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 The Music of the gods. (Bonjoceiv, Cassie) 
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Bon smiled at her, "that didn't look like you were just adjusting yourself... not many girls adjust themselves while biting their lips... seems like you're lying to me...". He smirked at her, then winked once. Then continued to listen to her going on and on.

He stood up, placing his hands on her shoulders, "I'm not a fan of hymns or anything that has to do to with religion..." His smile glistened as he looked down at her. "I've had kind of a falling out with all religion... did you know religion is the number one reason wars and death occur in this world?". He knew that one little seed of information would pool in the back of her head, she'd brush it off at first, then he'd be able to pull it back out to injure her later on.

He continued, "why don't we just skip your nice little "Jesus take the wheel" by my ex-girlfriend Ms. Underwood..." he smirked at that thought and continued, "and jump right into my personal favorite "Shout at the Devil" by Mötley Crüe?". He smirked some more, remembering how the real devil liked it when he played that one song every time he returned to Hell. Satan once said it was one of the few pleasures he enjoyed besides the corruption of humans and the war on God. His mind returned to the subject at hand and he smiled down at her again.

Female Temptation & Lust

Fri Mar 21, 2008 4:03 am
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He knew. Oh yes he knew, I could tell it by the smirk he gave, that curl of the lips, the glint in his eyes ending in a small wink. Casting me eyes down I tried to breath as the walls seem to close in on us. Me tongue is already in knot, mouth dry as a summer day in Kansas. Heart racing, thump…thump…thump…an I feel nuthin’ but pure embarrassment that I’d gone an done that in a moment of weakness. Did he realize I wuz already spoken for…already married an in love. I think I must have wavered a bit for suddenly his strong hands were upon me shoulders. There wuz no helping feeling a small shiver of pleasure jumping from each point of contact to slither down me spine. All thoughts of Hanaji lost in the feel an scent of him.

As he leaned a bit closer I could smell him. Heavy an warm….a man’s smell that had me wanting to curl up in his lap an be protected. Yet….there was the stench of cigarettes an sum thing like sulfur underneath it all. An a part of me head rang in warning while other parts of me body grew warm. I tried to focus as the room grew warmer. Tried to listen an understand with more than a hormone induced craze that would serve neither of us in the end.

‘Religion….focus….focus Cassie’ I thought as he blathered on like an old lady. Oh how I wanted to argue the whole religion an the cause of world strife thingy. But I let it lay, knowing in me heart of hearts that god was good an the devil perverted the goals of religions to cause things they never would. For me religion wuz ‘bout love an turning the other cheek…an taking care of one another. Dating…love….that’s when the next tail spin hit.

“You dated Carrie?” I blurted out…amazed that this girl I really respected an loved as a musician had actually gone out with a bad boy rock n roller. Yet the more I thought ‘bout it the more….well I wanted to trust him. I mean it’s in me nature to trust, but then I didn’t wanna be made the fool neither. Yet there was no answer, only sum thing ‘bout shouting at the devil.
The devil deserves to be shouted at….an cast out I thought to me self…but I really wanted to know more ‘bout Carrie an all.
“so tell me ‘bout you an Carrie. Isn’t she jus divine an all.” Our eyes meeting, green n blue…..had to wonder what our kids would look like…….a vision of cute lil ole strawberry blond girl with

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:51 pm
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He smirked, so she admires Carrie Underwood, maybe I should crush her dreams by crushing her idol. "Divine?" He chuckled "Divine? My Carrie?" He laughed out loud now, "Carrie was far from divine sweetheart... Carrie could do things that I've never heard of... but God damn was it amazing...". He leaned his head back, daydreaming of his past girlfriend of a day. He got what he wanted and got out, after he had informed her of her non-reversible damnation, that's when she started singing all those God songs. It made him laugh, no matter what she did, she still was heading for the pit below and the best part had to be was the knowledge that he knew she'd never forget him.

