I’m not….its only physical, not pleasurable demon…god has performed a miracle, I will yet live through this. For you are fools to not know a woman’s body and what brings her pleasure’ I gloated, detached from them an me body for a moment….fools, I would never enjoy this…..

Again the voice spoke to her mind as her body was ravaged, 'God's miracle? Is it God's work that your pussy is now gripping my dick like it can't get enough? Is it God's work that your wet enough for me to fuck you all night long? Is it God's work that you move your hips like a trained harlot as I fuck you? If it is send some thanks from us his way, we may not know much about giving women pleasure, but he sure as hell seems to know how to give it to Demons!' It said picking up the pace of it's fucking, it began to make grunting noises similar to those made by the one that had cum in her mouth.

The beast in me mouth pushed further in, me tongue being brushed aside by the thrust. Me head almost hurt as the voice spoke into me brain. One thing wuz sure, It could read me thoughts as well. Thar would be nothing I could hide. Including the fact I had enjoyed thar tongues, an was thankful they weren’t trying to please me….horror then as the thought slipped out…

I’m no harlot I parroted back to him…maybe god uses me in ways only he can fathom you beast….why don’t you release your seed inside me an go away…you bring me no pleasure…me hips don’t move to you.

I hoped so at least, it wuz a demons way to lie, it wuz my way to try an not enjoy.

Ignoring further protests from her for now the demon simply stated to her final demand, 'As you wish.' Then all four using her body began to use her furiously, her body rocking from the force of the pounding, the surrounding sounds of grunts and panting, indicating what was coming. For a full minute this monstrous pace was hammered out on her body before it all came to an end all four abusing her body suddenly came, with demonic roars they let loose four torrents of cum the two in her hands let them go and sprayed her back, ass and hair, the one in her mouth refused to exit like the one before did his cum blasting into her mouth with no way for it to escape. And the one in pussy continued to thrust powerfully pumping the cum into her depths, but with the volume some managed to squirt out around his pistoning member.
They do what they must with me body as it gives them pleasure ‘gainst me will. Somehow, the pleasure of me own doesn’t build like it does in most me dreams. For a moment I smile, enjoying the fact I find no pain, an I find no pleasure….

An then I feel the swelling within me, the change letting me know the creatures is getting ready to do what males will do…I tighten in that knowing, trying to not give pleasure an still each smack of the one tween me legs touches me…a heat rising inside….but I win…I win

Gagging on the thick creamy mixture that flows into me mouth an down me throat. I spit round the full wide shaft, the liquid running up me face as me face hangs upside down. More warm liquid hits me body…It ain’t fair….not fair I haven’t found enjoyment in this…found the pleasure that earlier they had induced in me. The war begins anew within me head…a war I cannot win.
As the cum violated her body the Demons again violated her mind, "So our little whore wants to enjoy herself again? If that's how it is you should satisfy the last two who have yet to use your body." It said this time aloud to her quiet, private thoughts as she was then passed to the two whom had yet to cum. One was in front the other behind, as her legs were pried apart and she was lifted to their waist level it wasn't hard to guess which holes they planned on using to have her satisfy them. "Unless you have a more pleasurable idea?" The one behind her asked it's cock poking at her asshole.

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Mon Apr 30, 2007 6:23 am
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“no…please” the voice soft and distant, me legs split wide, a blunt sword at each of me entrances…teasing me, threatening me….”I’m no whore…I’ve had no pleasure… so thar” Anger after the words that echo in me head. Pride at the way I have endured this. I vow I will take no pleasure, and in that I will have me dignity when they leave me upon this field covered in thar seed.

Smiling a lil, proud of me self….I look the one to me front in the eyes….gathering strength in me stubbornness. I can win this…”do your best” I suppress the laugh…feeling the wetness of thar seed across me body, knowing that I will be whole and well when they finish for I will take no pleasure in them.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Mon Apr 30, 2007 6:30 am
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