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Joined: Mon Apr 30, 2007 5:53 am
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Post Mass
(This will be a multiparty adventure. Ilixia, Firefly, Jezebel. If you wish to join: PM the monsters and they can determine if and when, … Cassie)

I couldn’t help but jump with shear excitement ‘bout the news. Finally, after a month on this lil ole island and three of them letters to the administration they wuz a bringing in a Father to conduct mass. Me heart leaped for joy…not only could I get me sins forgiven and be thar for a service. But maybe if I hinted real well Suriel might actually make our lil marriage a real thing both to god, who I knew blessed us, and man with a ring an a lil ceremony of sorts. I mean, I didn’t need much, but a girl still dreams a the day she’ll walk down the isle with the man a her dreams. If not this time then maybe next time, after all this couldn’t be the last time the school flew the father out.

I still couldn’t believe me eyes as I read the letter for the fourteenth time. Sunday 0800 in the morning in the large lecture hall, maybe not a church but beggars can’t be no choosers. I could partake of the sacrament, hear a good sermon, an all know that I wuz in good standing with the lord. I guess the administration finally had conceded that they had a real problem with all them girls not a listening and obeying the rules. Of course, I’d not been good all the time neither, but when I listed out all the things I’d known the others to be a doing, well that must have made that last letter get read an everyone take notice.

I trembled with excitement still, this may be better n Suriel or Violet an the things we did together…well maybe that wuz a bad comparison on account of the things I did with them were kinda different than the things yah did a going to church an all. Oh well, some how I wuz gonna have to contain me self till Sunday. Then I’d get on a real perty dress, do me makeup and put up me hair like the good girl I wuz and go to the service. I surely wish me ma an pa could be thar as well, being a lil homesick an all. But a girls gotta do what a girls gatto do or so they say.
Ilixia ----
I stretched idly, part of me wondering why I even bothered with this at all, the plane touched down just outside the school and I stepped out, this priest was a nuisance, his consciousness kept trying to trip me up and gain control, oh how I wanted to crush him, crush his mind beneath my heel but I promised I wouldn't... I trudged my way to the Lecture hall thoughtfully set up for the mass, oh this was intolerable, this stuffy,pudgy little man with his religious dogma, I felt like I was choking, I stood at the podium placing his bible before me and waited, waited to see who would show up, I knew Cassie would at least but I wasn't sure about other students...

Jezebel also had a part to play in this scenario. But how to play it out? The naked demoness contemplated this as she hovered invisibly over the lecture hall, her wings flapping slowly and silently while she pondered the possibilities. Well, they had a priest now…Oh Samael, how she hated priests…but there was nobody to sit at the organ. What was a wedding without the traditional Wedding March?

Such technicalities could be easily remedied, of course. All she had to do was disguise herself as a human, take her seat, and wait. Scanning the priest’s mind Jezebel saw pudgy little man was at least some under Ilixia’s control, but the red-haired succubus wasn’t going to take any chances in being discovered just yet.

Enhancing her senses the demoness carefully selected a place where she wouldn’t be seen and teleported out of the Lecture Hall and into an empty classroom, the vacant room filled with musical instruments, music books, and other things that were needed in properly teaching a music class.

With the snap of her fingers the door closed shut behind her before making removing her cloak of invisibility. Then a bright red, orange and yellow glow began to surround the transforming demoness, appearing as though she was being engulfed in semi-transparent flames. The flames disappeared almost as fast as they appeared and the change was now complete. The door opened, and out walked a petite girl with long white hair and pale golden eyes, holding a stack of music books in her hand as she walked on down the corridor, whistling a merry little ditty as she headed straight for the Lecture Hall.

The petite young girl was 18-year-old Cindy Jacobs, a young but talented and well-respected student who was well-known among her peers for her strong musical abilities.