His attention was drawn back to the pretty little victim sitting below him. "Now why don't you start playing my song about the devil?" He smiled as his grip on her shoulders got a little tighter.

Female Temptation & Lust

Fri Mar 21, 2008 11:25 pm
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“Yah should be careful ‘bout using the lords name. It could get yah to hell an that ain’t a pleasant place an all. But god forgives….have yah heard ‘bout his unconditional love?”

Looking back o’er me shoulder, deciding that me hands needed to be doin’ sum thing…any thing so I started through me scales nice an soft…getting me fingers and hands all limber. Didn’t know the words or the music…makin’ it downright hard too. An if it wuz a bad one…I would have to refuse in spite him being in charge an all. I mean there wuz only so far I could go in good conscience.

“I play songs ‘bout the lord an god an the good things, that other guy don’t need no more songs ‘bout him….an I never said carrie was divine, she is jus good an lives a good clean life.” Took a deep breath then….an let me fingers guide me, Jesus take the wheel gain to weave its notes in the room….an so I began

She was driving last Friday on her way to Cincinnati
On a snow white Christmas Eve
Going home to see her Mama and her Daddy with the baby in the backseat
Fifty miles to go and she was running low on faith and gasoline

I felt the piece of heaven descend upon me as I sang….felt the weight of the world lift from me shoulders even as his fingers tightened round them. …..oh the music we could make together…if only he would see the light.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Sat Mar 22, 2008 8:24 pm
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The song slowly began to irritate him, but he kept his cool. Before she could continue he turned her around, and pinned her back up against the piano. "I didn't hold you after to class to hear you sing you know...". He smiled at her. "I wanted to know what made you... a good Christian girl... suddenly touch herself in the middle of my class...". He smirked at her with his eyebrow cocked. "And don't try to make excuses... just try to explain yourself...".

Female Temptation & Lust

Sat Mar 22, 2008 9:49 pm
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Like a rag doll in the winds of a tempest he spun me… spun me till our faces were mere inches apart. A discordant noise filled the air as me back an elbows hit the ivories an sent a jumble of notes into the air. A final cry of loss an agony to such a rich an wonderful song.

The golden crucifix settled down tween me breasts, a familiar an gentle weight gainst me skin. Blood boiled an rolled through me veins with the weight of a freight train as wild fear took hold. A sheen of sweat broke across me skin, leaving me feeling clammy in the heat of the moment. The hum of the A/C unit greeted me ears as the cool breeze wafted over me exposed skin. Breathe came….with a rush the air moving inwards to fill me chest.

To say I wuz not worried would have been a lie. His words…his actions made me think he had the wrong idea ‘bout me. With me back pinned to the piana an me bum on the bench I had very lil wiggle room. His knees were tween mine, so kicking him in that sensitive area wuz outta the question. I swallowed, a long slow gulp that removed the knot from me throat. Our eyes meeting, his filled with steely resolve an a depth I could not fathom.

I could not met his eyes an so dropped mine. Me gaze stole to his middle an the large lump in the front of them jeans….not good….not good that I could feel the heat of him in me crotch that was splayed wide beneath the short skirt, stretched an pulled upwards as it were by the position I found me self in. Me body bowed a bit, an I noted how the shirt was tied jus below me heaving chest, leaving me tummy bare. Another round of fear hit…fear he would take it all wrong….fear he would think I teased an baited him, but I hadn’t…I really hadn’t. I could feel me lip tremble, as the feelings slowly bubbled to the surface.

Emotions clamoring for attention filled me head. An as I looked back up into his face I could feel the wetness in me own eyes. Even then his hands did not relent in there iron grip upon me shoulders. So close….so close ….heat threatened to swallow me in spite the throb of the A/C. Each breath of his pulsed along the skin of me naked neck jus above the black collar. I felt it an the tingle of excitement throb upwards from the band of leather. Oh god no please…he would now…he would sense it. Me body reacting never the less, a tightness ‘neath me bra, a strain ‘gainst the flimsy fabric that should be holding me tightly but even that had somehow changed. The curse of me clothing, hopefully he would not notice…as I strongly suspected the white bra an panties were no longer that color nor the same texture. No longer simple cotton that wuz for sure…sum thing hanaji would no doubt enjoy but not sum thing I needed on me right now. An ‘neath the plain white of the school shirt might be noticeable an not within regulation guidelines. I had to talk…to draw his attention elsewhere….everything wuz going wrong that could. An so I opened me mouth.

“I…I touch me self all the time”, desperately I forced the words out of a mouth an tongue that seemed to fail me. Then a weight crushed down upon me….the weight of me own traitorous words. Oh thay had not come out right at all. I could see his grin begin, an suddenly I knew…knew he also wuz not taking it right at all. Forcing down another swallow I desperately tried to continue.

“I ….not ….not like that” heat once more rising upwards to cover me face. Panic taking hold an me eyes dancing to the left an right, trying to find a way outta this predicament. Slowly I brought me legs upwards, knees an feet sliding along the outside of his legs, trying to get them tween his body an mine.

“not at all, I…” I wuz caught is what this wuz really all ‘bout….an so I tried a different tact. “I…I’m married an wuz thinking of me love an all….really….I…I’m late getting back so please let me go, Hanaji needs me.” Silently I prayed…’please god let this nightmare be o’er.’ The soft caress of his breath wuz upon me neck…lingering there an making a mockery of me words as they tumbled in me head. I wanted to be here…to taste this sweet nectar. Wuz he not tween me open legs, me knees at his hips…wuz he not inches away from me lips…so close I could almost taste him.

“NO” I shook me head, breaking his gaze….an fighting me personal demons for all I wuz worth.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Sun Mar 23, 2008 9:30 pm
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"Sorry... but as of right now... I have to talk to you... school before anything else here at good ol' SHS...". He grinned as he knew she was fighting against the war within her. He moved his knee closer to her body as he leaned in closer. He looked up and down at her body, the black silk, lace push up bra and the black silk see through G string. He liked the change in her clothing, which she knew when he looked at her again, grinning more.

Knowing now how much she loved touching herself and how this amazing little piece of technology like her collar could change her clothing as to her mood. "Nice clothing change..." He looked again. "Why don't you tell me about your collar... or anything else that interests you right now...". He smiled at her as he moved his face closer to hers.

Female Temptation & Lust

Mon Mar 24, 2008 2:42 am
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So close….too close, I liked sum personal space an right then I had none. Me head was kinked back over the top the piana an pressed right down on its lacquered black top. The keys were depressed ‘neath me back allowing me to not move an inch ‘cept to maybe scooooootch me self out from under him by going up the piana. So far he hadn’t touched nothing like on purpose an all….jus me shoulders, but still it wuz mighty uncomfortable being this close….this close to temptation. The good book says to run…an I couldn’t an that had me heart jus a going thump thump thump.

Each of me hands found its way to his firm an muscled chest. I wanted so much to push him back. Yet, when I touched I could feel the energy course through me finger tips an up me arms. Heat, magical an comforting seemed to spring though me palms as I felt his body tremble and his own heart beat faster. For the life of me I could not pull them away. Like Briar rabbit stuck to tar baby…I wuz finding each move more difficult to free me self. Oh how I wanted to feel his skin ‘neath me finger tips. But, there would be none of that….no….I couldn’t….I…..I wuz married. So I kept me hands thar an put a bit of space between us.
Shifting o’er me I felt the crush of his body…an still it did not touch. Not right away. Not till a kneecap seemed to slide along the edge of the piana bench an come up ‘gainst the bare skin of me inner thigh…an then…then it touched me middle. A light brush of fabric to fabric an heat flared in me insides. Neither of us moved….not an inch jus the barest of touches. Me…I thought perhaps it wuzn’t…but no, perhaps he didn’t know as he wore thicker clothing an probably didn’t know it. I'd been raised to believe in the best in be open. Did he know? Did I seek his touch? Wuz it my fault? Still it wuz a touch, a wrong type touch.