Entering the Lecture Hall, the fully-disguised demoness cheerfully strolled on over to the massive organ and set up her music books. As she began to test the organ to see if it was in tune, Jezebel spoke in Ilixia’s mind using her true serpentine voice, “Isss everythhhing in placcce?”

I wuz soo excited, I mean at long last. I almost woke up me roommate Tabby, but it being Sunday she would probably be a lil grumpy at me fur that. But her soul could use a good church service none the less. I’d invited a bunch a girls and put up sum flyers an all, so I hoped it’d be a good full service.

I took me shower, an got out the ….mmm….I put on me white lil lacy things underneath, cause they was white for purity an goodness. Pulling them white stockings that Sureil had a gotten me on, like yah know the ones that had the wide band at the top an came to me upper thigh jus shy of me…well, yah, like up thar. I did me makeup all nice like an dabbed that perfume on me …though I’d jus started putting it on me neck, tween me breasts an then a dab jus under me belly button.

Leaving the bathroom I got on me white slip to go on under me ole dress. Well maybe Suriel wouldn’t have approved of the dress, but it was a good un and had seen lots of church services. An it covered the rest like real good, like any good girl would cover herself if she wuz a going to church. Last I put on them new high heals…I almost didn’t but they wuz like the fancy shoes all them older women had a worn to church so why not. I’d been practicing an had gotten a bit better at walking in them things.

Gathering me bible I set out for the lecture hall an mass, me golden crucifix a thumping gainst me chest with each step. The clip, clip clip of me shoes ringing in the hallway as I walked a making music all there own. I let me self sway to the music, let me move cause it wux a lot easier to walk in the silly shoes when yah did.

Finally I opened the door, a seeing the priest an another girl…a girl I recognized an she wuz a sitting hind the piana…now that wuzn’t fair, I played piana real well an that should be me….like I got this thing here organized. A pout creped cross me mouth all pouty like.

I walked down the aisle past all them empty seats an wondered where everybody be. I’d told um…really I had. Sitting down in that front row I crossed me legs right thar at the knee all lady like, hoping maybe cause I wuz early the other girls ‘d show soon. An how Wuz I gonna talk to Suriel an get a proper marriage outa him if he don’t show up. Me high hopes wuz beginning to fade a bit.

(Jezebel, Sunday night for you, Monday evening for sum of us  yah won’t miss a thing *grin*)
Ilixia ----
I returned her message, "all is ready, this fool won't interfere" I watched as Cassie entered with a benidictful smile, and split my concentration, glad to have fed earlier as well, within moments Violet entered the room waving a little at Cassie as she took a seat up the back, that should help, I knew how much Cassie enjoyed Violet... Controlling two forms was tricky, but nothing for Ilixia...

Hearing the approach of another I turned round an saw violet in the back. Suddenly I felt like a lil street urchin in the plain brown rap of me dress. Yah it had been a favorite when I got her, but now watching her an a seeing what she wuz a wearing I felt like I’d a done let me self an her down. I reminded me of a sack a potatoes; maybe I shouldn’t carried the them under that sack all the way through. I jus couldn’t at the time I got dressed a thinking on church an all. Well maybe violet would be ok with going back to me dorm room all afterwards and taking me plain brown wrapping off an a enjoying the purity a white underneath. I giggled under me breath an waved at her to come sit next to me an all.
Ilixia ----
grinned and walked to sit next to Cassie, winking cheekily as usual as another four girls
entered, such a small mass for such a large school, the priest shook his head \"welcome my children,
to the first mass on Shokushu, I am father Matthews and I have been recently transfered here\" He
smiled in a relaxed manner, not the uptight priest in his mind but a relaxed and friendly one... He
smiled as he took in the students, nodding politely as he met each ones eyes...

Meetin’ her eyes as they danced with mirth at sum joke I wuz sure to be privy too I smiled back and felt the heat rise in me cheeks. I knew that Father Matthews wouldn't be all too happy with the fact that I’d known this girl a carnal way an all. Still I couldn’t help it but put me hand o’er hers an squeeze, me fingers sliding tween hers an all. It wuz a nice warm feeling a closeness with this un….I like me friend an all.