The touch wuz so wrong on so many levels. He wuz older….an teacher…an me his student. I didn’t want him in trouble no matter how me heart raced an the nervousness turned to excitement. Forbidden fruit. Forbidden by the Campus….forbidden by my marriage…Forbidden by God an I could do was feel me body quicken to his. To feel the electricity pass into me with each small touch. I had to change the subject otherwise things were gonna become unraveled.

The collar…..yes…Talk about it I thought. “I…I woke up with it on…an….an like there be no way to take it off, even talked with the school nurse an all they did wuz give me special dispensation to the dress code to wear it.” I didn’t add that I had woken up naked as a new born babe an all alone in the basement after me detention an all. I couldn’t member nothing ‘bout it. I wore only the collar, a pile of ash all about me body in all directions like some great raging fire had happened. It wuz a strange thing…that as the thing it did to me clothes….how there wuz alwas sum thing in the closet that I wuz not gonna be seen in public wearing…an yet those outfits always seemed to call for me. The touch of the fabric soothing special upon me body. So far only Hanaji has seen an I wuz aiming to keep it that way. An then like a bolt from the blue it hit me….I reckoned that jus maybe he knew sum thing…an I…I needed to know.

“Why….though…You…You know sum thing about it…sum thing that would like help me understand what I can not understand an no one else round here can as well?” I wanted answers, needed um. The desperation playing across me voice as for the first time I realized me right hands fingertips were a touching his skin…touching to top of his slender hip along the side of his body were the t-shirt hung loose. But worse wuz in store when I stopped me hips a wiggling an felt the dampness of me panties hard ‘gainst me skin, the knee no longer barely caressing….How? …. How had I gone on done this…were in tar nation had the time gone. Me tongue ran across me dry lips. At least I hadn’t kissed him I thought to me self. Not a taste of him no where… earnest gaze meeting his. Oh how I wanted to …. Wanted to feel those against mine. What would it be like to be tied up an unable to resist him? Oh god no……………… I could feel the clothing on me body shift. Could feel the tingle of the collar when his finger hit it an slid along its edge, touching the sensitive skin of me neck. Oh how I wuz ready to crush me body ‘gainst his.

“Oh please….” Me breathing a bare pant, “ jus a lil space…I….I gotta think…..oh my father who art in heaven, give….”

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Mon Mar 24, 2008 3:48 am
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Bon smiled as he leaned back a little, giving her the room she desired while knowing she desired him more. He smiled a little as her hands were on her chest and spoke, "Well... I could know somethings about it..."He grinned as he reached out and touched her collar, sliding his finger underneath it, then quickly receiving a sharp shock to his finger, that even made him wince he withdrew his hand. "But the information comes with a price...". With her hands firmly pressed up against his body, he lightly smiled at her, waiting for response.

Female Temptation & Lust

Mon Mar 24, 2008 5:12 pm
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Nervous laughter bubbled from me mouth, A light giggle to cut the edginess of the moment. The sound bouncing off the walls and lifting the heavy feeling of the room like a ray of sunshine into a small meadow.

“I don’t think it likes you.” I’d felt the tingle….the way he had suddenly removed his hand from under the collar. I suppose it had gotten a bit hot there……I couldn’t help another giggle….’hot under the collar’ somehow seemed funnier right then an there. I had to get a bit more series. One big breath that rattled in me lungs an left me a lil more realized. The breathe wuz easier to take now that I had a lil distance tween us.

“so wat’cha yah gonna tell me an what is it gonna cost….” I let me indes finger trace lazy circles on his chest. Not really thinking ‘bout it as I looked out from under me eyelashes an cocked me head a bit showing the long line of me neck, almost like I wanted him to nibble on it a bit…but….no….not really….or did I?

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Tue Mar 25, 2008 6:21 am
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Bon smiled at the slight burn on his finger, "You wouldn't like me either if I knew all your secrets...". He placed the finger in his mouth, sucking on the burn, healing it then placing it to his side. "And I can tell you everything you want to know about the collar...". He left the price out of context for the moment, hoping to lure her in more, the fish is almost on the hook, soon I'll have all I can enjoy.

Tue Mar 25, 2008 3:06 pm
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Watching those baby blues as a glint grew within them. A glint off the ice I now could say first hand wuzn’t cold….not in the way he felt under me fingers. But that glint gave me cause to pause…to look once more. How I wanted to reach upwards with me lips an touch them to richness. To lock me mouth to his an taste him. An somehow I found the strength to resist, wether it be outta me love to me wife an partner hanaji or me love of me lord an master….or jus cause it wuz the right thing to do if even in the moment I wuz feeling like doing this crazy thing.

Crazy or not, I reckoned it wuz cause there wuz a feeling of evasion with his answers. Like someone not being straight with yah an wanting sum thing more from yah. Sum thing they knew you wouldn’t part lightly with. An I knew what he wanted….knew in me cotton pickin’ lil ole head. That wuz the first step in making sure yah didn’t do anything you’d be ashamed of in the future. There wuz no way I wuz lettin’ him in me panties…not even for the knowing ‘bout me collar an all.

With force of will I brought me feet back to being flat on the floor. Then scootchin’ up a bit to the scrunch of leather on wood I brought me sodden panties away from his knee. That brought up other thought in me mind. Thoughts of how much fun he could be, of how we could roll, leather on leather, his hot body gainst mine. Man…rough man through an through taking me places I had not been. Places Hanaji could not as me fingers closed round his hardness an rubbed him gainst me. As I felt his seeking tongue plunging into me waiting mouth. Excitement….oh lord…

Me mind wuz a whirlwind of thoughts an passions that had me confused at on the dangerious edge of a cliff. With utter embarrassment I found me self pulling the hand that had been doing lazy circles on his chest out from under the waist band of those tight jeans…away from the touch of flesh I did not want to think ‘bout … flesh I should never have touched.
With a gasp I cleared me throat…an felt the caress of air across uncovered skin. Leather held me, encircled me bosom, encircled me waist. An in the back of me head a part of me felt alive an welcomed its embrace with open arms.

“umm…..yah…..I know …. Yah jus want in” Looking away, not able to meet those eyes no longer, “want in me panties. It canl’t happen. I…I’m married an all, an me wife…she wouldn’t be none to happy an it’s a vow an I aim to keep it as I really do try to live me life like a good Christian girl should. So….so please move aside an let me up. Gotta think….so confused….”

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Tue Mar 25, 2008 6:46 pm
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Bon chuckled a little and continued to sit there, "Listen... I don't want anything sexual from you... really all I wanna do is kiss you a few times...". He knew he'd have to lie, luckily he was a pro at that. "I assume maybe you'd like that... and if you wanted to take it any further, that's fine too... but all I'm asking is for a few nice long kiss... and I can tell you something I know about it... the more kisses you give, the more information you'll have...". He leaned back, but still stayed close to her.

Female Temptation & Lust

Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:09 pm
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Each lil wiggle of mine sent discordant notes into the air to grate upon me ears. So in contrast with the music that bubbled through me body. Music with an edge, heavy beat of me heart, the tingles that ran along me nerves, an the breathe that fluttered cross me lips. I wanted to kiss him…wanted it bad but …but it wuz like me mama had said.

“Mama would call yah a bad boy….an bad boys don’t jus kiss now do they?”

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Thu Mar 27, 2008 6:47 pm
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Bon laughed a little, "I'm not that bad... and besides... all I want is you to walk away from our little arraignment happily... don't you think some kisses and some information would make you happy?". He knew he was getting to her, it would only be a matter of time.

Female Temptation & Lust

Fri Mar 28, 2008 3:35 pm
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