I wuz happy tah see sum other girls show as well, though it’d be much better if a few more came. I let me shoulder rest ‘gainst Violets, the fabric all that separated me an I felt better, safer.

Balancing me bible on me knee I waited for him to begin, expectantly….hoping to hear sumthing inspiring an a helpful from gods own messenger on earth.
so enjoyed the irony of rape in the house of God, and even such as this one was, it was suitable for irony as much as for any mass. Something about the whole concept made me happy, the inner bitter darkness at the heart of all faith was exposed as brilliantly as the flesh of the delicious girls I had as prey. In my human form I entered and sensed two others. All was going according to plan so far. I sent a mental signal to both, alerting them of my presence. "Let us give thanks and pray." I said as I sat behind Cassie.

Another girl enters and sits hind me an violet. I look back an notice the fire in her eyes. I turn back to violet an snuggle me shoulder gainst her, yes, it is good that sum of the girls round her burn for the lord. She says the words that bring me heart ta do a flip flop, “amen” I answer. Then silently ‘lord thank you for the few brave souls that venture forth for you among these wayward souls of this place’ I bow me head in supplication waiting for it to all to begin.
Ilixia ----
I smiled a kind smile, raking my gaze across the few girls and the two other monsters that had come to attend my mass, I raised my hand to the bible before me and spoke softly, "Many of you have heard lectures on the evils of sin, I am not here to say you have done wrong, the definition of sin in the holy bible is of course our interpretation of gods law... yet how can we, mere mortals possibly comprehend the boundless limits of god's eternal love, Sin is not in the action, it is in the thought, the willful deed, if you steal to feed your family should you be sent to hell for that deed? No, many of you follow the words written in the bible, follow them to the letter, but that is not the way, you need to follow the ideal, if you break a commandment, for a good reason it is a virtue, not a sin, you will not be punished for something done with love in your heart..." I closed the priests eyes, before turning his head to gaze at the hastily erected confessional...

"Now I am afraid I may have to cut this mornings mass short, I have only just arrived and must confess I am slightly jet lagged, however, before I retire to my room, I am offering confession, should you have anything you wish to speak of please join me in the confessional" he smiled again to his "flock" before moving into the small room, andnow it was almost time for the fun to begin...

I sit, fidgettin on the hard seat. What wuz that all ‘bout….never in me life…an like I couldn’t make no sense of what he said, none at all, cause like it wuz jus wrong to do wrong no matter what the thing is done for.

An like I felt jipped, I mean after working so hard to get ‘um here an all…. 2 minutes…. 2 minutes. Darn, I wuz a gettin’ a might bit mad bout this. All that time n effort for what. I kinda had to wonder what the holie see would think ‘bout his servant an all giving such a short lil speech that wuzn’t what none of us a needed to hear at all. Wuz thar no sin … is that what he said. I wrestled with the thoughts in me head an pondered them anew.

I looked o’er at violet, an into her loving eyes. “that can’t be all … I mean that can’t be right an all” the red rising to me cheeks “it jus gets me mad after all that work an this is what I get” me hand up an a waving in the air….voice getting louder. I huff once for good measure, me heart beating a lil faster for a very different reason an all.
Ilixia ----
Ilixia had turned the priests back to the assembled students god she loved yanking Cassie's chain, it helped knowing exactly what would annoy them the most, Violet turned to Cassie, leaning in to whisper in her ear...

"Aww come on, poor guy, I don't know about you but I fell asleep during the flight here is it any surprise he's tired? at least he offered to take confession though..."

Ilixia could simply have forced her primary prey to come to her, but she was growing rather fond of her manipulations, some subtle, others... not so subtle, the priest, still with his back to Cassie, walked slowly over to the confessional, every movement speaking of weariness, hoping she'd take the bait, almost all her plans depended so much on the victim, and Cassie hadn't let her down yet...

“jet lag” the words spilled passed me lips dripping with venom. “If he’d been that tired he should’a prayed for gods strength.” Angrily I turned me head to watch the pitiful man walk off, hair flying over me shoulders in an arc of red fire. With a glint of mischief in me eyes I got up, arms across me tummy like, an looked down at Violet. “Confession huh, “ merriment dancing in me green eyes like sparks in a fire. “he’ll not forget this un, I’m sure I got a lot to confess…..jet lag….be awake for hours perhaps.”

I swirled round an stalked off after the tired priest. Maybe after I’d confessed he’d see the need of a preaching a lil more enthusiastically. What wuz it lately with me an others. It seemed like I got me buttons pressed a bit more, an maybe I should show a lil more respect, but for now, well, anger seemed to have a course of action me whole self agreed un. …. Confession hmmmm. The smirk creeping to the edge of me face like, oh yah, confess everything I done outa love, the small giggle slipping through even though I be kinda trying to stifle it an all.
Ilixia ----
A smile crossed the priest lips, unseen by all...

Oh how she was enjoying this, Ilixia slipped into the small confessional the priest had set up, how lovely Cassie had again taken the bait, she was learning so much, about which of her buttons to push, it was becoming almost too easy... Almost...

Violet smiled at Cassie, patting her on the bottom gently and pointing her at the confessional, whispering into her ear, "go get him hun" she smiled and let go of Cassie, of this WOULD be fun, her mind reached out to the other two monsters, speaking softly into their minds, "Enjoy yourselves, I want to traumatize young Cassie, so have fun, I will bring her out to you in a moment, and then the three of us can have her, together..."

A smile again crossed Violet's face as she sank into the seat, a chaser message as she winked softly at Cassie, "If you wish you may use this puppet's body as well, I am withdrawing my mind but her baser functions will still work, she will still respond, I merely ask you release her body once I reclaim it, this should traumatize Cassie further, her friend and lover taken before her eyes... a sadistic although sweet laugh sounds briefly in their minds as Ilixia pulls her mind from Violet's form, her attention now on Cassie once more...

Violet was like an anchor, always the word of encouragement, always knowing what to say. Thar were few times I disagreed or didn’t quite understand. But this time she wuz like right…an when yur right, yur right. That priest a had it coming an all fur what he’d done an all.

I sauntered o’er to the booth like, …. Ok, so when your wearing a plain brown dress like sauntering don’t show up as much, but it wuz still thar…. I’d done a lot outa love. At least me thinks I had. Opening the small door, I entered an sat down real still like me heart and mind a racing in direct contradiction to me outsides. It wuz real hard to do, but I did it.

“Bless me father for I have sinned…I know I have, its just that outa love part that has me confused an all. I mean when I got here I wuz real mad about not being able ta play the piana for the service an all. An I suppose I wuz a wee bit envious an jealous ‘bout it. But that wuz outa love of the church on god an all.” I pause, fidgeting with me dress as I pull up the hem to play me fingers along it. “An I had sex fore marriage with an angel, well he said it wuz ok on account of him being gods servant an I think god will really see us as married. An we did it without no clothes on, like I wuz naked an so wuz he…is that ok? It wuz lots of fun, the way he taught me how to open me legs and take him inside…Is it a sin to have taken him in me mouth an had him like spread his seed thar. I guess I kinda wasn’t ready for it so some of it hit the ground…I mean am I supposed to swallow it all so it don’t hit the ground and then he don’t sin? Father I need to know these things fore I continue like cause I got some more real doozzies…like being with a girl kinda….

I waited for his answers for continuing…yeah, he wuz gonna wish he had a longer sermon an better explained himself. I had to wonder if I loved god an loved the church if he’d say it wuz ok for him to not be chaste with me jus cause he wuz gods servant on earth an all….Ick….ick…ick… that wuz a bad thought thar.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Fri May 04, 2007 11:40 pm
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